Did you know that we are in the Fourth Wave of Feminism since 2012? I myself discovered it a few months ago. There is already an entry in Wikipedia about it[1], but I indicate the text "La cuarta ola feminista ha llegado y esto es lo que debes saber", published in the Codigo Nuevo portal, which I leave translated in the appendix. You will see in the text that the author says that "the time has come for men to speak", but only to attack masculinity and other men. But that's not the most worrying today. I will tell you some cases that seem disconnected, but they are not.
Case 1: Lesbian activists block LGBT Pride in London march to protest against trans women. "A man who says he's a lesbian is a rapist". I will leave it for you to see the fuss in the appendix. Do you think it's incoherent a man to become a woman to be a lesbian? I also thought it was, then I discovered that no, homosexualism and transsexualism are not mutually exclusive. But this case was on July 07 and on the 8th some lesbians recorded a video in support of lesbian transsexuals.[2].
Case 2: "Art student stays nude in college to show that she is not a 'sex object'". It's not from a parody profile on Twitter or an anti-left-wing page of joking, it was serious. It happened April 2015. "Monika Rostvold, a plastic arts student at Texas State University, at San Marcos, United States, performed on Monday (27) to protest against the sexualization of the female body. Monika took off her clothes and spent 45 minutes sitting half-naked on the college library stairs, blindfolded and wearing headphones."[3]
Case 3: "Video by Pole women against Feminism viralizes: 'We do not want they to say us what we should be'". Website Sempre Família (Always Family)[4]. Here, I'll be less brief because I need to select some snippets of the text.
"Feminism takes away from men the opportunity to be strong, to guide the way and to protect women. And it takes away from women their natural characteristics, such as graciousness, beauty, sensitivity and the right to be fragile. Feminism forces women to prove they can be just like men", says one of the women who appear in the production.
(...) "We would like to say that we are not interested in the world designed by feminists. We don't care about the gender ideology, queer theories, environmentalism and their other leftist ideas. We do not want they to say us what we should be", says the text accompanying the video. "It's time to show feminists that their ideology is stupid and harmful to all women. It's time to show to the normal women that there are millions of us."
Case 4: "'I do not need to be leftist to militate': meet right-wing feminists". Article by Universa, in the UOL portal[5]. When I used terms like "conservative feminism"[6], I was referring to something that I thought it was disguised, and even is. But now we have conservative women who call themselves right-wing feminists! But I will draw your attention to an excerpt of the article to begin to explain what the big problem is and what binds the four cases.
They are all against what they call "traditional feminism", which they summarize as a "radical movement", in which "women display parts of their bodies in protests" and "hurt moral and family values". They seek social change, but they define themselves as conservatives.
One case in England, one in the United States, one in Poland and one in Brazil; the four together can show us what is happening in Europe and the American continent in terms of Feminism and antifeminism.
Insane left-wing feminism still exists, is still visible, and still gains space in the big news portals as something worthy of being taken seriously, even if the report itself seems a satire. But until the Third Wave of Feminism, a woman did not declare herself to be feminist, or even claimed to be against Feminism because of punctual questions, but they enjoyed what crazy feminist women and feminist men achieved to do for her, such as the pressure for more women in better paid jobs and greater repression against real and fictitious sexual crimes of men against women. Today, it is the woman of the real people who says to the feminist movement "you don't represent me". But as if the article on that Christian website had not shown that those women want the men with the burdens of old times while they themselves add the old comforts to the modern ones, the case of the right-wing feminists shows us that some of them openly want to join the convenient part of the left-wing feminism with the life of the middle-class housewife of the 1950s. But there is one more problem: those such right-wing feminists attack caricatural feminism and they follow (they say it) the true feminism.
Feminism is in the Fourth Wave and the Conservatives are building the fifth. For starters, how long will the Fourth Wave last? Can it endure another 10 years? Even though conservative feminine antifeminism is an internal debate of Feminism as I have said, it still means that the militancy of leftist feminism has already bothered the women it claims to represent. It can get worse for women and for men, but it's not productive to let this gang to do more stupidities. By the way, they can barely talk to each other. We have seen here lesbian feminism against trans feminism. We have already had black feminism against white feminism. Even if universities and the traditional press take this movement seriously, universities are getting even further away from the real people's lives (this is more visible in Brazil) and the traditional press is losing readers. But who's going to show to this militancy where it's wrong and it will listen? The real people's woman already knows where this militancy has gone wrong, at least the part of the inconvenience (because of the convenient errors, she still accepts). This is where Conservative Feminism comes in. The Fifth Wave of Feminism is a partnership of well behaved leftist feminism with the 1950s rural Conservatism.
