lundi 16 décembre 2013

El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?)

Diputada conservador, feminista radical y evangélica cristiana se unen para bloquear la pornografía en línea en Canadá

Rachel Browne, National Post Staff | Última actualización: 09/12/13 20:26 ET

From left to right: Conservative MP Joy Smith, feminist Gail Dines, and evangelical Julia Beazley in Ottawa at Mrs. Smith's event on the harmful impact of pornography on society and youth." November 20th, 2013.

De izquierda a derecha: la diputada conservadora Joy Smith, feminista Gail Dines y evangélica Julia Beazley en Ottawa en el evento de la señora Smith sobre los efectos nocivos de la pornografía en la sociedad y la juventud. 20 de noviembre de 2013.

Mientras Gran Bretaña promulga leyes obligando a las empresas de Internet a bloquear el acceso a la pornografía a menos que los clientes opten en accesar, un incipiente movimiento está en marcha para traer leyes similares a Canadá.

"Si podemos tener a un hombre en la luna, sin duda podemos encontrar una manera de proteger a los niños de la pornografía no deseada", dijo el diputada conservadora Winnipeg Joy Smith, que está formulando un proyecto de ley de miembro privado que bloquearía automáticamente el acceso a la pornografía en línea. Cualquier persona que desee acceder a la pornografía tendría que ponerse en contacto con sus proveedores de servicios de Internet.

Sra. Smith organizó una reunión reciente para parlamentarios y otros grupos de interés en Ottawa, con altavoces incluidos Gail Dines, que se describe como radical feminista y profesora de sociología en el Wheelock College de Boston que fundó el grupo Stop Porn Culture (Pare la Cultura Porno), y Julia Beazley, analista de políticas en la Confraternidad Evangélica de Canadá.

Ellas advirtieron sobre la naturaleza cada vez más violenta de la pornografía moderna y sus efectos en los usuarios jóvenes, que la Sra. Dines describió en una entrevista como una "situación de emergencia de salud pública", que según ella se demuestra por la investigación empírica y estudios académicos.

La regulación de la pornografía "va a suceder en todo el mundo", dijo. (Dos de los proyectos de ley de miembro privado de la señora Smith relacionados con la trata de personas se han adoptado desde que fue elegida en 2004.)

"Ayer, recibí una carta de un niño de 10 años de edad me decindo que era adicto a la pornografía", dijo. "Esto luego me hizo llorar".

El modelo opt-in basado en ISP solicitado por la señora Smith se basa en un plan controverso de Reino Unido en lo que se exige a las compañías de Internet bloquear el acceso a la pornografía a menos que los clientes opten por lo acceso. El plan de Reino Unido estará en operación a principios de 2014.

El activista anti-censura na Internet Bennett Haselton, fundador de, un sitio web que crea portales para accesar sitios bloqueados, dijo que la carga de la prueba debe recaer sobre los activistas anti-porno "para demostrar que lo que están bloqueando perjudica de alguna manera".

"En Estados Unidos y Canadá, y la mayoría de los otros países desarrollados, una generación entera ha crecido ahora que, en su mayor parte, en realidad tuvo acceso a Internet sin restricciones, y no están mentalmente deformados por ella. No hay evidencia de que ellos han sido perjudicado por eso", dijo el Sr. Haselton.

Sra. Dines dijo que la propuesta de opt-in de Reino Unido es el mejor modelo de regulación de la pornografía que existe en este momento, debido a que "los niños no pueden contornarla".

Sr. Haselton, sin embargo, dijo que los filtros no pueden plantear problemas de accesibilidad para las personas expertas en internet. "Ninguno filtro bloquea nuevos sitios proxy después de su estreno, por lo que si la gente puede obtener acceso a los sitios proxy, entonces, sí, pueden contornar los filtros", dijo.

Sra. Beazley dijo que la Confraternidad Evangélica de Canadá es "apoyadora de la idea... desde luego apoyaremos cualquier iniciativa que venga hacia adelante, sea de el propio gobierno o de la Sra. Smith".

"No se puede tener el panorama completo de conversación de acabar con la explotación sexual sin hablar de lo papel que la pornografía desempeña en esto", dijo la Sra. Beazley.

"Ciertamente somos muy a favor de la idea de exigir a los proveedores de servicios de Internet bloquear el contenido pornográfico... No se trata de censura", dijo.

National Post

Comentarios de Paraíso Tangible

Yo comencé esta serie hace unos ocho meses notando una mezcla de lo peor de lo Tradicionalismo y lo peor de lo Lesbo-Socialismo. Y este martes, un amigo me compartió la noticia aquí. Wow! Realmente existe un Puritano-Feminismo!

Abajo, un artículo relacionado en el post original: "La censura comienza con la pornografía", de John Moore, escrita cinco meses antes en respuesta a otro artículo en el que una mujer devota elogió idea similar en Inglaterra. Yo no sería tan buena como John Moore, pero en los grandes medios de comunicación de Brasil, incluso eso sería atrevido. Destaco la frase "la idea de ella decidir lo que puedo y no puedo consumir en Internet es casi tan atractiva para mí como la noción de un Imam filtrando contenidos sería para ella". Si las feministas no fuesen psicópatas o imbéciles, y si no hubiesen feministas islámicas en el mundo desarrollado, ellos se sentirían humillados.

Ah, muy pocas personas que accesan a la pornografía son o se vuelven adictas, y es impensable para cualquier persona que accede porno vincular la pornografía normal y la violación o la pedofilia o la zoofilia (no hay una sola estadística seria que no prueba el exacto opuesto). Pero estas lesbianas frígidas no saben y no están interesadas en la diferencia. Pero ¿un informe de un NIÑO DE DIEZ AÑOS de edad adicto a la PORNOGRAFÍA? ¿Si un niño de 10 años de edad te dijo que él tiene una novia, usted reaccionaría como si fuera normal? Si este niño fuese acusado de violación, ¿quien no le juzgaría extraño? Y aquello chico de 6 años en la Argentina que "cambió de género", está bien? Estas mujeres descartarán aquella historia de las estrellas porno mantenidas en cautiverio por la mafia?

Acerca de "la naturaleza cada vez más violenta de la pornografía moderna", si usted, lector, alguna vez accesó un sitio web porno recientemente, probablemente vio una nueva sección:

Amigable para las Mujeres. Entonces ¿por 7 años las películas y fotos de sexo que he visto y disfrutado con mis amigos varones eran no-amigables para las mujeres? Coincidentemente, me di cuenta de eso un poco después de que la misma Gail Dines fue entrevistada en el sitio web de una revista de noticias aquí en Brasil (Época, 2010 de julio), diciendo esta misma locura.

