My dear nephew John Baptist*, you will complete 13 years old in a little while and I think that we can continue that our conversation about Sexual Education here on the blog. *I even changed his name, but your mother, your maternal grandmother and your aunts will not read it here anyway. 30 or 40 years ago, Sexual Education was not talked about. Your generation see it even in the school book of Science. You already know that, biologically, what makes the boys to be interested in girls is a hormone called testosterone. You also know that boys produce sperm constantly, and that set them ready for sex. Maybe you know more Gynecology than your maternal grandmother. So, the question is less of technical information that of education. The most delicate part is dealing with the body growing, boys on one side and girls on the other, you wanting to see what the girls do not want to show and the boys you know saying more bullshit that right things. I'll try to share a few things that can be useful for you and other boys.
1) Sex and female nudity are not inappropriate for you, are some women who do not like them.
The vast majority of women abhors men and the vast majority of women who have sons do not know what is being a mother. These are the women who say that any kissing scene in a soap opera can not be seen by kids or teenagers. These are the same women who do not know the difference between authority and age difference. These are the same women of "not because not", the lack of ability to be contradicted finding the lack of reason. And a woman who knows what is being a mother prepares a son to the world, not a ridiculous imitation of herself.
2) You are not wrong in liking woman, but you will be treated as if you were.
You will look at a woman, she will think it's bad. You will see a magazine or a page of naked women, you will be treated as a drug user (no, someone seen smoking marijuana would be treated better than you). And it's not only sex: a simple conversation with a woman can be difficult, even with some acquaintances of yours. And you grew up playing with boys and girls around the street. But remember that, in principle, you are not wrong in liking the body of a girl or in trying to approach her. I was about to say that you can be at peace with your conscience if you made nothing with a girl who you would not want a woman to make with you, but I remembered that you would like it a lot if a girl handled on your "document" in break time, but you can not do this to her.
3) Prostitution and pornography are honest jobs.
Prostitution is sex for a fee. You see, it's not what those your aunts and older female cousins did with their boyfriends or their husbands, is to offer a sexual intercourse at a price of X, or more (and good) fucks at a price of Y. Pornography is, at the origin the word, writings of prostitutes. But it is a work of explicit sex or with nudity that can be a written story, a drawing, a photo-novel, an animated cartoon or a movie. And today it is not with prostitutes, the women of the movies and photos are models or porn stars. And where is the degradation in prostitution or pornography that so many people see? Excluding the attacks that some prostitutes receive by some customers or some scenes of pornography you had better do not see, what exists is not degradation, it is women who hate sex and men envious of those who have a better life than theirs. These same people who think that being a prostitute or porn actress is dirty do not know, do not comment or even think it's good when a prostitute is murdered or when a girl loses a "normal" job because it was discovered that she did sensual or pornographic pictures. Oh, auntie is not a prostitute, she has fun with her friends simply because she likes.
4) Be worthy of respect, but expect the worst from women.
I usually say that no woman jumped the wall of the school at 15 years old to lose her virginity to the best student in the class. Be diligent, be honest, be smart, be kind, be humorous, but that all will be good for other things beyond captivate girls. Until the era in which your father was your age, men like these were driven away as stray dogs every time they tried to approach a woman, by old frustrated women and by other men. Until they were accepted grudgingly by the family of a woman who had no better option of husband to 20s. It has not improved much today, and today the free woman herself has the option to treat you like dirt.
5) A woman is not better or more mature than you just because you are interested in the opposite sex and she is not.
It is true that many young men and even some older men are idiots and talk a lot about sex, as if a man was more male because he tells sexual stories he did not have or he bothers women on the street. But you will see that the majority of people seem to think that liking sex is the same as being stupid or immature. Like they think that be pleased with a woman and not disguise is the same as disrespect. It should be clear that you can be a serious man without ceasing liking women, as a woman can be a respectable woman without ceasing liking men. But among several examples of how the mediocre women are placed as a gauge literally of God and the world, the ridiculously low sexual interest of the worst women in men and the interest zero they produce in men also become virtue. And what many people call ethics or morals, I call hard-dick horror because that's what it is about.
6) If you continue enjoying computer games, who has something wrong may not be you.
Without the heterosexuality of the men, women would be nothing in the society built by the intellectual and manual labor of men. But you will see that a man of character is usually the last to be valued, by women and by the labor market. You probably will end up keeping your performance at work only enough to keep it and don't have many nuisances, because a brilliant performance where you already are either will go unnoticed by your stupid heads or will attract an intrigue of a mediocre cow. A male acquaintance of yours will count sexual adventures he did not have or will show a median cow on the street saying "look what a hottie" and this will irritate you. With all this, you will see married men over 35 years talking about computer games. And you will see women saying that a woman is "sexy", but not these men.
7) If sex is not love, marriage is not sex.
Yeah, maybe you will love a girl, maybe doing things because of it for whose you will laugh or cry later. And it may be that she does not have the most exciting body among girls of your age group you know, perhaps she is not even the most beautiful. So it's not just lust. But why your interest in her? She is friendly? She is smart? She is good-hearted? May be. But it can be, furthermore, sex. Men are attracted to the physical shape of a woman, but they may be interested in a woman who has not their preferred body type, but has non-physical qualities, such as sympathy. So you need to understand why you like her. You may feel sexual attraction to a girl because you love her. In this case, you may want to marry her to give her the well-being that you know you will have by her side. But you might be thinking of naughtiness simply. Even today, a woman is very unlikely to accept a "friends with benefits". But you do not disrespect a girl JUST BECAUSE you had sex with her without marrying. And is not worth waiting marriage for sex. You can have a relationship with sex to a conventional marriage and already find the girl obnoxious over time. It is normal for a childless couple only having sex once or twice a month. In the past, married men still sought adultery, prostitution or what was called pornography even at the risk of imprisonment or the death penalty. Today, your neighbor can be you tomorrow.
Questo testo in italiano senza foto e filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Zietta Abigail parlando un po' di ragazze (per mio nipote di 13 anni), Questo testo in italiano con foto e filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Zietta Abigail parlando un po' di ragazze (per mio nipote di 13 anni), ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Tía Abigail charlando un poco sobre chicas (para mi sobrino de 13 años), Eso texto en español con fotos y peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Tía Abigail charlando un poco sobre chicas (para mi sobrino de 13 años), ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness pics and movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Auntie Abigail chating a little about girls (for my nephew 13 years old), This text in English with licentiousness pics and movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Auntie Abigail chating a little about girls (for my nephew 13 years old), ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Tia Abigail conversando um pouco sobre meninas (para o meu sobrinho de 13 anos), Texto original em português com fotos e filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Tia Abigail conversando um pouco sobre meninas (para o meu sobrinho de 13 anos),
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