The human species is the only animal species in which the female is valued for having horror of sex. In the rest of the animal kingdom, the female can pretend to be dead to escape the males because they grab the female by the neck during the copulation until she releases the eggs, such as those of the dragonflies; the female can eat the male to strengthen the eggs, such as those of the wasp spiders; the female can watch or even provoke fights of males for it, such as those of the elks. And a female may even be much less physically attractive than the male, such as those of the peacocks. But if a female rejected the males, it would be finished.
Only men can seem to value a chaste woman and to despise exactly the women who please them sexually, or, worse, seem to hate even certain kindnesses from a woman to a man as if they meant a sexual initiative and to like sex was reprehensible. In fact, they learn this from mothers, and the whole thing only benefits women like them. Men who treat aversion to sex as a moral principle do what their mothers and sisters would like to do to women better than themselves, while they boycott other men so that they are no happier than themselves. But if we talk about it, these men will defend such attitudes as those cases in which a minor assumes an adult's scabrous crimes, with the difference that the minor knows he is lying.
That's why the human species has Radical Feminism and Political Lesbianism. More exactly, that's why these movements militate against prostitution and pornography, they militate against advertisements in which physically pleasant women appear semi-naked, they militate against the employment of beautiful women with little clothing in auditorium programs, they have women who are repulsive (not infrequently also physically ugly) and, yet, these movements are taken seriously by men and are often supported in practice even by conservative Christian men. There are even animal species where males are very few and they die at the only opportunity to have sex in life, like bees. But then, the price is females to take over everything the group needs: food demand, female queen defense, puppies defense, etc. Feminism wants to take men out of status positions to put women in their place in a society fed on men's money, men's intellectual production, men's work, men's bigger strength, the deaths of men in work, etc. And the worst: all of this with the applause or at least the respect from the men.
It was only when the female universe itself has proved at all opportunities it had that has received much more than it offers at best or that it is detrimental to treat a woman with urbanity at worst that a significant number, though very small, of men turned to see themselves as individuals and to invest in themselves. And in the part that makes us men and women, more and more men limit themselves to the representation of a delightful sex with exuberant women, which is pornography, to the relief with sex dolls and sexbots, to the prostitution or, at most, to the casual sex. The more women treat men's heterosexuality as something that offends and belittles them, the safer it is for both groups to move away from each other. Conservative men have only collaborated until now with Feminism and misandry, hatred of men, because, as part of what I have described here briefly and I call The Little Boys Society, they have accepted getting the worst as a higher ethical and philosophical principle. And the very survival of the human species itself heretofore has only happened through the insistence of men for their future wives and their tolerance for the more precarious sex they could give them. Now, the empowered women are more and more victims of their own mischief, of themselves and of each other. And since men are still learning to recognize rights for themselves as individuals, they can see, yet, a woman to talk about how Feminism can be better for men or to receive a sexual harassment from a woman before they have any idea of the size of the crap.
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La specie umana è l'unica specie animale in cui la femmina è apprezzata per avere orrore del sesso", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La specie umana è l'unica specie animale in cui la femmina è apprezzata per avere orrore del sesso", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "L'espèce humaine est la seule espèce animale dans laquelle la femelle est appréciée pour avoir horreur du sexe", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "L'espèce humaine est la seule espèce animale dans laquelle la femelle est appréciée pour avoir horreur du sexe", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La especie humana es la única especie animal en la que la hembra es valorada por tener horror de sexo", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La especie humana es la única especie animal en la que la hembra es valorada por tener horror de sexo", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The human species is the only animal species in which the female is valued for having horror of sex", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The human species is the only animal species in which the female is valued for having horror of sex", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A espécie humana é a única espécie animal em que a fêmea é valorizada por ter horror a sexo", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A espécie humana é a única espécie animal em que a fêmea é valorizada por ter horror a sexo",
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