Folks, I won a 7 day suspension on Facebook day before yesterday for sharing nudity. I was sharing a post by a conservative lady. It was a video of a woman peeing beside a bus stop and, in the end, an old man passes next to her and kicks her. It's a professional pornographic video, but the description was as if it was a feminist doing a "performance" and a passer-by reacting. And this "hoax" is from last year, and every time I saw it, I replied more or less as I replied this time[01]:
Folks, the video is old and it's not from Brazil. You can find it in XVideos, for example: XVideos/video24077/girl_pissing_in_public_and_kicked_by_an_old_man. It does not have the date of the post, but it has comments dated 10 years ago.
Someone may have denounced the original post and it hit me. Or someone reported my post specifically. But who would do that? A conservative woman? It's possible, a conservative woman who was scandalized by the image and did not read the text. But can this person be leftist? It's possible, the most amazing thing is to find a leftist with this level of contact with the real people, the level of reading my timeline or the authoress of the original post's timeline. Ah, I was able to retrieve the hyperlink to the original post and the authoress profile, Viviane Oliveira, address and I saw her comment on the report against the post[02]. And in matters of intellectuality, how many conservatives can write 200 characters without so many misspellings? (In the original in Portuguese, they were not adapted here)
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March 20, 2019 at 13:54 They denounced the video of the pissing feminist who got kicked in the ass. There are some very angry hairy women, watching my Facebook profile. Smelly cretins, scrape your groins, carrion. |
In "levou chute no rabo" in the Portuguese original ("got kicked in the ass"), are two spaces between "chute" and "no", which may not appear as two for you reader, because HTML does not show them. But I'm highlighting this because... it's being normal for me to say one thing today and it to be confirmed next week or a few years later. Including this censorship against sex and anti-leftism AT THE SAME TIME, which I visualized 10 years ago[03] and conservatives do not perceive even today. And I did not visualize it at that epoch as a prediction, but as something that WAS ALREADY HAPPENING. And it's not just this case of this video that I'll comment on this time. And I put the hypothesis that who denounced the video was a conservative woman, not a leftist feminist, it was not by chance or by too much imagination. The hypothesis has to do with the errors in spelling and content of that post: anyone who thinks badly reads badly and writes badly. That post of mine that I quoted is still on my Facebook profile, but it's also the comment I left in Viviane Oliveira's post, so that both her profile readers and those my profile readers who have already seen the video to know the source. Conservatives are not in the habit of giving the source of what they publish on the internet. Or of knowing the source.
And the same day I was blocked, a few hours earlier, I received a memento from a Facebook friend and my blogs reader. He shared in his profile tagging me and I commented[04]:
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March 19, 2019 at 11:54 Look at it, Abigail Pereira Aranha
Abigail Pereira Aranha This is a cool amusement. It reminded me of the movies by Magma I watched as a teenager. And there were even presentable girls. And some boys that made me want to introduce myself to them.[06] Abigail Pereira Aranha "Imagine if this was a fashion in Brazil. Would you go?" It would be cool. If they want to pick me up to see if I'm not carrying a beer can in the middle of my breasts or a bonbon in the middle of my butts, I'll understand it. If it is with the discount of 270 euros, gives 1,157.57 reals today. Then, I arrive at my father's house with a thousand reals of purchases, my family asks and I explain: "I bought in a supermarket that gives a discount of more than 1,000 reals for those who do the shopping naked. And I came by car with two boys I met there. They were going to do a barbecue with friends and I offered to take part and to take some things for them to drink and to taste."[07] Abigail Pereira Aranha Ah, and I went to see how much the euro was worth, I found The Money Converter:
This friend and reader is the same who shared with me a tribute to the prostitutes on International Women's Day[09], who also shared this article with me in November 2017[10]:
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November 02, 2017 at 17:21 Ha, ha, ha, ha! The coterie's ideas. Abigail Pereira Aranha, I thought of you!
March 8 was a Friday. The following Sunday, I went to visit my father and he told me that he and my sisters saw the homage on my profile and they (my sisters) were horrified, he not so much. Ah, and I showed them the other post, that in 2017. One of my sisters, the only one who was there at that time, asked me how I feel when I see that my friends see prostitution and they remember me. I replied that I feel that my male friends see me as a friend and as a woman. And I asked my father: "has any friend of yours told you that he wants to fuck you?" He replied: "no way". And I completed: "several of my friends on the internet want it. It has to do with I am a woman". My brothers, my sisters and some cousins and nephews arrived later, the conversation was very super, philosophical and educational. And I myself asked the question: "how can a friend of mine who thinks I am smart, friendly and amusing think of penetrating my asshole and filling my mouth with sperm?" The joke was so philosophical that the family did not even know what to think.
The same day I was suspended on Facebook, I saw this post by Leandro Ruschel dated one month before[12]:
I already had the answer almost ready in my mind when I saw this other post in that same day[13]:
Inauguração de loja de tinta!!!
— Beto?? Duarte (Águias Parapente) (@dp_norberto) 19 de março de 2019
Aí fica aquela pergunta no ar: "O que está acontecendo com "algumas" mulheres no Brasil. Será que é reflexo da Profissionalização da prostituição??? Ou da máxima que diz que a roupa (ou ausência dela), não diz quem eu sou???#AcabouAVergonha
Once again an sourceless, undated, non-referenced video shared by a conservative. But after some work, I discovered the background of the story. I'll copy here what I found on the Novinhas do Whatsapp website, published November past year[14]:
Roberto Tintas inaugurates with some hotties
Roberto Tintas inaugurates his store with some hotties nude only with body painting dancing, curling their big butts! This Roberto Tintas is a genius in Marketing, he put some naked bombshells wagging their butts in front of the store and it was a total success!
