In the first time in the history of the blog A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, I will say one good thing about women: they do not lie to themselves or believe in their own lies. What can they be doing is lying to an audience that believes the lies they tell or that, even not believing, will react as befits them. The apparent mental imbalance of most women (mixed with some real mental imbalance) is a means of action in a society they know that tolerates it. The Slut Walk is literally a image of it: they closed streets to parade half-naked, in one occasion breaking into a Catholic church in Brazil, not because Western society is so hostile to women as they say, but because they knew that they can use the emasculation or the good character of ordinary men to quell even further courage scraps and public quarrellings as the speech of the Canada policeman which supposedly was the origin of the march for four years running up to the other side of America.
In the first time in the history of the blog A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, I will say one negative thing about men: are they (or most of them) who lie to themselves and believe in their own lies. The lie is part of life for most women, but the whole of life of most men. Women have much sense of individuality that, at one extreme, even socially and professionally outstanding women can spend more than half an hour uninterrupted talking banalities of themselves; on the other, they may resort to prostitution or to work in pornography in the absence of other income option because they know their own bodies distinguishes them of men and may be of interest to them (and, guys, let's tell the truth: brothels have a lot of woman who are bagasses).
Indeed, if man is a human male individual, we started badly from there, the individuality. Let's go to a few examples:
Building a family. A man is considered a true man, even by other men, exactly when he buries himself in a family. He was not seen as a mature man when he not lived with his parents but he was single and he had his routine of work or study, his hobby and maybe even casual sex. A man with a family is husband, father, provider, but not man. Nowadays, we can see it in a grotesque image: a family in which father, mother and sons work, the mother has her money, the sons living in the same house have their money, but the father's money belongs to all of them.
War and courage. It's right that the image of a warrior as masculinity symbol is somewhat oldfashioned. But a man shows he is more man struggling against another?
Idea of success. Any moron with a lot of money, social standing, a beautiful wife and perhaps some bonus whores, is considered successful by many other men. The worst thing is there: that ordinary men have as icon another man that they themselves know that has not his own shine. Also because even female heirs with mediocre intelligence or notorious mary-gasoline (explaining for non-Brazilians, "mary-gasoline" is a lady who only "offers herself" for men who have car) have or at least pretend to have intellectual, professional or artistic qualities.
Strength, discipline and chastity. It is almost universal among men calling discipline, which is conscious and organized dedication for a clear goal, what is merely irrational submission and self-sadism that make up a lifestyle without prospects for at least the life expectancy. And perseverance and patience, that are the inevitable waiting in the true discipline, become values in themselves in the false discipline, waiting in exchange for nothing, for repentance, for ingratitude or even for a even worse life. False discipline even today transforms entire working lives of honest men in lost time and health sustaining ungrateful communities, cretin bosses and never satisfied cows. Chastity is part of the false discipline, is disagreement between the mind and the body, is confusion of the mind itself and is also phobia (fear and loathing) of women who remember what is a truly feminine woman.
"Protection" of the daughters and sisters. Having "power" over others without having personal power is being manager. If men ruled the world as feminists men and women say, they would be right in saying that suppress women's sexual life is macho oppression. But what a bully earns chasing away other men closely his sister or daughter besides boycott the sex life of his neighbor, trying to make his life as miserable as his own? This zeal plus the false discipline that includes chastity are more than the horror of pleasure, are the real enmity against the well-being of those who do not love misery. Condemn hedonism is a cover for the envy of the erection of the neighbor.
Watching out for parents. Since the trend is women live longer than men, the sons of elderly parents will take care longer the mother than the father. When the elderly mother (may be the father, or both) are in poor health, the son either will pay someone to care for her or will adapt his life as a whole to take his mother to the hospital every month. If this son can afford to work, he will spend a good part of the salary taking care of his mother's disease. The disease, because health is gone.
The outside of work. What makes a man in the relaxation or in the weekend? When he is not an enlightened like us (hehehehe!), he is almost always doing housework, walking with his unpleasant wife and children, drinking beer, flirting bitches or consuming cultural trash. Conversations of male friends in a bar table even have usually more intelligent things and things of overall relevance than women's conversations, but most of them are about football, bitches, stupid jokes and trifles. And even when one of these men says some truth about a serious matter, he usually brings it as a personal opinion, almost apologizing.
Perhaps it was not clear what this all has to do with being a man, so I'll give an example: a certain Ruth Manus, a columnist in the Brazilian newspaper Estadão, presents herself on her blog saying he is "a lawyer and university professor. She reads Drummond, she hears pagoda, she loves chayote with bacon and departure lounges. She laughs talking about something serious. She does not miss a XV de Piracicaba against Penapolense for nothing. She has verbal incontinence, she is afraid of cow and dark circles, like everyone". It is a pathetic and disgusting egolatry, but it is a sense of individuality. Men hardly show this individuality, and most of the exception is of effeminates.
This destruction of the male individuality comes from the irresponsible violence that the insane cows with horror to sex call education, which includes incitement to stupidity, permanent criticism, depreciation of heterosexuality and, to top it off, incoherence. Surrounded by men who are servile weak or stupid pre-hominids, it is not easy for the boy to associate being a man to have identity as an individual or even to be different of the worst of the animal kingdom. If the boy only finds, out this, assholes groups whose main issues are alcohol, football and bitches, he either will try to fit in the stupefied masculinity, or will repudiate anything that takes the name of masculinity and, incidentally, the true masculinity itself, whatever it means.
Even many anti-feminist and anti-socialist men help associate not being a fool to having ways of ogre or trying to be the patriarch of the nineteenth century. In fact, when a man exalts asceticism and "rigid" raising by the typical mother of mid-twentieth century or by his in particular, he ends up showing exactly, as an example himself, the logical, moral and psychological chipping of the male and human identity of the boys that he received from his family.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La Società degli Ragazzini – parte 4: tu sai davvero cosa è essere un uomo?, Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La Società degli Ragazzini – parte 4: tu sai davvero cosa è essere un uomo?, ![]()
Eso texto en español sin peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La Sociedad de los Chiquitos – parte 4: ¿usted sabe realmente lo que es ser un hombre?, Eso texto en español con peliculas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La Sociedad de los Chiquitos – parte 4: ¿usted sabe realmente lo que es ser un hombre?, ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: The Little Boys Society – part 4: do you really know what’s being a man?, This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: The Little Boys Society – part 4: do you really know what’s being a man?, ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: A Sociedade dos Garotos – parte 4: Você sabe mesmo o que é ser homem?, Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: A Sociedade dos Garotos – parte 4: Você sabe mesmo o que é ser homem?,
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