(This introduction and the pieces 1 to 3 of the other subtitle are repeated throughout the series, the notes until there as well. The numbering of the pieces and the notes is sequence from part 1. The direct hyperlinks of the pieces are in the numbers.)
Two cases almost the same day. The first was on February 23 in Venezuela, I will introduce it with the commentary of the Venezuelan psychologist Alberto Barradas[01]:
The news of the girl from Barquisimeto who was almost killed with a bomb is being handled more from the point of view of her breasts than the danger she ran.
Society is broken, repairing it will take time and it will not be easy to do it. We are sick and that has to be said.
She's the girl in this video:
And I saw this video shared on Twitter exactly with that kind of approach. I saw worse things in the comments of Alberto Barradas' tweet, highlighting the comment that she could show the mark of a knock in the middle of her breasts without showing the location of the knock[02]. Yes, a boy said that. This male observation about the girl is not at all wrong, but I will comment on it later. But in the few comments I read on Twitter (about 200), I did not see her name: Oriana Valentina Gutiérrez. And how did I find out? Listening her talking in the video: Oriana Gutiérrez, from Barquisimeto, State of Lara. She also quickly tells what happened: she went to help a woman who was fainted and someone (of the Bolivarian National Guard) threw a bomb that hit the middle of her breasts and luckily it did not explode. That was on the February 23rd in a conflict on the border with Colombia in which a truck of humanitarian aid was burned by the Bolivarian National Guard and there was confrontation with ordinary citizens[03] [04]. After the video became famous, she published a video about the case, thanking those who were concerned and begging respect for her and her family (because of offensive comments and bad jokes)[05] [06].
The second case was the next day, 24th, in Brazil. Video and description by profile of Marie Claire magazine on Instagram[07]:
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marieclairebr Parading in @academicosdobaixoaugusta today in São Paulo, @mariacasadevall made two protests in one: #FreeTheNipples and #EleNão (not him) (Via @galvaoleo) #mariacasadevall |
Article by UOL: "Topless, Maria Casadevall protests against Bolsonaro in Carnival block in SP"[08]. "Casadevall was recognized in the crowd and clicked alongside other revelers, who shared the image on social networks and described her as 'Empowered' and 'Joy says it all'".
Now, I'll make some comments
01) Oriana Gutiérrez does not have melons like Abigail's, but it's a size that a heterosexual man will not fail to observe. Male heterosexuality is not, by itself, disrespect to women, or immaturity, or anything shameful or diminutive. If I was a man, I would observe equally the breasts and the redness of the knock, and I would imagine the bruises she said that she had and did not show. The men who admired the girl's breasts may have ignored the context, but they are not the same ones who said that Venezuela is a healthy democracy and that humanitarian aid is a ruse for the invasion by the far right of the United States. But who commented that she wanted to gain fame and followers on the Instagram showing her breasts (a medium neckline of a sleeveless shirt, actually) were not leftists, because they did not even see it, they were conservative men and conservative women, all with antipathy against male heterosexuality.
02) You, man, do not have to be an idiot to be heterosexual. And if you are a man who because you are intelligent you have become anti-feminist (Men and Boys Human Rights Activism, Real, MGTOW, etc.), you still like (straight) sex or seeing a woman with a beautiful body. But we see men who demonstrate heterosexuality in a stupid way, and some of them even say to another man that if he did not find a "4/10" woman hot, he's gay. But the depreciation of a man even in these cases is not because he is stupid or "loser", it is because he is straight. This is what is behind the campaign "Carnival Without Harassment" by the Order of the Lawyers of Brazil[09]. If the reduction of the criminal age to 16 years is in order to send the blacks to jail, campaign against harassment (from man to woman) is in order to arrest ordinary men. Then you, man, are in a town with carnival, you do not even have to be near the party places, you see half-naked women on the street and you think you can not give a "good afternoon" or a bump without the risk of going to the police station. In addition to losing the security it still had, male sexuality has now lost its meaning. Incidentally, female sexuality, too. But it was not just the left-wing that did it. The Conservatives did not achieve more damage because they could not.
03) And because I defend and I practice licentiousness, I can have a feminist woman and another woman who is conservative saying me on social networks in the same week, as if it was derogatory, that I please men. And on Facebook, I can have, in the same week, a denunciation by a left-wing feminist who felt contradicted by a comment by me and another post automatically removed because it had a woman wearing bikini and a badly made image recognition interpreted it as "naked woman".
04) Article by TV Foco: "After Maria Casadevall, famous presenter of Globo empowers helself and appears without a bra"[10]. She is the actress and presenter Maíra Charken. This was her post on Instagram[11]:
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mairacharken Mother's breasts and belly. We need to talk more about this "new" body that, for the moment haunts us and which, for the most part, cherishes. We are not machines, but we generate life! Stop judging us and pushing us! Uterus gives life and the chest keeps it alive and healthy! We are wonderful the way we are! #MyBodyMyFolds #Maternity #RealMaternity #HealthyBody #Breastfeeding |
05) After the success in the social networks, of the mockery by conservatives who said that her breasts were small, withered and crooked, "Maria Casadevall explains after letting breasts on display in the carnival", article by IstoÉ Gente[12]. She apologized to the feminist women.
