"I know he's a zombie, but hey, at least I found a guy who wants me for my brains." - http://www.gocomics.com/speedbump/2011/11/17
I thought I had already written about it when I received a comment from a new Facebook friend, Rodrigo Souza:
Abigail, just a question, do not you really care to be used only for sexual interests of other men? And you know, when you have 50 years old, alone and without sex and without family. Had you imagine that?
One thing I said, not in these words, on April 28, 2013: being a woman is a sexual quality. The vagina is the woman's identity as well as the penis is the man's identity. Things like character, intelligence, skills, love of neighbor, the man or woman has or does not have as an human person ("Você deve respeitar ou admirar uma mulher quando ela tenta se parecer com os homens, mas está rebaixando essa mulher quando a olha como mulher, ou ela desmoraliza a si e às mulheres quando se parece com uma mulher" - You must respect or admire a woman when she tries to look like men, but you are lowering this woman when you look her like a woman, or she demoralizes herself and women when she looks like a woman -, http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2013/04/28/respeitar-mulher-quando-se-parecer-com-os-homens). The genetics that makes the man to be man or the woman to be a woman does not, to our knowledge, the woman be more stupid or less ethical than men, for example.
And the cock and pussy were made for a fit one in the other, but that's where the problem starts: women generally sum up to their bodies and two or three outstanding qualities. It seems that they use to withhold sex to take a fool male to marriage to support her in exchange for poor and sporadic sex, but it's worse: they hate sex, but can count on a society from which they can receive more than they offer just because they are women. But this being a woman is not in that sense of human being female, is something like being white in a country of black slavery. Therefore, they do not offer sexually, because they despise men, they do not need to be available and they still have a legion of men ready to prevent them from being "harassed". I explain it better in the series The Little Boys Society.
That's where is made this women's division for erotic-sexual enjoyment and the other as if the first were a persons sub-race. Women who make this division want to shift the eyes of the lack of content of themselves. By the way, let's look at women who defend chastity or condemn women who knew two cocks in life, it is unlikely to find a woman who is not emotionally unbalanced, intellectually mediocre, morally poor or physically unattractive. Men who make this division just follow the women who make this division.
And there is another problem too, which I have to point out before telling about me: unless a woman is a prostitute or a worker in adult industry, society does not allow her to have a photo with her bare breasts and a job. And in this case, she may be young and have a university degree, no use, she can not be approved in a job interview if the interviewer know that she has "intimate photos" on the Internet or made a pornographic film; if she is already employed, she loses her job or, at least, is transferred to a job non-contact with the public. If this is the macho society, why the feminists who defend even female killers never manifest themselves in such a case? Because for feminists and most conservatives (not all, I have to deliver my right-wing traditionalist friends, hehehehe), a woman has individual rights until she seems a woman.
Now, finally, a bit of Abigail as a whore and as a human being:
1) I had a colleague in the 9th year of the first degree who was with difficulty in mathematics, I spent the second semester studying with him at his house twice a week. Besides he learn the contents, we fucked every time his parents left us alone in the house. We'd both 14 years old, I even took away the boy's virginity. His parents found out, I did not lose my customer because they loved too much my work (of teacher), but I was never alone with him.
2) I also have done construction service, since I am a little strong. Once I was helping four friends in the expansion of a house. There I was with that old clothes. In the absence of pants that would fit in my body, I was in a skirt a little below my knees. And the team was looking for me and a partner when we were mixing concrete on the ground. Or rather, everyone, including this partner, looking at me, I was bent, admiring the shape of my buttocks or my tits forcing my shirt down. From what I'm reporting, it seems that was a bunch of construction workers, hehehehe. But the staff is serious and produced really. They were even shy to look at me. What did I do? It was shortly after noon, I combined with the staff: let us stop for lunch in twenty minutes? They accepted. I exit to change my clothes: I undressed my shirt, I was only with the mini-blouse with handles that was already under and the skirt folded fixed with pins. And I unbuttoned my mini-blouse leaving only the buttons below the breasts. I went back to work, mixing the concrete. Who was in front saw my breasts escaping the blouse, who was behind saw my buttocks and my hairy parakeet (ah, I undressed my panties too). We all laughed. It was about time our break. But before lunch, I had to take two minutes to boys alleviate their pain in the testicles in my mouth, hehehehe. Then we went back to work that was serious, efficient, fast and highly praised in the end.
3) I've also received care at home when I was sick (of the flu) by friends who have already made gangbang with me. Some of them have already been admitted to hospital, before or after, and I visited them too. I have also given some tips of medicinal plants for friends fellow of prostitution.
4) I have seven brothers, all have children. My brothers, my nephews, my mom and my dad love me and I love them. Same for some uncles and cousins. They know I'm shameless and I know they are ashamed. At family gatherings, I am cook, storyteller, Monopoly player as a normal girl.
When I started the blog A Vez das Mulheres (the women's opportunity) in 2006, my first concern was exactly to show that a woman can be of "many men", say it publicly and still have human dignity and qualities. Already in my work on the Internet, I receive praise and homage to this day, for other qualities, from readers who were attracted by my writings of licentiousness and atheism (and the unwritten licentiousness). Saying that if I am sexually active, am serving the sexual interests of men, as that question from my friend, has behind the idea that either I am a woman with human dignity, or I free my parakeet and will be discarded when I am old. By the way, I have mentioned that feminists believe that the kind and sexually available woman is foolish and servant of the patriarchal society. Several anti-feminist bloggers friends have also brought feminist women phrases in that meaning, but they err in treating female heterosexuality as a problem almost as much as they. Both among feminists as among conservatives circulate discourses about women being more than their bodies and "does not expose in the window what is not for sale," but they say it meaning that a woman is anything but her body, at most with a diminished sexuality to maintain a marriage.
The lesbonazists and conservatives speak in de-sexualize the image of women as if it were a necessity. If they were successful in it, they would destroy the woman herself, they would transform the woman into a caste with more and more rights in exchange for offering less and less. Hence, Feminism produces pseudo-masculine women and traditionalism produces almost untouchable (literally) dolls that avoid looking like women. No wonder, I repeat it, Socialism and Lesbofeminism emerged and consolidated in Catholic and Protestant countries such as Russia, the United States and England: the traditional values never were obstacles to Feminism. We do not have to de-sexualize neither the female figure, nor society. Who have accessed pornography on an Internet cafe know it, that we do not need less heterosexuality than we already have, we do not need less femininity in women and less masculinity in men than we already have, that men do not need even less return from men-women relationship than they already have. We are in need is more heterosexual fornication. And to value a woman according to heterosexuality that she shows in everyday life, not according to the lack of it. Because very few women worthy of respect as human individuals have horror to heterosexuality, whether it is given the name of "chastity", whether "moral", whether "dignity of women".
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Semplicemente perché io sono una sfrenata ho smesso di essere più che il mio corpo?, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/12/02/essere-piu-che-il-mio-corpo Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Semplicemente perché io sono una sfrenata ho smesso di essere più che il mio corpo?, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2014/12/semplicemente-perche-io-sono-una.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin peliculas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: ¿Simplemente porque yo soy una libertina yo dejé de ser más que mi cuerpo?, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/12/02/ser-mas-que-mi-cuerpo Eso texto en español con peliculas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: ¿Simplemente porque yo soy una libertina yo dejé de ser más que mi cuerpo?, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2014/12/simplemente-porque-yo-soy-una-libertina.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Simply because I am a wanton I ceased to be more than my body?, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/12/02/be-more-than-my-body This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Simply because I am a wanton I ceased to be more than my body?, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2014/12/simply-because-i-am-wanton-i-ceased-to.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Só porque eu sou galinha eu deixei de ser mais que o meu corpo?, http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2014/11/30/ser-mais-que-o-meu-corpo Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Só porque eu sou galinha eu deixei de ser mais que o meu corpo?, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2014/11/so-porque-eu-sou-galinha-eu-deixei-de.html
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha