Something that has been ignored in the debate on pension reform: the birth rate (excerpts)
Felipe Cardoso
According to an international estimate, an average of 2.1 children per woman is needed for a population to be maintained. This number already includes the infant and juvenile mortality rate, considering the possibility of the next generation reaching the fertile age for population replacement. Therefore, below this number the population will begin to decrease, and above it, to increase.
In Brazil, in 2015, the fertility rate was 1.72 children per woman. The country ranked 158th among the countries with the highest - or lowest, as you would expect - fertility rate.
(...) Perhaps the only justifiable reason for not talking about a demographic decline is that this process takes place on a generational curve, that is, the effect is not felt immediately, but when passing from one generation to another with a gradual deceleration.
(...) Other factors also contribute to the increase in the problem, such as the increase in life expectancy (for example: from an average of 70.26 years in 2000 to 73.62 years in 2012). But it placed side by side with the birth rate, is little significant. For one simple reason: populations do not get older. They fail to replenish their active population, the one who contributes. Fewer births, less youngsters. Fewer youngsters, less taxpayers.
In fact, the problem is not new. It is occurring in a large part of Europe and in many developed countries, reaching very critical situations (but almost never reported here). However, when it comes to money, things are quite objective and social security technicians understand this projection perfectly.
"Algo que tem sido ignorado no debate sobre a reforma previdenciária: a taxa de natalidade", Implicante, December 09, 2016,
My comments
Two concepts: birth rate is number of births per 1000 population in one year, fertility rate is the estimate of the average number of children a woman will have by projecting the birth rate throughout her reproductive life. So, we already have a fertility rate below the population replacement rate based on a low birth rate, and low for some years, and decreasing.
But who is "guilty" for this? Well, I confess, I do not have children. And I never got pregnant. I may even have children, maybe adoptive, maybe biological, but I have a problem: I've already had sex with 271 boys, I'm going to get pregnant from who? Well, my case is not just to spend my youth in debauchery. But if the young Brazilians of the last 10 years have also thought or they still think about various things before they have children, such as work life, and even the poorest regions of Brazil already have some availability of condoms, birth control pills and tubal ligations, this does not explains all of it.
We have two problems, I'll start with the second: why would a man have a child today or in 2040? It tells a joke that alimony is a system in which two people make a mistake and only one continues to pay for it. For a man, planning to have a child is almost the same as planning to pay alimony. And those who do not know this are in serious risk of finding it out the hard way. And more, and that's the worst part: for those born in 1990 therefrom in Brazil and at least in the United States, being a child of a single mother or divorced parents is the general rule. This is the first image of dating or marriage for the boy. The second is the same thing in the family of his childhood friend.
Now, the problem 1 that leads to the problem 2 which I explained: the whole relationship of man with the female universe in general is poor at best and dangerous at worst. A good-morning for a woman can be treated as sexual harassment. You maybe have never seen a married man saying that his wife is his best friend, but you have seen several married men open their hearts to friends from work. Was contact between men and women difficult in the 1950s? Yes, it was. It was because decent woman used to do or used not to do this or that and any approach between a man and a woman could be messed up by her clownish and illiterate father or brother. We owe marriages that happened to male heterosexuality, which led men to insist on creating opportunities. But if it's ever been easier from there to nowadays for men to get romance with sex and even casual sex, it happened for three big reasons. The first is a movement, the leftist, of rupture of Judeo-Christian society. The second is that the quality of life has improved enough to EVERYBODY so MEN have more to offer to women, like some beers in a nightclub within the urban area for a woman who dwells in a neighborhood, not in the rural area, like her great-grandmother. The third is that even these informal relationships can be equaled to marriages of Grandma and Grandpa. But from that time on, women had come to demand more to offer less. And the problem is not only the sex, a man is lucky when he is moderately well treated by a girl attendant in the commercial sector.
I seize the opportunity to tell the pleasure I have of having friends on social networks liking my blog posts, my writing in my profiles, and the pornography that I share and the one by my own production. What I can offer you who are far away is this: good conversations, partnerships in the work that some also have on the internet, a little things we both like and a bit of laughter. And especially in the part of sharing pornography on the internet, I take advantage of the detail that I am a woman: a sexually liberal and jester female friend can make it more enjoyable for the male friends.
