The most admirable people you know are the ones who deal the respect from others to them as something they should strive to deserve. And the most despicable people you know think that this respect is an obligation of others that they themselves do not have.
Feminists use the term "misogyny" to say that women should not be opposed, criticized, and much less demoralized whatever they do, not to describe the hatred of men against women. To give an example, which society in world history failed to criminalize rape, at least the one of its own women? At most, some tribes glorify rape of women outside. Thus, why feminists seek serial rapist who is isolated even in prisons in the honest men traveling between home and work on public transport? Because they know that the typical Western men are good men and want to abuse it. They do not want rights or respect, they want primacy. They ALWAYS wanted. Even Feminism factions friendlier to men respect men because themselves claimed the right to decide how much respect they deserve, not because men have the right to be respected. Because of it, all feminists see more value and authority in any lesbian with average intelligence without own light outside the movement than in the noblest and most brilliant of men. Thus, who says that denounces the misogyny has direct participation in gynophobia and misogyny, not in the end of them.
Only that I remember I ever read on the internet some feminist say that the woman is sweet because of imposition of patriarchy, were six times. But it's not only in feminist militancy where is the problem. It's usual a woman feel uncomfortable with the kindness, the solicitousness and even the chivalry of men, several women have written that they think so. These women who are judges of men even in kindness have themselves a "way of being" that they think offensive the suggestion itself to change minimally. Friendships between women and heterosexual men are generally pampering to women in exchange for almost nothing for men. Even among traditionalist Christian women, combating Feminism sums up in not to be crude and accuse feminists of promoting bitching. These women do not show so many additional sympathy or so many additional content and so they may be feeling the isolation of men and their disinterest in marriage, even if these men realize that they are not like the lesbo-nazists.
It is a fallacious advertising saying that a better world for women is better for everyone. The reciprocal is true, falls into the trap who confuses the statement "all A is B" with reciprocal "all B is A". Combating the rare real misogyny, the imaginary misogyny and the increasing anti-feminism makes a world worse for (almost) everyone in exchange for nothing. For a quick example, staying only in the case of Brazil, laws that make assaulting a woman be more serious than attacking a human being and specific police stations for women contribute to transform the judiciary in gunfighter of sluts, to decrease the number of marriages, to put the Brazil below the population replacement rate, all this in order to cases of violence against women does not stop growing, as feminists themselves acknowledge. On second thought, I'll give one more example: I am lesbophobic and I have written that I consider lesbianism a psychiatric illness, but I do not preach nor rape nor murder of lesbians because they are not worthy of them. And lesbo-feminist readers never showed me a single lesbian with some personal merit, but they would like to see me in jail. Let's assume that I'm arrested. How many employees, how many hours of labor and how much money, public and private, were invested only in retaliation of a legion of cows against a female blogger who wrote what they do not want?
If all murders of women were by hatred of the female gender as a whole, it would mean 8 or 9 percent of the overall total of murders in the case of Brazil and a proof that misogyny is residual. To complete it, the typical case of these murders, domestic violence, is a common crime. Incidentally, let's call the "violence against women" a common crime before a lesbo-feminist: it's like saying a blasphemy (you think a guy like that killed a f#*@ing human being?). Incidentally, it is a blasphemy: she is a goddess.
But many women, including all declared lesbo-feminists, deserve to live in hellish world where they say they are, where men who some day were kind and helpful are what they say in their thoughtless complaints. But I do not say they deserve it for spite or curse, I say this for justice: as we say in Brazil, who with iron hurts with iron will be hurt. If the violence against a woman was so mocked or ignored as violence against a man today, women in general would not have anything they do not deserve.
But Feminism's funeral will not be with the spread of misogyny, will be with the self-affirmation of men of character. With good self-esteem, the men of worth will assume power over their own lives, hence they can be better companions coming together for common interests and hence the rest will improve. Good women will ask little because all together already will have a lot. Poor of spirit women will not ask anything because the men of character, now aware of their value, are not going to give to whom only wants and only can withdraw. Before that, "women" will likely get to the top with knaveries, utilitarian poor friendships, favors and, some that can, with the "pussy card". These successful women will attract the despise of men who do not like empowered women. OK, but why should someone like arrogant mediocre lesbians?
It's true that some individuals managed social prominence or at least live relatively well in a place where they had a time they were discriminated against or even hated for being of a certain ethnicity, social class, religion, etc. But these individuals had own light and good character. When Feminism is thrown in the trash, legions of women will show that their entire lives were professional defamation of men or a scam of competence and scholarship sustained in favors honoring mediocrity and bad character, all of this taking advantage of a legacy built by honest men (and some women) they helped to destroy.
But how can I be a woman and think that misogyny, the hatred or aversion to women, is deserved, and still find that I'll end up well in this? For three reasons. The first is that the hate that I receive comes basically from other women. The second is that I know that even if I find a man who tells me it's too late to convince him to not hate women, and I've found several like this within and outside the internet, I know I can get from him at least good education if I behave with him. The third is the main thing: I got male friends and I know I will not lose them. Because I forced myself to build and add in the lives of my male friends, and to bring into their lives the joys that a man usually has with a good male friend. And those that some men dream to have with the cute female friend, hehehehe. If no one is obliged to like me and I want people around me to like, I have to give reasons. So I meet people who deserve respect and good things and I give joy, I give affection, I give solidarity, I share knowledge, and I end up receiving good things when I myself need them. Then, when I'm old, I want most to arrive there with my breasts and my butts more bruised than avocados at the supermarket and with the pussy with more passages than a bus roulette, with a history of life in which I have given value and good things to every man of worth I could find, even without having offered my pussy. The problem of the majority of women is not trusting the beauty of youth, especially because many of them are not so pretty; it is believing that can live asking to be hated or despised with impunity. They had a time they could.
P. S.: I was still with this text in mind when I saw this post of homepage Anti-Mangina:

Once, I took a whore addicted to marijuana car to the woods to give a fuck, so far OK, but the slut began to make "sweet ass", she closed her pussy when I put my cock, she kept telling us to leave because it was late. I never had so much stress with a slut, even my dick wilted at the time, I asked her to make a blowjob, she said she did not know, HEAHUSEAHUSEHA, liar bitch. Fuck, guy, I pretended I was going to take her home, and on the way I left my car "die" and I said that it had a problem and I would call a mechanic, it would take a long time...
In short, she went home by feet (it gave approximately 7 kilometers)... And I turned around and went home too... I did not spend fuel because it was on the way home at all, I saved even more not carrying a slut that I have not fucked.
That is: if she knows to swindle, I know to swindle too, my car my choice!
It is there the tip to the guys who are taxi drivers of sluts...
I do not know if I would go so far if I was a man, but it's very likely that the distinct girl deserved. I know several girls who deserve. Who I saw that shared this post was a man, who made it to condemn the attitude of the guy. But if there are men willing to condemn the errors of other men but there is lack of women to condemn the errors of other women (if not in this case, in countless others), it is one more sign that if all women condemn misogyny to censor deserved criticism, all women will deserve hatred.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Divertiti con la conquista del odio, lesbica cretina, Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Divertiti con la conquista del odio, lesbica cretina, ![]()
Eso texto en español sin peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Disfrute de la conquista de lo odio, lesbiana cretina, Eso texto en español con peliculas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Disfrute de la conquista de lo odio, lesbiana cretina, ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Enjoy the conquest of hatred, you cretin lesbian, This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Enjoy the conquest of hatred, you cretin lesbian, ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Desfrute a conquista do ódio, lésbica cretina, Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Desfrute a conquista do ódio, lésbica cretina,
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