Pero es increíble que los conservadores y los cristianos no sólo se unen con lesbonazistas pero lo hacen en contra de la libertad y la cordura. Malditas lesbianas odia-verga! Pero los hombres y las mujeres cristianos que luchan por la libertad, por causas sociales nobles o simplemente para mantener la pureza de su fe son muy desconocidos, ignorados o enemistados por sus propios hermanos.

Así, las mujeres que odian el sexo y no tienen tiempo con sus hijos que quieren el Estado para evitar que sus hijos tengan cualquier contacto con lo que no les gusta en lugar de asumir su papel de la educación, incluida la Educación Sexual, es algo global.

Y mientras escribía este texto, otro amigo compartió la noticia de que China cuenta con 2 millones de empleados públicos y privados que trabajan en la censura de Internet. Se trata de un censor de cada 650 o 700 habitantes. Y hace unos años, leí una noticia de que el gobierno chino daba recompensa en dinero a quien denunciaba una página porno. También hace algunos años, leí una noticia de que un software de China para bloquear contenidos para adultos también rastreaba el contenido político no deseado. Y no es sólo China: los países que reprimen la prostitución y la pornografía son básicamente los mismos con los peores niveles de la censura y la represión política. Así, el "filtro" en contra de la pornografía convertirse en una censura política no es un riesgo: ya se pasó.

Además, próximamente "Los inocentes e idiotas ex útiles 2: falta de s..., las mentiras y el Comunismo".

Abigail Pereira Aranha


John Moore: La censura comienza con el porno

John Moore | 25/07/13 | Última actualización: 24/07/13 14:50 ET

Once we start opening the door to internet censorship, who knows where the campaign will end?

Una vez que empezamos a abrir la puerta a la censura en Internet, quién sabe dónde la campaña terminará? Adam Berry/Getty Images

La censura siempre suena como una idea práctica a primera vista. Hay cosas desagradables y peligrosos en el mundo, y todos nosotros estaríamos mejor si fueron suprimidas, o por lo menos, de más difícil acceso.

Así, la propuesta del primer ministro británico David Cameron de que los proveedores de Internet filtren la pornografía y limiten el acceso a aquellos que lo soliciten específicamente el contenido adulto suena bastante inofensiva. Después de todo, los niños serán protegidos de encontrar accidentalmente fantasías de violación transexuales mientras buscaban el último accesorio para su muñeca American Girl. En estas páginas, la columnista de el National Post Barbara Kay aplaudió recientemente la iniciativa como "largamente retrasada".

El problema con la censura es que sus defensores siempre presumen que quien se convierte en guardián de la puerta será tan sensible y mundano como ellos son. Me gusta leer columnas de la Sra. Kay, pero la idea de ella decidir lo que puedo y no puedo consumir en Internet es casi tan atractiva para mí como la noción de un Imam filtrando contenidos sería para ella.

O... quizás estoy en lo cierto, aquí. ¿Por qué no dejar que los fieles religiosos designen los sitios que estarían disponibles solamente por "solicitud especial"? Obviamente, ellos comenzarían con la pornografía - y todos sabemos que el mundo sería un lugar mejor sin el porno. Si el comité de censura incluió cristianos evangélicos y mormones, supongo, también tendríamos que empezar a filtrar por cualquier sugerencia de sexo prematrimonial, la infidelidad o la homosexualidad. Y realmente, si vamos a ser imparciales acerca de las cosas, que los amish tengan que tener algo que decir. Por lo tanto, sin botones.

Dado que los sitios que proporcionan instrucciones sobre cómo convertir una olla a presión en una bomba no sirven para nada sino para promover ataques terroristas, podríamos bloquear ellos también. Mientras estamos en ello, podríamos bloquear los sitios que fomentan el tipo de disidencia política que conduce al terror en el primer lugar. Y si vamos a filtrar por sedición, nosotros bien podríamos censurar cualquier cosa que milita en contra de la sabiduría establecida del gobierno de turno. En Canadá, eso sería David Suzuki, Maude Barlow y el NDP.

He aquí una idea radical: vamos a subcontratan gobierno de Internet a los talibanes. Cuando no están ocupados disparando niñas escolares paquistaníes para fanfarronear, pueden filtrar los sitios web de otras representaciones de la obstinación y la depravación femenina. Después de todo, no hay mayor autoridad en virtud femenina que los islamistas.

Próximamente el Internet se reduciría a videos de gatos descargando WC... aunque, debido a que la representación de los WC es objetable en algunos círculos, supongo que tendríamos que censurarlos también.

La Internet es sobre libre acceso a, y la difusión de, la información. Las dictaduras de todo el mundo piensaron que están haciendo a su propio pueblo un servicio al quitarlas de Twitter, Facebook y Google. Tiene perfecto sentido para los comunistas chinos evitar que los ciudadanos vean el contenido que pueda ser contrario al orden público.

Así, permitame ser el tipo que se pone de pie por el porno. Si usted no quiere que sus hijos lo vean, crea su propio filtro. Luego vea cuánto tiempo lleva para ellos contornarla de alguno modo.

National Post

(El texto de Barbara Kay que el autor se refiere es "Britain’s noble stand against porn" - noble postura de Gran Bretaña contra la pornografía -, publicado el 22 de julio, disponible en

Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?), e
Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?),

Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?)

Deputata conservatore, femminista radicale e cristiana evangelica si uniscono per bloccare porno online in Canada

Rachel Browne, National Post Staff | 09/12/13 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 09/12/13 08:26 ET

From left to right: Conservative MP Joy Smith, feminist Gail Dines, and evangelical Julia Beazley in Ottawa at Mrs. Smith's event on the harmful impact of pornography on society and youth." November 20th, 2013.

Da sinistra a destra: deputata conservatore Joy Smith, femminista Gail Dines, ed evangelica Julia Beazley a Ottawa in evento di sra. Smith sull'impatto nocivo della pornografia sulla società e giovani. 20 di Novembre di 2013.

Come la Gran Bretagna approva le leggi costringendo le compagnia de internet a bloccare l'accesso alla pornografia, a meno che clienti ottare per accesso, un movimento nascente è in corso per portare leggi simili in Canada.

"Se possiamo tenere un uomo sulla luna, di certo possiamo trovare un modo per proteggere i bambini di porno indesiderati", disse deputata conservatore di Winnipeg Joy Smith, che sta elaborando un progetto di legge di membro privato che potrebbe bloccare automaticamente l'accesso alla pornografia online. Chiunque voglia accedere porno avrebbe dovuto contattare i loro fornitori di servizi Internet.

La signora Smith ha ospitato un incontro recente per parlamentari e le altre parti interessate a Ottawa, con relatori tra cui Gail Dines, una auto-descritta radicale femminista e professora di sociologia in Boston Wheelock College che ha fondato il gruppo Stop Porn Culture (smetti cultura porno), e Julia Beazley, analista politica in Comunità Evangelica di Canada.

Loro hanno avvertito sull'la natura sempre più violenta della pornografia moderna ei suoi effetti sui giovani utenti, che la signora Dines ha descritto in un'intervista come una "situazione di emergenza di salute pubblica", che lei dice che è dimostrato da ricerche empiriche e studi accademici.

La regolamentazione della pornografia "sta per accadere in tutto il mondo", disse. (Due delle progetto di legge di membro privato della signora Smith relativi al traffico di esseri umani sono stati adottati da quando lui fu eletto nel 2004.)

"Ieri, ho ricevuto una lettera da un ragazzo di 10 anni che mi diceva che era dedito alla pornografia", disse. "Ciò presto mi ha portato alle lacrime".

Il modello opt-in basato su ISP ricercato per la signora Smith si basa su un controverso piano del Regno Unito in cui le compagnias di Internet saranno tenuti a bloccare l'accesso alla pornografia a meno che i clienti ottare per accesso. Il piano britannico sarà in vigore entro l'inizio del 2014.

Il attivista anti-censura in Internet Bennett Haselton, fondatore di, un sito web che crea portali per contornare i siti bloccati, ha detto che l'onere della prova dovrebbe essere sull'attivisti anti-porno "per dimostrare che ciò che stanno bloccando è dannoso in qualche modo".

"Negli Stati Uniti e in Canada e molti altri paesi sviluppati, un'intera generazione ormai è cresciuta che, per la maggior parte, in realtà ha avuto accesso illimitato a Internet, e non è mentalmente deformato da esso. Non c'è alcuna prova che loro stato danneggiato da esso", disse il signor Haselton.

La signora Dines disse che la proposta di opt-in di Regno Unito è il miglior modello di regolazione porno che esiste in questo momento, perché "i bambini non possono contornare ad esso".

Il signor Haselton, tuttavia, disse che filtri non possono comportare problemi di accessibilità per individui esperti in internet. "Nessun filtro blocca nuovi siti proxy dopo che sono stati rilasciati, quindi se le persone possono ottenere l'accesso a siti proxy, allora, sì, possono contornare i filtri", disse.

La signora Beazley disse che la Comunità Evangelica di Canada è "favorevole l'idea... ci sarà sicuramente essere di supporto a tutte le iniziative che vengono avanti, che sia da parte del governo o da signora Smith".

"Non si può avere la grande immagine di conversazione di porre fine allo sfruttamento sessuale, senza parlare del ruolo che la pornografia svolge in questo", disse la signora Beazley.

"Siamo certamente molto di supporto all'idea di chiedere ai prestatori di servizi Internet di bloccare contenuti pornografici... Non si tratta di censura", disse.

National Post

Commenti di Concrete Paradise

Ho iniziato questa serie circa di otto mesi fa notare un mix del peggio del Tradizionalismo e il peggio del Lesbo-Socialismo. E questo Martedì, un amico mi ha condiviso la notizia qui. Wow! Davvero esiste un puritano-femminismo!

Qui di seguito, un articolo legato nel post originale: "Censura inizia con porno", di John Moore, scritto cinque mesi prima a rispondere ad un altro articolo in cui una donna devota lodato un'idea simile in Inghilterra. Non sarei così buono come John Moore, ma in media più importanti del Brasile anche questo sarebbe grassetto. Sottolineo la frase "l'idea di lei decidere cosa posso e non posso consumare su Internet è quanto di più attraente per me come la nozione di uno Imam filtrando contenuti sarebbe stato per lei". Se le femministe non erano psicopatici o imbecilli, e se non ci fossero femministe islamiche nel mondo sviluppato, loro si sarebbero sentiti umiliati.

Ah, pochissime persone che accedono alla pornografia sono o diventano dediti, ed è impensabile per chiunque accedere porno collegare la pornografia normale e il estupro o la pedofilia o la zoofilia (non c'è una singolo statistica seria che non prova il tutto opposto). Ma queste lesbiche gelide non sanno e non sono interessatas nella differenza. Ma un rapporto di un RAGAZZO DI DIECI ANNI dedito nella PORNOGRAFIA? Se un ragazzo di 10 anni diciva che tene una fidanzata, vorresti reagire come se fosse normale? Se questo ragazzo sarebbe accusato di stupro, che non avrebbe trovato strano? E quel bambino di 6 anni in Argentina, che "ha cambiato genere", va bene? Queste donne potranno scartare quella storia di stelle porno tenuti in cattività dalla mafia?

A proposito di "natura sempre più violenta della pornografia moderna", se tu, lettore, accede un sito porno di recente, probabilmente avete visto una nuova sezione:

Amichevole Per le Donne. Poi per 7 anni i film e le immagini di sesso che ho visto e goduto con i miei amici maschi erano non-amichevole per le donne? Incidentalmente, ho notato ciò un po 'dopo la stessa Gail Dines essere intervistata nel sito di una rivista di notizie qui in Brasile (Epoca, Luglio 2010), dicendo questa stessa follia.

Ma è incredibile che conservatori e cristiani non solo si uniscono con lesbonazistas ma lo fanno questo contro la libertà e la sanità mentale. Dannati lesbiche odio-cazzo! Ma gli uomini e donne cristiane che combattono per la libertà, per cause sociali nobili o semplicemente per mantenere la purezza della fede sono molto sconosciuti, ignorati o inimicati per i propri fratelli.

Così, le donne che odiano il sesso e non hanno il tempo con i loro figli che vogliono il Stato per impedire ai loro figli di avere qualsiasi contatto con ciò che non piace, invece di assumere il loro ruolo dell'educazione, compresa l'Educazione Sessuale, è globale.

E mentre stavo scrivendo questo testo, un altro amico ha condiviso la notizia che la Cina ha 2 milioni di dipendenti pubblici e privati che operano nella censura de internet. Questo è un censore per ogni 650 o 700 abitanti. E alcuni anni fa, ho letto una notizia che il governo cinese ha dato ricompensa in denaro a tutti coloro che denunciano una pagina porno. Anche alcuni anni fa, ho letto una notizia che un programma cinese per bloccare i contenuti adulti anche rintracciato i contenuti politicamente indesiderati. E non è solo la Cina: i paesi che reprimono la prostituzione e la pornografia sono fondamentalmente gli stessi paesi con i peggiori livelli di censura e repressione politica. Così, il "filtro" contro la pornografia diventare una censura politica non è un rischio: già accaduto.

Inoltre, prossimamente "Gli innocenti e idioti ex-utili 2: mancanza di s..., bugie e il Comunismo".

Abigail Pereira Aranha


John Moore: Censura inizia con porno

John Moore | 25/07/13 | Ultimo aggiornamento: 24/07/13 14:50 ET

Once we start opening the door to internet censorship, who knows where the campaign will end?

