"Virgin. Teach your kid it's not a dirty word."

December 16, 2013
This happens in Delhi too .......
"Hello, Help! Send someone over quickly! "The girl screamed into the phone." Two naked bikers are climbing up toward my bedroom window! "
"This is the Fire Department, lady," the voice replied. "I'll have to transfer you to the Police Department."
"No, it's YOU I want!" she yelled. "They need a longer ladder!"
My comments
To a progressive, it is wrong when the man who fucks 10 women is a stud and the woman who had sex with two men (not necessarily at the same time) is a whore. What's right is that this woman has sex with 10 men if she wants without being condemned and this man to be despised if he has sex with two women (not necessarily at the same time).
To a normal feminist woman, it is wrong when the man who fucks 10 women is a stud and the woman who had sex with two men (not necessarily at the same time) is a whore. What's right is that this woman has sex with 10 men if she wants without being condemned and this man not even to look at her (sexually) if she is in an outfit that does not cover a pillow.
To a radical feminist woman, it is wrong when the man who fucks 10 women is a stud and the woman who had sex with two men (not necessarily at the same time) is a whore. What's right is that this woman was a lesbian and that man was a gay or a breeder in a society which has 10% of men.
To a fake moralistic man, it is wrong when the first three despise the stud and overvalue the whore. Because, as they say, the key that opens any lock is a master key and the lock that opens with any key is worthless.
To a fake moralistic woman, it is wrong to overvalue the whore. It's her hidden past, or the one she wanted to have.
To a conservative man, it is wrong when the man who fucks 10 women is a stud and the woman who had sex with two men (not necessarily at the same time) is a sexually free woman. What's right is both waiting virgins to only have sex in a monogamous marriage for life, and they never see the body of another person of the opposite sex before or after.
To a conservative woman, it is wrong when the man who fucks 10 women is a stud and even worse when the woman who had sex with two men (not necessarily at the same time) is a sexually free woman. As they say, to the man, the price of sex is marriage; to the woman, the price of marriage is sex.
To progressives, society allows men to have sex at will and women are repressed. To conservative women, the other women make porn movie antics before age 16 and Feminism is the woman to give men what they want. To conservative men, the non-conservative young women are having sex with all the men except them. Explaining it better: the progressives and the conservative women think that conservative men are fucking girls of the church or the neighborhood, the conservative men and the conservative women think that the progressive men are fucking the progressive women, the progressives and the conservative men think that the most beautiful conservative women are adulterating with conservative men.
When a conservative, a moderate leftist, a feminist man or a feminist woman is jealous of what he or she thinks is the sexual lives of others, we go well. The worst is when they condemn one another for doing bacchanalia where there was fucking nothing.
The difference between man and woman is sexual. We are men and women for fucking. To be a physicist, I have to take a degree in Physics. A man who wants to be a physicist too. And to enter the Physics course, we have to do college entrance and to pass. Then, we enter a university with gender quota system (to repair the historic injustice of patriarchy), half and half, I had no score to enter without the quota. My male classmate can not greet me, touch me or look at me. Much less talk about sex with me (it's not chat with me about sex). Because I will accuse him of sexual crime. That is, I am woman for everything that interests me, and what does not interest me is precisely the difference between man and woman.
But if a woman is valued for being sensual, it does not mean a sexualization of society? No, it's the opposite. A sensual woman is the one who is sexually desirable at the same time that she abhors sex and she withdraws from men. If the woman does not have sex because no man wants to fuck her, she is just a unsympathetic cow. If she is sexually interesting and she has sex, she is a whore. If she does not have many physical attractions and she is a close friend of the boys, she is definitely a whore. But if the woman wears clothes that hide the body, she is hussy, she has accounts in Pornhub, in XVideos and in TNAflix, she has a blog to the boys and she has sex with more men in a week than many women in their lifetimes, she is Abigail "S. Lut" P. Aranha.
It is unthinkable that a place where a typical woman does not mind if a man looks at a woman sexually has someone who argues that a man be arrested for seeking a prostitute or making available pornographic material. If any woman can accuse of rape a man she has never seen before, with an ease that she would not have to accuse him, for example, of theft, it's because the male heterosexuality is seen as so abhorrent that, in this case, the presupposition of innocence and the burden of proof of guilt for those who accuses fail to enforce even in countries where they are the general legal rule. Ah, but the women were historically repressed by patriarchal society and many of them were punished for being sexually liberal. Okay, who's with me for a march in defense of licentiousness? Attention, I am seeking women (for the march). Sexually liberal women and female sex workers were harassed even by other women, some of them of the feminist movement itself. These other women continued their lives with good social acceptance, defended by their husbands, fathers and male brothers.
The right of a woman to be lewd without the right of a man to enjoy sex and to have sex with a woman who gives him opportunity turns Nordic Model. Who vilifies the male heterosexuality despises the man as a person. When a woman has the right to not to like if a man likes to admire her ass or her breasts and whosoever other woman's, men cease to have a number of rights. This is only the one we see at the moment. One of the others is to find a woman who enjoys men.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Dissolutezza, Diritti Umani degli Uomini, e un po' di scherzo", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/07/dissolutezza-diritti-umani-degli-uomini.html. Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Dissolutezza, Diritti Umani degli Uomini, e un po' di scherzo", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/07/dissolutezza-diritti-umani-degli-uomini.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Débauche, Droits Humains de les Hommes, et un peu de plaisanterie", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/07/debauche-droits-humains-de-les-hommes.html. Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Débauche, Droits Humains de les Hommes, et un peu de plaisanterie", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/07/debauche-droits-humains-de-les-hommes.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Libertinaje, Derechos Humanos de los Hombres, y un poco de broma", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/07/libertinaje-derechos-humanos-de-los-hombres.html. Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Libertinaje, Derechos Humanos de los Hombres, y un poco de broma", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/07/libertinaje-derechos-humanos-de-los.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Debauchery, Human Rights of Men, and a bit of joke", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/07/debauchery-human-rights-of-men.html. This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Debauchery, Human Rights of Men, and a bit of joke", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/07/debauchery-human-rights-of-men-and-bit.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Putaria, Direitos Humanos dos Homens, e um pouco de piadinha", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2016/07/putaria-direitos-humanos-dos-homens.html. Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Putaria, Direitos Humanos dos Homens, e um pouco de piadinha", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2016/07/putaria-direitos-humanos-dos-homens-e.html.
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