October 19, 2016 at 04:21 AM
I do not know - and I suspect even that has ever existed - one only atheist whose hatred against religion was not born from a teenage revolt against the limitations it imposes to his longing for sexual satisfaction. All the atheistic arguments, including the more scientific in appearance, are nothing more than a system of rationalizations built upon sexual desires which are really or supposedly threatened by religious morality.
When the guy matures and finally comes to understand that sexual frustration is inherent in human destiny and it's independent of the greater or lesser current amount of tolerance in society, it's too late to change his mind, because the atheistic arguments, devoid of all its previous defensive function, is already integrated into the creature's personality as an unuprootable habit.
Fábio Pinheiro Povh I do not know - and I suspect even that has ever existed - one only religious whose hatred against atheism was not born from a teenage revolt against the limitations it imposes to his emotional insecurities. All the religious arguments, including the more scientific in appearance, are nothing more than a system of rationalizations built upon his insecurities [which are really] or supposedly threatened by logic. When the guy matures and finally comes to understand that his emotional insecurity is inherent in human destiny and it's independent of the greater or lesser current amount of rationality in society, it's too late to change his mind, because the religious argumentation, devoid of all its previous soothing function, is already integrated into the creature's personality as an unuprootable habit.
October 19 at 05:30 AM

Victória Ortiz Oliveira I becoming an atheist at age 11 must have been the result of sexual frustrations, really. AHUAHUAHUA
October 21, 2016 at 00:43 PM

Alessandro Hoffelder Notice: what the text says is that all atheists are declared perverted and all religious are closeted perverts. Easy to generalize, no?
October 19 at 08:06 AM

Vivian Mansano I'm laughing here. The Bible talks more about sex than any book, it talks about killing homosexuals, killing adulterers, killing women who lost virginity. Christianity invented that we can not use contraception, that sex is only for reproduction, that sex is sin and celibacy is good. But wait! Are atheists who have sexual problems? People, how this guy "travels in mayonnaise".
October 21, 2016 at 07:36 AM
My comments
Well, as the teacher connected atheism to shamelessness and I preach both, it caught my attention. Let's assume that what he said was what happened to me, for example, and further, that this has happened to all the atheists. Is it possible someone tell isolated truths within a book with a thinking line all wrong? Is it possible a person to find out the truth through a philosophical system which began with spurious reasons? Is it possible to discover a truth starting with the belief in a lie that was discarded in the meantime? A truth or a valid philosophical system still retains its value if the one who defends them began to discover them through a personal experience? And, above all, a great truth can be discovered with the perception of a little truth? Prof. Olavo, as a philosopher, knows that the answers to these questions are "yes".
If, to a conservative like him, Socialism is an atheistic system, how does he explain it, written by himself?
Until the 80s of last century, programs like sex lib, feminism, gayzism, abortionism and liberation of drugs were, to the Communist governments, petty-bourgeois deviation created by the Yankee imperialists to ward youth of the struggle for Socialism.
"Intimação" (Subpoena), Diário do Comércio, São Paulo, December 03, 2015.
By the way, where are the prostitution and pornography in China, or Cuba, or North Korea? Another: this explanation of atheism is consistent with the case of the Soviet Union, told by himself in another article?
Karl Radek, one of the 1917 Communist uprising mentors, was also a pioneer of the sexual revolution. His campaign against "bourgeois morality", his appeals to free love pervaded revolutionary propaganda such a way, that a whole generation of young misfits, children of single mothers, came to be known as "the offspring of Karl Radek". Later, this man fell into disgrace, as so many parents of the Revolution. Stalin, in a black humor bid, put him in prison for juvenile delinquents, which made the old revolutionary, already sick and broken, their favorite punching bag. Karl Radek died beaten and trampled by the children of their sexual revolution.
(...) Well, gentlemen, these same that led you to be ashamed of your old "bourgeois morality" and advised you to turn your media outlets in the megaphones for the porno-cultural revolution know that you only are useful to them in a part of the path. When they are confident in control police power, they will shut the TV channels and newspapers of which they served themselves, and they will accuse you of corrupting the morals, of encouraging bad habits. Then it will be too late to learn from the example of Karl Radek.
"Lembrem-se de Karl Radek" (Remember Karl Radek), Jornal do Brasil, May 31, 2007.
It may even be true that "sexual frustration is inherent in human destiny". I myself have had men running away from me or who still have a good relationship with me, but I want to "give" to them and they do not want to fuck me. But the almost medieval level of sexual frustration that prof. Olavo advocates is optional. Some pastors, priests and Christian preachers tell on books or sermons that they had girls wanting to have sex with them and they refused, and this were not a few times (I am believing in what they tell, hehehehe).
If the prof. Olavo want to disprove Atheism, let him stop speaking as a Catholic. It's as a Catholic he says "religion" when he means "Roman Catholicism" (only in the New Testament, Christians were surrounded by more permissive religions at least in Rome, Corinth and Ephesus). It's as a Catholic he exalts the poor quality of life, not merely sexual frustration, as a refined lifestyle. Then I am a girl age 14 and I think: what is the reason why I will lock my parakeet? Let me want to have sex with one boy only, and he is one that I love and with whom I want to have children and to share the rest of my life. Why not to have sex with him in dating? So, I live in a Catholic small town and the answer I get is closeted envy of old cows, moral illiteracy, social isolation, threats of aggression. And the nice thing is that the stupid answers bring me intelligent questions. Another interesting thing: it is not only the religion of my neighborhood, all religions are this level downwards. Then I become an atheist. If in these adventures, I start smoking marijuana, I'll end up stopping; if I get into the leftist feminist activism, I'll see the crap and I will get out; I can even, for example, have sex with three men at once and to regret at this time. But why will I leave Atheism? Why should I believe in the Bible and not in Buddha's Doctrine? That young girl and that old lady who attend that church, they have something that I have not and I would like to have? Or I have a better quality of life than them?
And it's OK, I love sucking dick, riding with a dick in my pussy, to take two or three dicks at once, etc. And already were 269 boys to date. And I'm an atheist just because I know that God does not exist. I criticize the atheistic militancy because it is a LGBT Movement branch, as said Denner Coutinho. And I'm anti-leftist because the leftist movement does not advocate sexual freedom as a principle, at maximum some few things to shock the Catholic-Protestant peasants.
Finally, as they would say on Facebook, bring two oscars for each one of those myths, the second in case they lose the first.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Olavo de Carvalho collega l'ateismo alla mancanza di sesso e prende un diario filosofico nella fronte", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-collega-l-ateismo-alla-mancanza-di-s.html. Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Olavo de Carvalho collega l'ateismo alla mancanza di sesso e prende un diario filosofico nella fronte", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-collega-lateismo-alla.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Olavo de Carvalho relie l'athéisme au manque de sexe et il prend un journal intime philosophique sur son front", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-relie-l-atheisme-au-manque-de-s.html. Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Olavo de Carvalho relie l'athéisme au manque de sexe et il prend un journal intime philosophique sur son front", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-relie-latheisme-au.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Olavo de Carvalho conecta el ateísmo a la falta de sexo y lleva un diario filosófico en la frente", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-conecta-el-ateismo-a-la-falta-de-s.html. Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Olavo de Carvalho conecta el ateísmo a la falta de sexo y lleva un diario filosófico en la frente", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-conecta-el-ateismo-la.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Olavo de Carvalho connects atheism to lack of sex and he takes a philosophical diary on his forehead", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-connects-atheism-to-lack-of-s.html. This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Olavo de Carvalho connects atheism to lack of sex and he takes a philosophical diary on his forehead", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-connects-atheism-to.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Olavo de Carvalho liga o ateísmo a falta de sexo e toma um diário filosófico na testa", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-liga-o-ateismo-a-falta-de-s.html. Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Olavo de Carvalho liga o ateísmo a falta de sexo e toma um diário filosófico na testa", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2016/10/olavo-de-carvalho-liga-o-ateismo-falta.html.
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