Una volta che si comincia a aprire la porta alla censura di internet, chissà dove la campagna si concluderà? Adam Berry/Getty Images

Censura sempre suona come una nozione pratica a prima vista. Hanno cose sgradevoli e pericolose del mondo, e ci sarebbero tutti meglio se fossero soppressi, o almeno, più difficile l'accesso.

Così, la proposta del primo ministro britannico David Cameron di i fornitori di Internet filtrare pornografia e limitare l'accesso a coloro che espressamente richiesta contenuti per adulti suoni abbastanza innocuo. Alfine, i bambini saranno protetti di inciampare accidentalmente in fantasie di stupro trans-sessuali durante la ricerca per l'ultimo accessorio per la loro bambola American Girl. In queste pagine, la editorialista di National Post Barbara Kay recentemente applaudì l'iniziativa come "tanto atteso".

Il problema con la censura è che i suoi sostenitori presumono sempre che chi diventa guardiano del portiere sarà sensibile e mondana come loro sono. Mi piace leggere colonne della signora Kay, ma l'idea di lei decidere cosa posso e non posso consumare su Internet è quanto di più attraente per me come la nozione di uno Imam filtrando contenuti sarebbe stato per lei.

Oppure... forse sono a qualcosa, qui. Perché non lasciare che i fedeli religiosi nominare i siti che sarebbero disponibili solo per "richiesta speciale"? Ovviamente, avrebbero cominciato con la pornografia - e sappiamo tutti il mondo sarebbe un posto migliore senza porno. Se la commissione di censura incluse evangelici cristiani e mormoni suppongo, dovremmo anche iniziare filtraggio per ogni suggerimento del sesso prematrimoniale, l'infedeltà o l'omosessualità. E davvero, se stiamo per essere imparziale sulle cose, gli Amish hanno bisogno di avere voce in capitolo. Quindi, nessun pulsante.

Poiché i siti che forniscono istruzioni su come trasformare una pentola a pressione in una bomba non servono a nulla al di là promuovere attacchi terroristici, potremmo bloccare pure. Già che ci siamo, potremmo bloccare i siti che fomentano il tipo di dissenso politico che porta al terrore, in primo luogo. E se stiamo andando a filtrare per sedizione, potremmo anche censurare tutto ciò che va contro la saggezza stabilita del governo del giorno. In Canada, che sarebbe David Suzuki, Maude Barlow e il NDP.

Ecco un'idea radicale: facciamo subappaltare governance di Internet ai talebani. Quando non sono impegnati filmando ragazze delle scuole pakistane per mettere in bocca, possono filtrare siti web per altre raffigurazioni di caparbietà e depravazione femminile. Alfine, non c'è più un'autorità in virtù femminile che islamisti.

Presto Internet sarebbe ridotto al video di gatti usando WC... anche se, perché la raffigurazione di WC è sgradevoli in alcuni ambienti, credo che avremmo dovuto censurare quelli pure.

Internet si tratta de l'accesso gratuito a, e la diffusione de, l'informazioni. Le dittature in tutto il mondo pensano che stanno facendo il loro stesso popolo un servizio tagliandoli fuori da Twitter, Facebook e Google. Questo fa perfettamente senso per i comunisti cinesi per impedire ai cittadini di vedere contenuti che potrebbero minare l'ordine pubblica.

Quindi, mi permetta di essere il ragazzo che si alza per il porno. Se non volete che i vostri figli a vedano, crei tu proprio filtro. Poi veda quanto tempo ci vuole a contornare comunque.

National Post

(Il testo di Barbara Kay l'autore si riferisce è "Britain’s noble stand against porn" - nobile posizione della Gran Bretagna contro la pornografia -, pubblicata il 22 luglio, disponibili in

Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?), e
Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?),

jeudi 12 décembre 2013

The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?)

Conservative MP, radical feminist and evangelical Christian come together to block online porn in Canada

Rachel Browne, National Post Staff | 09/12/13 | Last Updated: 09/12/13 8:26 PM ET

From left to right: Conservative MP Joy Smith, feminist Gail Dines, and evangelical Julia Beazley in Ottawa at Mrs. Smith's event on the harmful impact of pornography on society and youth." November 20th, 2013.

From left to right: Conservative MP Joy Smith, feminist Gail Dines, and evangelical Julia Beazley in Ottawa at Mrs. Smith's event on the harmful impact of pornography on society and youth. November 20th, 2013.

As Britain enacts laws forcing Internet companies to block access to pornography unless customers opt in, a fledgling movement is under way to bring similar laws to Canada.

"If we can get a man on the moon, certainly we can figure out a way to protect children from unwanted porn," said Winnipeg Conservative MP Joy Smith, who is formulating a private member’s bill that would automatically block access to online pornography. Anyone wanting to access porn would have to contact their Internet service providers.

Mrs. Smith hosted a recent meeting for parliamentarians and other stakeholders in Ottawa, with speakers including Gail Dines, a self-described radical feminist and sociology professor at Boston’s Wheelock College who founded the Stop Porn Culture group, and Julia Beazley, policy analyst at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

They warned about the increasingly violent nature of modern pornography and its effects on young users, which Ms. Dines described in an interview as a "public health emergency situation," which she says is proved by empirical research and academic studies.

The regulation of pornography is "going to happen all over the world," she said. (Two of Mrs. Smith’s private member’s bills related to human trafficking have been adopted since being elected in 2004.)

"Yesterday, I got a letter from a young boy 10 years of age telling me he was addicted to porn," she said. "It just brought me to tears."

The ISP-based opt-in model sought by Mrs. Smith is based on a controversial U.K. plan in which Internet companies will be required to block access to pornography unless customers opt in. The U.K. plan will be in place by early 2014.

Anti-Internet-censorship activist Bennett Haselton, founder of, a website that creates portals to get around blocked sites, said the burden of proof should be on anti-porn activists "to show that what they are blocking is harmful somehow."

"In the United States and Canada and most other developed countries, an entire generation now has grown up that, for the most part, actually did have unrestricted Internet access, and they’re not mentally warped by it. There’s no evidence that they’ve been harmed by it," said Mr. Haselton.

Ms. Dines said the U.K. opt-in proposal is the best porn regulation model that exists at the moment, because "kids can’t get around it."

Mr. Haselton, however, said filters may not pose accessibility issues for internet-savvy individuals. "No filter blocks new proxy sites after they’re released, so if people can get access to proxy sites, then, yes, they can get around the filters," he said.

Ms. Beazley said the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada is "supportive of the idea... we will certainly be supportive of any initiatives that come forward, whether it’s from the government itself or from Mrs. Smith."

"You can’t have the big picture conversation of ending sexual exploitation without talking about the role pornography plays in this," said Ms. Beazley.

"We are certainly very supportive of the idea of requiring Internet service providers to block pornographic content... It’s not about censorship," she said.

National Post

Comments by Concrete Paradise

I begun this series about eight months ago noticing a mix of the worst of Traditionalism and the worst of Lesbo-Socialism. And this Tuesday, a friend shared me the news here. Wow! Really exists a Puritan-Feminism!

Below, an article linked in the original post: "Censorship starts with porn", by John Moore, written five months before in replying to another article in which a devout woman praised similar idea in England. I would not be as good as John Moore, but in Brazil's major media even that would be bold. I highlight the phrase "the idea of her deciding what I can and cannot consume on the Internet is about as appealing to me as the notion of an Imam filtering content would be to her". If feminists were not psychopaths or imbeciles, and if there were not Islamic feminists in the developed world, they would feel humiliated.

Ah, very few people who access pornography are or become addicted, and it's unthinkable to anyone who access porn link normal pornography and rape or pedophilia or zoophilia (there is not a single serious statistic that not proves the quite opposite). But these frigid lesbians don't know and are not interested in the difference. But a report of a TEN YEARS OLD BOY addicted in PORNOGRAPHY? If a 10 years old boy said you he has a girlfriend, would you react as if was normal? If this boy was charged of rape, who would not find it odd? And that boy of 6 years old in Argentina who "changed gender", that's OK? These women will discard that story of porn stars kept in captivity by mafia?

About "increasingly violent nature of modern pornography", if you, reader, have ever accessed a porn website recently, you probably saw a new section:

Female friendly. Then for 7 years the sex movies and pictures I have seen and enjoyed with my male friends were female not-friendly? Coincidently, I noticed it a little after the same Gail Dines was interviewed in the website of a news magazine here in Brazil (Época, 2010 July), saying this same insanity.

But it's amazing that conservatives and Christian not only unite with lesbonazists but do it against freedom and sanity. Damned hate-cock lesbians! But Christian men and women who fight for freedom, for noble social causes or merely for keeping the purity of their faith are highly unknown, ignored or hostilized by their own brothers.

Thus, women who hate sex and have no time with their children wanting the State to prevent their children of having any contact with what they don't like instead of assume their role of education, including Sexual Education, it's global.

And while I was writing this text, another friend shared the news that China has 2 million public and private employees working in Internet censorship. This is a censor for every 650 or 700 inhabitants. And some years ago I read a news that the Chinese government gave cash reward to anyone who denounce a porn page. Also some years ago, I read a news that a Chinese software to block adult content also tracked politically unwanted content. And it's not just China: the countries that repress prostitution and pornography are basically the same with the worst levels of censorship and political repression. So, the "filter" against pornography becoming a political censorship is not a risk: already happened.

Furthermore, coming soon "The ex-useful innocents and idiots 2: lack of s..., lies and Communism".

Abigail Pereira Aranha


John Moore: Censorship starts with porn

John Moore | 25/07/13 | Last Updated: 24/07/13 2:50 PM ET

Once we start opening the door to internet censorship, who knows where the campaign will end?

Once we start opening the door to internet censorship, who knows where the campaign will end? Adam Berry/Getty Images

Censorship always sounds like a practical notion at first blush. There are objectionable and dangerous things in the world, and we would all be the better if they were suppressed, or at the very least, harder to access.

So British Prime Minister David Cameron’s proposal that Internet providers filter pornography and limit access to those who specifically request adult content sounds harmless enough. After all, children will be protected from accidentally stumbling across trans-sexual rape fantasies while searching for the latest accessory for their American Girl doll. In these pages, National Post columnist Barbara Kay recently applauded the initiative as “long-overdue.”

The problem with censorship is that its advocates always presume that whoever becomes gate keeper will be as sensible and worldly as they are. I enjoy reading Ms. Kay’s columns, but the idea of her deciding what I can and cannot consume on the Internet is about as appealing to me as the notion of an Imam filtering content would be to her.

Or... perhaps I am on to something, here. Why not let the religious faithful nominate the sites that would be available only by “special request”? Obviously, they would start with pornography — and we all know the world would be a better place without porn. If the censorship committee included Evangelical Christians and Mormons I suppose, we would also have to start filtering for any suggestion of premarital sex, unfaithfulness or homosexuality. And really, if we’re going to be even-handed about things, the Amish need to have a say. So, no buttons.

Because sites that provide instructions on how to turn a pressure cooker into a bomb serve no purpose but to promote terror attacks, we could block them as well. While we’re at it, we could block the sites that foment the kind of political dissent that leads to terror in the first place. And if we’re going to filter for sedition, we might as well censor anything that militates against the established wisdom of the government of the day. In Canada, that would be David Suzuki, Maude Barlow and the NDP.

Here’s a radical idea: Let’s subcontract Internet-governance to the Taliban. When they aren’t busy shooting Pakistani school girls for mouthing off, they can filter websites for other depictions of female willfulness and depravity. After all, there is no greater authority on female virtue than Islamists.

Soon the Internet would be reduced to videos of cats flushing toilets... although, because the depiction of toilets is objectionable in some circles, I suppose we would have to censor those as well.

The Internet is about the free access to, and dissemination of, information. Dictatorships the world over think they are doing their own people a service by cutting them off from Twitter, Facebook and Google. It makes perfect sense to the Chinese communists to prevent citizens from seeing content that might undermine public order.

So allow me to be the guy who stands up for porn. If you don’t want your kids to see it, create your own filter. Then see how long it takes them to work around it anyway.

National Post

(The Barbara Kay's text author refers is "Britain’s noble stand against porn", published July 22, available at

Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 9: alcune donne conservatrici ed evangelici uniscono con le femministe per censurare la pornografia (e che altro?),
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 9: algunas mujeres conservadoras y evangélicas unindose con las feministas para censurar la pornografía (¿y qué más?),
This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: The Puritan-Feminism episode 9: some conservative and evangelical women uniting with feminists to censor pornography (and what else?),
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?), e
Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 9: algumas mulheres conservadoras e evangélicas se unindo a feministas para censurar a pornografia (e o que mais?),

mardi 15 octobre 2013

The ex-useful innocents and idiots (or: 17 centuries of socialism)

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Chapter 1: What Jesus Christ and Our Lady have to do with the Lesbo-Socialism?

There are now seven years since I started the blog A Vez das Mulheres. In these days, I began to remember the beginning. Who disliked my work in the beginning were macho men and narrow-minded Christians. No much time, I has got antipathy in feminist groups because I condemned lesbianism and female mediocrity. And also I was together with atheists. Today, my great friends in Facebook are mostly devout Christians, right-wing or even machoes. And I am also partner of Brazilian masculinism, aka "Real", and I was almost always well received in their forums and blogs (when some disgusted misogynist came to attack me, I have been defended in the group itself). And the enemies I got still remain (lesbofeminists, manginas and "leftopaths"), in addition that atheists almost disappear from my company because, unless very few, they're emasculated leftists or just some sucker kids. But what caught my attention the most was not only my medium change to defend the same ideals (freedom, justice, honor, decency, naughtiness, etc.), along with a lot of people that came out from left-wing to defend democracy in the same time. Was that we went out, at least apparently, from a puritan hegemony to a socialist hegemony. Plus: it was kind half a century, and it seems like out of nowhere. But it was not. The history of socialism would have started at the beginning of the fourth century?

The Catholic Church was established in the year 313. Recalling that only the calculation of the year in which Jesus would have born was made in the seventh century. The Catholic Church as well as having similarities with the Babylonian paganism was a religion more of feasts and rituals than of doctrine (if you are older, you remember the time when the Catholic was afraid, literally, to read the Bible). Just to give an example, the Carnival was a farewell to flesh before Ash Wednesday. And Ash Wednesday, which begins Lent, is always 47 days before the first Sunday of the full moon of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, that is Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. And this Sunday is Easter. The pagan Easter, the Jew Passover is in late March or early April. And speaking of pagan, hence the term paganism? From paganus, which means peasant. Why is the Gospel of the Son of God had to make concessions to the pagans?

But there's more. Who was Jesus Christ, in human terms? A Jewish from people. Is it not curious that the Incarnate Word was supposedly one more nationalist leader of an obscure, failed and megalomaniacal colony of the Roman Empire? If the disciples of Jesus Christ at least stood out society, instead of Israel to continue in the same way until Dispersion and even today most devout Christians to be poorer than average even in Christian countries, we could even give a discount.

And Mary, or Our Lady? The Bible itself does not give any basis for all the veneration which is made to her in the Catholic Church. In the New Testament, she is just another disciple of Jesus without special position. Outside the Gospels, she is only mentioned in passing in Acts 1: 14. And where in the New Testament a woman has position or authority in the church? But the Catholic Church, making adaptation of Babylonian mythology, deifies the madam.

You reader did not understand the connection? How a people accustomed to alms and the glorification of misery will be against communism? What model of decent life a person will have if the Son of God was a carpenter in Israel, a irrelevant colony with superiority complex? How not having a socialism where the dominant religion began, according to its Bible, with a group almost all of poor and marginalized people around the God made man, who after it faced the power of the Roman Empire? How difficult would have the feminism where is venerated, or worshiped, a woman besides to God the Son?

Chapter 2: The Catholic Church was the Christianity's Soviet Union

And came Marxism, Socialism, Feminism. The Soviet Union began in Russia, with the base (or excuse, some might say) on the ideas of Karl Marx, a German. And this German had his inspiration, among other sources, on the Evolution of an English Anglican, Charles Darwin. Feminism came along (in time and space) with the Industrial Revolution, in the United Kingdom and the United States. In this whole story, which country was not Catholic or Protestant? The Catholic Inquisition ended in the late eighteenth century. Folks, is it no coincidence that at the end of the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century we had the end of the Inquisition, the Industrial Revolution, the Capitalism and the beginning of Socialism? Had the Christian Church (in that popular sense "we are the church") prepare its own kick in the ass?

Ah, you are a Christian but not a Catholic, and believe that Roman Catholicism is a deviation from the original Christianity? So why the Roman Catholic Church was the first major Christian church, assuming that Christianity really began at the end of the years 20 a. C.? Why Roman Catholicism is the main group in Christianity until today, and until a few decades ago the world's largest religion? If the Catholic Church was devious, it managed to chase the faithful churches just because it had political power? Ah, the Catholic Church was great in power and popularity because it was unfaithful, demagogic and corrupt? Well, you're getting to the point.

Everything some anti-left Christians complain today began in the time of glory of their church. The glorification of ignorance uses even today misinterpreted passages from the Bible itself. The internal fighting of the left or fighting between left and a centrism as if they were good (the leftist faction) against evil (the rest) resemble those braggadocioes of the Protestant Reformation and Counter-Reformation. The attacks on the internet against anyone who just says the name of a known anti-left or a snowman judas chosen by the left remember the Catholic Inquisition and their prohibitted books. And what should be an "exchange of ideas" with prominent people, including experts and university professors, reminds disagreements with provincial pious and illiterate rural workers in the 50's.

And what was the contribution of the Christian churches to humanity? Anti-sexuality, glorification of misery, destruction of science of the Greeks and ride on the backs of Christians who did something. And as we try to show here, the implementation of Marxism. If someone thought of high moral standards, all that is decent in terms of morality did not come in the years 20 a. C. But Christians want the royalties of Medicine made when the Catholic Church forbade dissection of cadavers, of Mathematics made when the Catholic Church said that zero was Devil's thing, of Rule of Law achieved after absolutism justified with the "divine right of kings", and so on. This resembles the leftist talk about countries "recovered" by socialism. They always ended up with a misery that did not exist and problems that after them got only wors. And the socialists still invented vaccine for cancer in Cuba (I like to play with phrases of double meaning, hehehehe).

Leaving a little of topic, but speaking of Christianity's contribution to humanity: the Catholic Church created Islam. According to the former Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera, the Church wanted Israel, especially Jerusalem, then funded Muhammad to create a sort of Al Qaeda and join the Arabian Peninsula, which was a bunch of disunited tribes, to everyone assault Israel. But until then, the business was so successful that at the time of deliver Jerusalem to the Pope, as agreed, the Arabs cheated. Red Ice Creations has this story (in English).

In Brazil, for example, there is no party, not even an organization of weight, which represents the right-wing or conservatism, yet the leftists have delirii of right-wing opposition or a plot of the elites when they see any tweet that disagrees with them. Any heterosexual not ashamed being heterosexual is gay killer, any man who mention the false charges of rape is in favor of violence against women, any white who thinks blacks should not get easier in college just for being blacks is racist. These things remind the times of the Inquisition, in which Catholics found heretics and atheists even among themselves. Remember also Brazil today, which has 90% of the population Catholic, Protestant or evangelical, but "turned its back to God".

And how begun the Protestant Reformation? As an attempt to restore the purity of original Christianity in the Roman Catholic Church. This recalls, in Brazil, the story of PSTU (Unified Socialist Workers Party, which started with people leaving PT, Workers Party, after the party started "fail" socialist ideology).

