We have three main producers of the series of problems such as Radical Feminism, political-judicial misandry, the foolishing of students in (at least) Brazil and the United States, and the isolation between men and women: the Conservatism, the intellectual poverty of the academy and the poverty of spirit of the female universe. Conservative Christians ultimately created the whole left-wing: they made the best of the left-wing to be wise and the worst to be understandable. The academy, this is most notorious in Brazil, consumes trucks of public and private money to house everything from self-absorbed assholes with some technical skill to progressive and conservative militants with mediocre IQ (yes, there is conservative Christian militancy in universities that is so stupid and dogmatic as the leftist, but much smaller, much less organized and today much less evil). The female universe in general has always done or wanted to do the series of nonsenses that anti-feminists have shown this decade with practical examples that are not always from within feminist militancy.
It's not decent when the producers of a problem are the voices with the most authority to speak against it. In general, this is like cases where a thug only reports the gang after being cheated in the division of the proceeds of the crime, or after the thug tried to get into business and was rejected.
That's where enters the youngster Sara Próton, born August 13, 1993, today 26 years old[01]:
Sara Caroline Leles Próton da Rocha, graduated in Law, Post Graduated in Health Law, postgraduate student in Criminal Sciences and specializing in Sexology and Psychoanalysis. Author of the books "Beauties and Beasts - The domestic violence by women against men" and "Artificial womb: a solution to the end of abortion practices". Member of the Family Law Commission of OAB / MG (Order of Attorneys of Brazil / Minas Gerais). Member of the organization "A Voice for Men". Author of articles in Canal Ciências Criminais (Criminal Sciences Channel) and columnist in the website Pensar Bem Viver. Criminal and Family Law lawyer. http://saraproton.com.br/ (31) 97112-6744
Informations collected from Lattes on June 03, 2019
Because she is a woman, a postgraduate, and (this does not appear in the curriculum) conservative, Sara Próton is practically the embodiment of the internal debate of Feminism and university corporatism. Let's remember that the Second Wave of Feminism was made by college female students and teachers.
The works of more than half of the anti-feminist women IN WORLD HISTORY is newer not than me (28 years old), but than this blog, which I started with some innocence in 2006. And the "anti-feminist woman" I say here can't be a conservative woman. I will explain it later. A militant girl in the Second Wave of Feminism with 20 years old at the epoch is now 50, 60, 70 years old. How many ex-feminist women in this age group have you ever seen saying "I didn't fight in my youth for we to get this crap today"? How many women in this age group (not just former militants) have you ever seen merely to speak ill of Feminism, at least Third Wave onwards? Sara Próton is another Fourth Wave anti-feminist, but that's not all. Her work on books, articles and videos also has to do with the answers to these questions.
And I said that more than half of the anti-feminist women IN THE WORLD have their works newer than my own, but I have excluded conservative Christian women. Even with these included, this is likely to still be true. But until the end of the 2000s, it was noticeable for those who took the work to know the real Feminism as much as this conservative female antifeminism that this last was a series of prejudices and fantasies of countryside Christian ladies with barely disguised panic of the sex life they thought large city girls could give to their husbands and their potential sons-in-law. What in this antifeminism is not theology or canard is an Christian propaganda attempt that left-wing feminism is unnecessary because Conservatism has offered women more than left-wing feminism and for a longer time (for anti-feminist women in the Second Wave, like Phyllis Schlafly, this was true in their personal lives). And one more sign that the conflict between both is really internal criticism is that until the beginning of this decade it was unlikely to find, in entire books against Feminism written by women, a single paragraph in which the man is remembered as a human personality with his own rights or problems. In other words, the problem of Feminism is not the harm it does to men and children, but to women themselves.
As we have seen, Sara Próton has written a book on domestic violence by women against men and she also has articles on Law portals. By the way, I started my "violence against men" series 9 years before she published her book[02], and all I did at the beginning of the series was basically pick up reportages from the traditional press. That was September 2009. I found out later that in May 2008, the lesbofeminist portal Agency Patrícia Galvão shared a BBC Brasil article about a research on domestic violence against men[03]. If only heretofore my lag was 1 year, Sara Próton's was 10. But the worst is not that. The worst is two things. The first is that an academic research, by definition, only uses existing measurable data, which may be direct data or from other academic work. The second is that don’t exist an object of academic research or philosophical reflection that did not elicit interest in the author before. An academic work that uses hypothetical data or possible future data is not research, it is bibliographical analysis, project or philosophical reflection. Thus, when Sara Próton wrote her "Beauties and Beasts", we were already in trouble; if we weren't already when I myself started to approach the subject.
Sara Próton also has a column in A Voice For Men Brasil[04]. Therefore, Men's Human Rights Activism is falling into the danger I have warned, of becoming the disciplinary commission of Radical Feminism plus the advertising appendage of conservative feminism. And a sign of this and of what I was saying at the beginning, that Sara Próton is embodying internal criticism, is that it has both its section on the portal Criminal Sciences[05] and the Conservative Portal[06]. And she was also applauded by conservative philosopher Olavo de Carvalho[07]. Here we have the internal critique of academia and conservatism. But with her, the traditional press also makes its internal criticism. Milton Neves, "journalist and presenter of Group Bandeirantes, newspaper columnist Agora São Paulo, blogger of UOL and publisher of Portal Terceiro Tempo"[08], wrote a note about the publication of the book "Beauties and Beasts" in the Luís de Bessa State Public Library, in Belo Horizonte[09].
By the way, I warned in January 2017[10]:
Rightists enthusiastic about the decadence of mainstream media forget that if any thought pattern other than the left-wing has no vehicle of its own, all we will have when the left-wing as we are acquainted with is demoralized and expelled from national life will be the same vehicles that today have this leftist line in editorial policy. This will have 3 aspects:
1) The left-wing in formal politics and leftist militancy may even be demonized as Nazism is today, but in a way that, as happens with Nazism at least in Brazil, that same left-wing can escape of being unmasked and no one will learn or garner nothing from the experience. A new left-wing will emerge, who will speak ill of the old as a fight of Catholics and Protestants.
2) Mainstream media can rewrite their entire own history. They may make regretful editorials, such as the newspaper O Globo about its support for the military government, or they may pretend they never had a part in it, like a girl with a dissolute history who turns puritan in her old age.
3) Not only the right-wing, all the divergent thinking of today's left-wing or the new left-wing will only have a room for expression in major vehicles as sparse columnists in opinion sections, such asValentina Nappi in the Micromega or Reinaldo Azevedo as a colleague of the leftist activist Guilherme Boulos at Folha de São Paulo.
In few words, the rightists who celebrate the decadence in quality and credibility of the mainstream media are watching the death of the right-wing, not of the left-wing. Otherwise: the right-wing doesn't exist in the mainstream media. And when I try to show this to some libertarian-conservative, he or she doesn't even read, blocks me or calls me a leftist.
Well, I'm an atheist myself, I don't present myself with university specialization, but I'm a woman. But what can I offer, as a young woman with big breasts and buttocks, against the evils of LGBT-Feminism? Firstly, sympathy and heterosexuality. A man can also be sympathetic to another man, but to him, the woman's sympathy is different, it has something of heterosexuality in the way it is received (or something of a mother figure). And here I don't even consider the woman to be physically attractive. And often I'm talking to a man on a bus or in a public place, I realize he's afraid of misunderstanding my sympathy and then I do some naughty joke, something like "you don't need to be ashamed about looking at my breasts". It doesn't end in sex (well, not always), but it always ends in making this man feel better (we always have contact later). And I also try to bring this to the internet. The pornography which I share in various texts and on social networks has a human, cultural and philosophical aspect directed towards men (it's serious)[11]. It also has to do with the human dignity of men and even with the rights and liberties of men[12]. And if a woman is anti-feminist, she has no problem with male heterosexuality. Of course there are many more things I can offer (such as huge texts to try to arouse the reader's intelligence). But all these things, I offer not as a woman, but as a person. More: not only in antifeminism, the woman who tries to present herself sexually neutral when she is in some position of visibility, and even more the woman who beyond it presents herself as a woman, is a mixture of antisexual and opportunistic.
By the way, while I write, I'm on my second 30-day suspension in Facebook this year, and about a week ago with my two Twitter profiles suspended. In all these cases, for posts against Lesbofeminism ("hate speech", you understand?). How many suspensions did Sara Próton have? If none, this is not proof that she is a "false conservative", but proof that she presents a predictable antifeminism. In many countries, including Brazil, including in universities, what would be different thoughts in a debate 30 years ago today are tribal signs of groups that isolate from each other. All a leftist needs to know of anything a conservative says is that this one is not a leftist; therefore, a conservative website is, essentially, read by conservatives and ignored by the leftists. This also applies, albeit less horrifyingly, in the opposite direction.
If it's true that I'm not as popular on the internet as Sara Próton and I'm upset about it, that gives me reason instead of withdrawing it. I wrote "The time to close the Ark - part 2"[13], about women newcomers to antifeminism at the epoch, it was November 2013. Which antifeminist women had you heard about? If I do not have a very large readership neither among conservatives nor among progressives, one possible part of the explanation is that I present a content beyond the horizon of beliefs and of typical intelligence in both sides. Which, by the way, leads us to the conclusion.
Of course Sara Próton can't be blamed for not having said 10 years earlier what she said in 2018 or 2019. Criticizing Feminism in a blog stuffed with pornography at 15, 16 years old is Abigail Pereira Aranha's thing. Sara Próton likely was a virgin at the epoch. But what we have in Sara Próton's work, this is most visible in the comments of her posts, is an addition of vocalization of a decadent Catholic right-wing that tries to get back prefectures in the countryside; a female antifeminism that bothers little; a masculinism that bothers even less; material to traditional press and universities to deny their own responsibility for decades of male depreciation; and one more case where women are treated as authority not only to judge the movement that defends them, also in the movement that defends the opposite sex.
