Do you from Brazil remember when Olavo de Carvalho criticized the in that time future federal deputies who went to do business in China on a trip paid by Huawei? Let's remember what he commented on Facebook:
The political fate of Their Excellencies is none of my business, nor is it the center of the matter.
The center of the matter is this: Should we hand over to the Chinese Communist Party, owner of Huawei and traditional killer of Christians, the record of informations about all Brazilian citizens? Yes or no?[1]
Are the profits of the chicken vendors so sacred that in their name we must sacrifice the human rights of all our compatriots?[2]
But what he did was not just a description of the Brazilian right-wing, it was of the Brazilian left-wing too. Not only in Brazil, in the world.
Conservatism survived only because of the political power that the Catholic Church inherited from the Roman Empire; Libertarianism, because of the insistent boasting of heirs of landowners; and the radical left-wing, because of being the beneficiary of political-judicial condescension plus money of not confessable origin. And the three thought patterns can still criticize each other's real and theoretical errors (this when they do not prefer to describe one another by dumb caricature plus inverted self-description). But precisely for this reason, the only option of survival of the three is the union plus a political and argumentative dispute between the three, or even internal of each one.
Apparently, the movement against prostitution and pornography has already understood and applied it, so it has conservatives and left-wing radicals with very similar speeches.[3] In Brazil, the Google search for "the truth about the porn industry" gives us on the front page of results, all against pornography, the left-wing portal Catraca Livre and the anti-left Father Paulo Ricardo.
But where opposites differ, they contradict the phrase that "virtue is in the middle". For example, according to the conservative, woman's liberation is the chastity; according to the left-wing feminist, it's the lesbianism. Schools here or in the United States will give Sex Education, taking the reproductive part off, according to one idea or the other.
Still in schools, the curriculum will include, by Conservatism, the Creationism or, by Progressism, the Evolutionism. Therefore, either pure Christianity or its low-level satanic satire will be transformed into scientific dogma and social bible. And let's observe that besides we have alternative models, such as the Day-Age Theory, in which the days of Genesis 1 are geological ages, and the Gaia Hypothesis, in which the Earth is a living being and the name itself is that of a goddess in the Greek mythology.
We had in Brazil, in less than four years, the ruptures of two Vale company's mining tailings dams, both in Minas Gerais, one in Mariana in 2015 and one in Brumadinho in January.[4] Leftists say this is the thirst for profit of Capitalism, as if profit itself were incompatible with intelligence and quality. If Vale were still a state-owned company, as it was 25 years ago, libertarians would say that this is an example that what is state-owned is bad and the company should be privatized.
I myself have been called things like... "males' servant" by both feminist women and conservative women, just because I showed myself to be a licentious girl. This is after "hearing" from feminist women that prostitution and pornography are machismo and from conservative women that they are feminism.
While I was writing, I saw this case[5] which a reader showed me[6]:
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melzinho de feira @nicolekkkkkkk July 18 Gosh! It's not POSSIBLE that you think it is OK that women sacrifice themselves doing porn because men can not respect us. Really? It's a prank? Yasmin Mineira (+18) SP 22/07-29/07 In reply to @nicolekkkkkkk and @sanetlly You laze all day. We have no father to pay our internet. Are you a porn actress? Not! So you have NO PLACE TO SPEAK. We are very well treated, we have contracts, medical assistance, besides the awards, recognitions and opportunities. Don't you like men? Become you a lesbian, but stop. 09:58 - July 19, 2019 |
In fact, we can see here a thing increasingly common on social networks, including when articles in traditional press are shared: a post with leftist content gets a "stick" in the comments and the "stick" has more "likes". In this case, we saw Yasmin Mineira win with 64 × 27 in sharings and 738 × 505 in "likes".
In the end, the greatest crash of Conservatism, Libertarianism and Communism will not be against each other, but with the life of the typical person of the real people. The three thought patterns fail to present, even more in their pure forms, a description of anything in the real world in which this person recognizes himself / herself or his / her everyday life. This explains the general public disinterest in both politics and religion.
In Brazil, incidentally, several leftists have said since the victory of Jair Bolsonaro that "they elected the barbecue uncle for the Presidency of the Republic"[7]. But even when they make a derogatory portrayal of the "barbecue uncle", they let the big "problem" to slip: a person with an ordinary citizen face has reached the Presidency of the Republic.[8] This also discloses itself when they use this image to call the current president from bad joker to (in their concepts) prejudiced, but not corrupt, for example. For these militants, and voters of the defeated Workers' Party candidate, who should be in Jair Bolsonaro's place is Lula. But the closest to "common man" Lula arrived to while and after he was president was Northeastern immigrant and retired metallurgist for the supporters and illiterate, sluggard and alcoholic for the opponents.
When everything that assures us of the intelligent intellectual life, the political-administrative efficiency, and the democracy is a feud of opposing groups, it's even more dangerous when both sides agree in error or are equally stupid. A debate with diversity of minds only brings something good when all debaters are, in their limitations, lovers of wisdom and seekers of truth. When all debaters are psychopaths, crooks, provincials or idiots, what exists is a plurality of nonsenses, from which no one comes out enriched, except perhaps an outside observer who has a certain intellectual integrity and is a lover of the truth.
[1] Olavo de Carvalho, January 19, 2019 at 10:34,
[2] Olavo de Carvalho, January 17, 2019 at 19:31,
[3] "The truth about the pornographic industry, leftists and conservatives from sensationalism in pulpits and VHS tapes to blockings on social networks", June 23, 2019, Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail,; and Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail,
[4] "Três anos depois, Vale se envolve novamente em tragédia ambiental", Época Negócios, January 25, 2019,
[5] Yasmin Mineira, July 19, 2019 at 09:58,
[6] Renata, July 20, 2019 at 06:35,
[7] For example, in the search inão%20churrasco%20presidência.
[8] I was still writing this text when I saw this other example even clearer:
Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Pluralità di sciocchezze", Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Pluralità di sciocchezze", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Pluralité de bêtises", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Pluralité de bêtises", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Pluralidad de tonterías", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Pluralidad de tonterías", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Réflexion et Temps Libre avec Abigail: "Plurality of nonsenses", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Amélioration et Amusement des Hommes avec Abigail: "Plurality of nonsenses", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Pluralidade de burrices", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Pluralidade de burrices",
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