Two articles published almost on the same day already show some things that I have been trying to explain. The first was a story in the magazine Sou Mais Eu (I am more myself), July 14: "Criei minhas três meninas fazendo pornô" (I raised my three girls doing porn). It was Márcia Imperator telling it. It was not one of those former actresses reports as if it were the rock bottom for a human being, but here there was another problem that I already expected to see: "no one has the right to judge me". As my readers and friends know, I defend pornography. But this article was a trash. Let's remember a little things in Logics before I explain why: 1) an invalid argument is one that does not have necessarily a true conclusion when all the premises are true, it can have all premises true and its conclusion false; 2) an argument, including a valid argument, may have a true conclusion with some premise being false; 3) an invalid argument may have a true conclusion (which, therefore, is not proved by that argument). Now, here we go: she said "my work is honest and no one has the right to judge me" after saying "I did not want them [my daughters] to pass the difficulties I went through". These are two truths, pornography is an honest job and she was in need of money. But come on, have you ever seen an administrative assistant in public service saying that she has university degree, she made the public service exams for that job because she was unemployed and after it saying that work is honest? The "no one has the right to judge me" lets it escape: she does not believe that the sex work she did is not reprehensible, what she believes or tries to believe is that she herself should not be criticized whatever she makes.
The principle that a woman can judge God and the world (literally) and is not subject to whatever standard measure is what defines Feminism. A woman with feminist mentality can do activism against pornography because she does not enjoy sex or she can do activism in favor of it because she sees the sexual issue as social control and she wants to be rebellious. Here we did not have a reasonable argument, only a vanity defense of a woman who coincidentally was a porn actress. It is no coincidence that this article is on the magazine Sou Mais Eu. If you did not have patience to see the cover of this magazine on newsstands or if you are not from Brazil, I will show a list of articles only on the first page when I accessed: "I passed the X-Factor Brasil and I decided not to participate"; "I married the man who received the heart of my dead husband"; "I eliminated 50 kg in one year!"; "I gain my life applying makeup on deads"; "Make Periferia: 'I profit R$ 2,000 selling makeup on the hill'" ["hill" is a slang for Brazilian ghettos in hills in the cities]; "I am Uber and my husband is a taxi driver"; "Diet: 'I lost weight 48 kg and I married my personal trainer'".
The second article was the 13th, updated 14th: "Police opens procedure to investigate a porn recording in Rio de Janeiro". It was a scene of a pornographic movie recorded on a beach that was deserted at the time, the Recreio beach. Someone saw the video release, not the live scene, this one told the story as if was passing right in the moment, leaving the house, he put some pictures of the publicity material as if he had taken live photos, that was on 12th. The comments in the post in the page Rio de Nojeira were like it was the end of the world (some actually said it). On the 13th, it was opened a police investigation. Why the police was not called at the moment? It's finished, we have the Júlia Velo of the Conservatism (note by the authoress: Júlia Velo is a Brazilian Feminist girl who invented a sexual harassment case in a pub in Rio de Janeiro in her Facebook profile, but the CCTV images of the pub proved that not only this case didn't happen as she told, she also refused to report whatever it had happened to the police; meanwhile, nevertheless, her story seriously was taken in our mainstream media). The author commented on Facebook:
I, who never stole, never killed, never strike, I am a bad example of being human. Because I recorded an adult video at the beginning of the Recreio Beach (area with no homes in front). In circumstances that made it WASTELAND. Absolutely no one was embarrassed. The videos that were leaked were made by men who watched the act, agreed with it and watched if anyone approached. There was no problem on that day (cloudy, cold and during the week), it was not presented any complaint to the authorities or complaint to me. But back to the question of being a bad example... On the other hand, every day, I see the action of great examples of human beings. Some even make faith, religion an ally to ratify their onesty. Jeez! Where is the "H"? I do not know... but it means something.
It's needed to give voice and to fight for rights of people like me. People who work in the called sex industry. And be sure that, fighting for these rights, also I will be / we will be fighting for common interests. Respect and tolerance are never too much.
(Brad Montana, July 14 at 22:00,
Brad Montana tells us that the actress had her profile hacked, she had marital problems and she could not enter at her own home. The funny thing is that no lesbian-feminist appeared to say that the man (the actor) had no problems.
I was searching an interview I do not remember with whom where the respondent tells a case of a man murdered on the beach, and this time the beach was crowded, and I found the black humor ready joke: almost three months earlier, on April 19, in the same Recreio beach, a policeman was killed ("Military policeman is shot dead at Recreio beach, Rio de Janeiro West Zone", G1, 04/19/2016). What did it go from there? The latest news I saw was a month later, citing this case passing and linking this to another murder case ("Dispute for slot machine points may have motivated shooting at the Recreio", O Dia, 05/18/2016, Apparently, it won't get any penality to us (them).
Another thing: about 60 hours after the post at Rio de Nojeira that gave rise to the scandal, Reinaldo Azevedo tells us that "Haddad sees crime in the national flag display! And this is not a joke! Federal Supreme Court on him!" (07/15/2016 at 03:02 AM). It is that the city hall of São Paulo understands that the Brazil flag on the facade of FIESP (Industries Federation of State of Sao Paulo) is a political campaign and violates the Clean City Law. Another thing: it was already in the office of the interim president Michel Temer, late May, which is passed a law requiring drivers to use light on the roads during the daylight, under penalty of fine (and have been some thousands). That is, the judicial system which can judge Brad Montana is a slapstick in fact and law.
What ties this all? Is that all happened together. We can have a magazine dedicated to female vanity alongside with a conservative anti-feminism that can still be taken seriously by the police. We can have in the same day a former porn actress saying that she has no shame about her career, a still active actress suffering reprisals due to a scene of a movie that leaked and the producer (male) having to explain it to the police. We can have a Federal Police that does not investigate the PT (Workers' Party) and police in general serving leftist activism in promoting banditry while the Civil Police acts in defense of morals and good customs. So we can have the worst of Conservatism living with the worst of progressivism. Ah, and speaking of worst, the source code of the page Sou Mais Eu is a little sloppy, hehehehe.
Well, Brad Montana made a critique of the false morality of religious and right-wing. I am an atheist and I advocate fornication and pornography, but almost all my friends on Facebook are traditional Christian or rightists, in general the two. But that does not embarass me to understand his vision, that could be my own: he has plenty of reasons to see Christians as sexually frustrated, backward, semiliterate, intolerant, unhappy and, therefore, repressors of everyone else's sexuality. But my friends usually are smarter than that, hehehehe. But I myself have been saying already for a few months that Libertarianism-Conservatism is only being taken a little more seriously nowadays because the left-wing is doing much stupidities.
Thus, a woman who came out from the porn industry can not be judged, in the sense of criticism; a woman or a man who is still inside it can be judged, and in double sense.
"Criei minhas três meninas fazendo pornô", magazine Sou Mais Eu, July 14, 2016. Available at
I raised my three girls doing porn
I recorded 14 erotic films because I needed the money: I did not want my girls to pass the same needs as I in childhood
Reportage: Thaís Helena Amaral
My work is honest, no one has the right to judge me | Credit: personal archive
"To fuck, you will anyway. It's better to do it earning money and sustaining your daughters than do it for free and starve". That was how my father reacted when I told him I had received an offer to work in a porn movie in 2001. I was happy to know that he and my mother supported me. I saw it as an opportunity to leave the poverty and give my three daughters a better condition of life than I had in childhood, working in the fields and in need. Everyone has sex. What is the problem of people see me doing?
I dreamed of leaving the fields and having a better life
I started to help my parents in the fields to 7 years. They were not easy times. When there was a bad harvest, we went hungry. So, as I grew a little more, 14 years old, I clung to what I considered a good opportunity to leave the house of my parents: I married a field worker of our region, in the interior of State of Santa Catarina. But he had no ambition. Unlike me, my partner planned to spend the rest of his life planting on his land, near his family. We had three daughters and a very troubled marriage, which ended when I was 21. Then, I rented a small house in Florianópolis (SC) and I worked hard to support my girls. I worked as a cleaner, kitchen helper, domestic employee... But, as much as I unfold me, money was never enough. Then, in 1999, to get rid of a possessive boyfriend, I ended up moving to the home of a female friend in São Paulo.
I attended a test for a program on TV
That my friend had acquaintances on TV and she got me to do some tips on talk shows. Then I was offered a test to attend the frame Flagrant, in the program Eu Vi na TV, with João Kléber, which was exhibited on the channel RedeTV!. As I had never seen it, I did not know what it was, but I accepted it anyway. Once there, the producer thought I had more the profile of another frame, the Loyalty Test, in which an sexy actress or actor try to seduce someone at the request of the spouse. When I said I had no boyfriend, she then asked, "Do you accept to wear panties and bra and kiss the guest?". I was single, I was beautiful and safe of my body. Why not? I made it so well that they accepted me at the time! I had fun recording the frame and, gradually, I became known. But when the paycheck came, it was only sadness: about R$ 1,000 per month. When I completed one year in the program, I was very known and I could not make the frame. So, I was dismissed. I started to do strip shows all around Brazil until I found an entrepreneur who invited me to make a porn movie. Wow!
