I wrote in December, 2007 "A naked woman will ever be punished?", in which I listed some cases of women being punished for having been porn actresses or having made nude photos. Recently, another cases like these involving female teachers and cases of female teachers being fired or jailed for having sex with male students were shown in media. These cases have been celebrated by Conservatives. What's new in these 10 years is something that I have been warning for some years and it has been confirmed: in the name of combatting Feminism, almost all Conservatives have been combatting what remained of feminine heterosexuality.
Firstly, let us see a brief list of cases of female teachers involved in sex scandals from 2008 on.
01) January, 2011: Ashley Blumenshine, arrested because she had sex with a teen male student in a car behind a department store[01];
02) August, 2014: Lekeshia Jones, fired because she had nude selfies in her mobile shared by teen male students[02];
03) September, 2014: Nicole Dufault, arrested because she had sex with three 15-year-old male students in the school and in her car[03];
04) July, 2015: Fatima Grupico, charged with "sexual assault" because she had sex with a "17-year-old child" (words by County Prosecutor)[04];
05) July, 2015: Brianne Altice, charged with "sexual abuse" because she had sex with male students aged 16 and 17[05];
06) November, 2016: Alexandria Vera, charged with "sexual assault" because she had sex with a 13-year-old male student[06];
07) May, 2017: Pamela Stigger, fired and forbidden by a court of having contact with students because she had sex with a 15-year-old male student in her car[07];
08) June, 2017: Erin McAuliffe, arrested for sexual relationships with 3 high school male students aged 16 and 17 away from the school[08];
09) June, 2017: Nina Skye, fired because she is also a porn actress[09];
10) June, 2017: Loryn Barclay, charged in two counties for having sex with male students[10].
Now, let us see a brief list of progressists' progress in this same interval.
01) Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer with false documents, somehow went calmly through two mandates in USA Presidency, January 2009 thru January 2017. And his successor only was not a Feminist, Hillary Clinton, instead Donald Trump because of the Electoral College.
02) Barack Obama government approved gay marriage for all states in USA[11].
03) Slut Walk invaded streets with half-naked women saying that men must be taught not to rape, but it was the Men's Rights Activism who was labeled as "hate speech" in USA, Brazil and other countries.
04) Let us go back to Brianne Altice.
"Prior to the 2012-2013 school year, (the victim's) attendance and school behavior was a problem causing low grades and suspensions from school," Altice wrote on on loose leaf paper, because she says she cannot afford an attorney. "(The victim's) attendance, grades, and behavior improved during his 2012-2013 school year, allowing him to meet his goal to graduate a semester early."[12]
But in a Brazilian feminine magazine, an article about her has the title "Accused of raping 3 students, teacher says she is sorry: 'Much remorse'"[13]:
A former high school teacher from the United States has expressed regret when she spoke about the sexual abuse she made against three teenage students during a probation hearing this week. Brianne Altice, 36, acknowledged having been involved with the young people between the ages of 16 and 17 in her testimony.
05) April, 2010, a lesbian teacher, Lisa Reimer, was fired from a Catholic high school after her partner had a baby. But some associations spoke about it and the British Columbia Education Minister stated she asked her staff to investigate[14]. A mainstream media newspaper published June, 2015 an article by a lesbian teacher in which she tells her experience, and she lets the suggestion of she is somewhat an LGBT activist[15]. Thus, you can't have a former porn model or a (hetero)sexually "active" woman as a teacher, for you or a son of yours, but you can have a lesbian, maybe a LGBT activist.
06) December, 2015, a mainstream media newspaper widespread a false rape report by a porn actress against a male colleague. The article has the title "How Stoya took on James Deen and broke the porn industry's silence"[16]. In the actress' Twitter, a lot of solidary responses from other porn actresses, including Feminists as Nina Hartley[17]. But the same media and the same activists said nothing or hardly mentioned about true crime victims who work in adult industry, like Christy Mack, spanked August, 2014[18]; Lola Taylor, raped October, 2014[19]; and Cytherea, raped February, 2015[20].
07) Though radical Feminists who have defended that all heterosexual sex is rape have not received so much empathy even within the Feminist militancy itself, several countries have approved legislation that extend the definition of rape, including consensual sex if the woman says it was whenever she says it and even situations without physical contact[21].
08) After we knew about those female teachers convicted to prison for sex, some of them to more than 20 years, we in Brazil read that "Elize Matsunaga gets 19 years and 11 months in prison for killing and dismembering her husband in Saint Paul"[22].
And there is something more that Conservatives didn't perceive and it will bury them: they still link feminine heterosexual sexual activity to Feminism. Though some Feminists defend, in practice and some of them in theory, that heterosexual sex is rape, though some Feminists defend the prohibition of pornography and prostitution, some progressists don't look like them and an youngster will see that the ones who do not see a sexual life or a sex work as something that disqualifies a woman are not (usually) among the Conservatives; hereupon, he or she will see that the ones who defend that a withdrawal of workers' rights will improve the country or that the Middle Age was the better epoch of mankind History are all among the Conservatives. Thus, if an heterosexual youngster has to choose between Progressism and Conservatism, either he or she will defend the homosexuality as sexual freedom, or he or she will defend the sexual repression, including pre-marital abstinence, as a flag against Socialism. And in the end, he or she can see that the fight and the contempt against heterosexual activity is what unites, not what divides, Conservatism and Radical Feminism. Thus, the nowadays youngster and the parents of the nowadays teens will tend to be in the moderated leftism or in liberal churches (some of them frighteningly liberal), except some traditional Christians who have fantasies about the epoch when their grandparents were born. That's what Conservatives got for their reprisals, the males against the women they wanted to have sex with and rejected them, the females against the women they think they have more and better sex than they allow to others and themselves. They were habituated to create obstacles to everyone else's sexual life, they ended up seeing pornography grow, prostitution be increasingly admitted, their own daughters or grand-daughters have sex in adolescence and they still were fucked up by the left-wing.
[01] "Dance teacher, 27, arrested 'for having sex in a car with a 16-year-old student'", Daily Mail, January 07, 2011, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1344584/Dance-teacher-Ashley-Blumenshine-arrested-sex-car-student-16.html.
[02] "Georgia teacher fired after students post her naked selfies online", New York Daily News, August 06, 2014, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/georgia-teacher-fired-students-post-naked-selfies-online-article-1.1893611.
[03] "Cops: High school teacher sexually assaulted 3 students in N.J.", CBS News, September 19, 2014, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/high-school-teacher-sexually-assaulted-three-students-in-new-jersey.
[04] "New Jersey teacher, 24, had sex with Catholic high school student: prosecutor", New York Daily News, July 10, 2015, http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/n-teacher-24-sex-catholic-hs-student-da-article-1.2287658.
[05] "Brianne Altice: Utah High School English teacher jailed after admitting sexually abusing three male teenage students", Independent, July 11, 2015, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/brianne-altice-utah-high-school-english-jailed-after-admitting-sexually-abusing-three-male-teenage-10381580.html.
[06] "Teacher, 24, who was pregnant with her 13-year-old student's baby before having an abortion, pleads guilty as part of a deal to avoid being jailed for life", Daily Mail, November 17, 2016, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3944106/Teacher-fell-pregnant-13-year-old-student-pleads-guilty-sexually-assaulting-child.html.
[07] "Drama teacher Pamela Stigger caught 'performing sex act on 15-year-old pupil in the back of her car'", The Sun, May 15, 2017, https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/3559468/teacher-pamela-stigger-sex-act-15-year-old-pupil.
[08] "Hot teacher busted allegedly had sex with 3 High Schoolers", TMZ, June 10, 2017, http://www.tmz.com/2017/06/10/hot-teacher-erin-mcauliffe-charged-sex-with-high-school-boys.
[09] "'I love teaching, I love sex': Christian kindergarten teacher, 21, who starred in $2,500-a-time PORN films is fired after refusing to give up her raunchy night job", Daily Mail, June 23, 2017, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4632436/Kindergarten-teacher-21-sacked-appearing-porn.html.
[10] "Substitute teacher, 24, arrested for 'having sex with 17-year-old student multiple times in a car and his home'", Daily Mail, June 27, 2017, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4642308/Substitute-teacher-24-busted-having-sex-student.html.
[11] "Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriage Legal In All 50 States", NPR, June 26, 2015, http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/06/26/417717613/supreme-court-rules-all-states-must-allow-same-sex-marriages.
[12] "Teacher in student sex case says teen's grades improved", CBS News, April 11, 2016, http://www.cbsnews.com/news/brianne-altice-teacher-in-student-sex-case-says-victims-grades-improved.
[13] "Acusada de abusar 3 alunos, professora diz estar arrependida: 'Muito remorso'" (Accused of raping 3 students, teacher says she is sorry: "Much remorse"), Marie Claire, January 26, 2017, http://revistamarieclaire.globo.com/Noticias/noticia/2017/01/acusada-de-estuprar-3-alunos-professora-se-diz-arrependida-muito-remorso.html.
[14] "Lesbian teacher, mom fired", Metro, April 29, 2010, http://www.metro.us/news/lesbian-teacher-mom-fired/tmWjdC---7d4H1W4VaUyKY.
[15] "When they ask 'Miss, are you a lesbian?', I tell them yes", Lindsay Skinner, The Guardian, June 16, 2015, https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/jun/16/lesbian-teacher-out-classroom-gay-students-school.
[16] "How Stoya took on James Deen and broke the porn industry's silence", The Guardian, December 04, 2015, http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2015/dec/04/how-stoya-took-on-james-deen-and-broke-the-porn-industrys-silence.
[17] Stoya, November 28, 2015, 11:29, https://twitter.com/stoya/status/670685987601825792.
[18] "MMA fighter War Machine 'almost beat his porn star girlfriend to death' after she sent him a topless photo and he rushed home to find her in bed with another man", Daily Mail, March 10, 2017, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4299324/Porn-star-sent-MMA-fighter-ex-topless-pic-attack.html.
[19] "Russian porn star breaks both legs jumping from third floor to escape men who raped her after setting up fake film interview", Daily Mail, October 29, 2014, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2812597/Russian-porn-star-breaks-legs-jumping-floor-escape-men-raped-setting-fake-film-interview.html.
[20] "Mercedes Carrera explains why Cytherea's rape was not covered by the feminist-dominated media", Return Of Kings, March 03, 2015, http://www.returnofkings.com/57635/mercedes-carrera-explains-why-cythereas-rape-was-not-covered-by-the-feminist-dominated-media.
[21] "Estupro de vulnerável não exige contato físico entre agressor e vítima" (Rape of vulnerable does not require physical contact between offender and victim), Consultor Jurídico, August 04, 2016, http://www.conjur.com.br/2016-ago-04/estupro-vulneravel-nao-exige-contato-entre-agressor-vitima.
[22] "Elize Matsunaga pega 19 anos e 11 meses de prisão por matar e esquartejar o marido em SP" (Elize Matsunaga gets 19 years and 11 months in prison for killing and dismembering her husband in Saint Paul), G1 São Paulo, December 05, 2016, http://g1.globo.com/sao-paulo/noticia/elize-matsunaga-e-condenada-por-matar-e-esquartejar-o-marido-em-sp.ghtml.
"Independence Day and Sexual Freedom", Dr. Marty Klein, Sexual Intelligence Blog, July 04, 2017. Available at http://www.martyklein.com/independence-day-sexual-freedom. |
Independence Day and Sexual Freedom
by Dr. Marty Klein on July 4, 2017
Today's our country's birthday. Happy Birthday America!
It's a good day to remind ourselves how free we are. And to consider the astounding fact that we have more sexual options than almost any other society in the history of the world. I don't know how your mother, priest, or neighbor feels, but as far as the American government is concerned:
* You're free to choose any sexual partner you wish. (1)
* You're free to associate with other adults at private sex clubs. (2)
* You're free to watch any film, hear any song, see any play, read any book involving sex. (3)
* You're free to use any form of contraception you wish. (4)
* You're free to have your child get sex education in public school. (5)
* You're free to get comprehensive sexual health care: pap smears, breast exams, contraception, STD testing, and counseling. (6)
* You're free to publicly acknowledge your alternative sexual lifestyle. (7, 7a)
* You're free to use the internet to find partners for sex, sexy chat, or advice about sexual lifestyles. (8)
* You're free to publish scientific research on sexual orientation, sexual identity, and sexual behavior. (9)
* You're free to publish scientific research on the incidence and causes of sexual violence, date rape, and sexual assault. (10)
* You're free to have medication prescribed for your depression or anxiety. (11)
* You're free to get expensive, intrusive fertility treatments. (12, 12a)
* You're free to watch as much internet porn as you like. (13)
There are, however, limits to these various freedoms. They're typically imposed on you by those who don't trust your sexuality — and perhaps not their own, either. These restrictions do NOT celebrate America's freedoms.
1. As long as you don't pay for sex, or accept money for sex.
2. As long as the local city council, zoning board, or district attorney hasn't prevented the club's existence.
3. As long as the religious right or "progressive" left hasn't decided you can't.
4. As long as your local pharmacist is willing to fill your prescription.
5. Unfortunately, it's about 50-50 whether the sex "education" course is oriented to reality or to fantasy-based "abstinence" curriculum that actually increase problematic sexual outcomes.
6. As long as you can pay for it, and can find a local provider to take your money.
7. As long as you don't get involved in a child custody suit, where your ex-spouse's lawyer will use it against you.
7a. As long as your current boss doesn't believe your former employment as a stripper, porn actress, or other sex work disqualifies you from current employment.
8. As long as you don't engage in age role-play with strangers in a chat room — who, if they're vigilantes or undercover cops, will pursue you and use the judicial system to ultimately register you as a sex offender.
9. As long as some group doesn't decide that your work is "dangerous," "biased," or "hate speech," in which case they will use social media and in-person threats to make your life miserable.
10. As long as you don't teach at an American university, where supposedly "feminist" students will try to get you disciplined or fired for creating "unsafe spaces" and facilitating conversations they find upsetting.
11. As long as you don't mind your physician being ignorant about the drug's sexual side effects.
12. As long as you don't mind your physician's inability or unwillingness to ask detailed questions about your sexual behavior that could make the treatment unnecessary.
12a. As long as you don't mind possibly destroying your sexual relationship in your quest to conceive ASAP.
13. As long as you're able to navigate the fraudulent field of "porn addiction;" and can resist the demonstrably false idea that watching porn leads to both rape and erectile dysfunction; and can negotiate with a mate who feels she has the right to a porn-free home (supported, of course, by your couples therapist, who has never taken as much as a 1-hour clinical course on pornography).
While we're thinking about sexual freedom, let's remember some of the many people who suffered to give us the sexual rights we do have:
* Bill Baird: Birth control pioneer who eventually prevailed in Baird v Eisenstadt, legalizing contraception for single adults;
* Margaret Sanger: Opened the first American birth control clinic, prosecuted and exiled;
* Lenny Bruce: Entertainer arrested multiple times and ultimately destroyed for using "obscene" words onstage;
* Judy Blume: Authoress of teen novels that actually portray sex and sexual feelings accurately — one of the most censored authors in American history;
* Alfred Kinsey: Sex researcher hounded not only in life, but in death as well by conspiracy theorists such as Judith Reisman;
* Robert Mapplethorpe, Jock Sturges, & Sally Mann: photographers whose sexually-themed work outraged people who weren't content to simply not look;
* Phil Harvey: Philanthropist and businessman whose years of resistance to federal prosecution changed American law — and facilitated the sale of sex products through the U.S. mail.
Thanks to individuals like these, and to our Founders, for establishing and maintaining our extraordinary level of sexual freedom.
Happy Birthday America!
Questo testo in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "In 10 anni, i conservatori hanno difeso la castità e la sinistra ci hanno scopato (Una donna nuda sarà sempre punita? 2)", http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/07/in-10-anni-i-conservatori-hanno-difeso.html. Questo testo in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "In 10 anni, i conservatori hanno difeso la castità e la sinistra ci hanno scopato (Una donna nuda sarà sempre punita? 2)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/07/in-10-anni-i-conservatori-hanno-difeso.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "En 10 ans, les conservateurs ont défendu la chasteté et les gauchistes nous ont baisé (Une femme nue sera toujours punie? 2)", http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/07/en-10-ans-les-conservateurs-ont-defendu.html. Ce texte en français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "En 10 ans, les conservateurs ont défendu la chasteté et les gauchistes nous ont baisé (Une femme nue sera toujours punie? 2)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/07/en-10-ans-les-conservateurs-ont-defendu.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "En 10 años, los conservadores han defendido la castidad y los izquierdistas nos han follado (¿Una mujer desnuda será siempre castigada? 2)", http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/07/en-10-anos-los-conservadores-han.html. Eso texto en español con fotos y videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "En 10 años, los conservadores han defendido la castidad y los izquierdistas nos han follado (¿Una mujer desnuda será siempre castigada? 2)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/07/en-10-anos-los-conservadores-han.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness pictures and videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "In 10 years, Conservatives have defended chastity and leftists fucked us up (A naked woman will ever be punished? 2)", http://avezdasmulheres2.blogspot.com/2017/07/in-10-years-conservatives-have-defended.html. This text in English with licentiousness pictures and videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "In 10 years, Conservatives have defended chastity and leftists fucked us up (A naked woman will ever be punished? 2)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/07/in-10-years-conservatives-have-defended.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Em 10 anos, os conservadores defenderam a castidade e os esquerdistas nos foderam (Mulher pelada vai ser sempre castigada? 2)", http://avezdasmulheres.blogspot.com/2017/07/em-10-anos-os-conservadores-defenderam.html. Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Em 10 anos, os conservadores defenderam a castidade e os esquerdistas nos foderam (Mulher pelada vai ser sempre castigada? 2)", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2017/07/em-10-anos-os-conservadores-defenderam.html.