The criminalization of the female sex workers and the marginalization and crimes against them are not violence against women, they are attacks against men in general. The Nordic Model, in which the prostitutes are not criminalized and the clients are subject to fine or imprisonment, shows this more clearly, even anecdotally.
Why do conservatives and leftist feminists unite against prostitution, pornography and other sexual services? Because for the conservatives, man is the human of burden of the family (he is not the animal of burden because animal is who consumes the prostitution); for leftist feminists, man is an abject oppressor. For the conservatives, man should restrict himself to sexual life within marriage as if this was the best sexual choice for him, but this is because his very life is to serve his wife; for leftist feminists, man has no right to pleasure because he is an oppressor to be dethroned (according to the feminist woman, even literally killed).
Conservatives (especially conservative women) and leftist feminists see in a female sex worker a human being to be rescued. For conservatives, she must be saved from the sin and from the male lust; for leftist feminists, she must be saved from the society made for men. For the conservatives, the woman is the most fragile vessel; for leftist feminists, the woman is the only human being that matters.
But all this, of course, as long as the woman does not like to please men sexually, even though she herself shares this pleasure with them. In that case, the conservative Christian will see her as the servant of Satan and enemy of God and humanity; the leftist feminist woman will see her as an idiot who demeans the value of women and is f%$£@ng of the struggle against patriarchy.
I take this opportunity to record here my thanks to my employer for being my friend in this my work in A Vez dos Homens que Prestam (in A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade as well), even though he can not declare that he is my reader. Thank you also for not punishing me for having sex with my colleagues in the men's locker room. And I remind you that my invitation to join the group still stands. It is even for not to give him hassles that I do not even say in what city I live, neither here nor in social networks.
Demonstrating heterosexuality in professional life or in political life is dangerous both for men and women, but the motives are different. Men are not usually treated as human individuals. Women do, or a little more, because of Ginocentrism in general and Feminism in particular. A man who is married and has children does not even have the money he earns. And the sexuality is a thing of a human individual. A man can be reprimanded for accessing erotic or pornographic material on his workplace computer, or even on his own cell phone during work hours, as happened to a deputy in Brazil[1]. But a heterosexual woman may have problems not because of herself, but because she favors male heterosexuality. Let's see: an executive or a politician (male) can be reprimanded for seeking prostitutes, but none of them have lost their job because of it; but a woman can lose her job (any one) just because there are pictures of her naked circulating on the internet[2] or because she is or has ever been a prostitute or a porn actress[3]. But hardly a woman was fired or suffered hassles (at least without great consequences against the other party) for being openly lesbian.
When women were arrested, detained, physically assaulted, humiliated or even murdered for engaging in sex work, this may not have been because of an initiative of men as a whole, in the first place. The clients are men. And never a woman came into "life" saying that she was very mistreated in her life of daughter or wife and she said "that's it!, I will become a whore". Female sex workers who dream of a conventional wedding are almost universal rule. That is because there is some advantage in being a daughter or a wife, even of a horrible man. Therefore, machismo and misogyny do not explain violence against female sex workers. THIS explains why left-wing feminism does not usually defend these women, except, in general, striving for them NOT to do this work; as well as this also explains that violence against prostitutes comes mostly from married women or at their request.
Therefore, the men who assault or drive away the daughters who do sex work or even who have merely lost their virginity do nothing that give them any personal advantage. The only reasons that can make sense are to please the female audience (more precisely, the women who could not be debauched even if they want to) and to try to make the other men as frustrated as themselves.
Female sex workers' rights are women's rights. First, because the woman who finds it offensive or demeaning to be a woman or to be treated as a woman in terms of sex is not a woman for any practical purpose which is socially constructive. This is how we started protecting women from being harassed or raped by men (10 years ago in Brazil, another rape that was not of a woman by a man nor was it foreseen in the legislation) and we ended up arresting for rape men who only touched women on buses, hiring women only because they are women and even giving more time to women than to men to take tests in universities[4]. Second, because the right itself to be a "public woman" requires that the woman has rights as a human individual. Explaining to those who are not from Brazil, "public woman" was a synonym for prostitute here. Ah, "rapariga", that is a feminine of "boy" in Portuguese, has also been a synonym for prostitute in Brazil. The Feminist women say that they defend women's right to their own bodies, but, for example, I have brought here in the blog a Nina Hartley's fight with another feminist woman because of sex work[5]. But the woman's right to be a sex worker comes from the man's right to have sex (with a woman). Therefore, the female sex workers' rights are a matter of men's rights, because what is done against them and the "easy" women is to reach men.
I had these words in mind, and happened three cases related with the subject.
A SporTV commentator, Wagner Vilaron, had a "controversial" post: a compliment to porn star Lexi Belle on Twitter.[6] He denied that he wrote that and he even said it may have been the work of a hacker. But why deny it? What is the problem of being heterosexual?

Lexi Belle @OMGitsLexi 30 de jun
I don't feel like saving the world today...
K, byyyyyyyye!!!!
Wagner Vilaron
In reply to @OMGitsLexi
You don't need to save the world when you make my day.
15:11 - Jul 1, 2018
Second case: "In the midst of cases of harassment in Russia, FIFA demanded on Thursday, 12, that television broadcasters reduce the filming of 'attractive' female fans during the last games of the 2018 World Cup". "Fifa demands TV broadcasters to reduce footage of 'handsome female fans'", Estadão, July 12, 2018.[7] The title was changed, it was "FIFA prohibits TV broadcasters from filming 'handsome female fans' in the Cup". (Hairy bad words) I'll take a comment by Felipe Neto[8], who saved the screenshot with the original title:

Felipe Neto
Wait, let me see if I understood it.