I consulted my parents and my daughters before accepting the proposal
The first thing I did was talk to my parents to see what they thought. I explained that the payment was high (about R$ 30 thousand per half hour of movie!) and I'd like to do. They have always trusted on my choices and they said they would support me. I also talked to my daughters, who at the time were 11, 9 and 7 years old. They did not understand the situation very well, but they realized that what I was doing was for the good of them. And it really was. I wanted to provide the best for my girls. I did not want them to pass the difficulties I went through. Moreover, I could do it in a professional manner. After all, who does not have sex? The only difference is that people would see me doing. I talked to my boyfriend at the epoch and he said he did not care. So, I accepted the invitation and I did the AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) testing they asked us.
In the first scene, I was super-anxious and I got restrained
On the first day of shooting, I found it all very weird. I was getting ready in a room and I was only introduced to my partner at the time of the scene. They instructed me on how would be the course of history and that we should start by kissing, and then go to oral sex and, finally, for penetration. I got super-anxious and I could not let me go. Then the director asked that only those who were indispensable to stay in the set and he gave me some whiskey. In the end, I drank almost the whole bottle! I was so comfortable that I reached orgasm at the end of the recording!
I lost my boyfriend, but I won fame and money
When the film was to be released, my boyfriend did not withstand the pressure and he ended up leaving me. I was sad, but I knew I was doing the right thing. The proof was the success of the film, which made me receive invitations to join 13 other productions in the following six years. I became famous even abroad! I had scenes with many famous actors in the environment, like Alexandre Frota. I made my work with too much endeavor, struggling to free myself and to feel the pleasure I was demonstrating. I never did any scenes that displeased me and if I feel the slightest discomfort, I already asked to stop.
My girls have never been disrespected by classmates
I always acted so naturally and in a way so well settled in relation to my work that I ended up transmitting this quiet for my daughters. In high school, they have never been disrespected by classmates or they suffered outrage. They simply knew what I was doing was honest and worthy as any other service, and that was for the good of them. Similarly, my friends always respected me and they praised my work. They said I was a great actress and they watched movies with their partner! Of course, from time to time, some suckers who address me with vulgarity appeared. But I know to put the audacious in their place.
With my girls: Michelle (27), Leila (23) and Keila (25)
My work is honest and no one has the right to judge me
I wanted people to understand that a porn film is an art and a job like any other. I know that what I did helped inspire other women in bed, because many of them have told me that sought to know their body and to have more pleasure. Since 2007, I work just doing strip shows in nightclubs and I like it a lot. I did not turn rich, but I can to live with dignity. I do not regret anything I've done and I believe that no one has the right to judge me!
Márcia Imperator, 42, actress, São Paulo, SP
07/14/2016 - 08:00 AM
"Polícia abre procedimento para investigar gravação pornô no Rio", G1, July 14, 2016. Available at
Police opens procedure to investigate a porn recording in Rio de Janeiro
Investigation was put in charge of the 42nd DP (Recreio).
Agents will determine whether there was crime of obscene act.
By G1 Rio
07/13/2016 14h14 - Updated 07/14/2016 23h28

Police is investigating obscene act of actors in filming in Rio de Janeiro (Photo: Reproduction / Internet)
The Civil Police established a procedure on Thursday (13) to determine if there was crime of obscene act on a beach in Recreio dos Bandeirantes, in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The images of what would be the recording of a porn movie circulate on social networks.
The 42nd DP (Recreio) was tasked with the investigation. According to police, "investigations are underway and the actors involved and representatives of the producer will be subpoenaed to affidavit".
According to newspaper "Extra", the couple of actors who appear in images will be called to affidavit.
"Policial militar é morto a tiros na Praia do Recreio, Zona Oeste do Rio", G1, April 19, 2016. Available at
Military policeman is shot dead at Recreio beach, Rio de Janeiro West Zone
Crime happened on the morning of Tuesday (19), about 10:30 AM.
He had played footvolley and he returned to his motorcycle when was approached.
Alba Valéria Mendonça
From G1 Rio
04/19/2016 11:40 - Updated 04/19/2016 19:50
The corporal William Ferreira da Silva, 40, was killed around 10:30 am this Tuesday (19) at the beach Recreio, between posts 10 and 11, in the West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. The informations are by Division of Homicides of Civil Police, which conducted on-site expertise.