The aspect of sexuality shows how Conservative female antifeminism and leftist Feminism are not as contrary as women on both sides say. Some lesbian women say that transsexual lesbians are men who had surgery, another lesbian uses nudity to preach against man's sexual pleasure, and conservative feminist women (this time who say they are is not me) criticize, as if frigidity was a moral virtue, the leftist feminist women who use nudity in protest. This illustrates why the questions I asked in my text "Delation without premium"[7] remain unanswered by Conservative women.
I highlight this sexual question and it seems like I'm a nymphomaniac (I've had sex with 298 boys, but I'm not addicted to sex). As I have sometimes addressed, sex is an individual's thing. Even countries can marry, as it happened with the nobility of before the Contemporary Age, but only persons can have sex and have sexual interest. This is why there is a direct link between sexual freedom and the individual freedom in a country[8]. The attack on sex that comes from both left-wing feminism and the majority of the conservatives is against heterosexual men, even when some women are hit[9].
Another problem: man only exists in the left-wing feminism. As a sex offender, women aggressor, power thief, but he exists. But not in the right-wing feminism (or, for those who do not use the term, in the Conservative female antifeminism). There, exists the husband, the future husband, the father, the brother, the co-worker, the worker, but not a human individual. We can see this in the sexual question. Do you remember that difference between man and woman? Yeah, right this. It exists in leftist feminism. The woman has a sexuality that is repressed by society and the man has a sexuality that must be repressed by society (including in the police sense), but both exist. The Conservative woman has no libido and despises the sexuality of man. For her, the difference between man and woman lies in things like who will support the household and who will receive the supporting (or would be this difference in an old marriage).
But the Fifth Wave of Feminism will have a space for men. They will give popularity and gallantry to the conservative nymphets who began preaching against Radical Feminism in the Fourth Wave. I point out that I myself have my antifeminist work, albeit modest and little publicized, since 2006. These men will defend Conservative feminism while they attack the most insane left-wing feminism. They will remember to condemn the false allegations of sex crimes by men against women, children and adolescents in order to attack leftist feminism, but they will defend the death or chemical castration of whoever man who is merely accused of rape or pedophilia. They will attack Gender Ideology and the LGBT Movement while they also condemn prostitution, pornography, and female heterosexual sexual liberality that they think is widespread although they themselves are still virgins at 25 years old.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth-wave_feminism
[2] "Lesbians come out in support of trans people after group blocks Pride parade", Gay Star News, July 08, 2018, https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/lesbians-come-out-in-support-of-trans-people-after-group-blocks-pride-parade.
[3] "Aluna de artes fica nua na faculdade para mostrar que não é 'objeto sexual'", G1, April 28, 2015, http://g1.globo.com/educacao/noticia/2015/04/aluna-de-artes-fica-nua-na-faculdade-para-mostrar-que-nao-e-objeto-sexual.html.
[4] "Vídeo de polonesas contra o feminismo viraliza: 'Não queremos que nos digam o que devemos ser'", Sempre Família, February 13, 2018, https://www.semprefamilia.com.br/video-de-polonesas-contra-o-feminismo-viraliza-nao-queremos-que-nos-digam-o-que-devemos-ser.
[5] "'Não preciso ser de esquerda pra militar': conheça as feministas de direita", Universa, January 10, 2019, https://universa.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2019/01/10/feministas-de-direita.htm.
[6] For example, "The Two Feminisms", December 14, 2015, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-two-feminisms.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/12/the-two-feminisms.html.
[7] "Delation without premium", August 12, 2017, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/08/delation-without-premium.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/08/delation-without-premium.html.
[8] "Viva prostitution, pornography and... civil liberties", November 20, 2014, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2014/11/viva-prostitution-pornography-and-civil.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2014/11/viva-prostitution-pornography-and-civil.html.
[9] "Female sex workers' rights are women's rights, sex work is a men's right (for July 15, Men's Day in Brazil, and November 19, International Men's Day)", November 18, 2018, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/11/for-november-19-2018.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/11/for-november-19-2018.html.
"Lesbian activists block Pride in London march to protest against trans women", Gay Star News, July 07, 2018. Available at https://www.gaystarnews.com/article/lesbian-activists-protest-against-trans-women-pride-london. |
Lesbian activists block Pride in London march to protest against trans women
One of the activists shouted: 'A man who says he's a lesbian is a rapist'
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TERF activists storm and block the Pride in London parade route. | Photo: Jamie Tabberer |
7 July 2018 13:12 GMT James Besanvalle and Jamie Tabberer
A group of lesbian activists blocked the start of the Pride in London march today (7 July) in protest against transgender women.
A group of eight women stormed the parade route without accreditation. Then five of them laid down on the road in front of the parade and draped a banner over them.
The banner read: ‘Transactivism erases lesbians’.
They then blocked the parade route for about 10 minutes. One of the activists shouted out: ‘A man who says he’s a lesbian is a rapist’
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Photo: Gay Star News |
The group also had a banner that said ‘Lesbian = female homosexual’, as well as flyers with the organization ‘Get the L out’ as the headline.
The flyer states: ‘The trans movement is… coercing lesbians to have sex with men. We firmly condemn this vicious form of anti-lesbianism disguised as progress.’
Lesbian activist: ‘Only women can be lesbians’
Speaking to Gay Star News, Jan Williams from Object said: ‘Transgenderism is conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is wrong.’
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Photo: Gay Star News |
She continued: ‘Only women can be lesbians. A man who has surgery can never be a lesbian.’
Sarah Mason, founder of Get The L Out, told GSN: ‘It’s a coalition of individual lesbians and feminists. It’s also feminist organizations such as Object, Mayday 4 Women, Critical Sisters and Lesbian Rights Alliance.’
She said her sexuality is seen as transphobic and exclusive ‘just because we are women attracted to women.’
‘We don’t want any kind of penis in our bedroom,’ she said. ‘I’m really sad I have to reassert this again.
‘It’s everywhere online – it’s everywhere in LGBTQ centres,’ she said.
Gay Star News reached out to Pride in London for comment. Watch coverage of Pride in London 2018 including the start of the hijacked parade:
UPDATE: A Pride in London spokesperson told Gay Star News:
‘Every year, Pride is attended by hundreds of thousands of people who demonstrate that Pride still matters. Given the hot weather and in the interest of the safety for everyone attending today’s event, the parade group was allowed to move ahead.
‘We do not condone their approach and message and hope the actions of a very small number people does not overshadow the messages of the 30,000 people marching today,’ the spokesperson said.
"La cuarta ola feminista ha llegado y esto es lo que debes saber", Codigo Nuevo, March 05, 2018. Available at https://www.codigonuevo.com/mileniales/cuarta-ola-feminista-llegado-debes. |
The feminist fourth wave has arrived and this is what you should know
Consider yourself lucky: you are live participating in the fourth wave of feminism. Many have been the achievements of the Enlightenment to the present and many, also, are those that we still have to reach and consolidate. But here we are, fighting for our rights and resisting the cut that some political and individual agents foresee on the women's freedoms. Here are the ten things you should know about this fourth wave of feminism:
1. The personal is virtual
The Internet has become the most recurring strategy of the feminist movement. It encourages participation, access to the main subjects of debate or the diversity of opinions. In the digital age, Twitter, YouTube, Instragram, Facebook or personal blogs are presented today as the new political banners. The last milestone in this direction was the #MeToo campaign to report sexual abuse in Hollywood, do you remember? The collective force has already become a global cry against this scourge.
2. Sorority against machismo
In this fourth wave, feminism ceased to be monolithic. We must be aware of the fragmentation and face it from the dialogue: we need real spaces for debate and not just acts that justify commemorative days or subsidies. It is possible that ones and others may have different points of view on certain questions, but we must never forget who the enemy is: the patriarchal system.
3. Once rights are won, now is the time to consolidate them
Spain suspends in equality and measures against the macho violence. This was indicated by the UN in the 2015 report of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). It also reaffirmed this last year. In view of this, equality policies, budget increases in health and education, as well as the State Pact against macho violence are urgently needed. We must not forget that women's lives and quality of life are at stake.
4. Ultraconservative attacks return
If in the 1980s were Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan the main threats against feminism, today this set returns in the figures of Marine Le Pen and Donald Trump. Opinion leaders, media and neo-Nazi groups continue to declare their war on feminism and women. They range from ridiculing the feminist movement to accusing feminists that they are indoctrinating with what they call gender ideology. We have to be attentive to their manipulations and, above all, do not fall into superfluous provocations. After all, this is what they want: to destabilize us.
5. Equal maternity and paternity rights
The appearance of equality has been installed in many families, and before that, not a few women are forced to choose between motherhood and their profession. The Basque Country is the first community to have equalized, by law, the duration of maternity leave and paternity leave, fully guaranteeing the economic remuneration. It did this among its employees. Perhaps this is the first step to extend this measure in other autonomous communities and labor sectors.
Still do not you know why this is necessary? This measure aims to encourage the shared and equal parenting of children and the housework, to reduce the labour discrimination suffered by women after motherhood and to promote in men an active and involved parenthood since the birth or adoption of a child.
6. Let's talk about feminisms
Ecofeminism, transfeminism, feminism of difference, of equality, liberal, radical, libertarian, islamic, gypsy, queer or postcolonial... different feminist currents that represent their own itinerary against machismo. We are learning that there are different ways of expressing that we are feminists, intertwining new points of view and discovering how to apply the cross-cutting approach in the personal and in the political.
But attention! All of them have a common basis: questioning the patriarchal system and denouncing the violence, discrimination and inequality suffered by women. The difference adds nuances, other itineraries of action, different strategies of political or social defense, but the end remains unequivocal: the real and effective equality between women and men.
7. Contradictions and feminist culture
Don't you know how to stand before certain debates? Do you think you are not able to have your own opinions on some subjects? It's time to go back to the classics. Take a break on Twitter and dare with those works of feminism still relevant today: The feminine mystique (1963) by Betty Friedan, The sister, the foreigner by Audre Lorde (1984), Embrace life: woman, ecology and development (1995) by Vandana Shiva, Science and feminism (1996) by Sandra Harding, or Vamps & Tramps: beyond feminism (2001) by Camille Paglia.
8. Don't fall into slacktivism
It is what is known as armchair activism. The word is made up of slacker and activism. It belongs to people who believe they feel fulfilled with the feminist struggle by sharing news about gender or campaigns on Change.org. The problem is not sharing, but believing that political influence is reduced to mere online visibility and opting for a comfortable, individualistic and hypocritical way of making feminism. If you really want to eradicate gender inequality, it's important to leave your comfort zone: get together, join, collaborate... Have you ever thought about becoming a volunteer or partner with any NGO that works on gender issues?
9. It's time for men to talk
In a society where male violence and sexual assault are, unfortunately, more common than they seem, why do men go on without dare to acknowledge that they have friends who are rapists, aggressors, and harassers? If men want to actively participate in the feminist struggle, they must first challenge the traditional model of masculinity, theirs and in their surroundings. His silence is complicit in the ostracism and suffering suffered by the victims.
10. Farewell to female complacency
The time has come to break the role of the good girl and to face the world with courage and determination. The rejection of female complacency is generating new forms of leadership and also of that some gentlemen feel very offended. We do not want that gender stereotypes to limit our abilities and skills, to make us doubt ourselves, and convince us that we are not worthy to be opinion leaders in our profession or as absolute protagonists of our lives. We do not want to be for others.
We want to be ourselves: free, equal and diverse. We want this to be finally possible on this fourth wave.
Questo testo in italiano senza video e fumetti di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Il femminismo è già nella Quarta Ondata, ma le donne conservatrici stanno creando la quinta", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/02/il-femminismo-e-gia-nella-quarta-ondata.html. Questo testo in italiano con video e fumetti di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Il femminismo è già nella Quarta Ondata, ma le donne conservatrici stanno creando la quinta", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/02/il-femminismo-e-gia-nella-quarta-ondata.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos et bandes dessinées de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Le Féminisme est déjà dans la Quatrième Vague, mais les femmes conservatrices en créant la cinquième", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/02/le-feminisme-est-deja-dans-la-quatrieme.html. Ce texte en français avec vidéos et bandes dessinées de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Le Féminisme est déjà dans la Quatrième Vague, mais les femmes conservatrices en créant la cinquième", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/02/le-feminisme-est-deja-dans-la-quatrieme.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin vídeos y cómics de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "El feminismo ya está en la Cuarta Ola, pero las mujeres conservadoras están creando la quinta", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/02/el-feminismo-ya-esta-en-la-cuarta-ola.html. Eso texto en español con vídeos y cómics de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "El feminismo ya está en la Cuarta Ola, pero las mujeres conservadoras están creando la quinta", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/02/el-feminismo-ya-esta-en-la-cuarta-ola.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos and comics at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Feminism is already in the Fourth Wave, but conservative women are creating the fifth", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/02/feminism-is-already-in-fourth-wave-but.html. This text in English with licentiousness videos and comics at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Feminism is already in the Fourth Wave, but conservative women are creating the fifth", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/02/feminism-is-already-in-fourth-wave-but.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos e cartuns de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "O Feminismo já está na Quarta Onda, mas as mulheres conservadoras estão criando a quinta", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2019/02/o-feminismo-ja-esta-na-quarta-onda-mas.html. Texto original em português com vídeos e cartuns de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "O Feminismo já está na Quarta Onda, mas as mulheres conservadoras estão criando a quinta", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2019/02/o-feminismo-ja-esta-na-quarta-onda-mas.html.
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha