1) "Female police officer who led millionaire dentist to prison is a hit on social media: 'I need to be arrested'" (Page Not Found, Extra, September 13, 2022)[01]
By: Fernando Moreira on 09/13/22 17:10

A French policewoman who led a dentist to prison where he will serve 8 years in prison caused
Millionaire dentist Lionel Guedj was taken to prison last week in Marseille (France) for mutilating hundreds of patients and thousands of teeth after promising his victims "celebrity smiles". Guedj performed nearly 3,900 root canal procedures on perfectly healthy teeth of 327 patients, requiring them to be removed and replaced with bridges. The case had been dragging on in court since 2012.
Affaires #dentistes père et fils #Marseille Lionel #Guedj est condamné à 8 ans de prison et Jean-Claude condamné à 5 ans Le parquet avait requis respectivement 10 ans et 5 ans dont 1 avec sursis pic.twitter.com/vDNg2MPXDZ
— jfgiorgetti (@JFGiorgetti) September 8, 2022
However, footages of the 42-year-old being escorted to a police car saw attention quickly focus on the silhouette of the female officer accompanying him.
"I thought it was photoshop. But NO!", posted an internet user.
"This (the imprisonment case) is no longer about the dentist", said another.
"Anyone else feeling like breaking the law?", wrote a third.
"Someone, please, give me the name of this district, I need to be arrested", added another.
But there were also criticisms of the popularity of the police officer, who was even compared to the American celebrity Kim Kardashian:
"Is no one talking about the millionaire dentist and the patients he mutilated?"
The policewoman was not identified.
2) My comment about the death of Norah Vincent (VK, September 11, 2022)[02]
Folks, I saw the news of Norah Vincent's suicide[03] and soon after, a thought came to me that may seem crazy: where is the dimorphism of the human species? How much is the maximum of chest and buttocks a woman can have to be confoundible with a man, as long as she wears clothes that aren't specifically feminine? And how many women are above any of these maxima? And I don't even count other characteristics like voice or face shape. Have I told you about the work I have to disguise my shapes? Because when I go to take a bus, I know I'm going to meet men who don't deserve to like seeing my body. But I have a style that sometimes catches the eye of a nice hardworking guy, and sometimes I can even show an aperitif inside the disguise. Some of my 325 boys entered my list like this. But then again, how many women have a more feminine body than the least masculine of men?
And I wrote the text "March 8 is international day of what?!"[04] 4 months before (she died in July). Did you understand what I was saying?
(*) Norah Vincent was a feminist who experimented with pretending she was a man to prove how much easier a man's life was. She wrote the book "Self-Made Man" telling the case, which, as you can imagine, points to the opposite. She even stopped the experiment earlier than she expected (one and a half years instead of two) to undergo psychological treatment.[05]
3) Women's place
My post on VK, which I delayed a while to make, it combined with that news I saw 2 days later on the Opera homepage on my smartphone. Did not you understand? I'm gonna explain.
When women conquer space or want to conquer space, the almost universal rules are that they don't try to be distinguishable from men or they don't bother spreading toxicity. The woman who has been lauded for centuries by conservatives does not belong to practical experience as a rule. A female trade clerk with a modicum of sympathy is to be expected in the average retailer and upwards. I don't even count beauty or feminine traits. In your great-grandmothers' youth it was already like that. And lesbofeminist men and women say that a woman's place is wherever she wants to be. What for? To produce rework from colleagues? Or to show a lack of sex, of beauty and of sympathy as professionalism and victory against machismo? Well, there are pleasant women in the workplaces both as colleagues (including bosses) and as workers in client service. But we can equally also find kind men, often in the same place of work. Where's the difference? Then I come to another point.
4) The woman in the place
Man's reaction to a pleasant woman is different than reaction to a pleasant man. In customer service, in the workplace or in the urban bus trip. It's a combination of male heterosexuality with something of a mother figure (the one this man had or the one he misses). For you, man, there is a difference, in everyday life, between man and woman. And I don't even mean that one you're thinking about. Now I'm going to get into it. Well, I'll only focus on the secondary differences.
What is the difference, in a workplace, between the male uniform and the female uniform, if the woman also wears pants? In practice, little. You've seen a paunchy man wearing an extra-large uniform, but you've hardly seen a woman wearing a larger size because of her breasts or butt. The entry of more women into almost any predominantly male profession has not brought more typically female bodies into the workforce. Better: THESE are the typically female bodies, the one of the mechanical engineer hippopotamus, or the one of the square cow in the administrative sector, or the one of the cleaner gecko.
As I told you, here and in other occasions, my clothes are a disguise like a chubby to hide the sizes of my tits and my ass. Remembering that made me look at that policewoman's buttocks carefully in a social and philosophical sense (because I'm heterosexual). Now I'll imagine if I didn't disguise my body. I arrive at my workplace and say "good morning" to my male co-workers. What the extra-large uniform would squeeze me in the back down and in front up, theirs is squeezing in front down. I invite colleagues to accompany me when I go to the bathroom (theirs). 15 minutes later, I walk out in my customised uniform, shirt and skirt that is medium in length and extra large flared in width. They help me into my uniform after I help them into theirs. Soon after, we started serving the public. The customer comes to my table and the second thing he thinks is that if he says the first, he could be arrested or expelled. If he's alone or with another man, I'll say he can look at my tits without fear and that he can even take a "test drive" later. If he's with a woman, I'll send him to my male colleague so he can do the client service and leave my contact for him to schedule the after-sales service.
I put myself in this question to address another problem: when we finally achieved to have a female coworker with a more clearly female body (this can happen even in your workplace), this is, in the first place, atypical; and in the second place, a reason for embarrassment for men. And I don't even get into the issue of false reporting of sexual harassment, or of true sexual annoyance. Incidentally, the two things in the legal and social aspect fall into a third problem: the desexualization of women.
5) Two cases before conclusion, case 1: "Men call Military Police sergeant 'bombshell' and end up in prison" (Estado de Minas, February 04, 2022)[06]
My comment on VK[07]:
"What a few decades ago could be considered just an 'inappropriate approach', since 2018 (the year in which sexual annoyance became law) the infamous 'catcall' has become a police case." And what was normal a few decades ago, which was a straight man flirting and getting married, becomes craziness. Then you see some girls who don't understand why men don't approach them and record videos to say that men are the ones who got worse.
6) Two cases before conclusion, case 2: judge Ludmila Lins Grilo in pornography (the proposal for her to enter)
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Ludmila Lins Grilo[08] I was informed by my attorney, Dr. @emergrigollette, that Mr. @EduardoKulaif, the man who yesterday invoked my status as a judge (even without my identifying myself as such) to suggest me to offer my services on a pornography website (Onlyfans), is a lawyer. |
My comment on VK[09]:
Once I said, I couldn't find it, that sex work is the only profession where it's pride and dignity for a qualified person to pass far away. You can't say to a woman "you're beautiful and you have a good body, have you ever thought about being a prostitute?" or "you're a bombshell, you could be a porn star". Here's an example.
7) Do we really need to think less of sex?
For those who have read what I write and are on the enemy side, I am a hypersexualized character even in a text about international politics. And both enemy readers and friend readers have noticed that I really have a different style. I really try to bring something as a girl, not as a man imitation or a men's competitor. Ops! My differentiation as a girl is being... a girl? Oh, and I also send my thanks for the affection of the admirer readers. Sometimes, I've talked to my dearest family members (among them my father, my brothers and my sisters) and I commented to them about the readers who like what I write and tell me they want to see my photo naked, they tell me they want to fuck my ass, they send me pornography or a picture of the dick in a private message, etc. But the most shocking thing for them is that, as one of my sisters-in-law said, I tell them this all as if I received a box of chocolates as a gift.
Do we really need to think less of sex? Or rather: do men really need to look at women less sexually? Indeed, the questions are whether women have the right to treat male heterosexuality as adolescent, unpleasant, or even quasi-criminal; and whether the meager and poor sex life of the typical man (usually within marriage and, if that, of a steady extramarital affair and prostitution service) is that which is within his right or even that is above that right. Because women, they yes do, they need to lose the prejudice against "self-pleasure"[10] and can think about sex after childbearing age[11].
The desexualization of women is an aspect of the destruction of normality in both traditional epoch and LGBT-Feminist times.[12] How long was it normal for a man not to have physical contact or closeness with a woman unless they were married? How long was it normal for a man not to see a woman's body with a sexual gaze (provided this body was really more feminine) unless they were married? This has been COMMON for centuries, this is not part of the NORMALITY. When a person confuses what thinks has been commonplace for centuries with normality itself, he or she becomes conservative by definition. And in the case of this matter, that person considers the demonstration of heterosexuality to be abnormal. So, because I repudiate forced (or real) sexophobia in work environments, this person understands that I defend general fornication and voluptuous looks from men to female colleagues and vice versa, and thinks that the abnormal is this. Then I say that this is less deviant than that (I'm saying it now) and that person thinks that the abnormal is me.
It is not by chance that conservatives denounce an alleged sexualization of women in general. What should have been normal, not just on this matter, turned into fantasy at best and degeneracy at worst. It is not by chance that the speech of conservatives is similar to that of hysterical feminists from the Second Wave onwards. And speaking of hysteria, which comes from the Greek word for uterus, here we have the permissible difference between men and women: mental imbalance plus horror of sex in women. This is in addition to men's "loss of privileges" in relation to women. Or, speaking of hysteria and LGBT-Feminism, to whom declares oneself a woman. By the way, that says a lot about the visible physical difference between women and men.
