Folha de Sao Paulo, Feb 24, 2015: "Women suffer rape threats for defending Feminism on the Internet". The photo at right-side is a mounting with a photo of Brazilian lesbonazist activist Lola Aronovich, which is quoted on the article, on photo of Thomas James Ball. See on Thomas James Ball case at http://archive.lewrockwell.com/grigg/grigg-w219.html
Hello, my friends and my female enemies! Last month, I saw the news that feminist women are being threatened with death for defending Feminism in UOL portal, one of the first calls of the main page. The call was for a report in Folha de São Paulo, one of the largest newspapers in Brazil. I went to look for a text at Yahoo! Brasil talking about death threats against feminazist activist disguised as a university professor Lola Aronovich, I found two articles. One is in Info magazine by Abril publishing company ("Action on the internet denounces threats against blogger", Jan/10/15, http://info.abril.com.br/2015/01/acao-na-internet-denuncia-ameacas-contra-blogueira.shtml). The article was copied from leftist Agência Brasil. The other article is in the newspaper O Globo entitled "Maria da Penha Law reduces by 10% death of women for domestic violence", where she is interviewed. But I did not see this article in the newspaper O Globo, I found it on the blog of the Pastoral of Women in Belo Horizonte (http://pastoraldamulherbh.blogspot.com/2015/03/lei-maria-da-penha-reduz-em-10-morte-de.html).
More evidence, found by chance, of what I was about to say: the feminist movement is spread in normal life of Brazil (to be reductionist). The UOL portal, Yahoo portal and Abril publishing company portal have female sections. Yahoo delivered a sexuality section, Preliminares, to an androphobic lesbofeminist who thinks that "every man is a threat until he is no longer" (http://br.mulher.yahoo.com/blogs/preliminares/6-passos-para-se-aproximar-uma-mulher-sem-110347666.html). We are a macho country who has a Secretariat of Policies for Women in the Presidency of Republic, the secretariat and the presidency headed by lesbofeminist women. Ah, do you remember when I commented here that the report by Época magazine did on Masculinism, two grudgingly pages of text, with a call on the cover corner where the highlight was a report on FAT, where an interview with the editor of A Voice for Men Brasil was OMITTED? Who has not seen, you can see at http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2014/08/09/revista-epoca-publica-materia-criminosa-sobre-o-masculinismo. Well, here is, again, Mrs. Lola, the skinhead leader opining on the Black Movement. And the Época magazine portal has the blog Mulher 7 por 7 (Woman 7 to 7), by 7 princesses writing about "everything".
So, the more "women gain space", the more "the women" do not support the space of others. I have shown in the blog A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade some cases on Facebook of women preaching hatred of men or making fun about violence by women against men. But Facebook accepts THEIR complaints to penalize Christian and anti-feminist pages and profiles. A few months ago, some feminists of Slut Walk opened a petition in AVAAZ, already deleted, to remove another petition asking the penal punishing of the march. In Brazil, "the women" built and released in 2011, with the release of Lola Aronovich, a counterfeit of Silvio Koerich's blog, main anti-feminist blog at that time, to demonstrate to the public that being anti-feminist is to defend rape, racism, "pedophilia" and cruelty to animals. If the true Silvio never had 100,000 hits per day, as the blog of Lola have or have had, it shows the feminist fear to any visible contrariety. But if three or four years ago, female feminists could hardly respond to criticism using a childish farce as silviokoerich.com, today they hardly go beyond offending and blocking the author of two or three fulminating comments on Facebook.
Incidentally, you can see on my Facebook profile (abigail.pereira.aranha.91) that my friends are almost all right-wing traditional Christians, and I am an atheist, anarchist and libertine. And I said to some of them: I can defend the licentiousness in your profiles, but I can not criticize women in a feminist forum.
But we still have something worse: these feminist women are at least university students. How to make a country with newspaper offices, courts, teachers board of universities, even store servings loaded with women who do not support two or three truths in their face?
Even with all the oppressive power, or exactly because of it, feminist women are gaining more and more antipathy from women of real population. Men are also discovering the anti-feminism that the mainstream media wants to bury, or just losing interest in women. Even if the murders of women in Brazil were because of the victim "being a woman", they are 9% of the overall total of homicides, and I insist on what I have said a few times: besides to all the knaveries of the female universe, especially of lesbian militancy, misogyny is residual. The same for gynophobia, which is fear but not hatred. But it seems that anti-feminism is growing among women more than among men. Solely a movement having a growing opposition among whom it supposedly advocates is already bad sign. And the feminist movement has already entered another phase: the fight of mad cows against psychiatrically healthy women, of the repulsive women against the feminine women, of the parasite women against the productive women, of the lesbians against heterosexual non-repressed women.
And the disagreements are not only between anti-feminist women and feminist women. You can see even a conversation on a bus with a woman complaining about another woman who is boss, co-worker, teacher. Only feminist men believe that women in power means a government of benevolent goddesses.
Here enter the "death threats" against feminist women. Ui, threatened with death for defending women's rights. When will be the attack shot against UOL, which has the UOL Mulher (UOL Women) and the Blogay, as happened to Diário do Amazonas? Did someone already spread posters against Mrs. Lola Aronovich at the Federal University of Ceará as they did with prof. Antônio Zumpano at the Federal University of Minas Gerais because he criticized Feminism? OK! Who will kill Mrs. Lola? A "mascu" that destroyed a feminazi who arrived with fallacies and personal attacks in an anti-feminist forum, since in the forums of feminists only these democrats comment? Or the only fake that made two contrary comments on her blog without being blocked? And what if she is really murdered? We are in a culture of rape and misogyny, fucking! It can not happen a national commotion! If it happens, and if the criminal is discovered and punished with the rigor of the law, will be proved that male murderers and attackers of women are a minority repudiated by the rest of the male population. Then, Feminism will only survive with a psychiatric class division in the country: between those who can perceive the contradiction between being misogynistic and repudiate a murdering of a woman because of misogyny and those who can not.
And I was visiting the blog Escreva Lola Escreva and the most recent posting was "Feminists are so surrounded by online abuse that some begin to give up" (http://escrevalolaescreva.blogspot.com.br/2015/03/feministas-estao-tao-cercadas-pelo.html). A pearl by Jill Filipovic, senior political writer who talks about feminist issues in Cosmopolitan and former editor of the blog Feministe: "I have not discovered how to spend the whole day preparing myself against criticism - and not only criticism, but things really horrendous that people say to you and about you. And, after it, go home and 30 minutes later be an emotionally available and normal person". In the nineteenth century, women were burned alive in sheds and Feminism grew; today, feminists begin to give up because they are attacked by... criticism. Your International Women's Day is happy and you do not know, idiot lesbian. Hua, hua, hua, hua, hua!
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Morbo della Mucca Pazza minaccia femministe di morte, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/03/08/morbo-della-mucca-pazza-minaccia-femministe-di-morte Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Morbo della Mucca Pazza minaccia femministe di morte, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/03/morbo-della-mucca-pazza-minaccia.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Enfermedad de la Vaca Loca amenaza las feministas de muerte, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/03/08/enfermedad-de-la-vaca-loca-amenaza-las-feministas-de-muerte Eso texto en español con peliculas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Enfermedad de la Vaca Loca amenaza las feministas de muerte, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/03/enfermedad-de-la-vaca-loca-amenaza-las.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Mad Cow Disease threats feminists with death, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/03/08/mad-cow-disease-threats-feminists-with-death This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Mad Cow Disease threats feminists with death, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/03/mad-cow-disease-threats-feminists-with.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Mal da Vaca Louca ameaça as feministas de morte, http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2015/03/08/mal-da-vaca-louca-ameaca-as-feministas-de-morte Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Mal da Vaca Louca ameaça as feministas de morte, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/03/mal-da-vaca-louca-ameaca-as-feministas.html
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha