In the left-wing, any high schooler knows that the History does not jump and that, as Heraclitus of Ephesus said, "the man who returns to the same river, nor the river is the same river, nor man is the same man". In the libertarian-conservative milieu, you can be a politician, an economist, a newspaper columnist or even a thinker without knowing it.
Is it true that the First Wave of Feminism had the support of the conservatives? Is that why they only started to speak bad of the feminist movement in the Second Wave and especially in the Third Wave, even so as it was an invasion of Paradise in the 1960s? And if the Catholic Church transformed a peasant woman from an obscure province of the Roman Empire into an ill-made copy of a Babylonian goddess, how could it have prevented Feminism?
Why is no one enterprise and almost no one businessman known for advocating Libertarianism, but several billionaires publicly advocate leftist causes? In Brazil, the supporters of Libertarianism worked on the Internet with donations or own resources or, at most, as isolated columns of big newspapers when we discovered in 2014 that some of the country's biggest businessmen financed the Workers' Party and were favored by it since the government Lula or before. Why?
If the Communists preach social justice, why did the socialist movement begin in the industrial powers of the nineteenth century, not in miserable countries with nothing to lose?
Why does the socialist movement prefer to preserve something distorted under the name of Christian church instead of destroying nominal Christianity, like it destroyed the traditional one as an noteworthy idea? How the thesis that all men are evil, which is a misanthropy of frustrated illiterates, can it be a fundamental point of a religion and it to have more than two billion adherents in the world? And what is its responsibility for a movement in which women despise the men, blacks despise the whites, supposedly poors despise the richs, etc? Better: how can anyone who preaches that all human beings are sinners condemn the Antispecism Nucleus of the Socialism and Liberty Party[01] or the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement[02]?
Two data that are public and without serious questioning: the traditional Catholic faith diminishes with the level of schooling and the Catholic Church censured the reading of its own Bible by its adherents until the middle of the twentieth century. So, how can a conservative denounce that the leftist movement produced the increase of the functional illiterates in a public network of education that was a project of the socialists themselves? If conservatives say that in Brazil or the United States, you can have a degree without decently interpreting an average text (and this is true), how education was before and how we went from the Promised Land to the sight of Hell without anyone noticing what was going on?
What were the essential differences between the consolidation of Roman Catholicism and the implementation of the Soviet Union or the Chinese Cultural Revolution, beyond, for example, the Catholic Church only did not destroy the evidence that even the year of the supposed birth of Jesus Christ was not known until 532 because it planned to walk on misery and illiteracy?
If feminist women say their countries are macho or homosexual activists say their countries are homophobic in the largest newspapers and television channels in their countries, what is the difference between them and those who said themselves surrounded by losts and enemies of the Gospel when their countries had insignificant number of non-Catholic-Protestants? What may leftist militants who see machismo, homophobia or racism even in colleagues of the own collective to which they belong have learned from the reign of the Catholic-Protestant Holy Inquisition, in which unsuccessful illiterates denounced one another's real or imaginary heresies?
Why the data that socialist governments had caused 100 million deaths within their own country in times of peace was only raised by historians who said themselves Marxists, by the way, an under estimate according to the authors themselves?[03] If any rightist already uses this data in social networks, why does not this data appear in the mainstream media, except in the isolated spaces that very few of them has achieved? But if the authors who brought us this data considered, for example, deaths from hunger and lack of health infrastructure, why not count for the Catholic Church, for example, 25 million deaths from black plague in Europe only from 1347 to 1351[04], or, at least, the Jews killed accused of spreading the disease?
Why do anti-pornography conservatives repeat the same lies, sometimes using the same material, of the leftist feminist women who consider, in practice and some of them also in the discourse, that straight sex is disrespectful to women? Why does a conservative antifeminist woman say that the same Feminism that preaches or tolerates the preaching of straight sex is rape or that men should be mass exterminated encourages female heterosexual sexual liberality? And why does a typical feminist woman replicate that it is the conservative society that promotes the trivialization of sex in general and of female sensuality in particular?
Why do conservatives say that socialist and leftist tendency governments have created or create policial states and control boss-employee relations in private enterprise while they say that snooping on social networks and the off-duty employees' lives is their right? When a woman has a naked picture or a sex video posted on the internet and she is fired from her job, why does the right-wing say that the enterprise does what it wants and the left-wing does not say anything or, as is fashionable today, it's feeding some false report of sexual harassment or rape?
Anti-leftist websites are censored on the internet, as well as pages and profiles of conservatives in social networks, and when words common among anti-left-wingers and anti-feminists are used in comments on pages of some newspapers on the internet, the comment is automatically blocked. What did they take advantage of the censorship of books, art works and words considered obscene in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, not to mention the "familiar" filters of the networks themselves for connecting to the internet? In which the police and legal repression against adultery, prostitution and what was closest to the pornography of Christian countries at that epoch contributed to the vigilance of the common citizen in the socialist countries? What is the link between the public repudiation of the rape by men against women that is shown even in the Bible and the banalization of false denunciations, which also has a case already in the book of Genesis, encouraged by the leftist movements? How does the general aversion against what are called sexual crimes, including adultery, help to camouflage political prisons and murders in socialist governments? Better: if these political murders are included in those 100 million deaths, why does the book itself that brings this data, "The Black Book of Communism", circulate basically on the Internet and among fewer people than those who ask for arrest or death of anyone accused of mistreating a cat or a dog?
Why can conservatives can show in today extreme left the same kinds of insanity and incoherence that atheists showed in religious 15 years ago? Is it a coincidence that most of the countries that were Socialists were Catholic-Protestant before?
The worst of the right and the worst of the left is not where they diverge, that's where they are alike. The Horseshoe Theory, which says that the extreme left and the extreme right are close, is a huge imbecility... unless Socialism and "free initiative" are NOT opposite ideas.
If we go to research, we should find some books showing how English and American money financed the socialist internationals and the Soviet Union (and who profited from it); maybe also exist books showing how a series of heretics perverted Catholic-Protestantism within to adapt it to the times and to save it from being buried by its own insignificance. But that would be only a formal confirmation of what I explained here, and it is only less difficult today because of the press, the democracy and the internet. An agreement between two groups is not of public knowledge where both have the interest in the secret and pratically all vehicles of expression and means of dissemination. But today, after the old was badly spoken and the new one did not look so good, the two sides can denounce one another: the progressive to hide its parasitism, the conservative to hide its stupidity.
[01] "PSOL lança Núcleo Antiespecismo com debate sobre libertação animal", ANDA (News Agency for Animal Rights), July 16, 2014,
[03] COURTOIS, Stéphane; WERTH, Nicolas; PANNÉ, Jean-Louis; PACZKOWSKI, Andrzej; BARTOSEK, Karel e MARGOLIN, Jean-Louis. The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, terror, repression, p. 7-8.
[04] "O que foi a peste negra e quanta gente ela matou?", Mundo Estranho, April 18, 2011,
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Delazione senza premio", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Delazione senza premio", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Délation sans prime", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Délation sans prime", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Delación sin premio", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Delación sin premio", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Delation without premium", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Delation without premium", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Delação sem prêmio", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Delação sem prêmio",
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