01) "There is not just a lot of competition to get on television, but also competition between the channels. I simply found a way to put myself ahead and also to ensure that my channel gets the best ratings".[01] "So it was obvious that if I wanted to make it I had to be brave and offer something different".[02] Enki Bracaj, about when she used a blouse open, showing part of her breasts, in a test to be anchor in the news on the Albanian Zjarr Channel. This case happened June, but it became public only late September (articles about it in several news portals worldwide are dated 22). The video of her half-topless displayed in the TV became viral on the internet.
02) Heloísa Aun, in the Brazilian website Catraca Livre: "A fact that happened in Albania reinforces the idea that society doctrine women to believe that their primary social value does not come from who they are or their interests, but from their physical appearance".[03] This thesis of "doctrination of women by society" in this way is refuted precisely by episodes like this (otherwise, this appeal would not be the "something different" of ONE girl), but Lesbian-feminism is a mental handicap which disables someone to see and to understand the real world happenings. But here's something that gives some evidence of that Feminist women hate men and women who please men.
03) Albania is 60 percent Muslim. It gives us a measure of lack of sex in the country, thus, a measure of the impact of a vision of a girl allowing her breasts been seen through a open blouse in a TV news. But there is another point here: where are those Muslims who curse the Western women's clothes? What I am trying to point out? Not only typical women are bold only when it's not risky, Islamism also is not always risky for mediocre women. There was an epoch when some anti-feminists thought Islam could be a heal against Feminism. But they woke up when Muslims started to assault their brothers and themselves in their own countries, instead only women without burka.
04) Mrs. Enki Bracaj asked permission of her parents to show part of her breasts in a TV program![04] Probably they would not let you, honest boy, even talk with their daughter before them, but I will skip this point. I will skip also the point that they allowed it. I'd like to highlight that she asked permission of her parents. Family is the sustainer of the stupidity and the mediocrity in the society. Why would not the family give background to the slutness, even when it has two Muslim parents? The Conservative jingoism about family is, by itself, a mixing of not being able to see it and not wanting to see it. Perhaps some Christian Conservatives can be somewhat surprised with this detail. I am not. I wrote about it still in 2006.[05]
05) I tried to find something decent about the girl, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, but browsing in her own Facebook page, you will see it is similar to any stupid lesbian bitch's profile. Here goes a post in September 10, twelve days before the world knew how she could reach so high... and why she had to use her tits for it[06]:

06) Since we are chatting about female news anchors, let us remember one who the Brazilian readers know well: Rachel Sheherazade. You, Brazilian reader, probably knew her because of a video in which she criticizes the Carnival, remembering the fistfights, the resources that lack in everyday life shifted to attend to drunken merrymakers, etc. Because of the success of this video, Rachel was lifted from a regional channel to the national news of the network, presenting SBT Brasil.[07] There, she made many great comments more about facts in Brazil. We can see them at http://rachelsheherazade.blogspot.com. She is a Conservative Christian, that video has a portion somewhat puritan, here are what I disagree with her though I don't like Carnival too, but she was dismissed from SBT exactly because she was so much higher than typical Brazilian journalism, of idiots, mediocres, cowards and mercenaries. While the world was seeing how Enki got to the "top", Rachel was preparing her book "O Brasil tem cura" (Brazil has healing).[08]

Well, reader, I am saying it because I had a prankster thought in which I'd like to engage you: what if Rachel Sheherazade had the same courage, the same smartness, the same moral excellence, but she had the curves, e. g., of Nikki Benz, and if we watched those same videos?

You, male reader, what would you notice with more attention if Rachel Sheherazade had a body like this: her ideas and personality or her "airbags", even though in behaved clothes? Answer: you would think to yourself: "this woman is bold, righteous, intelligent, skilled, demolisher and HOTTIE AS FUCK".

07) Three days after we knew Enki Bracaj (we outside Albania and Serbia), we know that "Woman who was hired as a TV reporter after revealing her breasts during an audition is suspended... after agreeing to reveal her breasts in Playboy".[09] The same bosses who said "it doesn't seem to be doing any harm to her viewing figures"[10] when she entered said "she should concentrate on the journalism and her studies". But the truth is that Playboy would reveal the Enki Bracaj's "something different" better than the Zjarr Channel news.
08) In the news about Enki Bracaj going to appear in Playboy, we are also reported that "nudity and even topless bathing are still taboo in conservative Albania, where some 60 per cent of the population are Muslim". Did they mean that she entered bothering Feminist women and she exited because she bothered conservatives? Hey, Daily Mail, hence she was HIRED due to a half-nudity on TV and was SUSPENDED due to a nudity on a magazine? Liberalism-Feminism-anti-Christianity leads to inconsistences like this.
09) The case Enki Bracaj can be a record of that both Feminist militant women and mediocre women in "oppressive macho" societies like the Islamic ones never faced noteworthy obstacles against what they are and what they want to achieve brought by male gender as a whole. Though the familiar structure and the society derived from it give a background to the mediocre woman merely because she is a woman and the mediocrity is somehow widespread as standard in the social life, the attractive women can have in their favour the male heterosexuality if they offer something to please it. Women have more to worry about other women, and the superficial women about their own mediocrity, than about male universe. Otherwise, would not have existed, until the end of 2000s, a Feminism gathering young universitarian women side by side with a feminine machismo glorifying the nineteenth century: women did not expect to struggle against men neither calling them everything bad nor, even less, serving them and the religions Feminists say were made by men to enslave them. The puritan women could give themselves the luxe of attacking a scarecrow Feminism, which allegedly promotes feminine heterosexual sexual liberation, until feminist militancy decided to attack their loved vintage Christian society in general and themselves specifically. Theretofore, only female sex workers, licentious women and anti-Socialist militant women (we have to include Feminism in Socialism) had really to face a society of not brilliant women and weak men. Ah, when I said "licentious women", I meant women who achieves to have fun with several men, not women who only achieves to have fun exciting sexually several men.
10) Ah, about me: I made some male friends in Facebook, who became readers of my texts, catching their attention through using as profile photos some cartoons in which I show a huge part of my melons in the front and a lateral sight of my watermelons in the rear. Knowing me better and reading what I write, they discover that I defend the licentiousness, I like and share pornography and I fucked with more men in ten years than all of their sisters and aunts in their lives together, but I am a friend of the righteous ordinary men and we can chat about Politics, anti-Feminism, Men's Rights, religion (though I am atheist) and other subjects.
[01] "That's one way to make headlines! Wannabe TV reporter becomes a huge hit in Albania after wearing an open blouse for her screen test... and immediately gets the job", Daily Mail, September 22, 2015, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3244542/Naked-ambition-Student-21-lands-job-news-reader-Albanian-TV-showing-breasts-open-screen-tests.html
[02] "Albanian Woman Shows Up to News Anchor Casting Half Naked. Think She Got the Job?", Yahoo! News, September 22, 2015, http://news.yahoo.com/albanian-woman-shows-news-anchor-155257317.html
[03] "Mulher é contratada após abrir blusa em teste para apresentadora de TV" (Woman is hired after opening blouse in a test for TV presenter), Catraca Livre, September 22, 2015, https://estilo.catracalivre.com.br/comportamento/mulher-e-contratada-apos-abrir-blusa-em-teste-para-apresentadora-de-tv
[04] "I checked first with my parents and when I found that they also supported me in my decision, it wasn't a problem for me to go ahead like this". "That's one way to make headlines!..." and "Albanian Woman Shows Up to News Anchor...", aforementioned.
[05] "The family is the foundation of the society", November 16, 2006, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2006/11/the-family-is-foundation-of-society.html
[06] September 10, 2015, https://www.facebook.com/enki.bracaj.7/photos/a.497202083772464.1073741829.496830400476299/505021089657230

I'm 97% sure you don't like me BUT i'm 100% sure i don't care
Stefan Juric I'm 100% sure you're not so sure!
Claudia Andrea Navarro Oyarce mostrar tetas para ser famosa deja mucho que desear ,,,eres una mujerzuela nada más sin delicadeza para nada y menos pudor
[Showing tits to become famous is far from satisfactory, you are a slut, nothing further, no delicacy at all and even less shyness]
Kolin Thumbadoo If anything she is prominent.
Mariam Farjan Uhhh it's so unprofessional to dress like that for a news anchor.....she looks like a pornstar instead of something professional.
Nick Shaq go to porn you Albanian slut then I respect you kurva
?????? ??????? ??????????? I'm 100% sure that it makes no difference for many.
Recently we have seen on the murals of Facebook a video entitled "Courage Journalist speaks on the air the whole truth about the carnival".
On the internet, it is common to tell a story and to increase tens of points. Someone yearning for shares and "likes" decided to spread over the Internet that the presenter, Rachel Sheherazade, would have been fired "by a station" because of his controversial statement about the carnival, where she criticizes the whole scheme involving days of revelry and she says that those who profit are only the brewery owners, the owners of electric trios [huge trucks with loudspeakers and platforms on whose artists can make shows] and a few artists from Bahia.
The video and the criticism are true, and can be seen at the end of this post, but the journalist was not fired. On the contrary, the television station concerned is the TV Tambaú, SBT affiliate in João Pessoa, Paraíba. In this station, Rachel Sheherazade had total freedom to say what they wanted.
Silvio Santos, on vacation in Orlando, saw the repercussions of the girl editorial and with the great positive effect on social networks (it was one of the most talked about topics on Twitter in the day 03.03.2011), he decided to hire Sheherazade for SBT. In other words, far from being fired, the controversial presenter was in fact promoted, leaving an affiliate station and going to main station.
(...) See the controversial video of Rachel Sheherazade detonating Carnival.
embedded by Embedded Video
YouTube Direkt
"Jornalista foi demitida por falar a verdade sobre o Carnaval" (Journalist was fired for speaking the truth about Carnival), Esmeralda Notícias, http://www.esmeraldanoticias.com.br/destaques/jornalista-foi-demitida-por-falar-a-verdade-sobre-o-carnaval
[08] Photo, posted October 09: https://www.facebook.com/RachelSheherazade01/photos/a.304120503025879.61142.304120173025912/759061710865087. In this post, the author announces her book will be released in João Pessoa, Paraíba, November 07.
[09] "Woman who was hired as a TV reporter after revealing her breasts during an audition is suspended... after agreeing to reveal her breasts in Playboy", Daily Mail, September 25, 2015, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3249071/Woman-hired-TV-reporter-revealing-breasts-audition-suspended-Albania-agreeing-reveal-breasts-Playboy.html
[10] "That's one way to make headlines!...", aforementioned.
Questo testo in italiano senza film e foto di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La conduttrice di telegiornale che ha vinto il suo lavoro con un mezzo topless, la mediocrità femminile, maschilismo e Femminismo: alcune note", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/10/la-conduttrice-di-telegiornale-mediocrita-femminile-maschilismo-femminismo.html Questo testo in italiano con film e foto di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "La conduttrice di telegiornale che ha vinto il suo lavoro con un mezzo topless, la mediocrità femminile, maschilismo e Femminismo: alcune note", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/la-conduttrice-di-telegiornale-che-ha.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos y fotos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La presentadora de noticiario que ganó su puesto de trabajo con un medio topless, la mediocridad femenina, el machismo y el Feminismo: algunas notas", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/10/la-presentadora-de-noticiario-mediocridad-femenina-machismo-feminismo.html Eso texto en español con videos y fotos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "La presentadora de noticiario que ganó su puesto de trabajo con un medio topless, la mediocridad femenina, el machismo y el Feminismo: algunas notas", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/la-presentadora-de-noticiario-que-gano.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos and photos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The news anchor who won her job with a half-topless, the feminine mediocrity, machismo and Feminism: some notes", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/10/the-news-anchor-feminine-mediocrity-machismo-and-feminism.html This text in English with licentiousness videos and photos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "The news anchor who won her job with a half-topless, the feminine mediocrity, machismo and Feminism: some notes", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-news-anchor-who-won-her-job-with.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos e fotos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A âncora de noticiário que conseguiu seu trabalho com um meio-topless, a mediocridade feminina, machismo e Feminismo: algumas notas", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2015/10/a-ancora-de-noticiario-mediocridade-feminina-machismo-e-feminismo.html Texto original em português com vídeos e fotos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A âncora de noticiário que conseguiu seu trabalho com um meio-topless, a mediocridade feminina, machismo e Feminismo: algumas notas", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/10/a-ancora-de-noticiario-que-conseguiu.html
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha