"Incel" is "involuntary celibacy". The term is not very new, it's in 1993, but it appeared in the "mainstream media" after a boy, Alex Minassian, committed an attack using a van to kill a dozen women in the United States (in fact, less than a dozen, were 10 people from 26 people hit).[01] If in each day of this year, in Brazil, two "incels" killed 12 women each one, it would be 8,760 femicides (there worthy of the name), and if the other homicides in the country were 55,000, 5,000 of these victims females, we would have headlines next year, in horror, like "women victims of homicide increased to 20% of the total". There in the United States, the proportions should not be very different. And that is a country that received a Muslim attack (or a self-attack told as a Muslim attack) and it opened the doors to Islamism. And who remembered "Diana, Huntress of Bus Drivers", a Mexican feminist who claimed she killed drivers to avenge cases of violence against women?[02] So, I just do not tell the traditional media to take it in the ass because it has a lot of guys who sympathize with the idea.
Not only the press, even some anti-feminist men are describing the "incels" as men who are disgusted with the female universe because they are not successful in sex life, and women move away from them because (literally) they are silly, boring and ugly. I will admit that this is true.
The "incel" would have two options: to continue with the same flaws (or to worsen, which I will show that is the same thing) or to make a effort of personal development. If these men do not develop themselves as persons, and if it is true that their hatred of women is a complex of inferiority badly disguised, hatred will self-feed. If these men take an attitude towards personal development, I will disregard here and I will assume that they will also disregard too problems like the preference of some employers for women or the commemoration of universities when men are a minority and some of them are expelled just because some sluts accused them of rape without evidence; if these men take an attitude towards personal development, they will perceive that almost all women are referentials, but referentials in the sense of Kinematics, they do not leave the place and they only serve to measure others. So either this man will remain socially rejected, or he will see himself as too much man for almost any woman.[03] But in both cases, one thing that the press and the news does not say because they could not, just some idiots that maybe have a YouTube channel, is that an "incel" had an unrequited love. And why is this point important?
Women who inspire a man to offer what he has good almost do not exist. In the everyday of the physical world, not even sympathy is something that the typical man can consider normal from a woman, even in a store-floor attendance. Any ghetto lesbian that barely can be distinguished from a monkey knows what a man must be like to be her husband, how much she deserves to earn as wage, how is the house she deserves to have, even how a man must make oral sex in her. And so much she knows what she wants, she ignores how other human beings have the right to be treated. Confusion of antipathy to man with professionalism or dignity of woman, paranoia of rape culture, depreciation of eroticism and pornography as male immaturity, divorce and alimony industry, criminalization of prostitution in some countries, all of this can lead a typical man to have a mild fear of the typical woman at best and hate at worst.
I do not remember if I said in blogs (on Facebook, yes): misogyny is not productive as a philosophy of life nor as the principle of any masculine movement against Feminism, but I, as a woman, can not condemn or refute the misogyny of who shows it. I could not even if I was a man. I also write here: I am more respected by declared misogynists than a feminist man in many feminist groups.
If an "incel" had to use success with women as a measure of himself as a man, instead of shooting or running over 10 or 20 women at once, he should rape the same amount one at a time and be arrested. I could give names of serial murderers and rapists who achieved to have lovers or wives when in jail, and who you reader knows (the crook, maybe the woman too). Some 10 years ago, I could recommend (as irony) he to go down morally and criminally as long as it was necessary to have social or professional status before he was 30, for him to fuck that hottie who today would call the police if he touched her in a shopping center; I just do not recommend it today because it is increasingly common anonymous women and decadent celebrities to say they have been besieged by wealthy, with status or famous men.
If the man is not an "incel" or of some group like the Real (a Brazilian male community focused on anti-Feminism and personal development), he is almost always a jerk, a gay or an almost effeminate. The attack on anti-feminist men only is good for ill lesbians (that's a pleonasm) and doormat men who think they please women, not just the worst sections of lesbian-feminism, with that. Thus, they will not even achieve anything that does not make it all worse. And the feminine universe itself will get bored of the genuflections of semi-effeminate men, that in the best part. It is not by chance that at the same time that the "mainstream media" demean the "incels", the "herbivores" and the antifeminist men in general, appear more and more women criticizing feminist militancy.
And how much is involuntary celibacy abnormal in a city where men and women can not even travel in the same public transport vehicle? Or in a city where a woman who has condoms in her purse can be arrested for prostitution? Or in a country where bumping into a woman is rape? Or in a country where increasingly the number of marriages decreases and the number of divorces increases? It is no coincidence, as I recalled earlier, that more and more women declare themselves antifeminists. They may be anticipating a time when even they may be involuntary celibates. The wave of "herbivores", men disinterested in sex, already includes married men.[04]
When we hear a woman saying that a woman also likes sex, she is a feminist with a ridiculous libido who regards male heterosexuality as a source of annoyance, selfishness, violence and rape, but she does not want to talk like the semi-illiterates frigid women from Catholic-protestants countries of the nineteenth century. Consensual intercourse can be reported as rape (by the woman) the next day or months later, with the only evidence of the crime being the woman's word. More and more women here in Brazil go to the gym to get more hotties, but they are no more sexually affectionate than their great-grandmothers. We've already had a series of sexy photos from women... to preach against sexual harassment.[05] [06] [07] It's been a good few years since women walk the streets half-naked to show off their interesting bodies (for men), but they reject the looks and approximations from men. But not long ago, some cities started to have even fines for men flirting a woman on the street.[08] [09] I asked in a feminist page, in a post about the "harassment begins after no" campaign, when are we going to have "yes" on that crap.[10] Maybe the "yes" comes too late, from feminist women who say they like sex (with men) and from women who call themselves anti-feminists. I was 14, 15, 16 years old and I've already had men who were scared of me because I made a proposal to have sex with them or to show my melons to them, this was in the last decade. How long will we hear about women telling she offered herself to a boy and he ran away? In the near future, there will be women "incel".
To demonize the "incels" is to continue doing what has already been tried with the criminalization of Men's Human Rights Activism or, in Brazil, with forged pages and fakes in forums in order to prove that men who do not accept lesbofeminism rape children and mistreat animals. It's a bit funny the title "antifeminism or death" for a discussion about men who killed women putting the blame on Feminism. This is the title of a series I started in January last year, and the first text was about decrease of birth rate.[11] In the appendix, I brought this pearl: "Man is convicted of rape for having sex without a condom without his partner knowing". You've never seen a man say that he was macho or clumsy and he was happiest respecting women, but you can see several men telling them they were nice guys and they were even treated better by women after showing contempt for the female universe. When deputy Marco Feliciano said "give respect for you to be respected"[12], the women who considered it a personal offense showed where the problem lies. And Feminism is the idea that the feminine universe is the ultimate instance for judging literally God and the world. Giving women the right to be referentials, who measure everything but themselves, will bear no fruit beyond more hatred, more fear in both sexes and less masculinity.
[01] "Loucos por (falta de) sexo", Veja, May 14, 2018, https://veja.abril.com.br/mundo/loucos-por-falta-de-sexo.
[02] I commented the case and the lesbofeminist support in "Igualdade segundo quem luta por ela - parte 2", September 12, 2013, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2013/09/igualdade-segundo-quem-luta-por-ela.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2013/09/igualdade-segundo-quem-luta-por-ela.html.
[03] I approached this in "Boys, be too much men engaging in being men enough to impress women (for November 19, International Men's Day)", November 19, 2016, Men of Worth Newspaper, http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2016/11/boys-be-too-much-men-engaging-in-being.html; and Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/11/boys-be-too-much-men-engaging-in-being.html.
[04] "Japan's population time bomb worsens as 'herbivore' men not interested in sex extends to married males", International Business Times AU, August 21, 2015, http://www.ibtimes.com.au/japans-population-time-bomb-worsens-herbivore-men-not-interested-sex-extends-married-males-1461688.
[05] "Cleo Pires posa nua para campanha a favor do empoderamento: 'Liberdade'", Purepeople, July 03, 2016, http://www.purepeople.com.br/noticia/cleo-pires-posa-nua-para-campanha-a-favor-do-empoderamento-liberdade_a123643/1.
[06] "Miss Bumbum México faz ensaio sensual contra assédio sexual", iG Gente, January 11, 2018, http://gente.ig.com.br/celebridades/2018-01-11/miss-bumbum-mexico-assedio-sexual.html.
[07] "Musa do Carnaval Alessandra Mattos faz topless contra assédio sexual", Estado de Minas, May 14, 2017, https://www.uai.com.br/app/noticia/mexerico/2017/05/14/noticias-mexerico,206490/musa-do-carnaval-alessandra-mattos-faz-topless-contra-assedio-sexual.shtml.
[08] "Câmara de Fortaleza aprova multa de R$ 2 mil para 'cantadas' e assédio a mulheres", Extra, November 14, 2017, https://extra.globo.com/noticias/brasil/camara-de-fortaleza-aprova-multa-de-2-mil-para-cantadas-assedio-mulheres-22068401.html.
[09] "Países multam cantadas de rua em até R$ 160 mil; veja leis", Terra, June 16, 2015, https://www.terra.com.br/noticias/mundo/multas-por-cantadas-podem-chegar-a-r-160-mil-em-paises,0921213dbaab2a004a6f1224d34948a9wr5kRCRD.html.
[10] "Carnaval e Dia dos Namorados de 2018 da Abigail nas redes sociais - bloco 1 de 6: boas conversas, putaria e cacetadas lesbofóbicas", February 18, 2018, A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2018/02/carnaval-2018-bloco-1.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2018/02/carnaval-2018-bloco-1.html.
[11] "Antifeminism or death: why Brazil's low birth rate is a punishment for the female universe", January 18, 2017, Men of Worth Newspaper, https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/01/antifeminism-or-death-why-brazil-low.html; and A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/01/antifeminism-or-death-why-brazils-low.html.
[12] "Feliciano: Não há cultura do estupro em nosso País", Brasil 247, June 10, 2016, https://www.brasil247.com/pt/247/brasil/237596/Feliciano-N%C3%A3o-h%C3%A1-cultura-do-estupro-em-nosso-Pa%C3%ADs.htm.
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Antifemminismo o morte 5: gli 'incel' stanno solo all'inizio, le donne devono smettere di essere referenziali", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifemminismo-o-morte-5.html. Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Antifemminismo o morte 5: gli 'incel' stanno solo all'inizio, le donne devono smettere di essere referenziali", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifemminismo-o-morte-5.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Antiféminisme ou décès 5: 'incels' sont seulement au début, les femmes doivent cesser d'être référentiels", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminisme-ou-deces-5.html. Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Antiféminisme ou décès 5: 'incels' sont seulement au début, les femmes doivent cesser d'être référentiels", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminisme-ou-deces-5.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Antifeminismo o muerte 5: 'incels' están solo al principio, las mujeres deben dejar de ser referenciales", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminismo-o-muerte-5.html. Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Antifeminismo o muerte 5: 'incels' están solo al principio, las mujeres deben dejar de ser referenciales", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminismo-o-muerte-5.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Antifeminism or death 5: 'incels' are only in the beginning, women must stop being referentials", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminism-or-death-5.html. This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Antifeminism or death 5: 'incels' are only in the beginning, women must stop being referentials", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminism-or-death-5.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Antifeminismo ou morte 5: os 'incels' estão só no começo, as mulheres devem parar de ser referenciais", http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminismo-ou-morte-5.html. Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Antifeminismo ou morte 5: os 'incels' estão só no começo, as mulheres devem parar de ser referenciais", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2018/06/antifeminismo-ou-morte-5.html.
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