Brazilian identified in 2nd macho video is fired by LATAM
After repercussion and pressure from internauts, LATAM dismisses Brazilian who appears in video harassing and humiliating women in Russia. Felipe Wilson worked at the Cumbica airport in Guarulhos
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Felipe Wilson (left) |
"LATAM Airlines Brazil strongly repudiates any kind of offense or discriminatory practice and emphasizes that any opinion that violates respect does not reflect the values and principles of the company. From this assumption, the company informs that it has taken the appropriate measures, according to its code of ethics and conduct"
The above note was published on Wednesday (20) by LATAM Airlines after the repercussion of a new video in which the now former employee of the company, Felipe Wilson, humiliates and harasses Russian women in recording. The Brazilian worked at the Cumbica airport, in Guarulhos, in Metropolitan Region of São Paulo.
The new video released on social networks shows at least three Brazilians embarrassing women during the World Cup in Russia. In one passage, one of them appears asking foreigner women to repeat the phrase: "I want to give my ... to you".
At least three cases of embarrassing videos featuring Brazilians have been released since the start of the World Cup. The case that generated the greatest repercussion in the country involves a group of Brazilians who, under the pretext of teaching cheerleading, made a young woman to repeat words that refer to the female sexual organ. She smiles and repeats excitedly.
Four of the group's members had already their names revealed: Luciano Gil Mendes Coelho, former member of the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Piauí (CREA-PI); Diego Jatobá, lawyer and former Secretary of Tourism of Ipojuca (PE); Eduardo Nunes, Lieutenant of the Military Police in Lages, Santa Catarina and Wallace Prado, 23-years-old student (CONFIRM HERE).
In another video released on Wednesday, a Brazilian harasses a Russian child with homophobic jokes (watch).
"Brasileiro identificado em 2º vídeo machista é demitido pela LATAM", Pragmatismo Político, June 20, 2018,
Abigail "S. Lut" P. Aranha's philosophic diary
Note 1
Luís Miranda said in his video about this: "Unfortunately, it's because of people like these guys that we Brazilians are considered around the world as true animals".[01] You have made a mistake, Luís. The Brazilian is frowned upon abroad because of 90% of Brazilians, who have a series of defects that you know and that lead us to levels of violence and public money misuse among the highest in the world, lead us to levels of culture and economic development among the lowest, and which lead the Brazilian to be happy because the semi-literate black daughter has gained a place through the quota system in a university with a majority of functional illiterates that is not among the 100 world's best. You yourself are a Brazilian who one day said "there's no way" and moved from Brazil to the United States. Since you mentioned that these guys had good socioeconomic status and should have a university degree, do you remember Edison Hsueh's case?[02]
It is not for me to say "if the rich are like this, imagine the poor," or "if those with a university degree are like this, imagine those who have not even completed Elementary School". But the moral decency and even the kindness here in Brazil are closer to the exception than to the standard.
Note 2

We have already had several texts about the case in leftist portals, but an article is already a pearl because of the title: "Resignation and repudiation: authors of macho videos suffer consequences"[03]. What consequences can a man suffer for commiting sexual harassment of women in a macho country? And if the guys had raped the women, what consequences would there be in a rape culture?
I'm not going to say that the lesbofeminists who wrote these and the other articles about the case are lying about machismo, whatever it means (according to the lesbian who talk about it, being kind to women is machismo). This would require a level of intellectual sophistication and even a sense of reality that is as possible for them as a dog climbing trees. They are mentally feeble in the technical sense of the word, and I do not say this just because they believe in an ideology that I find dumb. They mix inability to grasp real-world data, inability to interpret the data they get, and reading and writing deficiencies: a person can prove in the title of a text the opposite of what believes or intends to demonstrate. I say "the person believes" just for simplicity, because, in fact, nobody believes in an incoherence, even more an incoherence insensitive to everyday experience. This is not even a flawed act. It's like that joke where a guy says the company was on the edge of the cliff and made the right decision to take a step forward.
I'm not saying this just about the current left. The problem is that this state of mental debilitation is spread by almost the entire Brazilian population and of several countries of the world. Even with the right happens that.
Note 3
On the 20th, (Brazilian journalist) "Boris Casoy" was on the Twitter Trend Topics (in Brazil), because of this post from RedeTV!, at 20:18: "'Nothing justifies the lynching that these childishes are being subjected to', says Boris Casoy about video of harassment in #WorldCup2018 #RedeTVNews"[04]. He was right. And what was the result? A lynching to Boris Casoy in a matter of hours. Two examples:

Sabrina Fernandes[05]
Nothing justifies still having Boris Casoy on TV. After the case of the garbagemen, now this...
"Nothing justifies the lynching that these childishes are being subjected to", says Boris Casoy about video of harassment in #WorldCup2018 #RedeTVNews

Mônica Lula Miguel[06]
Boris Casoy trying to naturalize the machismo, calling 30-some aggressors childishes. You missed the chance to educate the population against gender violence. In case you do not know what to say, be silent, sir.
Mônica Miguel, in an attempt to educate the population against gender violence, interprets that the term "childish" was not used here in the sense of immature, was an attempt to say that men over the age of 30 have an 8 or 10, or it was used in the sense of "playful". This after putting into her own identification on Twitter the name of a former president arrested for corruption who went late for jail and can still be convicted in other lawsuits.
Note 4
Dr. Milton Pires said one right thing in his article about the case[07]:
The incident in Russia had scarcely "come to an end", and we already had ready explanations: the legion of feminazi psychopaths and the loafer Workers' Party supporters on duty claimed it was "machismo" and "harassment against women", the involved ones said it was a "bad joke" and this thing some call the "Brazilian Right-wing" (actually, libertarian boboos) came with the argument that "there are more important things happening" in the country.
But he made some mistakes. The first was here:
Thirdly, we have to imagine how the Russian girl, her father and her mother felt when they understood what happened: we do not have and do not want to have - let them "fuck themselves".
As I have already commented once, if we admit a typical woman as a daughter, mother, sister or wife of someone, the logical implication is that only leftist feminist women have autonomous human existence[08]. This is a favor to the left.
The second error was here:
What happened in Russia was the obvious consequence, the natural manifestation of a kind of person who comes from a society where statues of Our Lady are buried in the ass in the middle of the promenade of Copacabana, where children are taken by their mothers to touch naked men in museums, where teachers take homeric beatings from public school students, where patients are attended by false doctors, where an illiterate and thief drunk orders the Court to "put the lawsuit in the ass", where a Bulgarian female thief presides the country seeing invisible dogs and saluting cassava... A country in which eleven scoundrels inside the Federal Supreme Court tear the Constitution every twenty-four hours... in which voting is mandatory, in which one can not have a weapon, in which one thinks of the return of the union contribution... a country of Lula, FHC, Aécio, Gleisi, Renan, Jucá, Eliseu Padilha, Sarney, Paulo Pimenta, Maria do Rosário... a country in which more than sixty thousand people are murdered a year and which almost two thirds of the population wants to leave in order to live in another country...
What we saw in Russia was the natural consequence of the Globo TV filthy soap operas, of the pleasure we feel from seeing people falling and getting hurt in domestic accidents when a bastard and corrupt fat man shows us this every Sunday afternoon...
Here, we do not see analysis. The text has cheap provincial puritanism, cheap antipetism (PT is "Workers' Party"), antipolitics, "antiglobism". The speech is so inflamed that it includes things that do not relate to the case as if they were causes, like the violence and Globo TV soap operas. The curious thing is that the author tries to describe a normality in a country that makes two-thirds of the population want to leave it. The somewhat generic list of politicians shows how even right-wing is influenced by the left-wing. The right-wing helped the left-wing to remove the terms Mensalão and Petrolão from circulation, and these schemes were by PT and unique in the history of Brazil, and, with that, it helped to pass what the PT said at the time the Mensalão was discovered: that what the PT did was what everyone else did before it or at the same time.
