I have been saying for at least three months in conservative forums:
1) It is not for lack of preaching lack of sex as moral superiority, of boycotting another's sexual life, of frightening off men near the teenage daughters, of criminalizing prostitution and pornography or of ignoring the murders of prostitutes that conservatives have been defeated by Feminism for 50 years.
2) Until the 2000s, many intelligent and excellent character people joined the left-wing just to not associate with Christians, because much of the public image of the Christian as a neurotic gimnophobic provincial was true.
3) The grandmother of the girl who participated in the Slut Walk married virgin with her only husband, with her father invigilating the dating of the two; thus, what was called morality and good manners was glorification of the semi-illiteracy and of the lack of orgasm.
4) At least since the 90s, the leftist militancy eats in the breakfast the nostalgic campaign of the Victorian era and the typical arguments of the right-wing, being the rumor of "socialization of the women" was only one of several answered by Karl Marx himself in Communist Manifesto in 1848.
5) The growing success of the Socialist movement proves the opposite of the Christian jingoism that Christianity has survived 18 centuries until the Communist Manifesto defended by peasants against powerful and dedicated enemies.
6) For all that, the Christian right-wing only gained visibility because the left-wing has grown enough to show that it manages to be worse.
7) Since, however, the leftist militancy had dominated culture, press and universities, and had neutralized almost all the conservative resistance, the loss of prestige or of arguments of a leftist movement does not mean a victory for the right-wing.
To say that the women of the present generation are whores is a thing of envious provincial cows, and angry fuck-nobody. The low sexual availability of the feminine universe makes sexual frustration almost unanimity. But there are four groups of people according the attitude related to sexual frustration. The first is of the anti-sexual sociopaths neurotic persons, who want to ensure their own neurosis as themselves' right. The second is of the anti-sexual neurotic persons who do not want their stupidity and misfortune only for themselves, they also want to spread them as a standard of the social group. The third is that of people seeking a better quality of sexual life for themselves without harming other people. The fourth (which is my case) is that of people who not only seek to divide pleasure with partners in sexual life, they also seek a cultural change so that frustration is no longer character value and that its imposition ceases to be social standard, so that this quality of life, not only sexual, be closer to normal for the community. The first group is the worst part of the LGBT-Feminism. The second group are almost all within the Christian right-wing. The third and fourth groups are almost all at the moderate left-wing.
Churchwomen, in general physically, intellectually and sexually without eye-catchers, think that supporting the feminist hatred of male heterosexuality, they will seize from men all the sex and any vision of a decent female body (though naked) beyond what themselves and their daughters offer grudgingly. Only they and their frustrated husbands take seriously the sensational preaching about the evils of pornography, made by preachers without decent sex life or by female former sex workers paid to please that kind of audience. The young people in the churches are already knowing pornography firsthand, and asininities on pornography as well.
Oh, and have you observed that more disgusting feminist girls are, most, even "cutesy" (vision of the boys)? The horrendous or fat feminist women only gain attention because they are "educated" or because the "cutesy" prepared the way for them. Can you imagine the Slut Walk ONLY with ugly face and body, uneducated, poor women, all showing dire bellies, square butts and ridiculous breasts in the center of the city, with the slogan "My Body, My Rules", asking not to be harassed sexually? All the people would laugh or would want to throw up, the march would fail and they never would do another one again. We see (I more) a "cute" feminist woman, we look at her ideas and we do not see the body, but many boys are attracted to the visual for what they have yet of heterosexuality, and from there to the ideas.
Feminism boom in the Second Wave was to add men and women who did not want heterosexuality were treated as dirty. Men who today say the sluts have or should have the right to have sex with or show the body to whomever they want hope that they themselves will have more quality of life and heterosexual sexual availability. The right-wing, especially the Christian, chose to demonize or to not discuss heterosexual sexual freedom. Now, the dispute that may decide the heterosexual sexual freedom, that is so much individual liberty as freedom of expression, will not be between right-wing and left-wing, will be of moderate leftists against the worst of Lesbian-feminism. It's not because the right-wing is omitted, it is because when it is manifested, it joins the worse of Feminism or has a socialist mentality. I will give some examples:
1) The C-Fam portal (Center for Family and Human Rights) published on September 19 the article "Amnesty’s Prostitution Stance Challenged"[01], where Rachel Moran says that "Young women with choices are not going to say, 'I'll go into the sex trade instead of going to college.'" Almost a year and a half earlier, April 14, 2014, Belle Knox published the article "I Don't Want Your Pity: Sex Work and Labor Politics" on The Huffington Post[02], presenting herself as "a sex-positive feminist and an activist for sex-worker rights". She performed in pornographic movies to pay her tuition bill, she confirmed that being a porn star was not the job of her dreams, but she said: "Sex work is work: It's a job. I'm lucky in that the job I chose to pay my bills just so happens to empower me and reward me in ways I didn't imagine it could. I love my job."
2) This same Rachel Moran published in the New York Times on August 28 the article titled "Buying Sex Should Not Be Legal"[03]. She dropped early in beginning. She says in the article that "There is an alternative: an approach, which originated in Sweden" (it had to be a feminist country!) "called the 'Nordic model'. The concept is simple: Make selling sex legal but buying it illegal - so that women can get help without being arrested, harassed or worse, and the criminal law is used to deter the buyers, because they fuel the market". On International Whore Day, almost three months earlier, there was a parade of prostitutes in Honduras asking, among other things, the punishment of cases of prostitute murders and the regulation of prostitution.[04] Those prostitutes demanded conditions to the government to exercise prostitution, not to get out of it. More: Rachel Moran challenged "Amnesty’s Prostitution Stance" because "Amnesty's resolution 'supports the full decriminalization of all aspects of consensual sex work.'" A-ha! All that personal history of a teen that suffered was to prohibit good sex among adults who respect one another!
3) In Brazil, the page of group Revoltados On Line at Facebook was blocked and its administrators were suspended a week before the parades on 16 August against the Workers Party's government, organized also by this group, with leftist militants publishing pornography on the page in order to others to do massive reports.[05] A month later, two feminists created the project "Mamilo Livre" (Nipple Free), calling for an end of censorship to female nipples in photos shared on Facebook, arguing that a picture of a shirtless man is not censored[06].
4) The Independent published on September 12 an article on a study that showed that men consumers of pornography have more attitudes towards gender equality than non-users.[07] The contrary to what both lesbo-nazists and false testimonies that circulate in Christian circles say. Three days later, the Christian Page ChurchMilitant.com celebrates censorship by the Russian government to Pornhub announced a week earlier.[08]
5) Christian rightists celebrated the arrest in the United States of the teacher Brianne Altice for having sex with three teenage students. Even though the boys were 16 and 17 years old, it was called pedophilia by commentators in the Brazilian page Mulheres Contra o Feminismo (Women Against Feminism).[09] This happened two weeks after the approval of gay marriage in the same country. For those who did not understand: who was already "ass inspector" for being against gay marriage became also "pussy inspector" for applauding the arrest of the teacher.
I wrote still in 2009 about how the censorship against pornography could turn into state censorship against political opposition, and I realized it only by accessing pornography in cyber cafe and being blocked (or even expelled from the store, especially because I was underage).[10] There is not individual freedom if a man can be imprisoned because he seeks a prostitute or a woman because she is one. Defending the end of labor laws in the name of stopping the interference of the State in the companies and being in favour of the dismissal of a female store clerk because she had sexy photos on WhatsApp is own goal, is to confirm what Karl Marx said that the bourgeoisie understands that freedom is only valid to Capitalism and democracy for themselves. It is not coincidence that all dictatorships criminalize prostitution and pornography, some of them also homosexuality, even that some of them have begun advocating the "morals": if the body is part of the individual, the individual freedoms include sexual freedom; thus, striving against sexual freedom is striving against the individual freedoms. The right-wing did not realize it until today. If the radical Feminism win, we will have a hellish life in the Chinese style, almost without possible political opposition. When the radical Feminism is expelled from the social life by kicks, the Christian right-wing will go along. With Puritanism, there is not possible victory to the right-wing. The nineteenth century is not an option.
[01] https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/amnestys-prostitution-stance-challenged
[02] "I Don't Want Your Pity: Sex Work and Labor Politics", The Huffington Post, April 14, 2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/belle-knox/sex-work-politics_b_5148528.html
[03] "Buying Sex Should Not Be Legal", New York Times, August 29, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/29/opinion/buying-sex-should-not-be-legal.html
[04] "Honduras: trabajadoras sexuales marchan por sus derechos" (Honduras: sex workers march for their rights), El Comercio, Lima (Peru), June 3, 2015, http://elcomercio.pe/mundo/latinoamerica/honduras-trabajadoras-sexuales-marchan-sus-derechos-noticia-1815866
[05] "Facebook bloqueia publicações de evento do protesto marcado para 16 de agosto e suspende ativistas" (Facebook blocks publications of an event of the protest scheduled for August 16 and suspends activists), Folha Política, August 10, 2015, http://www.folhapolitica.org/2015/08/facebook-bloqueia-publicacoes-de-evento.html.
