Good evening, my friends and my female enemies. I was in the group Contrafeminismo, I made a joke that may even have been unhappy (not always I make it right) and a lady curses me as a feminist:
Adriana Munis Totus Tuus Mariae Abigail Pereira Aranha, firstly, "to fuck" is a term of a vulgar woman and prostitute like you. Second, there was no joke here, the problem is that you feminists, paid and funded by left-wing immoral parties and types of unoccupied people who have nothing to do come up with this heresy, apostasy, and the disgrace of this filthy, diabolical feminism to persecute Christianity, the family, the young women in the right-wing, etc... but you know that the more you persecute us and you attack us and you afflict us, the more conservatism is consolidated and the more feminism is unmasked as you were just now, sleep with this, dear, AND VIVA THE HOLY MARY THE QUEEN OF LIFE WHO WILL STEP ON THE HEAD OF THE DIABOLIC SERPENT OF YOUR FEMINISM. And a piece of advice, go wash dishes.
July 27 at 12:50
Poxa!, my friend, you may call me a prostitute (I am not), a vulgar woman, a persecuter of Christians, you may even say that I do not wash dishes, but don't call me a feminist. I was already thinking about writing this text after I received this comment and 7 days later (yesterday), is came to me this comment to my text "What I learned with male friends and how they made me female":
(...) Apparently, for a woman to be perfect, she must be man's doormat, like you
If you are so nice, why do all your friends fuck you, but they do not present you to their parents?
(...) Continue being their doormat... continue giving more oral sex than you receive... continue going to their house late at night and returning on a bus, without a miserable ride. Continue not liking yourself at all. Keep thinking that a woman is worth less than any macho man
(...) Why do not they date you? You're good to be their servant and doormat, but you are not good for dating?
Goodbye, doormat
I had gone through this before: to be called a macho by feminist women and a feminist by antifeminist women and men. And why? Because I defend and I practice sexual impurity / heterosexual sex.
Do you know De Morgan's Laws? They are of Sets. Remembering some concepts: the complement of a set A, also called non-A, is what is in the universe set (of which A is inside) and is not in A; the union of two or more sets is the set of all elements that are in at least one of them; the intersection of two or more sets is the set of all elements that are in all of them at the same time. The De Morgan's Laws are: the complement of the union of A and B is the intersection of the complements and the complement of the intersection of A and B is the union of the complements.

In the case of liberal girls, they are in the intersection of non-traditionalism (or non-machismo) and non-Feminism. And let's not say that feminists defend women's freedom over their own bodies. As the Real says (Real is a Brazilian male community of anti-Feminism and personal development), do not believe what they say, believe what they do.
Do you remember that case of Rawan, the 8-year-old girl from Yemen who was married to a man of 40 and died on her honeymoon? The case was condemned by traditional Catholics (Perigo Islâmico) and by leftists (Pragmatismo Político). The website Liberdade Econômica made a post titled "8-year-old Islamic girl dies after a honeymoon with husband of 40. Leftists want this for Brazil", but the lesbian and Africanist portal Geledés reproduces Opera Mundi, also a leftist, saying that a law who tried to put the minimum age of 17 to the marriage "was rejected by conservative parliamentarians." And why am I talking about it? Because SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN (pedophilia is ATTRACTION), as you can see, it can be used by one side to demonize the other. I make my own the words of the lesbo-Nazist Lola Aronovich: "I do not know anyone serious who wants to legalize pedophilia, and you?". But while she accuses the anti-feminists of promoting pedophilia, Camila Hochmüller Abadie, at Mídia Sem Máscara, accuses the PT (Workers' Party) government of using the vaccine to HPV as "preparation for the legalization of pedophilia (this at best)". The dirtier one side becomes, the better to the other. Then, we do not know if the woman who just wants to fuck delightfully is collaborating for the feminist abortion or the macho rape, but for the pedofilia, for sure. Good thing I do not take care of kids anymore, hehehehe.
Going back to the debauchery (the theme, because as soon as I'm finishing this text, I'll share it on Facebook and I'll go to sleep, hehehehe). In that post by the feminazist female who asks to delete a print screen of an excerpt from the SCUM Manifesto quoted in a leftist feminist group that leaked, we can see this pearl: "Woman is already created [by machismo] to be cordial, polite, sweet". Does it mean that the woman who is likable is being oppressed? But what I call the attention here is that the woman who is very likable was accused in the traditional society (Brazilians of the 1940s will remember) of being "enjoyable" and in the feminist militancy... of the same thing.
Prostitution and pornography are also accused of lowering the women by feminist women and by traditional women. And when they speak badly, the two groups are very similar. And typically, it is in their face that it is envy and horror to orgasm (the traditionalists are less ugly and less unbalanced). While I was preparing this text, I see Lola Benvenutti's interview in Fórum magazine. The magazine is leftist and she calls herself a feminist because, she said, "being a feminist is owning the own body". Poxa!, buddy, you were doing so well. But she herself says in the interview that the legalization of prostitution "is a pretty fucking fight with feminists". And going back to what I said earlier about feminists defending women's freedom over their own bodies, we have not seen a march of feminist women advocating the legalization or regulation of prostitution. Prostitutes have separate movements from feminists. For pornography there is a feminist movement... against. But returning to the interview, I myself knew about it after seeing an image on the page Dilma Rousseff Não: "The PT (Workers' Party) wanting to turn our daughters into whores". Damn! The Communist Manifesto has already responded to this in the mid-nineteenth century! Let's go to the comments right there:

Anderson Roberto Government prohibits child propaganda, but it lobbies for whores and gays, there is still a doubt about the goal of transforming the population into manipulable idiots?
August 1 at 7:02 PM
Fatima Moreira this is not, never ever, to be a feminist!!!!!!!
August 1 at 08:32 AM
And the young girl commentator is a Catholic feminist.

