Conservative MP, radical feminist and evangelical Christian come together to block online porn in Canada
Rachel Browne, National Post Staff | 09/12/13 | Last Updated: 09/12/13 8:26 PM ET
From left to right: Conservative MP Joy Smith, feminist Gail Dines, and evangelical Julia Beazley in Ottawa at Mrs. Smith's event on the harmful impact of pornography on society and youth. November 20th, 2013.
As Britain enacts laws forcing Internet companies to block access to pornography unless customers opt in, a fledgling movement is under way to bring similar laws to Canada.
"If we can get a man on the moon, certainly we can figure out a way to protect children from unwanted porn," said Winnipeg Conservative MP Joy Smith, who is formulating a private member’s bill that would automatically block access to online pornography. Anyone wanting to access porn would have to contact their Internet service providers.
Mrs. Smith hosted a recent meeting for parliamentarians and other stakeholders in Ottawa, with speakers including Gail Dines, a self-described radical feminist and sociology professor at Boston’s Wheelock College who founded the Stop Porn Culture group, and Julia Beazley, policy analyst at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.
They warned about the increasingly violent nature of modern pornography and its effects on young users, which Ms. Dines described in an interview as a "public health emergency situation," which she says is proved by empirical research and academic studies.
The regulation of pornography is "going to happen all over the world," she said. (Two of Mrs. Smith’s private member’s bills related to human trafficking have been adopted since being elected in 2004.)
"Yesterday, I got a letter from a young boy 10 years of age telling me he was addicted to porn," she said. "It just brought me to tears."
The ISP-based opt-in model sought by Mrs. Smith is based on a controversial U.K. plan in which Internet companies will be required to block access to pornography unless customers opt in. The U.K. plan will be in place by early 2014.
Anti-Internet-censorship activist Bennett Haselton, founder of, a website that creates portals to get around blocked sites, said the burden of proof should be on anti-porn activists "to show that what they are blocking is harmful somehow."
"In the United States and Canada and most other developed countries, an entire generation now has grown up that, for the most part, actually did have unrestricted Internet access, and they’re not mentally warped by it. There’s no evidence that they’ve been harmed by it," said Mr. Haselton.
Ms. Dines said the U.K. opt-in proposal is the best porn regulation model that exists at the moment, because "kids can’t get around it."
Mr. Haselton, however, said filters may not pose accessibility issues for internet-savvy individuals. "No filter blocks new proxy sites after they’re released, so if people can get access to proxy sites, then, yes, they can get around the filters," he said.
Ms. Beazley said the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is "supportive of the idea... we will certainly be supportive of any initiatives that come forward, whether it’s from the government itself or from Mrs. Smith."
"You can’t have the big picture conversation of ending sexual exploitation without talking about the role pornography plays in this," said Ms. Beazley.
"We are certainly very supportive of the idea of requiring Internet service providers to block pornographic content... It’s not about censorship," she said.
National Post
Comments by Concrete Paradise
I begun this series about eight months ago noticing a mix of the worst of Traditionalism and the worst of Lesbo-Socialism. And this Tuesday, a friend shared me the news here. Wow! Really exists a Puritan-Feminism!
Below, an article linked in the original post: "Censorship starts with porn", by John Moore, written five months before in replying to another article in which a devout woman praised similar idea in England. I would not be as good as John Moore, but in Brazil's major media even that would be bold. I highlight the phrase "the idea of her deciding what I can and cannot consume on the Internet is about as appealing to me as the notion of an Imam filtering content would be to her". If feminists were not psychopaths or imbeciles, and if there were not Islamic feminists in the developed world, they would feel humiliated.
Ah, very few people who access pornography are or become addicted, and it's unthinkable to anyone who access porn link normal pornography and rape or pedophilia or zoophilia (there is not a single serious statistic that not proves the quite opposite). But these frigid lesbians don't know and are not interested in the difference. But a report of a TEN YEARS OLD BOY addicted in PORNOGRAPHY? If a 10 years old boy said you he has a girlfriend, would you react as if was normal? If this boy was charged of rape, who would not find it odd? And that boy of 6 years old in Argentina who "changed gender", that's OK? These women will discard that story of porn stars kept in captivity by mafia?
About "increasingly violent nature of modern pornography", if you, reader, have ever accessed a porn website recently, you probably saw a new section:

Female friendly. Then for 7 years the sex movies and pictures I have seen and enjoyed with my male friends were female not-friendly? Coincidently, I noticed it a little after the same Gail Dines was interviewed in the website of a news magazine here in Brazil (Época, 2010 July), saying this same insanity.
But it's amazing that conservatives and Christian not only unite with lesbonazists but do it against freedom and sanity. Damned hate-cock lesbians! But Christian men and women who fight for freedom, for noble social causes or merely for keeping the purity of their faith are highly unknown, ignored or hostilized by their own brothers.
Thus, women who hate sex and have no time with their children wanting the State to prevent their children of having any contact with what they don't like instead of assume their role of education, including Sexual Education, it's global.
And while I was writing this text, another friend shared the news that China has 2 million public and private employees working in Internet censorship. This is a censor for every 650 or 700 inhabitants. And some years ago I read a news that the Chinese government gave cash reward to anyone who denounce a porn page. Also some years ago, I read a news that a Chinese software to block adult content also tracked politically unwanted content. And it's not just China: the countries that repress prostitution and pornography are basically the same with the worst levels of censorship and political repression. So, the "filter" against pornography becoming a political censorship is not a risk: already happened.
Furthermore, coming soon "The ex-useful innocents and idiots 2: lack of s..., lies and Communism".
John Moore: Censorship starts with porn
John Moore | 25/07/13 | Last Updated: 24/07/13 2:50 PM ET
Once we start opening the door to internet censorship, who knows where the campaign will end? Adam Berry/Getty Images
Censorship always sounds like a practical notion at first blush. There are objectionable and dangerous things in the world, and we would all be the better if they were suppressed, or at the very least, harder to access.
So British Prime Minister David Cameron’s proposal that Internet providers filter pornography and limit access to those who specifically request adult content sounds harmless enough. After all, children will be protected from accidentally stumbling across trans-sexual rape fantasies while searching for the latest accessory for their American Girl doll. In these pages, National Post columnist Barbara Kay recently applauded the initiative as “long-overdue.”
The problem with censorship is that its advocates always presume that whoever becomes gate keeper will be as sensible and worldly as they are. I enjoy reading Ms. Kay’s columns, but the idea of her deciding what I can and cannot consume on the Internet is about as appealing to me as the notion of an Imam filtering content would be to her.
Or... perhaps I am on to something, here. Why not let the religious faithful nominate the sites that would be available only by “special request”? Obviously, they would start with pornography — and we all know the world would be a better place without porn. If the censorship committee included Evangelical Christians and Mormons I suppose, we would also have to start filtering for any suggestion of premarital sex, unfaithfulness or homosexuality. And really, if we’re going to be even-handed about things, the Amish need to have a say. So, no buttons.
Because sites that provide instructions on how to turn a pressure cooker into a bomb serve no purpose but to promote terror attacks, we could block them as well. While we’re at it, we could block the sites that foment the kind of political dissent that leads to terror in the first place. And if we’re going to filter for sedition, we might as well censor anything that militates against the established wisdom of the government of the day. In Canada, that would be David Suzuki, Maude Barlow and the NDP.
Here’s a radical idea: Let’s subcontract Internet-governance to the Taliban. When they aren’t busy shooting Pakistani school girls for mouthing off, they can filter websites for other depictions of female willfulness and depravity. After all, there is no greater authority on female virtue than Islamists.
Soon the Internet would be reduced to videos of cats flushing toilets... although, because the depiction of toilets is objectionable in some circles, I suppose we would have to censor those as well.
The Internet is about the free access to, and dissemination of, information. Dictatorships the world over think they are doing their own people a service by cutting them off from Twitter, Facebook and Google. It makes perfect sense to the Chinese communists to prevent citizens from seeing content that might undermine public order.
So allow me to be the guy who stands up for porn. If you don’t want your kids to see it, create your own filter. Then see how long it takes them to work around it anyway.
National Post
(The Barbara Kay's text author refers is "Britain’s noble stand against porn", published July 22, available at
Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?), Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?), Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?), Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?), This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?), This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?), Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?), e Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?),
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