Influencer loses sponsorship after saying "men are trashy" to counter an offense
Razer, a maker of gaming accessories, said it will not renew a contract with Gabi Catuzzo after she reacts to a sexist comment on Twitter
By Alexandre Orrico
Jun 24, 2019, 07:07 pm - Posted on Jun 24, 2019, 06:53 pm
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(Reproduction/Veja SP) |
Last Friday (21), Gabi Catuzzo, a digital influencer known for playing video games and making live broadcasts during matches, posted a photo on a mechanical bull.
One follower responded with a sexual offense disguised as a joke and Gabi, who once said it was common to receive sexist comments on her networks, replied, "that's why man are trashy". See the tweet exchange:
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(Reproduction/Veja SP) |
The post went viral and Gabi received many other messages from men bothered by the generalization. Until the comments came to Razer, maker of peripherals and accessories of electronic games, that had hired the influencer to promote the products of the enterprise.
Under pressure from part of its customers, the company released on Monday (24) a statement saying that Gabi's opinion is not Razer's opinion and that her contract would not be renewed after expiration. Read the full text:
Some have found the note a little strange, because it makes no mention of the offense said to Gabi:
And disappointed comments from women who play video games have gone viral, like Mikannn's:
Gabi Cattuzzo herself said she will be offline because of threats and she will use this time offline "to reflect".
And Amanda remembered that the rope always breaks on the same side:
"Influenciadora perde patrocínio após dizer 'homem é lixo' para rebater ofensa", Pop! Pop! Pop!, Veja São Paulo, June 24, 2019,
Felipe Neto and famous youtubers defend Gabi Cattuzzo and criticize Razer (excerpts)
"Felipe Neto e youtubers famosos defendem Gabi Cattuzzo e criticam Razer", Treta News, June 25, 2019[01]
[00:08 a 00:19] The streamer Gabi Cattuzzo controversy continues to speak up. After Razer said it will not renew her contract, several famous youtubers came out in defense of streamer on Twitter. Cellbit tweeted[02]:
Gabi has expressed (wrongly and exaggeratedly) against harassment and machismo she suffers daily, and she was bombarded by, guess who: men harassing her. Positioning of the company who sponsors her? To allow and to reward harassment. What a shameful answer!
[00:34 a 00:36] Cauê Moura commented at Razer's post[03]:
All the Jorge Hardcore applaud, spreading Cheetos bran on the flashing lights keyboard.
[00:41 a 00:42] Rolandinho said[04] [05]:
Gabi may have been wrong in a few dozen quotes in the way she said it. It was a minimal slip, as the gamer community is extremely macho and has only gotten worse in recent years. They took that minimal slip and turned it into a heinous crime, making an unjustifiable hunt.
All of you who have gone personally to offend the girl and to stalk her over the internet. Cowards. That is what you are! You do not think for a minute about the welfare of others. Persecution like this can destroy someone's life forever. Cowards. A thousand times cowards!
[01:10 a 01:11] Castanhari tweeted[06]:
Hey! You can't generalize no, hey, you bastard cow, hopefully you die, you bitch, slut. Haha, I showed her that men are not trashy.
[01:19 a 01:20] Felipe Neto said[07]:
Ask 100 female gamers if they agree with this phrase: "most of men are trashy on the internet". I guarantee almost everyone will agree. Talk to a female gamer and find out what she goes through daily, listen, understand, reflect. Shame, @RazerBrazil!
[01:34 a 01:43] And speaking of Felipe Neto, they found an old clip from Gabi's live where she quotes his name. Youtuber Wagner Thomazoni posted the clip in question and commented[08]:
Felipe Neto just defended a girl who made fun of his cock size. Remembering that making fun of others is something horrible and abominable, unless you are a man, then you can.
[02:12 a 02:22] Not everyone supported Gabi in this fuss. Many people approved Razer's decision and brought to light other controversial moments of Gabi's live. LOL player Fiora tweeted[09]:
My opinion: The girl despises both her audience and the general gamer audience, she likes fame, the "likes", the money and being a public person, but she hates dealing with the people she deals with, so she's always pouring hatred on anyone, even for a simple question.
[04:16 a 04:22] And while all this was happening, Ayu suffered hatred and she was accused of being blamed for Gabi losing Razer's sponsorship. Ayu tweeted[10]:
They want to blame me for Gabi losing the sponsorship. I will make a video about it for sure. I tagged Razer in the post yes and I am a woman to assume my responsibilities. But she has made a sexist and misandric comment publicly, is she a woman to assume her responsibilities?
My comments
The boy was wrong in trying to woo the girl, and she did a lot worse in response. And don't say it was "hot head" because of the harassment (that one and many others). I've seen a conservative girl very angry on Facebook because of a similar situation, because many conservative men are dazzled when they see a beautiful anti-feminist woman, but she didn't say absurdities. She criticized those men, but she did not say that they (or all men) are trashy.
Of what happened to Gabi Cattuzzo, nothing would have happened if she was a man and she said women are trashy. Or rather, everything would have happened for much less, such as a joke with Feminism[11] or a well-founded critique of female professional performance such as the one by delegate Pedro Paulo Pontes Pinho[12]; as in many cases that you know and that I myself brought to this blog. So, I think it's little. More: do you remember when I said that articles in the major newspapers about men's fake sexual crimes against women, charges found to be false, were no longer a matter of justice, but of Statistics? This also applies to Feminism. While many men lose jobs or money for "machismo", a woman suffering the same for feminism is increasingly likely, even if the probability is very much lower.
I saw a lesbian say on Twitter that the incident happened one or two years ago and Gabi Cattuzzo even apologized to the boy. Why should we accept these apologies and not those of several people, men and women, who have been slandered by the leftopath patrol under the guise of one or two tweets, or a joke, or a photo, or a drawing? It does not even reach to be hypocrisy, it is a moral caste system.[13] The moral of the progressive militancy, which mainly in the Workers' Party government was extended to the Brazilian collective, is what the humorist Danilo Gentili said: if you are a leftist, you can even kill.
I also receive sexual harassment via Facebook private messages every week, but you will see little harassment in my Facebook timeline or in my Twitter profiles. Why? Because either the man reads what I write, even on social media, or he talks to me like he does to any bitch. Now I get to the main point, whether men are trashy or not. But first, let's make other considerations. If I'm so sexually harassed, why do I still use the half naked doll and the naked one? About 10 years ago, the question would be the otherwise: why would I post a photo or a drawing showing my body on my blogs if the most likely result is me being sexually harassed? I started using these drawings when I perceived that they could help in the intellectual and cultural proposal of blogs with and without licentiousness. Longer readers have seen texts of 12,000, 15,000 characters (or more) with porn at the end. Several liked the text and the fun, and they commented on my Facebook profile. I will still come back to these readers (not the annoyers of private messages). And what does a doll displaying her breasts and butt have of cultural and philosophical content? The idea that a man can have personal development without a soft dick and he can look at a woman sexually without being an offender to women's human dignity. I wrote about it in some texts.[14] The "hi, delight" messages I receive were a risk that I needed and chose to accept.
I was saying that I had comments on Facebook from men who liked a text and the licentiousness section. Some of them have said that some men are thinking of fucking me because of my texts (and it was not even an account of my licentious life) and some of them have said themselves one of those men. This to me is not harassment, it is a joy. It's only not a bigger joy because I haven't always the expectation of the joy the reader would like to have (and me too). And I already told them: whoever is my reader and likes my content can say that and even send me licentiousness saying that he saw and remembered me, as some have already sent. It is a joy for me because the idea that led me to this work was accomplished, men who became better, more enlightened, braver, not ashamed to be heterosexual and even a little happier.
Many people prefer rather not to have hassles or sufferings than to risk to have real joys and accomplishments. Who knows how to escape from sadness ends up not knowing the joy. Speakers of Neuro-Linguistic Programming say that the brain does not know what is negative and attracts what it thinks, thus, to think, for example, not being poor is to attract poverty, not wealth. Avoiding this is what explains me having profiles on social networks that are public and have comments and friendship open to anyone. So, if I find 99 wind heads seekind photos of one more slut and 1 new reader who liked my content (or will like, because he only knew my profile), the latter has a value that rewards me for supporting the first ones. By the way, the Treta News video was shared with me on Facebook by a reader and friend of social networks, Diogo Aires.
But if the girl who said men are trashy got it wrong about men, she got it wrong about the whole, not about the majority. Let's look at the materials above. The author of Veja's article is a man. The youtubers who supported the girl, many are men. It is not a new thing so many men to lower the male universe and lower themselves to the female universe as men. The very vilification of male heterosexuality or of the mere man-woman closeness also comes from men, just as the vulgarization of heterosexuality also comes. The recent newness is women who publicly say that men are trashy. But the lesbians who say horrible things about men have behind them men who are willing to be trashy. By the way, I commented myself on Rolandinho's post[15]:
"Persecution like this can destroy someone's life forever". Guys, Rolandinho is remembering the cases of Julio Cocielo[16] and August Ames[17], both victims of the hatred of the good.
But you can also be a trashy man being conservative. For example, when you are willing to be a white knight (man willing to defend or save a woman just because she is a woman). Another example is when a woman makes a false accusation of sexual harassment or rape against another man and you are willing to assault or kill that man.
How not to be a trashy man? Being a man who is not ashamed to be heterosexual, but is not vulgar. Being a smart man with healthy habits. Being a man who earns you own money and if you spend a part of it with someone, it is with someone who really makes you good or knows how to reward. Being a man with his head held high even with women, because some of them deserve to take in the ass (in the double sense). It's not only that, but it is in this way.
If you man do not know the anti-feminist male communities like Real, MGTOW and Red Pill or Men's Human Rights activist groups, you will be very pleased to meet them. If you already know them and think badly of them, pay attention to what they say, something that seems absurd to you may be true.
[01] "Felipe Neto e youtubers famosos defendem Gabi Cattuzzo e criticam Razer", Treta News, June 25, 2019,
[02] rafael lange, June 24, 2019 at 18:13,
[03] cauezão, June 24, 2019 at 17:45,
[04] Rolandinho, June 25, 2019 at 00:52,
[05] Rolandinho, June 25, 2019 at 00:54,
[06] Felipe Castanhari, June 24, 2019 at 19:40,
[07] Felipe Neto, June 24, 2019 at 19:54,
[08] Wagner Thomazoni, June 25, 2019 at 01:29,
[09] Fiora Mechanics, June 24, 2019 at 21:23,
[10] Femi-mi-mismo, June 24, 2019 at 20:19,
[11] "Já estamos no social-feminismo? Uma empresa privada demitiu um estagiário por fazer piada de feminista no Facebook!", February 11, 2017, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,
[12] "Delegado que criticou mulheres policiais será substituído – por uma mulher", Veja, January 21, 2013,
[13] "The moral caste system (The Lucifer's concubines 2)", December 29, 2018, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[14] For example:
"Take it easy, boy, you can look to my body", June 02, 2006, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
"You must respect or admire a woman when she tries to look like men, but you are degrading this woman when you look at her like a woman, or she demoralizes herself and women when she looks like a woman", April 28, 2013, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[15] Abigail P. Aranha, June 09, 2019 at 13:55,
[16] "Diário filosófico da Abigail P. Aranha: caso Júlio Cocielo", July 07, 2018, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[17] "The August Ames suicide and the Horseshoe Theory in the Junior Anti-Sex League", December 11, 2017, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
Questo testo in italiano senza immagini di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Per il 19 novembre, Giornata Internazionale degli Uomini, non si sia scadente", Questo testo in italiano con immagini di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Per il 19 novembre, Giornata Internazionale degli Uomini, non si sia scadente", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Pour le 19 novembre, Journée Internationale des Hommes, ne soyez pas nul", Ce texte en français avec photos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Pour le 19 novembre, Journée Internationale des Hommes, ne soyez pas nul", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Para el 19 de noviembre, Día Internacional del Hombre, no seas basura", Eso texto en español con fotos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Para el 19 de noviembre, Día Internacional del Hombre, no seas basura", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness pictures at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "For November 19, International Men's Day, don't you be trashy", This text in English with licentiousness pictures at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "For November 19, International Men's Day, don't you be trashy", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Para 15 de julho, Dia do Homem no Brasil, não seja um lixo", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Para 15 de julho, Dia do Homem no Brasil, não seja um lixo",
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