Mother who was cruelly shamed for breastfeeding her son at Disneyland hits back at her 'haters' by nursing right in front of them, even snapping a photo of their FURIOUS faces
Brittni Medina was at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, with her 10-month-old son and her husband when the little boy needed to be fed
Thus, Medina, who was standing in a very long line and didn't want to lose her spot, started nursing openly
She said two women started making loud comments claiming she should have gone into a bathroom to feed her child
Far from letting that discourage her, Medina moved a little closer to the women and asked her husband to snap a picture of her with them in the background
The resulting shot shows the mother smiling while holding her baby son, while the two woman watch her with disapproving faces
By Clemence Michallon For
Published: 22:57 BST, 21 November 2017 | Updated: 14:36 BST, 22 November 2017
A mother who says she was shamed for breastfeeding her son at Disneyland has hit back at her 'haters' in one gleeful picture.
Brittni Medina took to Facebook over the weekend to recount the incident, which unfolded while she was at Disneyland with her husband and their 10-month-old son.
The mother of two, who has another young boy, explained she was standing in a very long line when the baby got hungry. She didn't want to lose her spot and have to start at the very back of the queue again, so she began to nurse him openly.
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Mommy-shaming: Brittni Medina says the two women in the background criticized her for breastfeeding her son openly after the 10-month-old got hungry during a Disneyland visit |
But as she fed her child, Medina says she noticed two women criticizing her for breastfeeding in a public place.
Far from being discouraged from carrying on, the mom asked her husband to snap a picture of herself, completely at ease while nursing, with the two disapproving women in the background.
'These women were making snarky comments so I moved from my spot to catch a picture with these characters.
'Not for attention for me but attention to the fact NO WOMEN SHOULD BE SHAMED FOR FEEDING THEIR BABY UNCOVERED,' Medina wrote in her Facebook post.
The mother, who posted in a public breastfeeding group, also explained that she and her husband are annual pass holders, and as such, visit the amusement park often.
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Clapping back: Far from being discouraged from carrying on, the mom asked her husband (pictured with her and their son) to snap a picture of herself, completely at ease while nursing |
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Owning it: Medina (pictured with her husband and baby) says she stepped slightly in the women's direction so that their disapproving faces would become part of the photo |
Medina described herself as 'pretty comfortable feeding anywhere, anyway', and recounted her amused reaction to the women's remarks.
'These ladies were so angry by it my husband just had to take a picture. Peep the haters,' she wrote. 'Characters of the day. Just had to get a picture!'
The mom is smiling widely in the photo, and remains amused by the women's reaction.
'I actually stepped a little over to get them in the picture because they were talking loudly saying how I should go to the restroom to feed,' she told Popsugar. 'I was happy my husband could capture me and my son happily feeding and I thought the looks on their faces were priceless. I mean, how could they be so mad?'
She also revealed that she used to cover up while breastfeeding her eldest son, but has now stopped doing so because she finds that it doesn't keep others from judging her.
'I covered with my first son, but honestly people will complain no matter what you do!' she said.
"Mother who was cruelly shamed for breastfeeding her son at Disneyland hits back at her 'haters' by nursing right in front of them, even snapping a photo of their FURIOUS faces", Daily Mail, November 21, 2017,
Adaptation of a post of mine in February 13, 2017
I've been thinking one thing: why when they go to censor a semi-naked woman's photo or video so that it does not get "inappropriate", they only put a stripe on the nipple, and they do not cover the whole breast? More: why does this happen even when the woman has tiny breasts, and even Facebook accepts photos of a porn actress if she does it? Is it because the female nipple reminds breastfeeding?
Would it be that if you think of a woman at least remembering your mother, you mix the two things without seeing it? Would it be that even women make unconscious association of large breasts to abundant milk? I am not entrapped in this. Then, I can write a series "The Little Boys Society".
Original at
My comments

I discovered this case through Twitter, shared by Free the Nipple. The group's comment[01]:
BADDASS!! why is it that every time a woman goes topless or she is breastfeeding in public it’s always a woman that has a problem with or reports it!? wake up! we are in this together!!
I commented there[02]:
You made a great question! Maybe unawarely, you showed the key point: the worst fighters against women bodies are another women.
And let's note that, excluding the photographer and husband of the mother, we had no men involved in the case. It is not that the progressives did not discover fascist Brazilian blacks, homophobic gays or misogynistic women (among them, myself), but if there were a man reprimanding his mother, the far-left would have made a scandal denouncing the machismo, the patriarchy, etc. And we would know this even in Brazil.[03] But given that we saw only women here, the approach itself was mainly in the humorous reaction from a woman to an unpleasant situation. Because of it, firstly, the case was an article of Femail, the female section of the Daily Mail. Secondly, the case was shared in a specific group, though of leftist tendency, against censorship of female nipples (both on the internet and on the streets). And thirdly, it is likely that you, reader, only knew about this case here, because I shared it, and I myself only discovered it by chance, while I saw profiles of sex workers.
And those angry ladies, are they conservative Christians? It's almost certain. But what about conservative Christians, will they protest with the same ugly face? That would be the only way for conservative Christianity to appear here. But why can not they be feminists, even lesbians?
I discovered in 2015 a Brazilian group resembling Free the Nipple, Mamilo Livre[04], and the women who created the group argue that Facebook bans photos of naked breasts even when published by the woman herself, but a photo of a man without shirt is allowed. But they make a brutal mistake: "if the nipples of women are not inherently sexual, who else if not women themselves should draw this line?" The anus is not a sexual organ too, what gives me pleasure with anal sex is that my boys like it and I like what they like (but double anal I won't have because it would rip me). If the sex is with a man, what does not excite him is not sexual, at least for him. Feminist women do not have that in mind, hence the movement goes to the extreme of fat feminism, the woman is morbid obese, she takes a photo exhibiting her horrific body and she feels powerful, she puts it in her head that she knocked over the standards of beauty when what she managed to knock over were some dicks until the next day. But beyond that, these movements against censorship of the female nipples are antisexual.
I was saying that progressives have discovered misogynist women. The life of the real people was already happening outside their books, the real people do not pay much attention to them. When the internet was popularized, it ended up for them, because even dumb or alienated, people of the real people think and live out of the box, and now they can write out of the box. We can see that in this case. In addition to this photo does not have macho men, the Femail article itself only existed because of Facebook. BECAUSE of Facebook and ALBEIT Mark Zuckerberg, as it happens with Brazilian anti-leftism. With more and more frequency, we have news that are published in the newspaper because the readers know, not vice versa. And more and more leftists need to study the real people to adjust the real people or their life to their theory, not vice versa. For example, if I am a heterosexual and non-feminist woman, I am a macho woman and I lower myself to a sexual object of men. That's what's behind that call "Wake up! We are in this together!" We are not. There are women who hate sexually liberal women, women who hate young women with bigger breasts or butts, and women who hate conservative women, and each one of them earns something by practicing that hatred.
Joining the photo of the girl with the post by Free the Nipple, we have the encounter of two errors of the female universe: that of women who think that exposing the nipple for breastfeeding is sexual and therefore reprehensible with that of women who think that what is reprehensible is a man having sexual pleasure by seeing female nipples. I.e.: the problem for some women is to confront heterosexuality where it does not exist, the problem for others is to take it out of where it exists.
[01] Free the Nipple, November 22, 2017 at 17:21,
[02] Abigail P. Aranha, January 22, 2018 at 20:28,
[03] I was already forgetting: the far-left activist Guilherme Boulos shared a case on Twitter.

"I had left a medical appointment and it was an hour ago that I was waiting for the bus when I decided to breastfeed my baby. I took him out of the sling, I lifted the blouse, and I was fitting the nursing bra when three security guards approached me". Absurdity!
Mother says bus terminal security at ABC has prevented her from breastfeeding: 'violent attempt against modesty',...
Thais Magalhães was approached by three security guards at the Vila Luzita bus terminal, at Santo André, Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.
Guilherme Boulos, July 11, 2018 at 00:03,
[04] "Dupla de ativistas cria petição por fim da censura a mamilos femininos no Facebook", Extra, October 1, 2015,
Questo testo in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Femail e Libera il Capezzolo ci rivelano chi vuole i seni delle donne imprigionati (O: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 37; o: Tuo corpo, mie leggi episodio 7; o: Il maschilismo è stato creato dalle donne - parte 12)", Questo testo in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Femail e Libera il Capezzolo ci rivelano chi vuole i seni delle donne imprigionati (O: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 37; o: Tuo corpo, mie leggi episodio 7; o: Il maschilismo è stato creato dalle donne - parte 12)", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Femail et Libérez le Mamelon nous dévoilent qui veulent que les seins des femmes soient emprisonnés (Ou: Le Puritain-Féminisme épisode 37; ou: Ton corps, mes lois épisode 7; ou: Le machisme a été créé par les femmes - partie 12)", Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Femail et Libérez le Mamelon nous dévoilent qui veulent que les seins des femmes soient emprisonnés (Ou: Le Puritain-Féminisme épisode 37; ou: Ton corps, mes lois épisode 7; ou: Le machisme a été créé par les femmes - partie 12)", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Femail y Libera el Pezón nos revelan quién quiere los senos de las mujeres encarcelados (O: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 37; o: Tu cuerpo, mis leyes episodio 7; o: El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 12)", Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Femail y Libera el Pezón nos revelan quién quiere los senos de las mujeres encarcelados (O: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 37; o: Tu cuerpo, mis leyes episodio 7; o: El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 12)", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness pictures and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Femail and Free the Nipple disclose us who want the women breasts imprisoned (Or: The Puritan-Feminism episode 37; or: Your body, my laws episode 7; or: Machismo was created by women - part 12)", This text in English with licentiousness pictures and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Femail and Free the Nipple disclose us who want the women breasts imprisoned (Or: The Puritan-Feminism episode 37; or: Your body, my laws episode 7; or: Machismo was created by women - part 12)", ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Femail e Liberte o Mamilo nos revelam quem quer os seios das mulheres presos (Ou: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 37; ou: Seu corpo, minhas leis episódio 7; ou: O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 12)", Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Femail e Liberte o Mamilo nos revelam quem quer os seios das mulheres presos (Ou: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 37; ou: Seu corpo, minhas leis episódio 7; ou: O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 12)",
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