1) Jair Bolsonaro as a representative of reality
The opponent of the left-wing in the 2022 Brazilian presidential election was not Jair Bolsonaro, it was the real people and human intelligence. Where are 30% of the Brazilian population celebrating the election of the president they voted for? According to the official result, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was elected with 60,345,999 votes and current President Jair Bolsonaro had 58,206,354 votes.[01] Lula's vote was almost 40% of the total number of voters, around 156 million[02]; and almost 30% of the population of Brazil, about 210 million[03]. The difference to the competitor, about 2 million votes, was about 1.4% of the total electorate and about 1% of the country's population. It is visible that this is a lie. Notice I used the word "visible"? You will understand why.
If you saw the vicinity of a polling station at the time of the election, it is very likely that you saw several yellow shirts, those of the Brazilian football team often used in the movement for the impeachment of then-President Dilma Rousseff (who was of the same Workers Party as Lula) from 2014 to 2016. These were visibly voters of Jair Bolsonaro. If almost all Lula voters did not wear red shirts, this was not strange, because those who wear red the most are the left-wing militancy. But why do we have a visible voter from the losing 47% group and not one from the winning 49% group? Ah, there were 124,252,796 voters who attended the election, including blank votes and null votes[04].
Again, did you notice that I used the verb "to see" and the words "visible" and "visibly"? It was to draw attention to the problem: it's not about electoral fraud, it's about a war against the real people and the perception of reality. It was the same war on mental integrity that played out in the 2020 United States presidential election.
If you've seen Jair Bolsonaro in any video on the internet, you may doubt that he is as right-wing conservative as some present him (either on the supporting side or on the enemy side); and you realized that he is not an intellectual. Especially before he was president or unofficially, as in interviews or in his personal profile on Twitter, he really can look like what we call in Brazil the "barbecue uncle", the old gentleman without elegance. Some leftists regretted after the 2018 election that we elected the "barbecue uncle" for the Presidency of the Republic. But these same people voted for Lula or for the candidates of his party in this election and in the 5 previous elections, with the argument that he came from the interior of the Northeast, he does not have a university degree and therefore and for other things he is a man from the ordinary people who governs or governed for the poor. You see, we live to see whoever uses Marx's name to lose the election of representative of the real citizen. While Lula was the representative of the people for semi-illiterates in the North and Northeast of Brazil, failed folks from the outskirts of large cities in the Southeast, and mediocre former students of public schools (inside Brazilian public schools, mediocre); Jair Bolsonaro was the representative of the people for many blacks who paid their own bills, for many gays who had real jobs alongside heterosexuals, and for many who are outside the so-called minorities, such as whites, non-poor, heterosexuals and Christians.
Here is the issue: the inverted view of reality. 1) Why is representing a numerical minority and withdrawing space from the numerical majority a virtue now? 2) How can a numerical majority, such as blacks and women in Brazil, be a minority and have a movement for spaces in the same way as numerical minorities such as Indians or LGBTQIA+?
President Jair Bolsonaro did not represent the victory of the election of a guy with little erudition who looks like someone from the general population; he represented the victory of the election of a guy who is not "queer", vegan or anti-Christian from a country where typical citizens are not those things and have a disinterest, if not antipathy, for what one of them defends. And I call your attention to the fact that I am doing this analysis beyond the context of Brazil.
2) A little about the case of CoViD-19
Here I will not go into the issue of "pandemic management" by our president. Well, yes, I will go into it, but not in that approach of whether the vaccination was done efficiently, if the "lockdown" was less than it should be and things like that. Well, I will go through all this, but within the subject of integration with reality and of representation of the real people. The Chinese flu hit was not a case of public health emergency, it was a case of war on mental integrity and experiment against real people across the world, with public administrations serving as opportunistic sidekicks. In several countries, in about two years, we had businesses forcibly closed, Christian churches forcibly closed, people arrested for having a family birthday party, prisoners released to avoid contagion (at least in Brazil, via Judiciary Power decisions), reduction of the urban bus circulation, reduction of intercity and international travel, restriction of international travel to only those who had the so-called "vaccine", social network censorship against those who doubted the so-called "vaccine",... Oops! You can even doubt the existence of God (as I do), but not the "Science". And after all that, we went back to normal life, or something like that, and nothing related to real people's real life has improved. The city hall that boasts that it has applied a certain number of doses of vaChina has an internet portal which is more confusing, with links to pages that no longer exist and with services that you only discover are offered only online after going through a queue in face-to-face service. In the case of Brazil, they have already tried to monitor your cell phone to see if you were obeying the quarantine[05] (or "quaranternal", as the Argentines called it), but every landslide above or below an avenue or a road after a rainy season looks like it's a surprise.
But most ordinary citizens did not realize this, and not just in Brazil. This Panic Syndrome pandemic has revealed how many people are unable to analyze the immediate reality and it seems that it has generated another more.
3) Bolsonaro's Nazi-fascism
Nazism and Fascism were political regimes defeated in World War II, mid-1940s. Seeing oneself persecuted by someone who died more than 70 years ago sounds like a psychiatric illness, right? So think those who militated against Jair Bolsonaro in the name of fighting Fascism. But according to themselves, one of the proofs that Jair Bolsonaro is a Nazi is that he recorded a video, a "live" on his YouTube channel,... having a glass of milk.[06] It's serious! Some of his supporters have already spread lurid "hoaxes", but none of this level of absurdity.
4) Against the good in Brazil
Here I make a play of words with the candidate Bolsonaro's slogan, "for the good of Brazil", but I go beyond the politics of accounting, legal and administrative sense. Jair Bolsonaro declared himself a Christian and has been associated with Christian fundamentalism by opponents for the last 4 years, but that is not reason why he represented good in formal politics. The idea that good character, strength, merit and success cannot be in the same person is convenient for many people in Brazil. Among these many people, Lula's real voters in the real people, especially the weak losers of bad character without a light of them own. It's not convenient only that this idea is popular culture, it's convenient that the opposite is not visible ("vision", again). What did the 2017 and early 2018 election polls say when Jair Bolsonaro was seen as an honest person? That he had a single-digit voting intention percentage, 15% at most; and that he would lose to any candidate in the second round. When he was elected president, it wasn't only some research institutes and the "mainstream media" that were shamed and demoralized, it was a project for the culture of evil. It is no coincidence that in order to beat Bolsonaro, they had to take an opponent out of jail, where he was for corruption crimes.
That part of evil versus good may have sounded a bit Christian. But I'm an atheist woman, and just because of it I need to have and I have a notion of absolute moral values. That would make a good subject for another text. But if millions of voters profess Christianity and associate absolute moral values with their own religion, and they voted for Jair Bolsonaro for that, they deserve the credit of having more moral greatness than their opponents. Even as these conservative Christians confuse moral principles with a horror of decent sex and they associate opponents with heterosexual sexual liberation (and they connect this with every imaginable sexual perversion). Because the left-wing also demonizes (or Christianizes) male heterosexuality and decent heterosexual sex. I myself have been called things like males' sexual object and filthy bitch by some lesbofeminists, for what I briefly recount of my sexual adventures with friends and for what I share of pornography on the internet. I receive more affection from conservative men and women, who supported Jair Bolsonaro, as I do. At most, they called me a feminist.
More than that, since the basis of human life lies within the good, because evil is unsustainable, a sociopolitical system of glorification of moral baseness requires collective mental destruction, down to the psychological and psychiatric level, to destroy the perception of good and of the need for the good for social life. For a quick illustration, I draw your attention to epochs centuries ago, in any country, when certain things that we perceive today as intellectually and morally absurd were at the same time accepted as normal by the people in general and imposed by political and religious power, and meanwhile, the more privileged class lacked some of the comforts of many poor people in 21st century Latin America (eg, sewerage).
5) Why was the worldwide "mainstream media" so interested in the Brazilian presidential election?
There is a press, in Brazil and outside Brazil, that followed the last election and the Jair Bolsonaro government as someone who values things like democracy, freedom and Christian values. But I will address here the part of the press that fought Jair Bolsonaro for bad reasons as if its life depended on it.
We here in the 21st century have the opportunity to see the press making news report because the subject or the person has become known to the public, not vice versa. And the vehicle for this public disclosure is the internet, especially the blogosphere and social networks.
Jair Bolsonaro started like this. There was a program on TV Bandeirantes called CQC (in Portuguese, whatever the cost), which had a section in which the presenters went to the National Congress, met deputies and senators and they asked questions to see if they were really good at general knowledge. One of the questions I remember: "which states border Bahia?". Another: "Which Korea is communist, North or South?". At the epoch, Jair Bolsonaro was a federal deputy. And as one presenter, Mônica Iozzi, said in a video that she recorded in tears for Instagram shortly after the 2018 election (I saw the video, but I couldn't find it afterwards), she and the team exposed Bolsonaro to show how he was unprepared, but she had no idea how many people would feel themselves identified with him. But his public disclosure wasn't just by the CQC, it was by leftist militants on social media who called him macho, racist, homophobic and the clichés of the type. Already at that time, if someone still thought oneself well informed because read printed newspapers and magazines and watched radio and television news, this person was old or from the countryside; but those who were already smart thought "if the media and the left-wing are talking badly about him, he has something right". And he got there in 2018, with 49,277,010 votes in the first round alone.[07] This was already a third of the total electorate of about 147 million[08] and almost a quarter of the Brazilian population.
While I was searching for some images for illustration, I discovered this gem on Twitter, by Rita Lisauskas[09], who is a journalist at Estadão and Eldorado FM Radio in São Paulo[10]:
Ten minute in a queue at a section in Santana is enough to make you feel sick for the rest of the day. Northeast, save us!
The Northeast region of Brazil is where Lula's PT (Workers Party) tends to receive more votes than competitors in presidential elections. This post was made at 08:12 on the day of election, which started at 08:00. I found this other gem in the comments[11], posted at 08:45:
Another sad thing. I did my graduation in Rio de Janeiro, it was always a much more progressive state than São Paulo. A few months ago I realized the dream and bought an apartment in South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. What a change! All workers, humble people, are bolsonarist evangelicals. All of them. I didn't found one only leftist.
According to the official result itself, the voters for Jair Bolsonaro are also close to 30% of the Brazilian population and 40% of the general total of voters. But only those jumped to their eyes? ("Eyes", did you notice?)
Rita Lisauskas has 115,400 followers on her Twitter profile created in April 2009. Most journalists from the epoch when the newspaper Estadão had a print run are already distressed by the "ratio"[12] of a person who gained popularity in the internet itself or an anonymous person. They're distressed when they're progressive and it's a conservative youtuber who gives them publicity, not vice versa. They are distressed when after making someone who is not progressive lose a job in the mainstream press, that person grows in credibility and visibility rather than going down into ostracism. Has the left-wing entered traditional journalism? Okay, so the readers then leaving. And in the case of Jair Bolsonaro, he was attacked by the avowedly leftist press and by the press penetrated by the left and instead of crying in the bedroom or being treated as an outcast of society, he reached the Presidency of the Republic with almost 58 million votes (more exactly, 57,797,847[13]).
6) Even some celebrities outside Brazil were against Bolsonaro (and a little about nude women)
Leonardo DiCaprio encourages young Brazilians to get their voter registration card. This is the title of an article on the website of Capricho[14], an old Brazilian magazine for teenage girls. The article cites a post by him on Twitter[15] where he puts the hyperlink to a website made, they say, to encourage Brazilian teenagers aged 16 and 17 to take their voter registration card and vote. Voting is mandatory from the age of 18, but optional from the age of 16. Capricho's article itself says in the lead that he was not the only Hollywood actor to support the campaign. But why did he put his name in this campaign against Jair Bolsonaro? I will bring a general aspect here to answer this, but first I will leave a note that may seem like an unnecessary depreciation and you will see later that it is not: Capricho magazine, when it was printed, was published by Abril Publishing House, which fell into judicial recovery[16]. Judicial recovery is a plan in which a company on the verge of bankruptcy will pay what it owes to creditors before closing.
You male reader who is 45 years old or more today, do you remember the time when for you to see some movie scene showing the small breasts of some skinny girl, you had to watch a conventional movie on open television at late night, maybe on a black-and-white television? Do you remember the printed "naked woman" magazines, with famous women in an even well-behaved nudity, that you kept in a hidden place in your house or you borrowed from a friend? Even this was scandalous. A real pornographic magazine or a movie with real sex was something almost clandestine, or really clandestine. It looks like something of the past century, right? Oops! It was in fact in the past century. In those days, a Playboy magazine was a treasure for boys.
Nowadays,... I'll take a famous example: the Game of Thrones series. I've never watched it and I didn't even have the mood for it, but I can say without error in a general view: the series is shown on pay-TV and uses that cliché sex plus violence (apparently, a lot more violence). This was already successful 20 or 30 years ago (the cliché), there are guys in their 30s who watch the series for this cliché. But if you're a straight guy and you want to get straight to the part that interests you, you already have two options. The first is to search it on an internet portal for scenes of female nudity in conventional films, such as AZNude. There's a selection of the Game of Thrones series there.[17] The second option is to search it on a pornographic portal. For example, the scenes from season one are grouped into two videos on Pornhub. I'll leave the videos embedded with the hyperlinks in the version with debauchery.
And I was talking about debauchery, I have some modest blogs with sexually explicit photos and videos. And I can also receive and share this type of content on some social networks via smartphone. And then I leave some notes about Playboy magazine, which I mentioned earlier. In Brazil, the magazine ended as a printed magazine and afterwards it ended as a website. And who published Playboy in Brazil was the same publisher of that magazine Capricho, the Abril Publishing House which went into judicial recovery.
Does it seem reasonable now that for some people with a powerful past, killing Bolsonaro as a symbol is a matter of survival?
Oh, and President Jair Bolsonaro shared and commented on that Leonardo DiCaprio's tweet the following day[18], giving the famous "ratio": around 22:00 on November 07, Leonardo DiCaprio had 8,099 shares without comment, 2,030 shares with comments and 47.4 thousand "likes"[19]. Of those 2,030 shares with comments, one was by Jair Bolsonaro, with 15 thousand shares without comments, 2,817 shares with comments and 85.4 thousand "likes".[20] And this Bolsonaro was that guy who should have been massacred inside Brazil circa 2012 on an open television program.
And an observation that seems to have nothing to do with the subject: you boy may find in internet pornography a porn actress humiliatingly more bombshell (in your view, because I'm straight) than a "sex symbol" from the 1990s or before. What does this have to do with Leonardo DiCaprio? The environment he is a part of no longer has the power to decide which women will attract the sexual gazes of men, nor whether a woman will receive the spotlight or will be invisible to the public. If a famous porn actress or porn actor entered the same plot against Jair Bolsonaro, she or he could even go through the same shame in argument, but not in "likes" and shares from audience.
Oops! I used in the previous paragraph, this time without wordplay, the words "view" and "gazes". I could replace "view" with "point of view" or "preference", but it was good that I wrote it that way, especially since I approached "sexual gazes". Sexual attraction has a visual part, especially in men. There is also a sexual pleasure with visual stimulation, even without sex. And sex is part of the individual life of the common citizen (it should have a bigger part). Ah, that reminded me of my relationship with my male co-workers. My huge breasts and my huge buttocks give them a visual pleasure (and not only visual). I would even like to work nude with my friends and to give this joy to clients too, showing the importance of women in the workplaces alongside men, but God's law and men's law don't allow me.
7) Keywords
In this text, you, reader, need to read each paragraph thinking about real life of real common persons, human level of intelligence and mental health, perception of immediate reality and of the reality on a more comprehensive level through the senses (that's where those words related to "vision" come in) and loss of the power of the old mass media to say what reality is and to decide who will have or will lose their voice.
8) Bonus: a little about the documentary Brazil Was Stolen
I was writing this text hereinbefore when a friend and reader asked me, on VK, to comment on the dossier by an Argentine with evidence of fraud in the Brazilian elections. This work has a page in English and Portuguese, Brazil Was Stolen, brazilwasstolen.com. I had already heard about it, but I didn't focus on that part because the main points were what I've explained before. I started my work in the blogosphere in 2006 with a principle I haven't written many times: the scandal shows what is accepted as normal. In the case of this election, if the votes for Lula were 21 million instead of 60 million, 10% of the Brazilian population voted for an ex-president imprisoned for corruption who was taken out from jail to defeat an honest candidate. It's not just an evil ruse of the PT along with the STF (Supreme Federal Court) and the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), together with the most evil part of the international left-wing. This is also a plot that has the support of a non-negligible part of the Brazilian population. In that, I don't despise the Argentine producer's documentary, I just confirm that everything he says and can prove to be true is just an episode of something even broader and more horrible, which is what I explained before.
But when I went to research about it, I found an article from BBC Brazil: "Argentine influencer, cities with zero votes? Understand 4 false allegations about fraud at the ballot boxes"[21]. In this article, I found two gems that fit what I said before. The first snippet:
Among the allegations that gained prominence is an apocryphal dossier released by Argentine influencer Fernando Cerimedo, owner of the channel La Derecha Diário and linked to deputy Eduardo Bolsonaro (Liberal Party - São Paulo).
Yes, and the president of the Superior Electoral Court, Alexandre de Moraes, was secretary of Public Security for the state of São Paulo in the government of Lula's vice president, Geraldo Alckmin. What is the problem with the son of President Jair Bolsonaro?
But the second snippet has a really cool Freudian slip:
The video with false allegations of fraud about the Brazilian election by Argentine influencer Fernando Cerimedo was taken off the air after reaching more than 400,000 views on YouTube.
Even 20 or 30 years ago, we had television programs in Brazil that were not seen by 400 thousand people. Incidentally, programs with more substantial content were shown late at night, such as Globo Repórter on Fridays after the 9 pm telenovela on Rede Globo. Brazil has never had a newspaper with 400,000 printed copies per day. As we saw in the case of Rita Lisauskas, journalists who are the heirs of the largest print newspapers and the largest magazines in Brazil do not usually have more than 400,000 followers on Twitter. The confession in the Freudian slip here, by a certain Mariana Schreiber who will never have visibility[22], is that the old press needs leftist truculence, in activism in the private sector and in state bodies, to compete firstly with the truth, secondly with youtubers. As Jair Bolsonaro sometimes said before being a candidate, alluding to the socialists fought by the military government, "the truth tortures".
Ilustração 1: Revista Fórum, October 30, 2022 at 19:37. https://twitter.com/revistaforum/status/1586849821482172417
Ilustração 2: "Filas Amarelas, Urnas Vermelhas. 03/10 #137", Alexandre Garcia Cortes Oficial, October 03, 2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KP1_GTKRnYY
[01] [04] Resultados – TSE (Results - Superior Electoral Court), https://resultados.tse.jus.br/oficial/app/index.html#/m/eleicao-cargo/1;e=e545
[02] "Mais de 156 milhões de eleitores voltam às urnas hoje, 30 de outubro, segundo turno das eleições", Tribunal Superior Eleitoral, October 30, 2022. https://www.tse.jus.br/comunicacao/radio/2022/Outubro/mais-de-156-milhoes-de-eleitores-voltam-as-urnas-hoje-30-de-outubro-segundo-turno-das-eleicoes
[03] "População brasileira chega a 213,3 milhões de habitantes, estima IBGE", Gov.br, August 27, 2021. https://www.gov.br/pt-br/noticias/financas-impostos-e-gestao-publica/2021/08/populacao-brasileira-chega-a-213-3-milhoes-de-habitantes-estima-ibge
[05] "Quarentena: entenda a polêmica do monitoramento de celular no Brasil", Tilt, UOL, April 14, 2020. https://www.uol.com.br/tilt/noticias/redacao/2020/04/14/monitoramento-de-celular-perguntas-e-respostas.htm
[06] "Copo de leite: Bolsonaro usa símbolo nazista de supremacia racial em live", Revista Fórum, May 29, 2020. https://revistaforum.com.br/politica/2020/5/29/copo-de-leite-bolsonaro-usa-simbolo-nazista-de-supremacia-racial-em-live-76033.html
[07] Resultado da Eleição (Election Result), TSE, https://sig.tse.jus.br/ords/dwapr/seai/r/sig-eleicao-resultados/resultado-da-elei%C3%A7%C3%A3o. Ano 2018, turno 1.
[08] Comparecimento/Abstenção (Attendance / Abstention), TSE, https://sig.tse.jus.br/ords/dwapr/seai/r/sig-eleicao-comp-abst. Ano 2018.
[09] Rita Lisauskas, October 30, 2022 at 08:12. https://twitter.com/RitaLisauskas/status/1586677472606699520
[10] https://twitter.com/RitaLisauskas
[11] Paulo Henrique, October 30, 2022 at 08:45. https://twitter.com/PhLimavet/status/1586685687725789185
[12] "Ratio" is a comment on a social media post that has more "likes" or shares than the post that was commented on.
[13] Resultado da Eleição (Election Result), TSE, https://sig.tse.jus.br/ords/dwapr/seai/r/sig-eleicao-resultados/resultado-da-elei%C3%A7%C3%A3o. Ano 2018, turno 2.
[14] "Leonardo DiCaprio incentiva jovens brasileiros a tirarem título de eleitor", Capricho, April 30, 2022. https://capricho.abril.com.br/eleicao2022/leonardo-dicaprio-incentiva-jovens-brasileiros-a-tirarem-titulo-de-eleitor
[15] [19] Leonardo DiCaprio, April 28, 2022 at 16:57. https://twitter.com/LeoDiCaprio/status/1519767667363790848
[16] "Recuperação judicial do Grupo Abril chega ao fim", Yahoo Finanças, February 23, 2022. https://br.financas.yahoo.com/noticias/recupera%C3%A7%C3%A3o-judicial-grupo-abril-chega-231800268.html
[17] "Game of Thrones #nude", AZNude, https://www.aznude.com/view/movie/g/gameofthrones.html
[18] "Bolsonaro responde a DiCaprio e alfineta STF sobre punições a fake news", UOL, April 29, 2022. https://noticias.uol.com.br/politica/ultimas-noticias/2022/04/29/bolsonaro-responde-dicaprio-e-alfineta-stf-sobre-punicoes-a-fake-news.htm
[20] Jair M. Bolsonaro, April 29, 2022 at 18:33. https://twitter.com/jairbolsonaro/status/1520154376374874113
[21] "Influencer argentino, cidades com zero votos? Entenda 4 alegações falsas sobre fraude nas urnas", BBC News Brasil, November 09, 2022. https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-63566783
[22] I said that the author of the article will never have visibility before I went to Twitter. Description of her profile, twitter.com/marischreiber: "Correspondent in Brasilia for BBC Brasil, with passages by Folha de São Paulo and O Globo newspaper". "Joined in May 2009". An anonymous person who identifies himself as "Reactionary Inspector" (twitter.com/inspetorreaca) and "joined in June 2020" has 7,401 followers. Mariana Schreiber has 4,760 followers. Oh, what a surprise!
Questo testo in italiano senza foto e video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "La guerra contro la verità e contro l'elezione di Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contro-la-verita-e-bolsonaro.html Questo testo in italiano con foto e video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "La guerra contro la verità e contro l'elezione di Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contro-la-verita-e-bolsonaro.html ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "La guerre contre la vérité et contre l'élection de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerre-contre-la-verite-et-bolsonaro.html Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "La guerre contre la vérité et contre l'élection de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerre-contre-la-verite-et-bolsonaro.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "La guerra contra la verdad y contra la elección de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contra-la-verdad-y-bolsonaro.html Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "La guerra contra la verdad y contra la elección de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contra-la-verdad-y-bolsonaro.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness photos and videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "The war against the truth and against the election of Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2022/11/war-against-truth-and-bolsonaro.html This text in English with licentiousness photos and videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "The war against the truth and against the election of Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2022/11/war-against-truth-and-bolsonaro.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A guerra contra a verdade e contra a eleição de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contra-verdade-e-bolsonaro.html Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A guerra contra a verdade e contra a eleição de Jair Bolsonaro", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2022/11/guerra-contra-verdade-e-bolsonaro.html
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha