1) "MBL analyzes audios attributed to Arthur do Val with sexist comments about Ukrainian women; Moro says he regrets" (G1 São Paulo, March 04, 2022, excerpts)[1]
Audios say that Ukrainian women are "easy, because they're poor". "If you take the line at the best nightclub in Brazil, it won't get to the feet of the line of refugees here", says audio attributed to the parliamentarian who is a pre-candidate for the government of São Paulo. Deputy Mônica Seixas (PSOL) said that she will ask for an explanation about the parliamentarian's trip to Europe.
By G1 SP — São Paulo
March 04, 2022 19:51 Updated 2 days ago
The leadership of the Free Brazil Movement (MBL) said this Friday (4) that it analyzes the audios attributed to state deputy Arthur do Val (Podemos), known as "Mamãe Falei" (mommy, I spoke), according to which Ukrainian women are "easy, because they're poor".
In the audios, which circulate on social networks this Friday night (4) and would have been sent to members of the MBL, there are also other macho and misogynistic statements. The deputy is a member of the MBL and a pre-candidate for the government of São Paulo for Podemos.
The statements would have been given by Arthur do Val during a trip to Ukraine. He said he traveled to send donations to Ukrainian refugees after Russia invasion to the country.
"They're easy, because they're poor. And here my Instagram letter, full of subscribers, works great. I didn't fuck anyone, but I glued in two girls, in two groups of girls. It's unbelievable how easy it is. These girls in São Paulo, you'd say good morning and she would spit in your face; and here they are super friendly", says the audio - initially released by the website Metrópoles.
(...) "I just crossed the border on foot here, from Ukraine to Slovakia. I swear, I've never seen anything like this in my life in terms of pretty girls. The female refugees line, brother. Imagine a line of I don't know, at 200 meters or more, only goddesses. No idea, unbelievable, it's an unbelievable thing. If you take the line at the best nightclub in Brazil, at the best epoch of year, it won't get to the feet of the line of refugees here."
In another excerpt, the audio says: "I have now passed four customs barriers, two little houses for each country. I counted, they are twelve goddess police. With whom you marry and you do whatever she wants. I'm sick, man, I don't even have words to express it. Four of those were pretty women that if she shits you wipe her asshole with your tongue. As soon as this war is over, I'll come back here."
(...) Former judge Sérgio Moro (Podemos), pre-candidate for the presidency, ally of the parliamentarian, regretted the audios and wants a quick position from the party. (...)
The parliamentarian is a pre-candidate for the state government by Moro's party. The former judge said the "treatment given to Ukrainian women is unacceptable".
(...) The also state deputy Mônica Seixas (PSOL) stated that she will ask for an explanation about the congressman's trip to Europe. If the authorship of the audios is proven, she said she will ask for the revocation of his mandate.
"I'm going to send a formal request for an explanation of Mamãe Falei's trip, who has not been removed from ALESP until today. In addition to that, if the authorship of the audios is proven, I will ask for the revocation of his mandate. Serious breach of decorum, as well as gender-based violence against Ukrainian women", he says.
2) Introduction to the point
According to the press, the war is uglier in Kiev and Kharkiv. The border with Slovakia, where the deputy was, is almost at the Ukraine's opposite side. By the way, we have another problem: we are seeing images of war in Ukraine as we saw images of hospitals in the CoViD-19 pandemic. In the fraudemic, we heard that the hospitals were full but the videos we saw were of empty hospitals, including field hospitals, recorded by anonymous and posted on social networks. Images from the war in Ukraine include old images from other wars and models with airsoft pistols. So, the boy wasn't looking at women's bodies in the midst of bombs, tanks and shootings. It seems that I got off topic, but at same time when I went to a minor detail, I got on the way to the main point that I'm going to address.
What did the boy say wrong? That Ukrainian women are sexually available because they are poor. That was the maximum. Elsewhere, he erred in excitement, which he later recognized on apologizing. But the disrespect to a woman was to say that she is beautiful and nice? Ah, and I draw your attention to the fact that here I'm not even going to do research on primary sources. I am analyzing the case according to what Rede Globo told us. So, I highlight an excerpt from the hairy audios according to the article itself: "these girls in São Paulo, you'd say good morning and she would spit in your face; and here they are super friendly". And from here I go to the point that I put in question.[2]
3) International Women's Day? What's a woman?
If a woman is a female human being, she is a species in extinction. What is being a woman? From conservatives to progressives, from elegant Christian men and women to semi-animal far-left lesbians, the general idea is that being a woman is to regard as an insult to dignity the very idea of being pleasant to men in any way, not only, but especially, the sexual. And all those virtues associated with women that we read and hear every early March? I will divide them into two groups. The first group is the differences between men and women that could be good for men and for society. It is far from everyday experience, and when it appears, it is usually a professional issue or service to privileged people. Kindness is something for the female attendant and the female salesperson, and for a company at the level of a large retail chain and upwards. Body beauty plus capability to decent sex is for wealthies' wives, women who want easy social or professional advancement or, at worst, for expensive hookers. Delicate body is, at most, that of the female coworker who will do light jobs and will ask for help from you robust man when she faces something heavy. Heterosexuality is a sex worker thing. And so on. The second group of virtues is that of competitive qualities (not in a good sense). It is the one that has the strength, the intelligence, the competence, etc. It is the series of qualities that, when it's false, makes a woman to be a poorly made and envious imitation of a man; and when it's true, it leaves the difference between man and woman meaningless.
As the first group of qualities, when it exists, is a stumbling block in the conservative view and a macho oppression in the lesbian-leftist view, the second group leaves us, in the end, with a legion with a majority physically similar to males with differences for the worse in the acoustic, moral and psychiatric senses. The difference between men and women only appears in order to benefit women. Or rather, to benefit women who are at best mediocre in any way, advantages apparently as an end in themselves. Not just, for example, favors for women in career progressions as some private companies advertise, or the preference for women already in the selection process. Women also have the legal right to physically assault men without the punishment that would happen the other way around.
While I associate Conservatism with physically mediocre women (it's not very explicit, but I do it), one might think of beautiful religious women and think I was wrong. But Protestant churches and conservative ideas come from Europe. So, who associates feminine beauty with Conservatism and Christian virtues? Brazilians and other Third World natives, for whom a European woman who is little less than median would be stunning.
Ah, and marriage (which if it barely makes sense for a woman who, as they say, does everything a man does and in high heels, makes even less sense for that man) can also be a source of benefits, such as alimony after divorce, in the less and less times it happens. Ops! Marriage of man and woman. It makes sense that the loss of the meaning of conventional marriage and of the very distinction between man and woman (as I have explained heretofore) coincides with the acceptance of gay civil unions and the growth of shallower heterosexual relationships, including casual sex. Ah, and also with the framing of dating in the concept of marriage, or "stable union" (before, "stable union" was the definition of marriage itself). In the latter case, in addition to that loss of meaning for the man of having a woman as a companion, the mad and infernal theater must also be fed.
Ah, and here I leave my thanks to all the male readers who are also my friends on social media who said me they dream of fucking me and sent me illustrations by private message. And I also thank my 322 friends who have fucked me. I thank you all for your friendship. I'm not a Ukrainian goddess, but I've already received a lot of affection and I'm grateful. But to those who thank me for something they received from me besides sex (or in lieu of sex, for those who haven't had the opportunity), I appreciate the opportunity to offer something good to men.
It's not just the fault of left-wing feminist women from the Second Wave onwards. There is also a participation of conservative men in the worst of this left-wing feminism precisely because, raised among unbalanced semi-illiterate women of mediocre appearance and having them as a moral reference, they brought to social standards the exaltation of precarious sexual life, the flattery to mediocre women and violent envy against women who are above physical or sexual mediocrity. I go back to that passage: "these girls in São Paulo, you'd say good morning and she would spit in your face; and here they are super friendly". From the conservative right-wing to the progressive left-wing, according to the press portal itself, no one expressed disapproval of the woman from São Paulo for responding to a man's good morning with a spit on his face, or of the boy for having said that they do that; the woman who was insulted, victim of violence against women and defended was the one called sympathetic. March 8 is not International Women's Day, it's the day of violence against women, because she's replaced at this time by medieval fantasies of dumb men, by animalistic lesbians and by female imposters in prominent positions.
[1] "MBL analisa áudios atribuídos a Arthur do Val com comentários sexistas sobre mulheres ucranianas; Moro diz lamentar", G1 São Paulo, March 04, 2022. https://g1.globo.com/sp/sao-paulo/noticia/2022/03/04/mbl-analisa-audios-atribuidos-a-arthur-do-val-que-dizem-que-ucranianas-sao-faceis-porque-sao-pobres.ghtml.
[2] You will think that of course there are other important points in this turmoil, such as the one cited by state deputy Mônica Seixas according to the article itself and that of, as a boy on Twitter said, "an agenda in which it becomes a legal obligation to maintain 24 hours a day IN PRIVATE adherence to a moral standard in terms and language set by the political system that wants to destroy you" (F4b10rms, March 05, 2022 at 4:48 PM. https://twitter.com/f4b10rms/status/1500196608520044548). You are right. But while we can see good approaches on social media on these other points, I will try to write something that no one else has written about a part that I observed.
Questo testo in italiano senza foto e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "L'8 marzo è la giornata internazionale di cosa?!", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-marzo-giornata-internazionale-di-cosa.html. Questo testo in italiano con foto e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "L'8 marzo è la giornata internazionale di cosa?!", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-marzo-giornata-internazionale-di-cosa.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Le 8 mars c'est la journée internationale de quoi?!", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-mars-journee-de-quoi.html. Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Le 8 mars c'est la journée internationale de quoi?!", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-mars-journee-de-quoi.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "¡¿El 8 de marzo es el día internacional de qué?!", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-de-marzo-dia-internacional-de-que.html. Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "¡¿El 8 de marzo es el día internacional de qué?!", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-de-marzo-dia-internacional-de-que.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness photos and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "March 8 is international day of what?!", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/03/march-8-international-day-of-what.html. This text in English with licentiousness photos and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "March 8 is international day of what?!", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/03/march-8-international-day-of-what.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "8 de março é dia internacional do quê?!", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-de-marco-dia-internacional-do-que.html. Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "8 de março é dia internacional do quê?!", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2022/03/8-de-marco-dia-internacional-do-que.html.
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha