I was going to write a text like this when I read this post in a group in Facebook (the author, who I will keep unidentified, is from Trinidad and Tobago):
The MAJORITY of black society supports and believes the most STUPID ideologies.It is MOSTLY in black society that we find people who want to LOOK rich instead of actually BEING rich. It is MOSTLY in black society that we find that FATNESS and OBESITY are things to be considered desirable in a partner, instead of something considered UNHEALTHY.A SLIM or FIT person always needs some ''meat on their bones'' or to be a little more ''fluffy'' in order to be considered desirable. Most females in black society CHOOSE a bum,thug or deadbeat OVER a good or decent man.Black society sees light skinned men as being feminine and undesirable, as if there are not just as many dark skinned brothas who are just as feminine.
In black society, for some reason, simply having kids at an early age is supposed to be considered a badge of honor,as compared to generating wealth to put in place for an economic infrastructure so your kids would be comfortable even after you are gone.In black society, and ESPECIALLY among these ''new blacks'' or ''modern blacks'' the more IGNORANT the music, the more it is appreciated.
How did we as a race go from being KINGS and QUEENS in Africa, to a race that supports such STUPIDITY?
(Don't get angry at the messenger, just listen to the message)
But instead of simply agree with these words, I would like to point out another issue: saying that something like this is a prejudice is everything those who disagree can do?
An image of Socialism as an empire of mediocrity and insanity is given to us when Socialists, after they have grown in Politics, they have retrograded in Logics even conquering our universities and coming from them. Proving that "there is a woman who is not dumb" refutes "all women are dumb", but doesn't deny "there are dumb women". The propositions "some A is B" and "some A is not B" are subcontraries, that cannot be both false. If we state "some A are B" and our discordant can not deny, but argues "some A are not B", he / she either proves only our statement, if his / her is false, or proves both statements. In the same way when he / she commits the fallacy called Ignoratio Elenchi, or Irrelevant Conclusion, that is "proving a conclusion not pertinent and quite different from that which was intended or required" (http://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/ignoratio.html). Well, who have ever seen some discussions with leftists saw that both are intelectual excelence beside their typical arguments, but let us stay in this level.
Let us notice that it's worse than a simple Argumentum Ad Hominem. If the debater is lucky in demonstrate the prejudice in a statement without demonstrating that it is wrong or not general, this debater demonstrated that this prejudice is logical. That post quoted, for example: if someone says "it's Nazism", but hasn't how to refute one single phrase, this person (the one who disagrees) is showing the Nazism as a logically solid system of ideas.
We, masculinists, show data about false rape cases, some of them consensual sex denounced as rape several weeks after; a lesbo-feminist woman replies saying something about TRUE rape cases. Securing rights for women means withdrawing human rights of men, plus being silent or celebrating about it? Expose the false rape claims is machismo? If we both are right, this feminist proved that WE are humanists and THEY are sexists. Congratulations, stupid lesbian!
Ah, there was a time when Lesbianism was classified as a disease. What if I show Lesbianism as a mental disease and a feminist woman only says it’s homophobia? She demonstrated that homophobia is considering certain disease as... disease.
I have written in my blogs and in my social network profiles a bit about my debaucheries with male friends, and I have defended the licentiousness, the prostitution and the pornography. I say also this is an anti-feminist and anti-lesbian lifestyle. Sometimes, a feminist womyn reads it and says I am macho, I am a sexual object, I am devaluating myself as a woman. Let us assume that because I have dozens of sexual partners, sometimes two or three in the same fuck, it's impossible they respect and love me (I proved the opposite in several texts). Are female dignity and sexual freedom a woman being set free FROM men? What is worse: my sexual partners treating me as trash, but keeping up and having children with other (frigid) women, or a feminist womyn despising ALL men, including sexually? Ah, a thing I love to read: I am a man using a female fake. Thus, only a man can merely IMAGINE a close, sound and pleasant relationship, not only sexual, of women with men. I said in somewhere on Facebook: macho men do not need to assert the masculine superiority if women prove the feminine inferiority.
We say how quotas in universities and jobs will decrease quality, demotivating good employees and putting mediocre people in the place of better candidates, and someone says that only is this way black people can get a successful carreer? It means that Brazil had its real social justice in the 90's, when afro-Americans were half of population but 1 or 2 percent among university students and in higher income levels?
We show women making craziness to have sex with drug dealers inside and outside jail while despise men of worth, making false charges, earning abusive alimonies from ex-boyfriends and even despising men barely in social networks, and a woman comes to say she is not like these and we are misogynists? If a feminist woman is right hating men because she was married to one violent man or she once was raped by, let us exaggerate, six men at once, how much more men would have to hate women?
We expose clitoris withdrawal in young girls in an African tribe, twins infanticide in an indian tribe in America, dictatorship in China, women stoned in Middle Orient because of sex outside marriage and someone says it means saying that European civilization is better than others? Thou hast said!
If a brilliant individual in discriminated groups disagrees with the ones who supposedly defend him or her (the more likely), he or she simply disappears of the speech, like Margareth Thatcher in Feminism or Thomas Sowell in Black Movement. It's not casual, speech on "equality" preaches replacing some discriminations with counterwise discriminations, and that such politics to be made by the power of State or transnational organizations. And the authors are left-wing politicians or members of left-wing organizations sustained by taxpayers' money. Why it's not casual? Because these activists and the benefited with affirmative actions will be fulminated in a true social justice. To guarantee their incomes conquered via legalized frauds in a apparently normal curriculum at best and pure parasitism of taxpayers' money at worst, they need to show all their supposedly represented in the level of themselves. The problem is if they achieve it.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Chi etichetta un argomento solido come pregiudizio diventarà un pregiudizio un argomento solido, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/02/22/un-argomento-solido-come-pregiudizio Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Chi etichetta un argomento solido come pregiudizio diventarà un pregiudizio un argomento solido, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/02/chi-etichetta-un-argomento-solido-come.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Quien etiqueta un argumento solido como prejuicio trasformará um prejuicio en argumento solido, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/02/22/un-argumento-solido-como-prejuicio Eso texto en español con peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Quien etiqueta un argumento solido como prejuicio trasformará um prejuicio en argumento solido, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/02/quien-etiqueta-un-argumento-solido-como.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Who labels a solid argument as prejudice will turn a prejudice a solid argument, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/02/22/a-solid-argument-as-prejudice This text in English with licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Who labels a solid argument as prejudice will turn a prejudice a solid argument, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/02/who-labels-solid-argument-as-prejudice.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Quem rotula um argumento sólido como preconceito transformará um preconceito em argumento sólido, http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2015/02/22/um-argumento-solido-como-preconceito Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Quem rotula um argumento sólido como preconceito transformará um preconceito em argumento sólido, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/02/quem-rotula-um-argumento-solido-como.html
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