samedi 29 janvier 2011

The advertising of the beer Devassa and calendar with female pubis: is the society macho or it's just lesbo-nazi-moralist hysteria?

Eso texto en español en lo Paraíso Tangible: El anuncio de la cerveza Devassa y el calendario con pubis femenino: la sociedad es machista o es simplemente histeria lesbiano-nazi-moralista?,
Texto original em português no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade : O anúncio da cerveja Devassa e o calendário com púbis femininos: a sociedade é machista ou é só histeria lesbo-nazi-moralista?,

Had you known about the "Genital Triangle", the photographer Oliviero Toscani's calendar that features pictures of female pubic hair, right? Well, in Italy has had a bunch of lesbo-feminazi-moralistics protesting, with the usual vitimist conversation that society is macho and treats women as objects. Previously, Barbara Araujo Machado wrote the text "A Devassa e a mulher negra: 'Só corpo, sem mente'" to come down the club in the commercial of the beer Devassa. The phrase "is by the body that is known the true black" would be machismo and racism. Black and feminist love being victims.

But women first have to look in the mirror. And I'm not talking about them to see if they are beautiful.

Silvio Koerich wrote “Propaganda de Cerveja X Hipocrisia feminina”, which is a good text that we recommend. Only he commits a serious error: it only talks about the bitches who pretend to be decent. Most that come with this talk of woman-object is not the kind he describes, the type looks-how-I'm-sexy, they are lesbians closeted, moralists matures and married women mediocre inside and out. Many of them the women of respect that he and others from Central Masculinista admire so much, and which for me is a hypocrite and worsened version of the prostitute.

Then, adding the thwack well given in the bitches that Silvio has, I'll give mine. Dear lesbo-feminazi-moralists who are reading, we will ask you some questions:

  1. How many times a woman praises another as "beautiful and intelligent", "has a gorgeous body and is successful" or "beautiful and well settled"?

  2. Do you really think the biggest award you can give to the more wonderful man you could find, after months or years of dating, is to break your hymen on the wedding night, and if it depended on the Christianity and the laws have nothing but your pussy to fuck the rest of your life?

  3. It is the woman's body that is vulgarized or is who complains that thinks that the woman's body is very superior to be looked at and touched?

  4. What the women's magazine that does not bring anything on the cover about weight loss, fashion, makeup, cellulite, plastic and stuff?

  5. What is the website made for women who do not have a section on beauty, diet or banalities?

  6. You say you didn't found your pussy in the trash to miscreants who do not respect women or only when someone talks about good sex, with mutual respect and without interest, but without a steady relationship?

  7. How many women do you know who enjoy the freedom of the sexual revolution to hang out with decaying old and rubbish for money?

  8. How many women do you know who live on pension, ie, used the body exploited by the macho society to live in the back of a man who does not touch her for years but some day had a child with her?

  9. Which group is smaller: the women who hate magazines said feminine that comes down to diet, makeup, soap opera, celebrity gossip, etc., or men who think the woman is and should be more than the body?

  10. Which group is smaller: the men who are afraid of intelligent women or men seeking women who have something worthwhile to say?

  11. Are you a woman who has more than ass and breast or a narcissist lesbian who hates cock?

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Feminazist protests in Italy due to Toscani's calendar showing female pubis

Eso texto en español en lo Paraíso Tangible: Protestas feminazistas en Italia por el calendario de Toscani que mostra pubis femeninos,
Texto original em português no O Reino de Deus: Protestos feminazistas na Itália pelo calendário de Toscani que mostra púbis feminino,

Protests in Italy due to a calendar by Toscani showing female pubis

The controversial calendar Toscani, established in Florence. | Afp The controversial Toscani's calendar, exhibited in Florence. | Afp
  • Women's associations are trying to avoid disclosure
  • Toscani defend himself because the pictures show "the heart of seduction"

Afp | Roma

Updated Sunday, 01/16/2011 17:33 hours

An advertising schedule consisting entirely of pictures of female pubic signed by Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani caused a wave of protests in Italy, where feminists are campaigning to prevent its publication.

In the calendar appears every month a different pubis alternating close-ups of the blond, brown or red hair.