The post has two other videos, one minute each. I'll leave the comments to the boys because I'm hetero.
So, I replied to Beto Duarte by sharing the Leandro Ruschel's post and soon thereafter vice versa:
Abigail P. Aranha
In reply to @dp_norberto[15]
Abigail P. Aranha retweeted Leandro Ruschel
Look, a month ago, a conservative profile was suspended: [reference 12]. You have tried to erase sex and even to kill the sex workers inside and outside the internet. When you only had the internet as a channel, the left-wing used the Inquisition to burn the fathers.
Leandro Ruschel @leandroruschel
On Twitter, we have a terrorist group, PCC, VERIFIED account of a mythomaniac that simulated her own kidnapping and blamed a deputy. Besides of all pornography.
But Joaquim Teixeira's jokes are unacceptable to the network. He was blocked…
19:38 - March 19, 2019
Abigail P. Aranha
In reply to @leandroruschel[16]
Abigail P. Aranha retweeted Beto Duarte (Águias Parapente)
Look, a month later, we have this video and an indignation: [reference 13]. You have tried to erase sex and even to kill the sex workers inside and outside the internet. When you only had the internet as a channel, the left-wing used the Inquisition to burn the fathers.
This Tweet is unavailable.
19:48 - March 19, 2019
The Leandro Ruschel's post and especially the Viviane Oliveira's denounced post were what I wrote 9 days ago[17]:
20) Why are conservatives sometimes victims, on Facebook and some public wi-fi networks, of the same censorship that blocks nudity and sex? Conservatives have already tried the blockage of the Internet against nudity, pornography and sexual services in the 1990s and 2000s. When they failed to achieve this blockade by political means, they had software for that blockage on networks that were within their reach. This tries to be what they did when the Catholic Church or some Protestant church was in political power. But Conservatism has lost political power and more and more the credibility. Then the left-wing came to the presidency of the republic (not only in Brazil) and the conservatives lost even a large part of the formal political representation that still remained. And the overwhelming majority of the people in general as well as of the administrations of computer networks and social networks were divided into Conservative Christians with problems with sex and leftists also with problems with sex (at least the hetero). There, the leftist movement, even where the government was not formally socialist, was able to use the Puritan facade to block the Puritans. The mere possibility that we can still see on the Internet a video of a half-naked woman doing a sensual dance has the same explanation as why we still had, in countries like Brazil, a right-wing gathered in social networks during leftist governments: the conservatives did not have time to make a Victorian dictatorship and the twenty-first century Left did not have neither the time nor the credibility to make its own dictatorship in the name of the folks.
[01] Abigail Pereira Aranha, March 17, 2019 at 21:22,
[02] Viviane Oliveira, March 20, 2019 at 13:54,
[03] "Em nome da proteção às crianças e aos adolescentes, vamos dar apoio a um Estado fascista-muçulmanóide?", January 05, 2009, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,
[04] Bradon Kamato, March 19, 2019 at 11:54,
[05] "Supermercado alemão faz sucesso ao oferecer produtos grátis para quem fizesse compras pelado", Hypeness, April 13, 2016,
[06] Abigail Pereira Aranha, March 19, 2019 at 13:44,
[07] Abigail Pereira Aranha, March 19, 2019 at 14:16,
[08] Abigail Pereira Aranha, March 19, 2019 at 14:21,
[09] Piece 27 of "Notes on breasts and politics - part 5 of 5", March 13, 2019, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[10] Note 8 of "Diário filosófico da Abigail P. Aranha: Queermuseu, La Bête, pedofilia, fundamentalismo sertanejo, política brasileira e diversão dos amigos homens - bloco 5 de 8", November 14, 2017, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,
[11] "Mulher desenvolve 'super QI' depois de ter ingerido esperma todos os dias durante um ano", Sempre Questione, December 02, 2016,
[12] Leandro Ruschel, February 18, 2019 at 10:32,
[13] Beto Duarte (Águias Parapente), March 19, 2019 at 17:54,
[14] "Roberto Tintas inaugura com umas gostosas", Novinhas do Whatsapp, November 20, 2018,
[15] Abigail P. Aranha, March 19, 2019 at 19:38,
[16] Abigail P. Aranha, March 19, 2019 at 19:48,
[17] Piece 20 of "Notes on breasts and politics - part 4 of 5", March 12, 2019, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Note su nudità, censura contro l'anti-sinistrismo sui social network e una donna che è vista dai suoi amici come una donna", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Note su nudità, censura contro l'anti-sinistrismo sui social network e una donna che è vista dai suoi amici come una donna", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes sur nudité, censure contre l'anti-gauchisme sur les réseaux sociaux et une femme qui est vue par ses amis comme une femme", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes sur nudité, censure contre l'anti-gauchisme sur les réseaux sociaux et une femme qui est vue par ses amis comme une femme", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin vídeos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notas sobre desnudez, censura contra el anti-izquierdismo en las redes sociales y una mujer que es vista por sus amigos como una mujer", Eso texto en español con vídeos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notas sobre desnudez, censura contra el anti-izquierdismo en las redes sociales y una mujer que es vista por sus amigos como una mujer", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes about nudity, censorship against anti-leftism on social networks and a woman who is seen by her friends as a woman", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes about nudity, censorship against anti-leftism on social networks and a woman who is seen by her friends as a woman", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Notas sobre nudez, censura ao antiesquerdismo nas redes sociais e uma mulher que é vista pelos amigos como mulher", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Notas sobre nudez, censura ao antiesquerdismo nas redes sociais e uma mulher que é vista pelos amigos como mulher",