But in the comments of the interview, I would like to highlight two, from both sides, that it seems they didn't even read what they are commenting. First, excerpts from the interview itself:
And feminists say it encourages... It exists anyway, legalizing it or not. So much girls who write to me and say: "Ah, Lola, I wanted to get into this life so much, what tips do you give me?", and I'm like: "For God's sake, folks, it's all wrong!", I can not do that. You want to get into that, then okay, we'll give you a course on reality at the work and you'll decide if you really want to.
It's funny, because a lot of people talk badly, that I did it to show up, and I say: first, I never thought it would happen, really. (...) My mother stayed a year without talking to me, without answering a telephone, it was difficult. My father happened to me to meet him and he did not even hug me - my father, who always kissed me goodnight, who carried me on his lap to bed -, and that was very difficult, that disappointment in their eyes.
What is problematic is the guy who comes to talk to me and thinks that because he is paying he can do whatever he wants. This is the guy that I do not attend on. There is a lack of respect from the nightclub owners, there is a lack of respect from the customers. I think that the man who objectifies the woman in the sense of thinking "she's a slut, she'll do what I want"
Now, let's go to the comments.
Augusto César Mazdaki Well, now the self-declared feminist, after gaining media notoriety (she was called to be interviewed in the program "De frente com Gabi", by the way), she will launch a book to narrate her experiences "with the high society".
Of course, because she is a feminist, and being a feminist "is to own her body" - including to serve as object of consumption and to create a false (idealized, fetishized) image of the woman who prostitutes herself.
Next stop: pornographic industry.
I do not owe respect for someone who sees himself as an object giving excuses and idealistic pretexts to escape this definition. The politically correct, sissies of postmodernism will crucify me, of course, for saying that this immoral and helpless sow is a whore. It happens that she defines herself as such.
Yes, Lola, you're a whore.
You are a shame to all women who are righteous, hardworking, honest and workers.
A whore. Nothing else.
July 29 at 02:10 AM
The kind of Christians we most see is the one who makes us want to go to Hell for knowing he's going to Heaven. Imagine if this kind can make you turn anti-Communist. But let's get one from the other side.
July 11, 16:16
Funny... Why is it that women in situations of prostitution in the Luz, the Sé or the periphery of São Paulo are never heard in the magazine Fórum? I think it would be very interesting to hear them, so one does not run the risk of falling into the glamorization of prostitution... #here'sthetip
I published this text August 04 late at night, at night (almost 10 pm), Facebook friend André Tinoco, in whose profile I saw that image from Dilma Rousseff Não, answered my comment: "The problem is not the person being prostitute, it's obvious that prostitution will always exist. The problem is that the above prostitute declares, in a medium of communication of great circulation, that she is a whore with pride (at least she used the correct term and not a euphemism). The problem is one of the biggest parties in the country to defend prostitution. The problem is the shit of our society that increasingly thinks it to be more and more normal. If you do not realize it is because your head has already been affected and it has no recovery. I suggest you to encourage the daughters of yours to give their butt out there for cash". I remembered immediately of the post "Transformar sexo em trabalho" (Transforming sex into work), by Sexismo e Misoginia (Sexism and Misogyny):
Today's liberals, co-opting subversive concepts such as conscience, consent and freedom, argue that non-legalization of prostitution is a violation of human rights, including the right to free choice, and they label as moralists all those who do not agree with them in this particular domain. (...)
Classical liberalism, with contract theory, constitutes the philosophical support of the movement that advocates the legalization of prostitution (...)
To those who are in favor of the legalization of prostitution, who regard prostitutes as sex "workers", who do not see anything bad in this type of work - one like any one else - I ask why do not they draw the logical consequences from this point of view and they do not encourage their daughters, sisters, mothers or even wives to pursue the career?
I had to update this text!
Between the fight against machismo to defend lesbians and sluts and the fight against Feminism to defend frigid women, those take sticks on both sides (and not one in front and another behind) are the real women.
PS: see also "Machismo was created by women - part 7: why even feminists are moralistic? (and why the macho males talk like your grandmother?)", which I wrote in 2012, with saucy movies at Paraíso Tangible, without saucy movies at Concrete Paradise.
Questo testo in italiano senza foti e filmati di sesso, in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 17: donne tradizionali contro donne femministe e tutte contro le donne licenziose (o: Leggi di De Morgan applicate al "machismo" e al Femminismo), Questo testo in italiano con foti e filmati di sesso, in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 17: donne tradizionali contro donne femministe e tutte contro le donne licenziose (o: Leggi di De Morgan applicate al "machismo" e al Femminismo), Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 17: mujeres tradicionales contra mujeres feministas y todas contra las mujeres licenciosas (o: Leyes de De Morgan aplicadas al "machismo" y al Feminismo), Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 17: mujeres tradicionales contra mujeres feministas y todas contra las mujeres licenciosas (o: Leyes de De Morgan aplicadas al "machismo" y al Feminismo), This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 17: traditional women against feminist women and all against the licentious women (or: De Morgan's Laws applied to "machismo" and Feminism), This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: The Puritan-Feminism episode 17: traditional women against feminist women and all against the licentious women (or: De Morgan's Laws applied to "machismo" and Feminism), Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 17: mulheres tradicionais contra mulheres feministas e todas contra as mulheres licenciosas (ou: Leis de De Morgan aplicadas ao "machismo" e Feminismo), Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 17: mulheres tradicionais contra mulheres feministas e todas contra as mulheres licenciosas (ou: Leis de De Morgan aplicadas ao "machismo" e Feminismo),
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