Woman had made herself as bait to steal and was shot down: Maracaibo

A voluptuous figure was the perfect weapon of Maryelin del Carmen Barboza Esquivel to make fall her male victims in order to then subdue them along with two other thugs and strip them everything they had, money, clothes, cell phones and even vehicles.
But on Wednesday night, this woman's story came to its end when she fell dead in a confrontation with Cpbez in the Zapara II sector, after which, along with Gerardo José Orozco Hernández, 31 years old, and Carlos David González Valbuena, 48, had subdued a group of people in a chimbanguele ["battery of six drums typical of the folklore of Venezuela, used to pay tribute to Saint Benito" - La Historia con Mapas] which was carried out in the sector of Santa Rita de Maracaibo.
The Secretary of Security of the State of Zulia, Commissioner Biagio Parisi, said that "the police commission spotted a car with the same characteristics given by the central, a vehicle Chevrolet Esteem, proceeding to give voice of detention, which they ignored, starting a persecution that culminated in the 58th street with 4th avenue in Zapara sector, near the Plaza El Ángel, where Barboza, Orozco and González descended from the Esteem and tried to enter a vacant lot, from where they decided to shoot against the policemen with a nickel-plated revolver, trademark Cobra, a 38-millimeter caliber revolver and a nickel-plated 12-millimeter shotgun".
Maryelin was the lure, she "fished" to her partners in crime the victims who believed that they had conquered an exuberant woman who stole the glances of dozens of men. But yesterday, a source linked to the investigations of the case revealed to PANORAMA that Gerardo José Orozco Hernández, 31, who also fell down in this confrontation with the Cpbez, was requested by Cicpc for his alleged involvement in the gunshot attack to two chiefs of the scientific police in July 2014, according to informed on that occasion commissioner Carlos Sifontes, who served as head of the Delegation Zulia del Cicpc.
According to the reconstruction of the facts, provided by Sifontes, the criminals pursued all along the Centro Occidental Lara-Zulia highway (they were coming from Ojeda to Maracaibo) the Mazda 626 blue vehicle, in which went Danilo Alberto Colmenares Aguilar, investigation supervisor in the Ciudad Ojeda subdelegation; Juan Carlos Burgos, chief of investigations, and detectives Andry Alvarado and Dayana Mendoza. When these passed through the San Benito sector (entrance to Cabimas), they started the attack.
A month later, Commissioner Sifontes reported that a well-known gang in Zulia was behind the attack against the Cicpc officials; he announced the arrest of two involved and identified another 12 of the gang.
They were identified as Yeferson José Navas Giménez (26), Alejandro José Montezuma Caridad (24), Gerardo José Orozco Hernández (30), Jairo Manuel Cepeda Godoy (28), Alfonso José Barroso Urdaneta (25), Tirso Antonio Meleán Castellano, Bernardino Meleán (30), Kris Kristofferson Turizo (20), Diego Armando López Urribarrí, Albis Saúl Cepeda Casanova, David Alejandro Nava Silva and Alexander Antonio Meleán (25) those involved in the incident.
A source from the scientific police said yesterday that the fingerprints collecting are being carried out to confirm the identity of those killed and to proceed to verify all the criminal implications of these three subjects who fell near Plaza El Ángel in Maracaibo. It is possible that other arrests of probable accomplices of the three delinquents will be generated.
"Mujer se prestaba como carnada para robar y fue abatida: Maracaibo", Noticias Al Día y a La Hora, Venezuela, December 30, 2016, http://www.noticiasaldiayalahora.co/mujer-se-prestaba-como-carnada-para-robar-y-fue-abatida-maracaibo
My comments
Two notes of curiosity: 1) In other news, her name is "Mayerline del Carmen Barboza Esquivel", not "Maryelin". 2) The girl was known to the police as "La Tetona", or "The Big-Breasted" ("Alias 'La tetona' murió abatida en un enfrentamiento con la policía", El Interprete Digital, January 03, 2017, https://www.elinterpretedigital.com/alias-la-tetona-murio-abatida-enfrentamiento-la-policia-2).
You, reader, may have thought about how many beautiful or "curvy" women are the girlfriends of criminals or offer themselves sexually to them, usually earning good money from it. Perhaps you, reader, have thought that when a... showy woman as her appears out of nowhere chanting an average man, he must run away because something is wrong.
It happened with me. Once, I was 15 to 16 years old at the time, a friend of my father went our home to talk to him, I was there alone, I was wearing a dress, but I already had my curves a bit developed and one could see the volumes that mattered. I called the gentleman to come in, I served him passionfruit juice with biscuits and I perceived that he was embarrassed, looking at my tits and my buttocks, enjoying it, but ashamed to enjoy it. Then, I said: "Poxa! May I take off my dress so you see you can feel comfortable with me?". I tried to make fun to make him more relaxed and the effect was the opposite: he, who is black, went white waiting for my father in front of the house. But when I was 18, I achieve him to hump me.
Turning back to the case, we have another problem here and I will introduce it with a question: what would have been an honorable life for "The Big-Breasted"? Being a nice girl surrounded by straight male friends of good character, optional libertinism? Being a lovable prostitute, praiseworthy as a professional and as a human being? Being a porn actress, one also praiseworthy as a professional and as a human being? If we asked her father, her mother, or her siblings if they preferred her to be one of those options or her to be a thug, it's risky them to think she'd better be thug. It is not only devout Christians who think that the honorable posture for a woman is only having sex with her husband and after marriage, in addition to not wearing clothes that highlight breasts and buttocks when they have a considerable size. But let's suppose that being or seeming to be libertine is really a bad thing for a woman. Why is one evil less horrible than the other? But the worst is not what other people mistakenly think an honorable woman should be and do. The worst is when this wrong thinking is really the maximum of female integrity.
The difference between the honorable woman and the reprehensible woman is not only of moral choice: the slag is the image of the female universe offering its best to the worst men, the honorable woman is the image of the feminine universe offering its remainder to the men who deserve the best. In other words, it is almost non-existent the women who offer to honorable men, for the love of morality, in absolute terms what other women already offer to the worst men for pleasure or to the best for their petty interests. Thus, one reprehensible woman uses her own exuberant curves to be a thief's bait, one honorable woman does breast reduction surgery so that men stop looking at her with gusto. One reprehensible woman is that bombshell who exchanges shots with the police along with two or three thugs, one honorable woman is that one whose greatest glory is a good housewife job recognized by her husband. One reprehensible woman is that voluptuous woman who seduces a man to rob him when he thinks he is going to have sex with her, one honorable woman is the woman with a face and a body of a gecko that has fallen to the point of prostitution and to offer sex to this man to support her three young children or her drug addiction. One reprehensible woman is that guitar-body woman that gives a VIP sex service to drug dealers at parties in their mansions, one honorable woman is that other woman who preaches and practices chastity with the honest men and precarious sex with her husband.
To make matters worse, the righteous man himself generally understands the "taking in the ass" as a morally and philosophically elevated lifestyle. Thus, he can value chastity and the escape of sexual opportunities as moral principles and wisdom when this is only submission to the contempt he receives from society in general, especially from the feminine universe, as a man and as a person of good character, contempt that includes the use of his own male heterosexuality to disdain him.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Donna che si era fatta come esca di ladri è morta nello scontro con la polizia (O: La castità è odio contro gli uomini - parte 3)", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2017/01/la-castita-e-odio-contro-gli-uomini-parte-3.html. Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La Prosperosa, esca di ladri, è morta nello scontro con la polizia (O: La castità è odio contro gli uomini - parte 3)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com.br/2017/01/la-castita-e-odio-contro-gli-uomini-parte-3.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Femme que s'était faite comme l'appât de voleurs est morte en confrontation avec la police (Ou: Chasteté est haine contre les hommes - partie 3)", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2017/01/chastete-est-haine-contre-les-hommes-partie-3.html. Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La Femme À Grosse Poitrine, l'appât de voleurs, est morte en confrontation avec la police (Ou: Chasteté est haine contre les hommes - partie 3)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/01/chastete-est-haine-contre-les-hommes-partie-3.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Mujer que se prestaba como cebo de ladrones murió en la confrontación con la policía (O: La castidad es odio contra los hombres - parte 3)", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2017/01/la-castidad-es-odio-contra-los-hombres-parte-3.html. Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La Tetona, cebo de ladrones, murió en la confrontación con la policía (O: La castidad es odio contra los hombres - parte 3)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/01/la-castidad-es-odio-contra-los-hombres-parte-3.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Woman who had made herself as gang of thieves' bait died in confrontation with the police (Or: Chastity is hatred against men - part 3)", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2017/01/chastity-is-hatred-against-men-part-3.html. This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The Big-Breasted, gang of thieves' bait, died in confrontation with the police (Or: Chastity is hatred against men - part 3)", https://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2017/01/chastity-is-hatred-against-men-part-3.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Mulher que se fazia de isca de ladrões morreu em confronto com a polícia (Ou: Castidade é ódio aos homens - parte 3)", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2017/01/castidade-e-odio-aos-homens-parte-3.html. Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A Peituda, isca de ladrões, morreu em confronto com a polícia (Ou: Castidade é ódio aos homens - parte 3)", https://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com.br/2017/01/castidade-e-odio-aos-homens-parte-3.html.
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