[06] "Dupla de ativistas cria petição por fim da censura a mamilos femininos no Facebook" (A twosome of activists creates petition for the end of censorship to female nipples on Facebook), Extra, October 01, 2015, http://extra.globo.com/noticias/viral/dupla-de-ativistas-cria-peticao-por-fim-da-censura-mamilos-femininos-no-facebook-17663000.html
[07] The study is "Is Pornography Really about 'Making Hate to Women'? Pornography Users Hold More Gender Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample" and can be seen at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00224499.2015.1023427. The article by The Independent is "Watching porn does not cause negative attitudes to women, study finds", and is in http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/watching-porn-does-not-cause-negative-attitudes-to-women-study-finds-10498204.html.
[08] "Russia Blocks World's Biggest Porn Site", September 15, 2015, http://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/russia-versus-porn
[09] I gathered some comments in "Seu corpo, minhas leis episódio 3: duas semanas depois da aprovação do casamento gay nos Estados Unidos, professora é presa por sexo hétero (e a equipe Mulheres Contra o Feminismo apoia)" - Your body, my laws episode 3: Two weeks after gay marriage approval in the United States, teacher is arrested for heterosexual sex (and Women Against Feminism team supports it) -, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com.br/2015/07/seu-corpo-minhas-leis-episodio-3-duas.html
[10] "Em nome da proteção às crianças e aos adolescentes, vamos dar apoio a um Estado fascista-muçulmanóide?" (In the name of protecting children and adolescents, will we support a Fascist-Muslim-like State?), January 05, 2009, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com.br/2009/01/em-nome-da-protecao-as-criancas-e-aos.html
"I Don't Want Your Pity: Sex Work and Labor Politics", by Belle Knox, The Huffington Post, April 14, 2014. Available at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/belle-knox/sex-work-politics_b_5148528.html.
I Don't Want Your Pity: Sex Work and Labor Politics
Duke porn star; sex-positive feminist; activist for sex-worker rights
Posted: 04/14/2014, 5:43 pm EDT Updated: 06/14/2014, 5:59 am EDT
I recently received an email from a man in Colorado:
Earlier in your story you mention due to high cost of Duke [University] and not wanting to end up with huge amount of loans, and also having no special training for other types of jobs, you decided to get into porn. In a way you are hinting and making the case for you not having a choice and I mean economical choice.
In other words, if you had other socially acceptable skills to market, most probably you would have done other things and not getting into porn.
Lack of economic choice in the first place makes other choices that follow hard to accept as free will choices, due to necessities.
Ah, the desperate exchange. This is not a unique or nuanced point of view. The concept of the desperate exchange permeates discussions about sex work. I've been confronted with it in interviews, in class discussions, and in communications with friends. How could I possibly be empowered through necessity?
People assume that my support for sex workers and porn is somehow invalidated because I chose to do porn for the money rather than for love. They act as though this is some shocking victory for them because being a sex worker wasn't my dream job -- because as a little girl I didn't write "I want to be a porn star" on career day, or excitedly tell everyone around me about how excited I was to someday have sex on camera for money. Or because my teacher didn't tell me I could be anything I want to be: an astronaut, the president, even a porn star! Apparently because I didn't dream of living this life -- because it was "necessary" -- it now somehow reverts to being morally wrong, and I become another pitiable whore to be dismissed at leisure.
Porn wasn't my only option, but it was the most prudent, the most shrewd -- trading the smallest amount of my time for the maximum profit, on my schedule. I could quite easily have taken out loans to cover my tuition bill, but I chose not to. Why be $50,000 or more in debt when it simply wasn't necessary? I was not making what economists call a desperate exchange.
A desperate exchange in the labor market is one motivated by poverty -- by necessity -- the steal-to-feed-your-family analogy. Yes, of course I do porn for money. It's a job, not a summer retreat. Why else do we labor at things if not to see a profit? The entire purpose of labor in the economic market is to yield some result -- whether it be money, goods, etc. The majority of people don't work every day for fun; they do it because they want -- they need -- something in exchange. Do you honestly think that the people working at McDonald's flipping burgers and responding to rude customers on a daily basis would come to work every day if they weren't getting paid? Moreover, do you think as a child their dream job was to do this? Is their desire for better working conditions, or their defense of their industry, somehow the lesser for it? No.
The argument that people should only work in jobs that they enjoy or find empowering comes from a place of privilege. Avoiding student loans means that I put myself in the position of privilege that allows me to be able pick and choose my employer more carefully, rather than take the first job that's offered to me simply to start clawing myself out of debt. In today's America, jobs are scarce and unemployment is teetering on the brink of double digits; the situation is no more cheerful for graduates. It is extremely unrealistic and disingenuous to act as though we can all get our desirable, dream profession. Often we do work we don't enjoy, because we have families to provide for or bills to pay, or, like the majority of the student body I hope to graduate with, loans to repay. It doesn't make their job immoral or illegitimate.
I was lecturing at a class last week and taking questions when I was asked by a female student, "Would you still do porn if you didn't need the money?"
I replied, "No."
She looked shocked. The entire class was buzzing. I felt puzzled. It all seems so intuitive. I wouldn't do labor for free. No one would.
But the crux of the issue is not the idea of me being involved in a mutually beneficial transaction. The issue is that it's porn. All of our discussions surrounding desperate exchanges or last resorts arise when we discuss taboo markets -- especially sex work.
If I had been a doctor standing before the class, would I have been asked that same question?
No. Because being a doctor is a "respectable" job. But our idea of respectability is predicated on social and economic oppressions, to wit: being a sex worker is not respectable or morally acceptable. We assign a cultural significance to sex; it is for procreation and the preservation of the family unit. We are told it is for romance, it is special, cherished and not commodified, but meanwhile sex screams at us from every billboard and television channel. Sex can be used to sell everything except for sex itself. Sex work, then, is dirty, it is sleazy, it is something only truly desperate people do. The pity and subsequent marginalization of sex workers as people to be rescued, or damaged, goods is grossly offensive and contributes to the caricature of the street walker: it dismisses and erases the person behind the job, no more so than when we paint all fast food workers as high school dropouts. The desire to see people in work we would not choose for ourselves as victims is immature and reactionary, and it harms the people within those professions by creating a line between us and them.
Sex work is work: It's a job. I'm lucky in that the job I chose to pay my bills just so happens to empower me and reward me in ways I didn't imagine it could. I love my job. I don't deny for a second that this isn't the reality for everyone, and we need their stories too, but not to be stolen, reworked and retold by banner-waving academics or politicians, or minced up and stamped into cookie-cutter whores for television dramas. The theft of our voices, our narratives, devalues us as people; and allows us to be silenced.
So please, before you pity a sex worker, or talk to me about my "desperation," consider the privilege that you are have when you look down on me, and realize that you, too, engage in a "desperate exchange" every day you drive to work -- if you're blessed enough to have a job.
Follow Belle Knox on Twitter: www.twitter.com/belle_knox
Questo testo in italiano senza film di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La libertà sessuale, la pornografia e la legalizzazione della prostituzione non porteranno la società al collasso, solo la destra cristiana", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/10/liberta-destra-cristiana.html Questo testo in italiano con film di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "La libertà sessuale, la pornografia e la legalizzazione della prostituzione non porteranno la società al collasso, solo la destra cristiana", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/la-liberta-sessuale-la-pornografia-e-la.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La libertad sexual, la pornografía y la legalización de la prostitución no llevarán la sociedad a colapsarse, sólo la derecha cristiana", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/11/libertad-derecha-cristiana.html Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "La libertad sexual, la pornografía y la legalización de la prostitución no llevarán la sociedad a colapsarse, sólo la derecha cristiana", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/la-libertad-sexual-la-pornografia-y-la.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Sexual freedom, pornography and legalization of the prostitution won't cause society to collapse, only the Christian right-wing", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/10/freedom-christian-right-wing.html This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "Sexual freedom, pornography and legalization of the prostitution won't cause society to collapse, only the Christian right-wing", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/sexual-freedom-pornography-and.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A liberdade sexual, a pornografia e a legalização da prostituição não vão levar a sociedade à ruína, só a direita cristã", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2015/11/liberdade-direita-crista.html Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A liberdade sexual, a pornografia e a legalização da prostituição não vão levar a sociedade à ruína, só a direita cristã", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/10/a-liberdade-sexual-pornografia-e.html
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