SCUM Manifesto, 1967
And the more mindless the woman, the more deeply embedded in the male "culture", in short, the nicer she is, the more sexual she is.
(...) SCUM will couple-bust -- barge into mixed (male-female) couples, wherever they are, and bust them up.
(...) The few remaining men can exist out their puny days dropped out on drugs or strutting around in drag or passively watching the high-powered female in action, fulfilling themselves as spectators, vicarious livers* [FOOTNOTE: It will be electronically possible for him to tune into any specific female he wants to and follow in detail her every movement. The females will kindly, obligingly consent to this, as it won't hurt them in the slightest and it is a marvelously kind and humane way to treat their unfortunate, handicapped fellow beings.] or breeding in the cow pasture with the toadies, or they can go off to the nearest friendly suicide center where they will be quietly, quickly, and painlessly gassed to death.
( - "toadies" are the heterosexual women)
An ordinary feminist woman in a Realist's profile, Brazil, Aug 20 2014
(note for non-Brazilians: Real is an antifeminist Brazilian group focused also in personal improvement for men)
- I am a successful woman. I worked, studied and now I depend on no man. Incidentally, I could still do the double. Who are you to say what women should or should not do?
- We do not dictate what you should do, girl. But we warn that for every action there is a reaction. Go your way, just do not miss it ...
(Crixus do Realismo,
We swear we won’t tell anyone if you buy one of these super lifelike love dolls from Japan
Mike Aug 12, 2014
Hi, perverts! If you’re one of those people that’s been on the lookout for a hyper-realistic sex doll to call your own, then look no further – Japanese company Oriental Industry, which specializes in life-size silicon sex dolls, has you covered.
The dolls, which are somewhat racistly/sexistly called “Dutch Wives” in Japan are apparently so realistic, Japanese media is convinced that if you buy one you’ll never need a real girlfriend again.
Obviously, if you’re the type of person to purchase one of these in the first place, you probably don’t want a real girlfriend anyway, but it certainly is somewhat amazing how detailed these creepily human dolls are. The silicon used in creating the dolls apparently gives them a very authentic skin feel and the eyes are almost good enough to make them look like a real person’s.
It would appear that you can pose the dolls freely, which is another plus in making them as lifelike as possible, since surely you won’t be interacting with a real human being any time soon if you actually buy one of these.
Take a look at this gallery below of all the different styles of sex doll that can be yours for the low, low price of like, US$2,000, but please refrain from sending us any photos of you and your new “girlfriend” upon purchasing:
Well, I hope you enjoyed the gallery! If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go take a shower now.
Source/images via: Virates
(Rocket News 24, Bold in original)
Testimonials by satisfied clients and friends
Julio César kkkkk it ends up costing much cheaper than a girlfriend, with the advantage of silence, doesn’t need discuss relationship, not having to endure unfortunate’s PMS and not have to cede to the sentimental blackmail that every women do, without complications, will be successful sales worldwide, women goodbye
Roney huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue I'm hoping that these women come to life and intelligence, to be wives that men have always dreamed. You didn’t use to call us potential rapists? Very soon, we will live the true era of oppression in which man can have sex whenever he wants
Luana Reis A man generally gets satisfied with anything. Even 10 minutes locked in the bathroom or a bolder chat and a web cam. So, if a man is satisfied with anything, why women don't satisfy men? Because they are worse than anything else? Some will say that men who are satisfied with dolls and etc sign their certificate of incompetence in getting a woman. Competence to be mistreated? Competence to enter friendzone? Competence to sex strike and psychological blackmail? That's it, I said.
Cris Lima Pity those men who need it? No, pity those women who are not ashamed! It should be very sad and humiliating to us, women, men even think about buy a doll for sex! What an humiliation, girls! We fuck with drug dealers, idiot playboys and scoundrels in general, while we disesteem the good men.
Denilson Leite The world is full of women. Full of presumptuous and futile women to deny us sex and respect. Go find one woman and build a real family, you suckers. Go spend your youth trying to chat with unpleasant girls in bad jobs and pretty women who don't reply a "good morning" but make madness with rich elders who use Viagra. Go win a woman who is ugly, has an ugly belly and earns half of you, but brings you only bills and annoyances. After this all, the slut or the heel-licker say is you, guy, who doesn't warrant yourself.
Marcello de Lara What is the grace in this doll? I love women in any form or way ie: walking with shit-face, talking with a rude voice, talking with childish voice about silly subjects, fighting, threating men and so on! I can see my life without good sex or female respect, but not without women and I NEVER have the guts to even think of comparing sucks a doll with a woman ... Women, I love you !!!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
Wesley Fernandes It's interesting to observe this kind of phenomenon. The guy buys a doll like these because he realizes he doesn't have to risk being rejected trying to please a presumptuous and stupid woman (or her idiot father and brothers). It's a form of escape from boring, monotonous and complex relationships. This doll costs 2,000 dollars, is less than a man paying alimony in Brazil spends in one year. It is a phenomenon of our time, people reject comforts like this doll because they want to live in a fantasy in which the real world have to be a sketch of Hell.
Laynne Mendes The more men purchase these dolls, better. Twenty, thirty years ago, immature men were who had posters with nice body women naked and magazines with hot sex. Or the ones who sought prostitutes who would give them sex better, in much less time and with less annoyances. I strongly support the idea, a form of natural selection of males. Because the immature man will be loner playing house, studying, having time with his friends and having money; but the mature man will be taking care of a home, either sustaining a woman who mistreats him and teens who don't see him as worthy of respect, or paying alimony to his former wife while he has to be the breadwinner to his new family. The mature man will say immature man is childish, unable to face a relationship, perhaps because immature men are less aged by bad jobs, domestic troubles and alcohol.
Did it lack heart and personality? Where there is a woman with a passionate kiss, a tight hug, a caress on his chin, a tasty tenderness, a real smile, a captivating look, loving words, company in good times and bad moments? Not mentioning sex! Congratulations to the creators, this doll is a spectacle!
Questo testo in italiano senza foti di libertinaggio, in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: L’occasione delle donne... di silicone: imprenditore de la Real frustra progetto femminista per tagliare uomini e produce bambole realistiche, Questo testo in italiano con foti di libertinaggio, in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: L’occasione delle donne... di silicone: imprenditore de la Real frustra progetto femminista per tagliare uomini e produce bambole realistiche, ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos de putaría, en lo Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La vez de las mujeres... de silicona: empresario de la Real frustra proyecto feminista para cortar los hombres y produce muñecas realistas, Eso texto en español con fotos de putaría, en lo Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La vez de las mujeres... de silicona: empresario de la Real frustra proyecto feminista para cortar los hombres y produce muñecas realistas, ![]()
This text in English without debauchery photos, at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: It’s time of women... of silicone: Real entrepreneur frustrates feminist project to cut up men and produces realistic dolls, This text in English with debauchery photos, at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: It’s time of women... of silicone: Real entrepreneur frustrates feminist project to cut up men and produces realistic dolls, ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: A vez das mulheres... de silicone: empresário da Real frustra projeto feminista para cortar os homens e produz bonecas realistas, Texto original em português com fotos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: A vez das mulheres... de silicone: empresário da Real frustra projeto feminista para cortar os homens e produz bonecas realistas,
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