When he mentions that "children are taken by their mothers to touch naked men in museums", he refers to the "La Bête" performance at the Museum of Modern Art in São Paulo involving ONE child (a little girl) and her mother, and not only I wrote at the epoch about the shame that conservatives were going to go through for what they were saying, the left itself was already telling the truth, including Lola Aronovich[09]. This was late September, early October last year. And many conservatives are going through the same shame to this day, because they do not read neither what I write nor what the left-wing writes. Or rather, they do not pass the same shame because the left-wing that they do not read also does not read what they write. Almost there is no such thing as before was called a debate or even a divergence of ideas. People with different ideas do not fight like soccer fans, they simply isolate themselves in affinity groups, they will debate with those who think alike. Who likes the "illiterate and thief drunk" (Lula) has never heard of Milton Pires and does not even know that his blog Ataque Aberto exists. Whoever defends chastity does not know Abigail P. Aranha. If you recommend a conservative woman to read Paulo Freire's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" to at least criticize it with knowledge, she may respond that she will not read anything written by a devil (it happened to me). There, even the fights will be familiar, like Olavo de Carvalho versus Rodrigo Constantino or feminists who defend the criminalization of prostitution against feminists who defend decriminalization.
Note 5
A private company, LATAM Airlines Brazil, fired one of the participants of the video. "On Tuesday, the Military Police of Santa Catarina decided to institute administrative disciplinary proceedings against the lieutenant, which may lead to his dismissal of the force. The Lawyer Woman's Committee and the OAB-PE (Brazil Lawyers Order - State of Pernambuco) published a repudiation note for the lawyer's actions."[10] All this because of a case that, although unfortunate, was out of the workplace and unrelated to work. An employee of the private enterprise who deflects money from the company or who sponsors people who harms the company can even be fired, but in the public service, it may be necessary to throw down the skies over the individual for someone to know what is happening and not always the individual is punished. Apart from the cases when a private enterprise or public service employee is fired not because is corrupt, but because wants to show that has character, as happened to a female employee of a company involved in the Mensalão[11] and with a male civil servant of the Chamber of Deputies who protested during an affidavit in a Parliamentary Inquiry Commission through releasing rats[12]. The rightist still thinks the private initiative resolves everything, even after taking a 30-day suspension on Facebook because a left-opath denounced one of his or her posts criticizing LGBT militancy.
Ah, a cabinet advisor to the Cáceres City Council, Niuara Artiaga, was exonerated for having made a sensual essay and published on Facebook[13]. In 2001, a flight attendant was fired from TAM for posing for a porn magazine[14]. Therefore, the precedent was already open. The conservative Christian who thought it reasonable a person to lose the job because of out-of-office sexuality may have to prepare to lose his or her job in the private sector for being anti-leftist outside the workplace. This has already happened to a trainee in a construction industry company[15].
Note 6
"That's lack of beating when they were kids, of father seeing them doing shit, humiliating the little girls in school, and then they grow like that, thinking it nice to humiliate the girl". "And excuse me, folks, if it's with my daughter, I'd be very indignant, being the guy a Russian, a German, from the fucking house, if I catch him, I'll spank him"[16].
Luís Miranda, here, made a mistake: conservative feminism. He, being libertarian, sees here what a leftist would call a macho society and with a similar look. What he says he would do if this happened to a daughter of him, a feminist would call it machismo (after all, it would be a man defending a weak and autonomy-less woman). But this is not the worst: the conservative man, when he disagrees with left-wing feminism, tries to prove that left-wing feminism is only of worse quality than conservative feminism. The first great memory of Men's Day in the Brazilian political class came from the Workers' Party, it was a health campaign in the Dilma Rousseff administration. Meanwhile, the conservative Christian man, the "libertarian" man and the right-wing man fight the lesbofeminism through wanting to hit a man who has committed or was accused of committing a sexual crime against a woman, showing that he treats his wife with care, trying to save the sex workers as if all of them were hostages of organized crime, making room for women in his company or some place he administrates. Instead of showing that Feminism is despicable from the very idea itself, of that the issues of woman and the woman herself matter more than others, conservative Christians (men and women) try to show that we do not need left feminism because conservative feminism has been around for centuries, does everything it does and does it better.
Note 7
The sexual content itself of the bad joke and the very idea of crap have a relation, though not direct and not explanatory, to male sexual misfortune. If it is true and it is discovered that Catas Altas da Noruega (MG)[17] has only liberal women who make delightful sex, it's not a problem if they are not beautiful or young, the place will have an end of year with more people than Belo Horizonte and the access road will have more kilometers of congestion than the city of São Paulo. Does this show that man is idiot and immature? No. There are two problems that almost no one noticed here: the horror of sex in the female universe in general and the right that the male universe generally gives women to treat male heterosexuality as a personal insult. This is the sex as something that takes away the dignity of the woman. Looking at the mockery with a person from another country who does not know our language will only draw our attention from that point (it can lead us to another discussion that also has value), and it will not explain neither why the guys chose only women nor why the whole thing gave so much fuss. I did not research the repercussion outside Brazil, but it will not surprise me if I find a person from Russia or United States who said, to talk bad about the guys, that the women here walk on the streets half-naked and are promiscuous. Nor will I be surprised, if this statement exists, if it is discovered by a woman from here and this woman responds indignantly proving otherwise, or, at least, as if that is the general rule, but Brazil has "honorable women" among which is herself.
No, I did not fuck with a tourist at the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. It's that I do not like to have sex with a person that I know I will not see again. And the intellectual level of those who were most enthusiastic about the Cup was not much to my liking, least of all the places where the people met, like the bars (I've a horror of alcohol). I preferred the demonstrations for Dilma's impeachment, but my sexual advances did not work very well because the environment was pro-family. But I met three guys at the time who were not very excited about the games, but they accepted my invitation to visit my house. I received the three with some food on the table and a sweet cover on my body imitating the uniform of the Brazil team. From the gate to the room, I arrived with nothing.
[01] "Quando te olharem torto mundo a fora por você ser brasileiro, lembre desses caras!!!", Luís Miranda USA, June 19, 2018,, from 0:18 to 0:24.
In February 1999, Edison Tsung Chi Hsueh, a 22-year-old freshman in Medicine at the University of São Paulo, died drowned in an swimming pool of the institution during a trotting fraternization party. About 200 students participated in the event. In letters, students reported that there were many drunken students and that veterans threw several of them into the pool. One of the freshmen said that his colleagues stepped in the hands of the youngsters so they could not get out of the pool.
In 2001, physicians Frederico Carlos Jana Neto, "Ceará", and Guilherme Novita Garcia, appointed as the veterans who led the violent hazing, were indicted for qualified homicide, along with medical students Luís Eduardo Passareli Tirico and Ari de Azevedo Marques Neto. In 2006, the case was shelved. The Superior Court of Justice (STJ) understood that there were no elements to justify the accusations.
"Veja mais de 30 crimes que abalaram o Brasil", Terra,
[03] "Demissão e repúdio: autores de vídeos machistas sofrem consequências", UOL Universa, June 20, 2018,
[04] RedeTV, June 20, 2018 at 20:18,
[05] Sabrina Fernandes, June 20, 2018 at 22:38,
[06] Mônica Lula Miguel, June 20, 2018 at 23:36,
[07] "Ao corpo diplomático da federação russa em território brasileiro e ao povo russo", Milton Pires, Ataque Aberto, June 20, 2018, Also at Jornal da Cidade Online,
The phrase that says that every woman is someone's daughter or sister implies that only feminist women are true women, and the other persons who are not men are extensions of other men. When a man looks at a woman in the sexual sense, he sees, at worst, a body, and a body identifies an individual. Marriages can be between families, between tribes or even between countries, as several of them were before the Contemporary Age, but normal sex is a thing of individuals. A nowadays man in a brothel has a preference for a prostitute, he sympathizes less with another, and may have antipathy for a third. In general, a man does not have sex with a woman representing his family, his social group, his ethnicity or his country; and he does not seek a woman who represents her family, her social group, her ethnicity, or her country. The contrary, when it is conscious, is usually attack on third parties, provocation or war rape.
