Emma Watson representing Feminism at the United Nations... or not
Quebrando o Tabu (Breaking the Taboo)
Missing you, Hermione.
"I've seen men suffering from mental illness and unable to ask for help for fear that it sounds less 'masculine'. In the United Kingdom, suicide is the leading cause of death among men between 20 and 49 years, surpassing car accidents, cancer and heart disease", she began.
"I've seen men being fragile and insecure because they have a distorted image of the male success. They do not have the benefits of gender equality as well as us", she said, warning that her speech was like a "formal invitation" for them to join the cause.
"I want the men to participate of this, so their daughters, sisters and mothers can be free of prejudice and so that their sons are allowed to be vulnerable and human. So they would stop abandoning some parts of themselves and they would be the full and true version of what they can be", she completed.
The actress ended the speech by inviting men to join the cause: "Feminism is the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities, whether political, economic and social."
Emma Watson, being beautiful at the UN.
September 29
Victor Balestra Here we see a true feminist, unlike other women who think feminism is making hate speech against men.
4691 [likes] · September 29 at 12:09
Thiago Jourdan I think "feminism" should be called "humanism".
3673 [likes] · September 29 at 12:07
Bianca Bueno Everyone needs feminism.
1370 [likes] · September 29 at 12:05
Clara De Moraes Souza What fucks is the men in the comments wanting to defecate rules among the movement and saying "what is being a true feminist"
993 [likes] · September 29 at 12:46
Alexandre Liblik Feminism is not a pro-female-gender movement (as think many female radicals who do not know any theory) but anti-genre. It is a movement of all for all. We Are All Humans.
637 [likes] · September 29 at 12:17
Other comments, with number of "likes"

Jasminie Roberto Barros God... And these "omis" ["omi" is a feminist pejorative term for "man"] dictating what is feminism
418 · September 29 at 12:43

Anna Gomes You are style "emma watson said, it's spoken". Just because she is ONE feminist who approves men in feminism, you do not have to go out talking about what feminism is, talking about "true feminist", MUCH LESS TALK THAT YOU SUFFER ANY SHIT and that feminists preach hatred. FOR GOD'S SAKE, so much feminist these men calling woman Nazi
159 · September 29 at 13:17

Victoria de Paula Emma's Feminism does not represent me, does not represent women from the ghetto, does not represent black women, fat women, lesbians, poor women.
If it represents you, great.
But that feminism does not give a shit for the existence and the suffering of black women, lesbians, fat women and the ghetto women, and feminism you criticize, the famous "Feminazis", these rather care about me and my sisters.
Feminism is not to earn cookies from men.
147 · September 29 at 15:12

Júlia De Paula If it's up to me, frustrated "ômis" can kill themselves, if they do not kill the ex/girlfriend/wife, daughter/son or a bunch of strangers.
20 · 11 hours ago [September 30, 2015 at 23:03]
Eloisa Samy Santiago But what a shit you said, huh Emma? Iuzomist "Feminism" ["iuozomi", or "what about the men", is a term of feminist contempt toward the concern with men] leads to that shit there, the guys thinking what is the "good" feminism.
14 · September 29 at 17:34

Myllena Barcelos The whole speech defending male and you cheering, what I am doing on this page?
11 · September 29 at 17:59
Pedro Mendes 2015 and still there are men with disgusting comments type "this is a true feminist". There are several streams in the movement and each one has its own form of militancy. You, who is a male, don't you want to define what is or is not feminism, don't you want to teach women to make militancy.
10 · September 29 at 18:47

Elisa Gonçalves Emma Watson being naive at the UN! Friend, it still can not be like you want... or you think is ideal!!!
4 · September 29 at 14:16
Ending with an excellent commentary, with the lucidity that was lacking
Miguel Okada The speech is beautiful... but feminists who comment here are in the contraflow of the text, distilling hate and intolerance... the young woman ended the text inviting men to the debate and the cause... and in the first comments already there are women pulling the knife... Who wants to join a movement like that?
44 [likes] · September 29 at 13:40
Translation to English at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "Emma Watson being naive at the United Nations, and the real Feminism sending memories", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/emma-watson-being-naive-at-united.html Traduzione in italiano in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "Emma Watson essendo ingenua alle Nazioni Unite, e il vero Femminismo inviando ricordi", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/emma-watson-essendo-ingenua-alle.html ![]()
Traducción al español en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: "Emma Watson sendo ingenua en las Naciones Unidas, y el verdadero Feminismo enviando memorias", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/10/emma-watson-sendo-ingenua-en-las.html ![]()
Originais em português no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Emma Watson sendo ingênua na ONU, e o Feminismo real mandando lembranças", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/10/emma-watson-sendo-ingenua-na-onu-e-o.html
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