The text was ready heretofore when I was curious to see Sara Próton's YouTube channel and I found a pearl. Me, July 2010[14]:
Violence against women is not being treated as violence by a stronger man against a weaker woman, but as violence by an inferior man against a superior woman.
Sara Próton, June 21, 2019[15]:
[2:32 a 2:45] Because the Maria da Penha Law, its creation was beneficial and period. But today, it has to be applied to everyone equally. And especially, punishment for false denunciations and misuse of the Maria da Penha Law.
Oh, what a surprise!
[01] Escavador, https://www.escavador.com/sobre/12139008/sara-caroline-leles-proton-da-rocha.
[02] "Violência contra o homem 3", September 13, 2009, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2009/09/violencia-contra-o-homem-3.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2009/09/violencia-contra-o-homem-3.html.
[03] "Aleluia! Portal feminista cita matéria sobre violência doméstica contra homens!", June 08, 2011, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2011/06/aleluia-portal-feminista-cita-materia.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2011/06/aleluia-portal-feminista-cita-materia.html.
[04] http://br.avoiceformen.com/author/sp13
[05] https://canalcienciascriminais.com.br/author/sara-proton
[06] https://portalconservador.com/author/saraproton
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November 19, 2018 at 05:40 Very bravo! https://www.facebook.com/karlmarxdadepressao/videos/358018364951307/ |
Olavo de Carvalho, November 19, 2018 at 05:40, https://www.facebook.com/carvalho.olavo/posts/1168996259919113. Screenshot at Sara Próton, November 19, 2018 at 21:23, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1497927716976362&set=a.1275898352512634.
[08] https://twitter.com/Miltonneves
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Milton Neves Know all about the book "Belas e Feras - A Violência doméstica da mulher contra o homem", which will be released next Saturday http://terceirotempo.bol.uol.com.br/noticias/saiba-tudo-sobre-o-livro-a-belas-e-feras-a-violencia-domestica-da-mulher-contra-o-homema-que-sera-lancado-no-proximo-sabado 09:58 - October 15, 2018 |
Milton Neves, October 15, 2018 at 09:58, https://twitter.com/miltonneves/status/1051819646050070528. Screenshot at Sara Próton, May 30, 2019 at 14:34, https://www.facebook.com/sara.proton/posts/1760816030687528.
[10] Abigail Pereira Aranha, January 26, 2017, https://plus.google.com/+AbigailPereiraAranha/posts/ZR1X4zbVhYF.
[11] About this, I wrote, for example, "Female sex workers' rights are women's rights, sex work is a men's right (for July 15, Men's Day in Brazil, and November 19, International Men's Day)", November 18, 2018, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/11/for-november-19-2018.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/11/for-november-19-2018.html.
[12] "Viva prostitution, pornography and... civil liberties", November 20, 2014, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail, http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2014/11/viva-prostitution-pornography-and-civil.html; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail, https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2014/11/viva-prostitution-pornography-and-civil.html.
[13] "A hora de fechar a arca - parte 2", November 20, 2013, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-hora-de-fechar-arca-parte-2.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-hora-de-fechar-arca-parte-2.html.
[14] "O caso Eliza Samudio / Fernanda Faria, a lei Vadia da Penha e o nazismo lésbico", July 20, 2010, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2010/07/o-caso-eliza-samudio-fernanda-faria-lei.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2010/07/o-caso-eliza-samudio-fernanda-faria-lei.html.
[15] "Mãe de Rhuan usa Lei Maria da Penha para o sequestro e tortura", Sara Próton, June 21, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aaonw4XBIj8&t=2m32s.
Questo testo in italiano senza immagini di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Gli uomini e il problema Sara Próton", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/08/il-problema-sara-proton.html. Questo testo in italiano con immagini di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Gli uomini e il problema Sara Próton", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/08/il-problema-sara-proton.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Les hommes et le problème Sara Próton", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/08/le-probleme-sara-proton.html. Ce texte en français avec photos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Les hommes et le problème Sara Próton", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/08/le-probleme-sara-proton.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Los hombres y el problema Sara Próton", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/08/el-problema-sara-proton.html. Eso texto en español con fotos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Los hombres y el problema Sara Próton", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/08/el-problema-sara-proton.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness pictures at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "The men and the problem Sara Próton", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-problem-sara-proton.html. This text in English with licentiousness pictures at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "The men and the problem Sara Próton", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-problem-sara-proton.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Os homens e o problema Sara Próton", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2019/08/o-problema-sara-proton.html. Texto original em português com fotos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Os homens e o problema Sara Próton", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2019/08/o-problema-sara-proton.html.
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