After he played footvolley on the beach, the victim returned to pick up an object on his motorcycle, which was parked nearby, when he was approached by two men with helmet on a motorcycle. The military policeman, who was off duty and was located on the 3rd Military Police Battalion (Méier), was shot four times and he died on the spot.
In August last year, another policeman was killed in a beach in the West Zone of the town. Carlos Eduardo Conceição Dias was murdered in Reserva when he was sitting in a beach chair and he was shot in the head.
Do you have any news to share? Send it to VC in G1 RJ or Whatsapp and Viber.

William was shot dead in Recreio, West Zone (Photo: Reproduction / Facebook)

Military policeman was killed in the Reserva beach, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro (Photo: Alba Valéria Mendonça / G1)
Post of page Rio de Nojeira and reply by Brad Montana. Available at
Rio de Nojeira added 4 new photos.
July 12 at 19:21
"Hello, good evening, please, I do not want to be identified. And believe it, today, it happened in daylight, a recording of a porn movie nearby post 12 of Recreio dos Bandeirantes. I am resident here and I have a wife and a little daughter, this is pure outrage. Thank you and photos follow"
[Reply by Brad Montana through his personal profile]
I am Brad Montana, the producer in question. I would answer through my job profile, but I'm having a problem in account, then I use this (which I call personal). Firstly, it caused a huge surprise the impact such shooting generated. There is nothing new that in the pornographic world beaches scenes are made, whether by the Brazilian producers, whether by international ones.
There are no exactly deserted beaches in Brazil, since it is a public good of common use, including being illegal preventing the entry of people on the beach. That is, the important thing is to try to prevent people are present, then the producers must choose times notoriously with very low presence of bathers, as well as any occasion that eventually interdict the passage of people to the beach. And that's exactly what happened. The recording was made on a beach in which the stretch (Barra - Recreio) was interdicted - due to works for the Olympics. What even made it impossible to record the scene in a parking lot previously chosen, located in the Reserva beach.
It is important to note that the scene was recorded at 13:00 and at the time there was neither bathers nor bystanders in the vicinity of the beach. What is justified by the aforementioned prohibition, for being a stretch without homes (houses and buildings) and the low temperature in the day (windy and cold).
The images circulating on the internet are photos taken by "staff" of the producer itself, as well as by curious (about 3 or 4 men, two of them employees in nearest kiosk), cognizant of a supposed movie being recorded and according to the same. The photos were illegally leaked by them. Remember that at the time of filming no complaint / report was prepared or directed to producers, actors, or to the authorities. Thus, those who were there agreed with what was being filmed, and there is not what to talk about a supposed embarrassment of people present. I ratify: the beach was COMPLETELY deserted. Atypical circumstances and that led to temerary conclusions of Internet users. I am an honest man, I have family and nephews. Under no circumstances I would act in a frivolous way, so embarrassing or shocking other people.
Still time: dates and times reported in the post are wrong. Therefore, it points to a lack of knowledge of the actual circumstances of the day, as well as if you are actually referring to the same video. You need to check if there was any recording TODAY. Because I DID NOT MAKE!
July 13 at 00:53
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 28: uomini che fanno film porno possono essere giudicati; donne che hanno fatto e cessarono di fare, non", Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 28: uomini che fanno film porno possono essere giudicati; donne che hanno fatto e cessarono di fare, non", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Le Puritain-Féminisme épisode 28: les hommes qui font films porno peuvent être jugés; les femmes qui ont fait et ont cessé de le faire, ne le peuvent pas", Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Le Puritain-Féminisme épisode 28: les hommes qui font films porno peuvent être jugés; les femmes qui ont fait et ont cessé de le faire, ne le peuvent pas", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 28: hombres que hacen películas pornográficas pueden ser juzgados; mujeres que hicieron y dejaron de hacer, no", Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 28: hombres que hacen películas pornográficas pueden ser juzgados; mujeres que hicieron y dejaron de hacer, no", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The Puritan-Feminism episode 28: men who make porn movies can be judged; women who made and ceased to do, don't", This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The Puritan-Feminism episode 28: men who make porn movies can be judged; women who made and ceased to do, don't", ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 28: homens que fazem filmes pornôs podem ser julgados; mulheres que fizeram e deixaram de fazer, não", Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 28: homens que fazem filmes pornôs podem ser julgados; mulheres que fizeram e deixaram de fazer, não",
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