"John, cut the picture to the crowd"
"But wait, there's a girl 8/10 on the beauty scale"
"Shit, so show the player fixing the sock"
In short: if you, woman, appear on the broadcast, the TV broadcaster is literally calling you ugly.
13:21 - Jul 12, 2018
The third case was a private message to me on Twitter the day before, 11:
How do you do, Abigail? For a lot of time I read your blogs, more now the male version and you twitter. I like to read them because they bring us moments of reflection and pondering about the themes that you expose. I also confess that I like to read about your adventures, but of good taste. It almost makes me believe that it is possible to have intelligence + malice + dignity in a single woman. This makes you very attractive, at least intellectually. I wanted to become a more avowed reader, but because of the ideas you advocate, even if I disagree on some points, I was forced to return to anonymity, because there are people and contacts who would not understand my relationship or interests in common with you. I'm reserved about what I read and who I have relationship, so, in order to I do not see myself giving explanations or even having frictions with unnecessary situations, I ended up undoing my contact with you in a controversial social network. I hope I can have a further freedom to read your articles and maybe even debate with you. Oh yea, I also love the whole lewdness you display in your blogs, surely it should be an invigorating challenge to have your "Friendship".
My answer:
Wow! First of all, it is a pleasure to have your reading, your friendship and your message. But I should not, but I'm surprised by this testimony. I already did the blog without cards in 2006 exactly to try to get around problems like this, to not to put my readers at a very great risk. But I read your case as if I had forgotten why I have one version with licentiousness and another without licentiousness.
[1] "Deputado assiste a vídeo pornô durante votação da reforma política" (Deputy watches porn video during voting on political reform), Congresso em Foco, November 30, 2017,
[2] For example, a cabinet advisor to the Cáceres City Council, Niuara Artiaga, was exonerated for having made a sensual essay and published on Facebook. "Exonerada após ensaio nu, ex-assessora de vereadora relata assédio e afirma ter feito trabalho artístico" (Exonerated after naked essay, ex-advisor of councilwoman reports harassment and claims to have done artwork), Olhar Direto, February 21, 2018,¬icia=exonerada-apos-ensaio-nu-ex-assessora-de-vereadora-relata-assedio-e-afirma-ter-feito-trabalho-artistico.
[3] I made some case selections:
"A naked woman will ever be punished?", December 12, 2007, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,;
"Who knows what is moral: those who think that a teacher can not show her breasts in a magazine or those who sees nothing wrong with that?", May 24, 2012, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,;
"In 10 years, Conservatives have defended chastity and leftists fucked us up (A naked woman will ever be punished? 2)", July 18, 2017, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[4] "Oxford University extends exam times for women's benefit", Telegraph, February 1, 2018,
[5] "Feminists for porn", Counter Punch, February 02, 2005, Reproduced at and
[6] Wagner Vilaron, July 01, 2018 at 15:11,
[7] "Fifa proíbe emissoras de TV de filmarem 'torcedoras bonitas' na Copa" (FIFA prohibits TV broadcasters from filming 'handsome female fans' in the Cup), Estadão, July 12, 2018,,fifa-proibe-emissoras-de-tv-de-filmarem-torcedoras-bonitas-na-copa,70002399659.
[8] Felipe Neto, July 12, 2018 at 13:21,
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "I diritti delle lavoratrici sessuali sono diritti delle donne, il lavoro sessuale è un diritto degli uomini (per il 15 luglio, Giornata degli Uomini in Brasile, e il 19 novembre, Giornata Internazionale degli Uomini)", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "I diritti delle lavoratrici sessuali sono diritti delle donne, il lavoro sessuale è un diritto degli uomini (per il 15 luglio, Giornata degli Uomini in Brasile, e il 19 novembre, Giornata Internazionale degli Uomini)", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Les droits des travailleuses du sexe sont des droits des femmes, le travail du sexe est un droit des hommes (pour le 15 juillet, Journée des Hommes au Brésil, et le 19 novembre, Journée Internationale des Hommes)", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Les droits des travailleuses du sexe sont des droits des femmes, le travail du sexe est un droit des hommes (pour le 15 juillet, Journée des Hommes au Brésil, et le 19 novembre, Journée Internationale des Hommes)", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Los derechos de las trabajadoras sexuales son derechos de las mujeres, el trabajo sexual es un derecho de los hombres (para el 15 de julio, Día de los Hombres en Brasil, y el 19 de noviembre, Día Internacional de los Hombres)", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Los derechos de las trabajadoras sexuales son derechos de las mujeres, el trabajo sexual es un derecho de los hombres (para el 15 de julio, Día de los Hombres en Brasil, y el 19 de noviembre, Día Internacional de los Hombres)", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Female sex workers' rights are women's rights, sex work is a men's right (for July 15, Men's Day in Brazil, and November 19, International Men's Day)", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Female sex workers' rights are women's rights, sex work is a men's right (for July 15, Men's Day in Brazil, and November 19, International Men's Day)", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Os direitos das mulheres profissionais do sexo são direitos das mulheres, o trabalho sexual é direito dos homens (para 15 de julho, Dia do Homem no Brasil)", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Os direitos das mulheres profissionais do sexo são direitos das mulheres, o trabalho sexual é direito dos homens (para 15 de julho, Dia do Homem no Brasil)",
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