"My chest on display on the last pre-Carnival Sunday, I admit, was protected there by all the privileges that surround me as a white woman and public figure and they would certainly guarantee my physical integrity in making that choice that afternoon, as it happened", continued Maria.
The actress also recognized some privileges she had from the attitude. "My chest on display on the last pre-Carnival Sunday was the fruit of a personal choice, but I was able to make a choice. And that's a privilege."
Finally, she was open to dialogue with the women who felt hurt in some way. "To the 'sistas' (black women, above all) who felt hurt in their struggles or crossed in any way by my attitude, my apologies.
06) "Maria Casadevall apologizes to women and says that leaving breasts on display was a privilege"[13]. Article in the section F5 of Folha de São Paulo. She speaks about protection and the article brings a photo showing a watchman in the background.

I myself have brought several cases since 2007 of women who lost a job and sometimes the family had to move out of town because she had naked photos or sex videos posted on the internet. What she speaks of "public figure privilege" (not white woman's) was the first thing I thought of when I saw the video. More exactly, a leftist militant public figure.
07) We've already had beautiful women taking sexy photos to preach against "sexual harassment"[14] [15]. This at a time in which women made false accusations against men for sex crimes that would have happened months or years before. And in which women reported casual consensual sex as rape. And in which even marriages ended with the woman making false accusations that the man would have raped the couple's little son. It is not that a man who is interested in approaching a woman has a considerable chance of, if he is lucky, to end up with only a glass of beer in his face. The crap is split between the unfeasibility of both male and female heterosexuality itself (because female sexual innuendo no longer means something) and, if all goes well, to have a police end in the medium term.
[01] Alberto Barradas, February 25, 2019 at 09:15,
La noticia de la chica de Barquisimeto que casi la matan de un bombazo se está manejando más desde el punto de vista de sus senos que del peligro que corrió.
La sociedad está descompuesta, repararla llevará tiempo y no será fácil hacerlo. Estamos enfermos y eso hay que decirlo.
[02] Rafa Moreno Argotte, February 25, 2019 at 13:14,
Con todo el respeto, ella misma (no se si a propósito o no), se ganó su minuto de fama.
Había otra forma de mostrar el golpe. Aparte, si va a pelear o ayudar, va a ir con una franelilla sin sostén?
A las mujeres le duelen los senos al correr sin sostén.
Y si, nos falta mucho!
[03] "La venezolana Oriana Gutiérrez se llenó de seguidores en Instagram", Canal 1, February 25, 2019,
[04] "¡MÍRELA! Oriana Gutiérrez: Fue golpeada por una bomba lacrimógena en Cúcuta y se volvió una…", Noticias Venezuela, February 26, 2019,
[05] "Oriana Gutiérrez responde al video viral sobre sus senos", Canal 1, February 25, 2019,
[06] "Joven venezolana envió contundente mensaje a quienes hablaron de sus senos tras agresión del GNB", Río Noticias, February 26, 2019,
[07] marieclairebr, February 24, 2019,
[08] "De topless, Maria Casadevall protesta contra Bolsonaro em bloco em SP", UOL, February 24, 2019,
[09] "OAB lança a campanha Carnaval sem assédio", OAB, February 28, 2019,
[10] "Após Maria Casadevall, famosa apresentadora da Globo se empodera e surge sem sutiã", TV Foco, February 27, 2019,
[11] mairacharken, February 27, 2019,
[12] "Maria Casadevall se explica após deixar seios à mostra no carnaval", IstoÉ Gente, February 27, 2019,
[13] "Maria Casadevall se desculpa com mulheres e diz que deixar seios à mostra foi privilégio", F5, Folha de São Paulo, February 27, 2019,
[14] "Miss Bumbum México faz ensaio sensual contra assédio sexual", iG Gente, January 11, 2018,
[15] "Musa do Carnaval Alessandra Mattos faz topless contra assédio sexual", Estado de Minas, May 14, 2017,,206490/musa-do-carnaval-alessandra-mattos-faz-topless-contra-assedio-sexual.shtml.
Notes on breasts and politics At Réflexion et Temps Libre At Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes part 1 (almost) WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS part 1 WITH LICENTIOUSNESS part 2 (almost) WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS part 2 WITH LICENTIOUSNESS part 3 (almost) WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS part 3 WITH LICENTIOUSNESS part 4 (almost) WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS part 4 WITH LICENTIOUSNESS part 5 (almost) WITHOUT LICENTIOUSNESS part 5 WITH LICENTIOUSNESS
Questo testo in italiano senza video e fumetti di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Note su seni e politica - parte 1 di 5", Questo testo in italiano con video e fumetti di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Note su seni e politica - parte 1 di 5", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos et bandes dessinées de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes sur seins et politique - partie 1 de 5", Ce texte en français avec vidéos et bandes dessinées de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes sur seins et politique - partie 1 de 5", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin vídeos y cómics de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notas sobre senos y política - parte 1 de 5", Eso texto en español con vídeos y cómics de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notas sobre senos y política - parte 1 de 5", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos and comics at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes on breasts and politics - part 1 of 5", This text in English with licentiousness videos and comics at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes on breasts and politics - part 1 of 5", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos e cartuns de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Notas sobre seios e política - parte 1 de 5", Texto original em português com vídeos e cartuns de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Notas sobre seios e política - parte 1 de 5",
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