And why am I saying all this on the man's side? It's not just because on the other side we have feminist women and men who only think of pleasing lesbian friends and readers. Nor is it just because I like men in any way you are thinking. It is also because if 25- or 30-year-old men today who have no children or interest in marriage arrive 40 years from now and they find a nice woman to marry, they can have a child, while if an intractable teenager girl today arrives there without children and repenting of everything she has planted and harvested, it will be almost too late.
And since a woman is less rational than a man, but she's more connected to the functioning of the social machine than to philosophical or moral questions, for example, her own speech, in many times, is a means of action that uses the listener's reaction to speech in itself to achieve a certain result, and the reaction of the listener, especially if he is a man, usually begins with him analyzing this speech as if it was really a normal communication, with the words meaning defined concepts and that set meaning something independent of the eventual hysteria or malice of the speaker. And what does this have to do with the question? Several developed countries had been below the population replacement rate decades before Brazil. More and more women in the real population in those countries criticizing Feminism and more and more internal criticism in the feminist movement itself, it would have to do with this drop in the birth rate? Are more and more ordinary women finding themselves forced to realize that the feminist movement has already made so many absurdities that either they openly oppose Feminism, at least the Radical Feminism, or they are going to be f*%@$d up together with it?
While I was writing this text, we had the news that a man was sentenced to one year in prison for rape in Switzerland for consensual sex without a condom. The woman noticed that he took off the condom in the middle of the act and she found it bad. This gives us an idea, even if it is not a typical case, of the level of the man-woman relationship for decades in the First World and in countries like Brazil.
In Japan, where the population is already declining, the solution has been to improve public policies... for women. Reaching the point of a government program for the man to take care of the house and the children while his wife works. And the Japanese press itself has noticed two groups growing at the same time: "herbivorous" men, with no interest in sex, and "carnivorous" women, who... pursue an active lifestyle. Folks, men attract women sexually when they convey an image of strength, of magnificence, or they have something that women associate with it (a shapely body, for example). But not vice versa. A powerful woman withers the dick, I know that the friend male reader will not get excited over a look-alike of your favorite porn star if she's a high-ranking member of your city's public administration or a big company. There, I question: when will Japan or any other country realize that idolizing women will not give return of nothing beyond increasingly more demand to try to satisfy them and even more disinterest or anger from men?
The criticism that appears more and more frequently, even in the feminist bias press, by ordinary women against radical feminism and the feminine universe itself, it's still very little. Soon, either the ordinary woman will make self-critique of her own vices and public condemnation of other women's vices, or she will meet with them. How to conquer men who remember that when they came to the minority in ranging from universities to gaming community, this was cause for celebration? The point is not only to find a man who gives her two children. It is every single woman to prove to an honest man that society and the feminine universe can and want to offer him more than requests, scams, annoyances and crumbs, and give him real reasons for losing his disinterest. Or, worse than disinterest, the conviction that nothing good for society in general or for women in particular is even pleasant to himself.
"Eu odeio homens, mas a misandria tá acabando comigo", Eu Confesso, December 19, 2016. Available at |

I hate men, but misandry is breaking up with me
I was doing psychological treatment because I could not talk to men, to live, to breathe in the same place with one, that is the true misandry and not what these feminists speak.
My hatred against males became so great that I found myself hating and wishing badly for male children, I only never assaulted them. I was delighted to treat bad a male child, to despise my male cousins, and only to give gifts to my female cousins. I had the pleasure of letting the male children sad, treating them bad and demoralizing them in front of the girls.
I love the girls though 99% of them are false and they only care about themselves. I tried to cure myself, but I couldn't.
I ended a dating because I could not live with the fact that he was a man, I could not even date women.
The male sex is faulty, there is nothing else, I hate men, I can not stop hating them.
I've already thought about buying a gun and ending it, going somewhere where it has the greater number of men, regardless of age and decimate them, I'm seriously thinking about it and it's my outburst.
If you are to judge, be coherent.
Text released by MISS Andria, on Monday, December 19, 2016
"Homem é condenado por estupro por ter feito sexo sem camisinha sem a parceira saber", Page Not Found, O Globo, January 12, 2017. Available at |
Man is convicted of rape for having sex without a condom without his partner knowing
By Fernando Moreira 01/12/2017 08:11
A man who had sex without a condom and without the partner's knowledge was sentenced by a Lausanne (Switzerland) court for rape.
According to the judge, the fact that the defendant did not comply with the combination - sex with protection - constitutes sexual abuse.
"The Local" website said the man, a 47-year-old Frenchman, met his Swiss partner through the Tinder flirting application.
At a meeting at the Swiss women's house, they started having sex with a condom, but in the middle of the relationship he removed the protection. She only noticed it at the end of sex.
In the court, the woman said she would have refused to have sex with the Frenchman if he was not with condom.
The Frenchman was sentenced to 12 months in prison, but the sentence was suspended. During this period, he will be under observation of Justice.
The decision is unprecedented in the legal history of the European country.
Image available at 10207390628339964&set=a.1162835387105.2024977.1114466274. |
![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() The end of hisses, whistles and stares: we need to walk the streets without fear. Jessica Valenti Two-thirds of women have been sexually harassed just for being in public. But the conversation has exploded, and now something needs to be done. Tuesday, 3 June 2014 07:30 EDT [] Men rarely catcall me any more. I hate that our culture makes me miss it. Jessica Valenti To my great shame, the thought of not being worth men's notice bothers me, even though I'm a seasoned feminist and I know better. Monday, 20 July 2015 07:00 EDT [] |
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![]() ![]() | ![]() La fin des sifflements, des sifflets et des regards: nous avons besoin de marcher dans les rues sans crainte. Jessica Valenti Deux tiers des femmes ont été victimes de harcèlement sexuel juste pour être en public. Mais la conversation a explosé, et maintenant quelque chose doit être fait. Mardi, 03 de juin de 2014 07:30 HAE [] Les hommes me sifflent rarement. Je déteste que notre culture me fait manquer ça. Jessica Valenti À ma grande honte, la pensée de ne pas mériter l'avis des hommes me dérange, même si je suis un féministe chevronné et je sais mieux. Lundi, 20 de juillet de 2015 07:00 HAE [] |
![]() ![]() ![]() | ![]() El final de siseos, silbidos y miradas: tenemos que caminar por las calles sin miedo. Jessica Valenti Dos tercios de las mujeres han sido acosadas sexualmente sólo por estar en público. Pero la conversación ha explotado, y ahora hay que hacer algo. Martes, 03 de junio de 2014 07:30 EDT [] Los hombres rara vez me dan piropo más. Odio que nuestra cultura me haga perder eso. Jessica Valenti A mi gran vergüenza, la idea de no ser digna de la atención de los hombres me molesta, aunque soy una feminista experimentada y sé mejor. Lunes, 20 de julio de 2015 07:00 EDT [] |
![]() | ![]() La fine di sibili, fischi e sguardi: abbiamo bisogno di camminare per le strade senza paura. Jessica Valenti Due terzi delle donne sono state molestate sessualmente solo per essere in pubblico. Ma la conversazione ha esploso, e ora qualcosa deve essere fatta. Martedì, 03 di giugno di 2014 07:30 CEST [] Gli uomini raramente mi fischiano più. Odio che la nostra cultura mi fa manca de esso. Jessica Valenti Con mia grande vergogna, il pensiero di non essere degna del'attenzione degli uomini mi preoccupa, anche se io sono una femminista stagionata e so meglio. Lunedi, 20 di luglio di 2015 07:00 CEST [] |
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Anti-femminismo o morte: perché il basso tasso di natalità del Brasile è una punizione per l'universo femminile", Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Anti-femminismo o morte: perché il basso tasso di natalità del Brasile è una punizione per l'universo femminile", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Anti-Féminisme ou décès: pourquoi le faible taux de natalité de Brésil est une punition pour l'univers féminin", Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Anti-Féminisme ou décès: pourquoi le faible taux de natalité de Brésil est une punition pour l'univers féminin", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Anti-Feminismo o muerte: por qué la baja natalidad de Brasil es un castigo para el universo femenino", Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Anti-Feminismo o muerte: por qué la baja natalidad de Brasil es un castigo para el universo femenino", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Antifeminism or death: why Brazil's low birth rate is a punishment for the female universe", This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Antifeminism or death: why Brazil's low birth rate is a punishment for the female universe", ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Antifeminismo ou morte: por que a baixa taxa de natalidade do Brasil é um castigo ao universo feminino", Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Antifeminismo ou morte: por que a baixa taxa de natalidade do Brasil é um castigo ao universo feminino",