Chapter 3: The Christian Junior Anti-Sex League

Sex: wisdom in sexual life is one thing, good; chastity is another, pain in the ass. Who believes admire the opposite sex or have a good sex is sin, can accept anything. That "anything" includes the glorification of the lack of pleasure (in general), the canonization of self-sadism, treating as special who treats this one as inferior (family, church, company and country) and measuring oneself according to which will leave for the widow who has bored in the fifth year of marriage and spoiled children. Christian churches have stopped demonizing sex (in Brazil) trailer sex education in schools (90's), grudgingly. If in the 60's Christian men were still seeking prostitutes, harassed female employees or girls within their family or had sex with mares, is was because they could not stand accepting the repression of sexuality. Repress the own sexuality could have some advantage for women because release pusssy only to her husband and, perhaps, to some other prominent man could yield a livelihood or social and professional standing, all off the hard life of men. But lesbonazists can only see the supposed repression of female sexuality, and any man who has ever said something close to sexuality in conversations with their 2010's female friends knows the kick that takes these times. The person who tries not to enjoy sex turns neurotic. And more than neurotic, is inconsistent, hypocritical, doublethinker ("doublethink" is from the novel "1984", by George Orwell: bear in mind two contradictory things and accept both). When it is not just mental inactivity.

Who is the Christian who can make an intellectually serious defense, in 2013, of because only have sex after and within marriage? What is the Christian who can explain, as smart people, what makes a woman who has "enjoyed" having less dignity as a woman and be less desirable as a wife than one of the bizarre and pharisees lizards covered to the ankle in his church? The only reasonable answer to these questions that I saw published written was a text within the book "Excelentíssimos Senhores" (Gentlemen), by Rubem Amorese (yeah, sweeties, I know the good in the Christian culture and fine Christian). More than simple lack of arguments or self-criticism, the "moral and good manners" is a individual psychosis tributary of a collective psychosis. Is not it curious that the socialist countries are of people even more sexually frustrated that Puritan countries considered free? George Orwell gave this within "1984" in a dialogue of the girl of Junior Anti-Sex League with Winston.

Chapter 4 : Christian conservatism almost "fulfilling its historic role" and what it still has to offer (to "them")

If the Catholic Church was important in the Middle Ages, it was because it almost monopolized bit of Science of the time and also offered charity and illusion for the illiterate with so much fear and ignorance while they fought the true intelligence. It was also like this, with less force in the Modern Age. But even those who do not like reading and hate intelligence and truth like to use them up where it matters when they can. Or, at least, they like what scientists and thinkers get practicing their love of Science, the truth and the neighboor when it increases the quality of life. And those weird news that our students today use to read unwillingly in the books they have gained in the public school were better than the scientific level of the Europe which one third died in the Black Death in the Middle Ages. The Modern Age was the period which concentrated scientific development before the Industrial Revolution. If I lived in the late Modern Age and had some influence like Adam Weishaupt, who created order of Illuminati in May 1, 1776, I would not work hard, risk my leather and have exhausting discussions to give the fruit of my labor for imbecile nobles, untalented commissioned and parasite priests, trying to improve the lives of these same frustrated snitche illiterates that they would use to steal my work and my possessions. And it was more or less what the Illuminati have done.

And since one of the goals of the Illuminati was to destroy religion, is it not curious that of those of the Conspiracy Theory and speaking in secret societies, almost all are most devoted Christians? These particular people are even worthy of respect, but as a group of conservative Christians capitalists, they are the first to notice, and badly, that are being discarded. Folks, why the Communist Manifesto appeared almost 60 years after the French Revolution that ended feudalism and created capitalism? Why after the Second International, in 1889, the history of Christianity was basically emergence of Pentecostal churches and odd sects, heretical organizations as the World Council of Churches, factions of factions, the Catholic Church only shrinking, serious churches hardly growing and public shame in all aspects, while Marxism, Feminism and the LGBT Movement were only forward, and sponsored by capitalists? This can not be a satanic conspiracy to achieve the church because Christianity in the West was like Maoism in China, so someone outside mount a conspiracy, even more to destroy the church itself from within, was very unlikely. Was Christianity itself who ceded here or lost authority there.

Liberalism and Christianity as known in the late nineteenth century are dead by their own defects, without expectation of resurrection. This is not good only because the heirs of them are even worse. Sex after a wedding in adolescence for women and at least about 25 years for men have had their time to be at least explainable. Today, the churches don't talk a lot about their teens boyfriends that already have sex, since don't come pregnancy. The indissoluble marriage has been justifiable to protect both rich husbands and dependents wives. Today, those who preach the indissoluble marriage are hardly taken seriously in traditional churches, and even among those who support the idea are few who would accept some marriage that besides indissoluble was arranged by the parents of spouses. In the 60's, the churches divided by truth. Today, they are tolerant in error. In a country of more than 20 percent of evangelicals, cases of Christians persecuted or killed for preaching the Gospel in hostile countries or have an attitude that was typical of a Christian in the 50's or 60's are treated in median access blogs and occasionally in Sunday preaching (do you know the Open Door USA Ministry, for example?). And to make things worse, we have leftists within the church, and not a deacon here, a shepherd there, but groups of feminists, groups of abortionists, groups of socialist, and even churches for homosexuals. Up to insist that Christians stop to think beyond criticism to give themselves a minimum of honesty is complicated. Back to conditions at least the 50's is a laughable idea so unfeasible.

And we have also Liberalism. Defend the privatization of state enterprises and less state intervention in business mobilizes little bourgeoisie itself. Rodrigo Constantine and Von Mises Institute can confirm, in the case of Brazil. Why? Because socialism and communism are state capitalism, or an oligarchy controlled by the State. Whoever is inside will get along and still see out over. And entrepreneurs can do business very profitable with socialist governments of other countries, consider the example of China. Even in governments that are not formally socialist, many entrepreneurs please the government to get public money. The capitalist who invests and accepts the risk is rare today. Is not only to support community leaders, imbecile bureaucrats, ghost workers and poor crooks that the State is obese, incompetent, expensive and corrupt. The major customer of corruption and misuse of public funds is the major enterprise. You may have noticed (I take the example of Brazil) more and more unsympathetic women in boxes of the stores, more and more snarly black women in major fast food chains, more and more babes entering companies that only offer vague asking experience having some old employee moved to teach her the service or fix her errors. Leftism, is not even socialism consolidated, gives the possibility of public money to entrepreneurs who are only "someone" because they are children of bourgeois. Entrepreneurs strive less to please customers, flatter the rulers, make choir to any Soviet campaign and may even subsidize their own incompetence with public money. Meanwhile, politicians and bureaucrats dominate society.

But the role of Christianity and Liberalism (also Ultraliberalism, mistakenly called Anarcho-capitalism) is not only to be a punching bag and caricature of the opposition to the left: they can still do more for the "popular revolution". The right-wing Christians can still defend the family, while the LGBT-Feminism advocates civil unions and adopting children for homosexuals. They can still condemn any woman who has had an orgasm or more than one men in life, as Valerie Solanas called silly the heterosexual woman in SCUM Manifesto. They can still preach against pornography, as feminists do, including asking the criminalization of pornography. They can still help make a mess of female prostitution with violence, trafficking in persons and humiliation of women, as feminists do, including asking the criminalization of prostitution. They can still accuse the LGBT Movement to promote pedophilia, as feminists do with Brazilian masculinist. They can still defend the end of the "good life" of the prisoners, as if all without exception had life of king in jail, while in the socialist countries government opponents are arrested without fundamental rights, if they go to jail. They can still ask for censorship on television calling any scene of woman in bikini pornography, increasing the power of the State to decide what the 10 years old child can see or not, helping furthermore the dictatorship of lesbofeminist envy. Those who know me since 2006 know that I wanted to see Christianity over, but not in so much dishonor.

The power emanates from the people. Including the power of the "powerful". And the socialists understood that. Soon, they may say that Christian conservatism has fulfilled its historic role.

jeudi 26 septembre 2013

From Abigail's profile: who believe herself / himself unjudgable, see what is humility and decency

Christian woman in the first century:

"Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by {your} good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation. {whereas: or, wherein} For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men" (1 Peter 2: 12, 15)

Christian woman in the XXI century:

"Before you judge my life or my character, put on my shoes and go through the path that I went through"

"Judging a person does not define who she / he is, define who you are"

Nobody is perfect, but not everyone is scum.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Dal profilo di Abigail: colui che si crede ingiudicabile, vedere che cosa è l'umiltà e la decenza

Donna cristiana del primo secolo:

"Avendo una condotta onesta fra i Gentili; acciocchè, là dove sparlano di voi come di malfattori, glorifichino Iddio, nel giorno della visitazione, per le vostre buone opere, che avranno vedute. Perciocchè tale è la volontà di Dio: che facendo bene, turiate la bocca all’ignoranza degli uomini stolti" (1 Pietro 2: 12, 15)

Donna cristiana del secolo XXI:

"Prima di giudicare la mia vita o il mio carattere, devi mettere le scarpe e passare attraverso il percorso che ho passato"

"Giudicare una persona non definisce chi lei / lui è, definisce chi tu sei"

Nessuno è perfetto, ma non tutti sono gentaglia.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

De lo perfil de Abigail: quien juzgase injuzgable, vea lo que es la humildad y la decencia

Mujer cristiana del primer siglo:

"Teniendo vuestra conversación honesta entre los Gentiles; para que, en lo que ellos murmuran de vosotros como de malhechores, glorifiquen á Dios en el día de la visitación, estimándoos por las buenas obras. Porque esta es la voluntad de Dios; que haciendo bien, hagáis callara la ignorancia de los hombres vanos" (1 Pedro 2: 12, 15)

Mujer cristiana del siglo XXI:

"Antes de juzgar mi vida o mi carácter, ponga mis zapatos y pase por el camino que yo pasé"

"Juzgar a una persona no define quién él / ella es, define quién tu eres"

Nadie es perfecto, pero no todos son despreciables.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

dimanche 11 août 2013

Festa del Padre infelice?

Ciao, amico honesto, dedicato al lavoro e allo studio, che crede ancora nel valore del carattere ed è padre.

Avete visto il padre delle pagine pubblicitarie è un amico, forse modello per il figlio maschio, mentre la madre la Festa Della Mamma è tutte le virtù in una persona?

Non si poteva visitare il vostro figlio per conto del quale si sta pagando gli alimenti per il sostegno alla madre?

Sei o sei stato in carcere per una falsa accusa di molestie, stupri o la pedofilia, nessun contatto con tuo figlio, attesa la prova della vostra innocenza, mentre il tuo spacciatore collega ha ricevuto le visite coniugali?

O stai bene, con una bella moglie, con un po 'di carattere e un po' di intelligenza, che grazie a Dio perché è interessato a te un giorno e la sua famiglia è stato approvato, mentre i perdenti intrattabile brutta lesbica richiede l'uomo speciale?

Hai letto persone che si lamentano di doppi turni di donne e lavorato oggi su uno di quei lavori pericolosi che non si fermano (polizia, acciaio, miniere)?

Non si lavora più di 10 ore al giorno in due posti di lavoro per fornire una migliore condizione di vita per il bambino e ancora leggere che le donne ricevono il 20% in meno degli uomini, perché sei un oppressore delle donne?

La madre di tuo figlio non cucinava la festa della mamma, ma il vostro pranzo speciale è stata pagata il carta di credito adizionale?

Hai pranzato la festa della mamma con la famiglia di tua moglie, ma si continuò la festa del papà con la sua famiglia di nuovo?

Il vostro bambino può giocare con i figli di un amico di sua madre con due diversi cretino, ma non può stare con il vostro amico che è single?

Volete che il vostro bambino ad imparare veramente a scuola, ma le amiche della madre di suo figlio pensa solo allontanarsi da loro bambini per qualche ora e la lotta contro gli insegnanti che prendono sul serio l'educazione?

Avete notato che i cartoni animati e serie che hanno una famiglia, la madre è l'autorità e il padre è più stupida, anche rispetto ai loro figli (I Simpson, I Flintstones, ecc)?

Avete visto che la festa del papà è una delle date commerciali più deboli, mentre la festa della mamma è una delle più frequentate?

Gli uomini buoni, come te, sono davvero di essere danneggiati. Non è solo la tua immaginazione.

Smettere di amare che non mente quando si è male. Avere la vita al di fuori del lavoro. Essere qualcuno al di là di quello che si può fare.

Dare ad ogni altro ciò che è giusto. Se è qualcuno diritto di essere inviato a prendere in quel posto, questo è quello che si dovrebbe dare.

Prenditi cura della tua salute e le tue amicizie maschili. Se i tuoi amici ti chiamano al bar, bere guaranà, hehehehe.

Leggi veramente, qualcosa di fuori dei giornali US $ 0,10 (in Brasile abbiamo alcuni giornali poveri che costano circa 10 centesimi). Se non l'hai già fatto, acquistare un telefono cellulare con tastiera QWERTY e accesso a internet per voi. Poi si può leggere su leggi, diritti degli uomini e delle notizie che né pay tv la dice lunga. E si può ancora accedere alle dissolutezze dei miei blog, hehehehe.

Avere il tempo per il vostro bambino, se (s) ancora non è stata presa da voi. Conoscere le cose (s) che gli piace fare e da vedere e fargli vedere / il suo bel stoffe.

E quando si prende il controllo della propria vita, si può essere un modello per il vostro bambino. Tu sei il primo uomo nella vita di vostro figlio. Soprattutto quando sei un uomo.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Festa del Padre infelice?,
Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Festa del Padre infelice?,
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: Día del Padre infeliz?,
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: Día del Padre infeliz?,
This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: Unhappy Father's Day?,
This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: Unhappy Father's Day?,
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Dia dos Pais infeliz?,
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Dia dos Pais infeliz?,
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