Hello, my friends and my female enemies! For June 2, International Whore's Day, I'm going to publish a selection of tweets of female sex workers. Some of the authors are porn actresses, but I'm giving preference to prostitutes.
Friends readers, I have seen that some authoresses describe themselves as feminists, one of them as feminist and transgender. I know, and I have already said in this blog since the past decade, that the feminist movement gives more space to its sections against straight sex and the sections which are hostile against men than for its sections "sex positive". But I am not conservative and, beacuse of it, I can notice that conservatives who defend their beliefs can be even more miserable, in their ideas as a whole and especially in sexuality. The best conservatives "respect" prostitutes, as poor unhappy women from whom a series of tragedies took whathever option beyond to sell their own body, but they yearn to get out of this life as much as the great-grandmothers of these conservatives expected the end of a sexual relation with their husbands, and, for this, they need help (the prostitutes, not the conservatives), and, therefore, their sin must be exempt from condemnation; all this, of course, as long as these workers do not like what they do, in which case everything against them is allowed, as if the fight was against the hosts of Hell themselves. For these, the message I leave with this selection is not only that religion is abominable, harmful and idiotic; it is also that conservatives should stop giving the monopoly of intelligence to the left-wing, if that is even theoretically possible and it is no longer too late to prevent Conservatism from dying as a confessable idea. But I am not trying to save the right-wing or the Conservatism, I am already showing that the world already lives without it and the only opportunities for it, apparently, are to lose elections and work together with the worst of the left, like the lesbo-feminists who try to extinguish prostitution.
I even ask conservatives and leftists within 90% of their thinking stream to think before they comment. I and readers already know what your rubbish prejudices are, which I do not call opinion because opinion requires an intellectual individuality that you do not have. We already know the rubbish comments that you will make, probably without even reading the selection. This series is for you to learn how to speak how the real world is with intelligence and real world data, and to learn to have what can be called personal opinion.
Below the usernames in some posts, I've copied their profile descriptions. I will not comment the posts, I'll just let them express themselves about sex and sex work. Even the title was based on the first post of the first block. Thanks to the authoresses. Heterosexual hug.
Block 2
Convincing companies that your experience in adult media is actually an amazing qualification is frustrating. Thriving within the censorship constraints and full on blacklisting on most social platforms (in my opinion) is not something to blink at...
— coco would like a bump (@nenetlavril) 22 de maio de 2018
coco would like a bump
Sexican Adult performer ??kinky muse??writer ??fetishist ??bondage & submission #NiteFlirt 1-800-To-Flirt, ext: 11463032
Convincing companies that your experience in adult media is actually an amazing qualification is frustrating. Thriving within the censorship constraints and full on blacklisting on most social platforms (in my opinion) is not something to blink at...
15:50 - May 22, 2018
Se nos inculca tanto nuestra invalidez como parejas validas que para muchos y muchas recurrir a estos servicios es su única opción para encontrar una vida sexual y afectiva
— Alma Luna (@AuradeCristal87) 16 de março de 2018
Alma Luna
Writer, graphic designer, witch, tarot reader, reiki master, goddess child, gamer. I like running with wolves. I defend the Body Positive and I like BDSM, Domme
They teach so much about our invalidity as valid partners that for many people resorting to these services is their only option to find a sexual and affective life
11:36 - March 16, 2018
Yesterday sex workers stood on the #WomensMarch2018 stage and made our struggle known. Shortly after, the injustices we tried to spotlight continued, with little to no response from ppl outside our own community. Much work still needs to be done before sex workers are “included.”
— lowercase ana (@anaorsomething) 22 de janeiro de 2018
lowercase ana
sw advocating for full decriminalization • feminist killjoy • • help me feed my cat:$anaorsomething
Yesterday sex workers stood on the #WomensMarch2018 stage and made our struggle known. Shortly after, the injustices we tried to spotlight continued, with little to no response from ppl outside our own community. Much work still needs to be done before sex workers are “included.”
13:47 - January 22, 2018
Llegara el día en que Puta e Hijo de Puta dejen de ser utilizadas como un insulto.
— Georgina Orellano ?? (@GeorOrellano) 19 de setembro de 2017
El 86% de las Trabajadoras Sexuales somos Madres. ??
Georgina Orellano
National General Secretary of AMMAR Peronist / prostitute / feminist. Militant for the Human and Labor Rights of sex workers.
The day will come when "whore" and "son of a whore" will stop being used as an insult.
86% of female sex workers (we) are mothers.
15:57 - September 19, 2017
The forgotten war on women. The continuing war on sex workers.
— Liara Roux (@LiaraRoux) 23 de maio de 2018
“Might have stayed buried if Stern had skipped class the day when one of his professors at Yale offhandedly mentioned, “There were even concentration camps in this country for prostitutes.”
Liara Roux
Sex Worker, Indie Porn Director/Producer and Online Organizer ?? Porns: ?? Comic: ??
The forgotten war on women. The continuing war on sex workers.
“Might have stayed buried if Stern had skipped class the day when one of his professors at Yale offhandedly mentioned, “There were even concentration camps in this country for prostitutes.”
A Forgotten War on Women
Scott W. Stern's book documents a decades-long program to incarcerate "promiscuous" women.
19:42 - May 23, 2018
We've listed over 110 companies or distinct products (like Skype) that discriminate against or outright ban sex workers (or adult products, even contraceptives) OR have been closed following SESTA.
— Liara Roux (@LiaraRoux) 6 de abril de 2018
Who benefits when sex is removed from the internet?
Liara Roux
We've listed over 110 companies or distinct products (like Skype) that discriminate against or outright ban sex workers (or adult products, even contraceptives) OR have been closed following SESTA.
Who benefits when sex is removed from the internet?
Incomplete list of legal discrimination against sex workers
Incomplete List of Legal Discrimination against Sex Workers Compiled with additional…
18:38 - Apr 6, 2018
Criminal legislation like SESTA hasn't been shown to help trafficking victims, but it does keep sex workers from attaining basic human rights.
— Liara Roux (@LiaraRoux) 13 de abril de 2018
But if you find listening to sex workers gross, you don't have to!
Here is @amnestyusa's FAQ on sex work:
Liara Roux
Criminal legislation like SESTA hasn't been shown to help trafficking victims, but it does keep sex workers from attaining basic human rights.
But if you find listening to sex workers gross, you don't have to!
Here is @amnestyusa's FAQ on sex work:

17:39 - Apr 13, 2018
On International Whore's Day, would it be good to talk about prostitutes calling them to talk too? At Réflexion et Temps Libre At Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes block 1 block 1 block 2 block 2 block 3 block 3
This selection in English at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "On International Whore's Day, would it be good to talk about prostitutes calling them to talk too? - block 2", This selection in English at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "On International Whore's Day, would it be good to talk about prostitutes calling them to talk too? - block 2", Questa selezione in italiano in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Nella Giornata Internazionale delle Prostitute, sarebbe bello parlare di prostitute chiamandoli a parlare anche? - blocco 2", Questa selezione in italiano in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Nella Giornata Internazionale delle Prostitute, sarebbe bello parlare di prostitute chiamandoli a parlare anche? - blocco 2", ![]()
Cette sélection vers le français au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "À l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des Prostituées, serait-il bon de parler de prostituées en les appelant à parler aussi? - bloc 2", Cette sélection vers le français au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "À l'occasion de la Journée Internationale des Prostituées, serait-il bon de parler de prostituées en les appelant à parler aussi? - bloc 2", ![]()
Esa selección en español en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "En el Día Internacional de las Putas, ¿sería bueno hablar de prostitutas llamándolas a hablar también? - bloque 2", Esa selección en español en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "En el Día Internacional de las Putas, ¿sería bueno hablar de prostitutas llamándolas a hablar también? - bloque 2", ![]()
Esta seleção em português no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "No Dia Internacional da Prostituta, estaria bem falarmos de putas chamando a elas para falar também? - bloco 2", Esta seleção em português no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "No Dia Internacional da Prostituta, estaria bem falarmos de putas chamando a elas para falar também? - bloco 2",
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