[01] "Policial que conduziu dentista milionário a prisão faz sucesso nas redes sociais: 'Preciso ser preso'", Page Not Found, Extra, September 13, 2022. https://extra.globo.com/noticias/page-not-found/policial-que-conduziu-dentista-milionario-prisao-faz-sucesso-nas-redes-sociais-preciso-ser-preso-25572283.html
[02] Abigail Pereira Aranha, September 11, 2022 at 10:33 am. https://vk.com/wall546824903_2879
[03] In a comment from a reader and friend from social networks on his profile on VK, Diogo Aires from Visão Nerd YouTube channel. The image in the subtitle of this note is from that post.
[04] "March 8 is international day of what?!", March 08, 2022, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/03/march-8-international-day-of-what.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/03/march-8-international-day-of-what.html
[05] "Norah Vincent, Who Chronicled Passing as a Man, Is Dead at 53", The New York Times, August 18, 2022. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/18/obituaries/norah-vincent-dead.html
[06] "Homens chamam sargento da PM de 'gostosa' e acabam presos", Estado de Minas, February 04, 2022. https://www.em.com.br/app/noticia/gerais/2022/02/04/interna_gerais,1342551/homens-chamam-sargento-da-pm-de-gostosa-e-acabam-presos.shtml
[07] Abigail Pereira Aranha, February 06, 2022 at 05:04 pm. https://vk.com/wall546824903_2031
[08] Ludmila Lins Grilo, March 12, 2022 at 08:36 am. https://twitter.com/ludmilagrilo/status/1502609369111969792
[09] Abigail Pereira Aranha, April 17, 2022 at 11:03 am. https://vk.com/wall546824903_2524
[10] For example: "Fernanda Paes Leme fala sobre masturbação: 'Temos que normalizar o auto prazer'" (Fernanda Paes Leme talks about masturbation: "We have to normalize self-pleasure"), Observatório dos Famosos, September 25, 2020. https://observatoriodosfamosos.uol.com.br/noticias/fernanda-paes-leme-fala-sobre-masturbacao-temos-que-normalizar-o-auto-prazer
[11] For example: "Vida sexual após a menopausa | Podcast Saúde sem Tabu" (Sex life after menopause | Health without Taboo Podcast), featuring Fátima Duarte, Drauzio Varella, December 18, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZR6JAhU8uA
[12] Whenever conservatives try to show the hypersexualization of women (or of society), they prove my point, not theirs: they give real examples (when they give) of women with atypical ideas, from advertising pieces or perhaps from pornography. In the case of advertising pieces, an eye-catcher, by definition, is not a commonplace element for the target audience and, preferably, within the advertising market itself. It's as if the mother of the conservative man who speaks or the conservative woman who speaks and her mother were the only women in the country who believe that lack of sex is a certificate of dignity.
Questo testo in italiano senza foto e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Una poliziotta appariscente, Norah Vincent, il posto della donna e la donna in un posto", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/10/poliziotta-appariscente-posto-della-donna.html. Questo testo in italiano con foto e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Una poliziotta appariscente, Norah Vincent, il posto della donna e la donna in un posto", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/10/poliziotta-appariscente-posto-della-donna.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Une policière accrocheuse, Norah Vincent, la place de la femme et la femme dans une place", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/10/policiere-accrocheuse-place-de-la-femme.html. Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Une policière accrocheuse, Norah Vincent, la place de la femme et la femme dans une place", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/10/policiere-accrocheuse-place-de-la-femme.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Una llamativa policía, Norah Vincent, el lugar de la mujer y la mujer en algún lugar", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/10/llamativa-policia-lugar-de-la-mujer.html. Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Una llamativa policía, Norah Vincent, el lugar de la mujer y la mujer en algún lugar", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/10/llamativa-policia-lugar-de-la-mujer.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness photos and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "An eye-catching policewoman, Norah Vincent, the woman's place and the woman in some place", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/10/eye-catching-policewoman-womans-place.html. This text in English with licentiousness photos and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "An eye-catching policewoman, Norah Vincent, the woman's place and the woman in some place", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/10/eye-catching-policewoman-womans-place.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Uma policial chamativa, Norah Vincent, o lugar da mulher e a mulher num lugar", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2022/10/policial-chamativa-lugar-da-mulher.html. Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Uma policial chamativa, Norah Vincent, o lugar da mulher e a mulher num lugar", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2022/10/policial-chamativa-lugar-da-mulher.html.
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha