Porn actress August Ames committed suicide last day 5, after being harassed by leftist activists on Twitter for saying she would not work with a gay movie actor to protect her own health.[01] The also porn actress Jenna Jameson also received threats against her and her daughter after defending her and blaming a Twitter user who had made a death threat.[02] If LGBT-feminist movement does not comment on the case, it was already expected. What is surprising here is that the libertarian right is missing out on a valuable opportunity, in the least honorable of hypotheses, to make a sensationalist preaching against the left. It is surprising not only because the leftist movement would use the case against conservatives and antifeminists if it could, at least, spread a rumor that could tie the case to them. This is not surprising either just because the libertarians and conservatives in Brazil and United States are heirs to decadent dynasties of militaries who were countryside agricultural estate owners, and after the leftist movement has destroyed Christian Conservatism as an intellectually noteworthy idea, they still understand the fight against the left-wing as an election campaign to regain the prefecture of a small town. The point here is that the right-wing seems to squander an opportunity against the left-wing so big that the "mainstream media", at least in its online version, has already made the coverage it could have done. That "mainstream media" that conservatives call "fake news". That same one that has a editorial line tendentious towards Feminism, LGBT movement, Africanism. That same one that campaigned against Donald Trump.
Such a Sir Jaxton Wheeler (@JaxtonWheeler), who identifies himself as a pansexual from Las Vegas, was one of those who threatened to kill August Ames (his profile is now reserved). Among the libertarian-Conservative news portals and "think tanks", which one did a screenshot? I myself discovered one in Kenny "Iggy" Strode's profile.[03] Yes, I saw comments from Conservative friends on Facebook and Twitter, but the right-wing websites brought nothing more than a few quick posts, when they brought them.
But why? Because here, Conservatism and Progressivism embrace each other: they do their best to ignore that prostitution and pornography exist, unless when they fabricate slander so they can be criminalized.
By a great coincidence, this all happened the week after I faced a braggart who says he is an expert on "pornography addiction". I posted in my blogs a text with a post on his Facebook page where he deprecates men who masturbate and a summary of a video also posted on the page that includes a speech by lesbofeminist Andrea Dworkin. Already in the comment I made on that post, he blocked me on his page in less than 24 hours. When I notified the author by private message about the publication of my text, he blocked my profile.[04]
The two sides that do not comment the case or even know about it seem to leave us with the option of choosing which insanities to believe in: whether a transsexual person should accept oneself and be accepted as mentally healthy or whether a heterosexual man has to ask forgiveness for his carnal desires; whether straight sex is rape or whether lack of sex is healthy; if the maximum dignity of a woman is whether to assume herself as a lesbian or whether ward off the look and physical contact of every man with the possible exception of a husband. But in one thing they do not disagree: prostitutes and porn actresses have been sexually abused in childhood, they are hostages to organized crime, they do not have profiles on Twitter and the best way to protect them is to crack down on men who seek them with jail and nationwide internet filters.
Society is beginning to live without remembering the ideas of the right-wing and of Conservatism, as happened when Mia Khalifa was threatened with death by Muslims[05], when Lola Taylor[06] and Cytherea[07] were raped or when Christy Mack was almost murdered[08]. But society is not living without left-wing thinking. Even more after a study that says porn consumers are more likely to have leftist ideas[09], it is harder for Conservatism to survive the latter grandson of the illiterate women who prided themselves on never having had an orgasm in their lives than the left debugging their own absurdities. In Brazil, for example, the bill for the regulation of prostitution is by the deputy of the PSOL (Socialism and Freedom Party) Jean Wyllys, and it was rejected by the rapporteur, deputy Pastor Eurico, who quoted in his vote a passage by the Feminist Simone de Beauvoir.[10]
Ah, and when I went to Pornhub, I saw two news. The first is that August Ames moved to #1 in the "Most Popular Stars of This Month" section. The second was this message: "The FCC is about to kill net neutrality, allowing ISPs to charge fees to access your favorite websites, maybe even Pornhub. TAKE ACTION NOW"; the message has a shortcut to, where it is explained that the voting about it is tomorrow, December 12. Conservatives already believe they will extinguish pornography by repeating urban legends in churches which do not attract even members' children. They also believe that big companies believe in the power of the free market and run away from the State more than their grandmothers fled from sex.
The Horseshoe Theory says that the far left and the far right are more similar than the moderate left and the moderate right. George Orwell's novel "1984" featured a Junior Anti-Sex League in a Communist totalitarianism. It seems that, here, the Horseshoe Theory, in practice, made a donkey disappear when a wild horse hid.
[01] "Atriz pornô é encontrada morta dias depois de ser acusada de homofobia" (Porn actress is found dead days after being accused of homophobia), Gente - iG, December 07, 2017,
[02] "Porn star Jenna Jameson says she received death threats 'after making transphobic comments' in wake of August Ames suicide", Mirror, December 08, 2017,
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Screenshot available at |
[04] "Castidade é ódio aos homens - parte 7: 'Pornografia? Nunca mais', misandria, falta de argumentos, feminismo radical e lendas urbanas do passado desmoralizadas no presente" (Chastity is hatred against men - part 7: "Pornography? Never again", misandry, lack of arguments, radical feminism and urban legends of the past demoralized in the present), December 02, 2017, and
[05] "Pornhub star Mia Khalifa receives death threats after being ranked the site's top adult actress", Independent, January 07, 2015,
[06] "Russian porn star breaks both legs jumping from third floor to escape men who raped her after setting up fake film interview", Daily Mail, October 29, 2014,
[07] "Mercedes Carrera explains why Cytherea's rape was not covered by the feminist-dominated media", Return Of Kings, March 03, 2015,
[08] "Who is Christy Mack? Porn star ex of MMA fighter War Machine who he kidnapped and sexually assaulted", The Sun, September 12, 2017,
[09] "Watching porn does not cause negative attitudes to women, study finds", The Independent, September 12, 2015,
[10] PL 4211/2012 Histórico de Pareceres, Substitutivos e Votos (Bill 4211/2012 Historical of opinions, substitutes and votes),
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Il suicidio di August Ames e la Teoria del Ferro di Cavallo nella Lega Giovanile Antisesso", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Il suicidio di August Ames e la Teoria del Ferro di Cavallo nella Lega Giovanile Antisesso", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéo de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Le suicide d'August Ames et la Théorie du Fer à Cheval dans la Ligue Anti-Sexe des Juniors", Ce texte en français avec vidéo de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Le suicide d'August Ames et la Théorie du Fer à Cheval dans la Ligue Anti-Sexe des Juniors", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin video de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "El suicidio de August Ames y la Teoría de la Herradura en la Liga Juvenil Anti-Sex", Eso texto en español con video de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "El suicidio de August Ames y la Teoría de la Herradura en la Liga Juvenil Anti-Sex", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness video at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The August Ames suicide and the Horseshoe Theory in the Junior Anti-Sex League", This text in English with licentiousness video at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The August Ames suicide and the Horseshoe Theory in the Junior Anti-Sex League", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeo de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "O suicídio de August Ames e a Teoria da Ferradura na Liga Juvenil Antissexo", Texto original em português com vídeo de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "O suicídio de August Ames e a Teoria da Ferradura na Liga Juvenil Antissexo",
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