But I do not refer just to sex. When a woman is a "daughter or sister of someone", she also loses her own life, for example, in the professional aspect (you may have heard of women who did not enter or did not continue in a profession, for example, of mechanical engineer because her parents were against it). It is not by chance that conservative women, and they also say that their bodies belong to God, have pessimum sexual performances. What remains of them of human individuality is a woman who is neurotic and without personal attractiveness. If a man of old times beared to date his future wife under the watchfulness of her father or of a male brother of her, an idiot between two individuals, it was because of a mixture of passion, patience, lack of sexual possibilities, and poor view of life.
But to enter the leftist movements, it has always been necessary to have, in some way, an individual consciousness. They speak of class struggle, but they know that if there was, for example, a black conscience, not the consciousness of black individuals, there would not be a single black person outside the Black Movement. In the feminist environment, a man can find not only (hetero)sexually liberal women, lesbians, women who hate men and women who think men are also victims of machismo; he can also find women who wear makeup and miniskirt, women who are more hideous than many men, sexy women who do gymnastics, and morbid obese women. So, there is more difference among 10 feminist women than among 100 conservative women. There is as much difference among feminist women as it does among the physical types of pornographic actresses in the United States or of the prostitutes in a brothel of reasonable size in a large Brazilian city. In the traditionalist Christian milieu, the maximum of feminine diversity for a man is the most beautiful girl in the church, who believes in sex as the obligation of marriage.
The conservative man or conservative woman who says that a woman should be treated as an extension of another man collaborates with the anti-sex and anti-male wings of the feminist movement at the same time when pushes any woman who wants to be a human individual (not a daughter, a sister, a wife, a temple of the Holy Spirit) to any wing of this movement. So, the man who also wants a human individuality is more likely to enter into a feminist movement than into a church, seeking not only sex, but also some sign of human individuality and intelligence. He can be trampled by radical lesbians, but he won't get out of there through what a Christian woman is talking bad about Feminism to conclude that he and she must be copies of the unfortunate illiterates of 300 years before. What sustains radical feminism is the stupidity of conservatives. And long live the prostitution!
(May 15, 2017,
[09] "Direita cristã, acabou! - parte 36: caso 'La Bête', PT defende Aécio Neves e outras notas sobre a direita xucra", October 04, 2017, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,
[10] "Por esta demissão por justa causa brasileiros na Rússia não esperavam", Exame, June 20, 2018,
[11] "Mensalão – A incrível história da petista honesta, demitida do Banco do Brasil e hoje ameaçada de morte", Reinaldo Azevedo, February 20, 2017,
[12] "Homem que soltou ratos em CPI é servidor da Câmara e será demitido", UOL, April 09, 2015,
[13] "Exonerada após ensaio nu, ex-assessora de vereadora relata assédio e afirma ter feito trabalho artístico", Olhar Direto, February 21, 2018,¬icia=exonerada-apos-ensaio-nu-ex-assessora-de-vereadora-relata-assedio-e-afirma-ter-feito-trabalho-artistico.
[14] This and other cases in "A naked woman will ever be punished?", December 12, 2007, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[15] "Já estamos no social-feminismo? Uma empresa privada demitiu um estagiário por fazer piada de feminista no Facebook!", February 11, 2017, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,
[16] "Quando te olharem torto mundo a fora por você ser brasileiro, lembre desses caras!!!", Luís Miranda USA, June 19, 2018,, from 1:05 to 1:12 e from 1:46 to 1:52.
[17] Estimated population [2017]: 3,666 people.
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Note sul Brasile e il caso dei video 'maschilisti' da brasiliani in Russia", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Note sul Brasile e il caso dei video 'maschilisti' da brasiliani in Russia", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes sur le Brésil et le cas des vidéos 'macho' de brésiliens en Russie", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes sur le Brésil et le cas des vidéos 'macho' de brésiliens en Russie", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notas sobre Brasil y el caso de los videos 'machistas' de brasileños en Rusia", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notas sobre Brasil y el caso de los videos 'machistas' de brasileños en Rusia", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Notes on Brazil and the case of the 'macho' videos by Brazilians in Russia", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Notes on Brazil and the case of the 'macho' videos by Brazilians in Russia", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Notas sobre o Brasil e o caso dos vídeos 'machistas' de brasileiros na Rússia", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Notas sobre o Brasil e o caso dos vídeos 'machistas' de brasileiros na Rússia",
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