"I wanted to take pictures of the glamor of the traditional fashion photos, where women walk in high heels, taking her lips painted red, and where it shows everything except the female triangle, the real heart of seduction", said the photographer.

Oliviero Toscani, the king of provocation, became famous for making controversial campaigns for the Benetton during the 90s.

The calendar was commissioned by a consortium of businessmen tanners of hides, which also has been criticized by women's organizations. The Todas Libres Association believes that photographer makes a parallel between the leathery skin of an animal and female skin.

Campaign unethical

While Toscani insists that their pictures are a symbol of natural beauty, a feminist group thinks the company is unethical. "We are outraged by this nth example of women's bodies used to do advertising. Does Toscani suggests that the essence of woman is found in sex? asks Roberta Gavagna, of the anti-violence association Artemisia.

It is not the first time that the Milanese photographer, 69, is in the eye of the hurricane: in 2007, launched the controversial campaign against anorexia, starring Isabelle Caro, a young anorexic model of skeletal body, who died last November.

But far from being intimidated by criticism, Toscani strongly defended his latest work: "There are many calendars of sexy women showing their buttocks. My photos are not evil, they capture a beautiful and healthy part of the body", he argues.

The calendar, which had a circulation of 76,000 copies will be distributed with the Italian version of the magazine "Rolling Stone".

Given this situation, the City Council of Florence, the capital of Tuscany, just this week approved unanimously a resolution to render the businessmen consortium to withdraw the calendar.

"These images fit the stereotypes and it's offensive to reduce women to their sex", complained Maria Federica Giuliani, of the office in Florence for Equal Opportunities.

An argument rejected by the consortium of tanners who asks: "Is it normal that authorities worry about a timetable which is nothing vulgar when there are problems much worse in the leather industry?", said its agent Simone Remi.

"Our companies meet all environmental norms of health and safety, but must compete with companies that break the rules, make illegal hires, and defile. This is not a real scandal at all?", indignates Remi.

Toscani's whole career has been surrounded by scandal after illustrate the Benetton advertising campaigns with a man dying of AIDS in 1992 or sentenced to death in the USA (2000). Some of his campaigns have been banned in Italy, as one that showed two men kissing.

The body of Italian advertising self-regulation invited Vera Pelle not to announce this calendar, which "constitutes an attack on human dignity, since it compares the body of a woman with skin of leather."

Translated from

Comments by Paraíso Concreto

Why a calendar with a dozen female pubis is so unsettling? Why a calendar like that is more serious than businessmen making illegal hires? Why feminists reject machismo when it imposes rules for them to leave home and they accept the same machismo as the woman's pubic hair on display?

Forecast of new texts to the serie "Machismo was created by women" in English in brief:

Part 4: why a macho society discriminates prostitution and pornography?

Part 7: Why even feminists are moralists?

For now, I'll download another thwack: "The advertising of the beer Devassa and calendar with female pubis: is the society macho or it's just lesbo-nazi-moralist hysteria?" at Paraíso Concreto and A Vez das Mulheres at Thumblogger.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

lundi 17 janvier 2011

El “triángulo genital” de Oliviero Toscani incomoda la Itália

por Claudio Versiani

Toscani levanta otra polémica con su calendario de pubis femeninos

Polémica en Italia por el último calendario del fotógrafo Oliviero Toscani, en la que aparecen 12 primeros planos de pubis femeninos, uno por cada mes del año 2011. Calendario que no podrá ser publicado de momento, ya que el Instituto de Autodisciplina Publicitaria (IAP, en italiano).

Y lo ha hecho a instancias de organizaciones feministas que se han sentido molestas con la última creación de Toscani que, bajo el nombre de “triángulo genital”, promociona la asociación de curtidores de la Toscana.

Sin embargo, el fotógrafo milanés no quiso ofender a nadie, sino que pretendía “eliminar el glamour de las clásicas fotos de la industria de la moda, con mujeres en plataformas y con rojos pintalabios”. Toscani dice que “el corazón de la seducción” está en ese “triángulo genital” y no en lo que muestra la industria.

“Hay muchos calendarios con mujeres sensuales que enseñan las piernas. Mis fotos no son en nada diabólicas, captan una parte del cuerpo sana y bella”, ha añadido.

Gracias a lo Blog da Josefina (

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