September 28, 2017 at 14:56
"Advice for girls: be scandalous and disgusting and take up space. Stop saying 'sorry' and start saying 'do not interrupt me'. Stop saying 'because I have a boyfriend' and start saying 'because I said no'. Say 'no' and say 'it's none of your business'. Take selfies and do not laugh at jokes that are not funny. Be ironic and sarcastic and use your hair the way you like it. Help other girls and talk about what makes you angry. Be masculine and feminine and both and none and have no regrets. Do not put your comfort aside for the ego of boys."
Cavaleiro Eclesiaste In short, be rude!
Cavaleiro Eclesiaste And arrogant
Cavaleiro Eclesiaste And exercise the same tyranny you hate
I commented in the original - 1
I make my own the Cavaleiro Eclesiaste's words, but I will complement with what I was already going to write: why do not you, woman, educate yourself to be less foolish, especially when you want to say what, literally, God and the world must be and do? That's why I say that lesbianism is a psychiatric disease: what's the problem with being a pleasant woman? And what's the problem of deserving respect instead of wanting to harvest flowers by planting poison?
And viva the men of good character! And viva the prostitution!
I commented in the original - 2
Why can not a woman be a sweet memory in the memories of men whom she passes?
We do not have to be or feel ourselves wonderful women wherever we are, we need to make people feel better because we are close.
May a man friend, acquaintance or unknown whom we no longer see remember our smile and feel himself refreshed.
May an unknown man who received a smile from us on the street be delighted. May him be animated because we do not exchange kindness for the fear of appearing to be a loose woman.
May our good also bring good to others. May every man who does us good receive something good from us. And may the good and the pleasure that he received animate him to develop and practice what he has of good.
May he remember with pleasure the sex he had with us. Or, if we have, may he remember our meaty breasts or our appetizing buttocks, and that we will never feel offended or humiliated by it.
May the shameless jokes of our male friends and acquaintances do not take away our joy. And may our shameless jokes make their joy.
May we women be present in other people's memories as a sweet memory, a good thing in the heart of each one who passed us.
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha