The anti-feminists who create an uniform feminism and who associate this feminism to female heterosexual sexual liberality are not interested in combatting a real feminism. The contradictions of these anti-feminists (men and women) are visible: they say that Feminism encourages, at the same time, lesbianism, sexual availability of women to men and the criminalization of heterosexual sex; they say Feminism encourages abortion and produces the increase of single mothers; men say that women are promiscuous and they say they are rejected by all of them; men say that all married women commit adultery as soon as her husband leaves home, but they themselves are unmarried and without sex. But why?
The great argument in favor of Conservatism, ultimately, is that the Catholic Church has spent nearly 15 centuries monopolizing speech to illiterate peasants until the French Revolution, and less than 15 and a half centuries until the publication of the Communist Manifesto. Evidence that Conservatism was unswervingly valid was exactly the lack of people with intellectual ability, freedom and resources to question it; furthermore, when these people appeared, practically they had only as possible audience a host of coward illiterates. So, it sufficed Conservatism to lose speech monopoly to fall point by point, so assuming that what is understood as traditional values are really the same for centuries. From the same time of the First Wave of Feminism is the myth that socialist countries do not hold up. When the Second Wave arrived, not only the Soviet Union had more than 40 years and it was almost going to the funeral of Ludwig Von Mises, Cuba, which was, just before, the second largest economy in America, had also become Socialist. The rules of conduct of traditional Christian churches of the epoch of the First Wave are heard today in amazement not by the worldly, but by the members of the same churches, who are sons or grandchildren of the members of that epoch. Marriages arranged by the couple's parents in that epoch are seen as meddling of frustrated illiterates to make the lives of the children as unhappy as their own. And rightly so. Reverence for elders leads to the corollary that if a youngster refutes an elder, is the youngster who has something wrong. It's being buried with the countryside with illiterate majority where the expectation of the child was to have the same life of the parents. Renunciation and sacrifice are seen as speech of failed fools, which has always been. Even more in places and times where people get jobs or university courses just because they are women or black. All puritanical legends about masturbation and pornography of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have been already publicly demoralized, and an old research already showed that 10% of young people in the churches in United States had already seen a pornographic film 6 months prior to then, which means that the moralistic preachers are so stupid and ignorant that they do not know even about the risk of preaching their own asininities. So, what remains?
The Conservatism was about to die with the last old countrywoman that envies any woman with reasonable culture who had an orgasm in her life, then a hope emerged: Feminism in particular and Socialism in general began to make shit and shit started smell. Who knows well Logics knows that if two ideas are contrary and it's proved and that one of them is wrong, it does not mean that the other is right (vice versa, yes, is true). But it's alright. Conservatives no longer need to prepare raffish tales on the feminist movement: the feminist militancy itself already has done things that, perhaps, surpass the imagination of their worst enemies in the beginning of the decade of 2000. But it is not only the feminist militancy: men are moving away from women in general and fleeing the traditional marriage as a vampire from the sun. And if you ask me, I think it is still little, because it is not their afraid that a woman in the street is a insane lesbian, it's foremost a lack of interest in women who increasingly have more and offer less.
But we'll see that the Conservative anti-feminist suggests that Feminism emerged in the decade of 1960 as an invasion in Paradise on Earth. But that was the beginning of the Second Wave. And the first, which began more than 100 years ago? This was conservative, it was against abortion, against lesbianism and it fought for the reduction of women's participation in the labor market, for example. But we still have more: who was the Christian preacher who has already mentioned this decade, in sermon in church or even in video on YouTube, one of those hateful phrases by feminist towards men? By the way, who was the Christian preacher who even dedicated a speech against real Feminism? Even the movements of the Human Rights of Men started with ruptures of men who were in feminist movements, in the 1990s. Because until then, and until at least a decade later, anti-feminism was a thing of provincial cows and false moralists rejected by women with good education.
Conservatives in general are very limited intellectually, even the most scholars. So we have a legion of fake moralists virgin boys who are sexually unsuccessful, of older guys unhappy with their history of dating and marriage and with no prospect of finding a good woman, all of these seduced by ideas of romanticizing the epoch when their parents were born and of compulsively defame the women who they would like to fuck and can not, of ladies who treat the lack of orgasm as a superior moral principle, and of nymphets who try to monetize their own hymen like their great-grandmothers did in their youth; all of them discovering Feminism. But they mix in the true feminism a feminism in the image and likeness of their own frustrations or conveniences. An evidence of this is that self-claimed anti-feminist conservative websites edited by women attract women as the authoresses and men with puritanical nostalgia, but almost no interest from feminist women.
Incidentally, the fight against sex unites Conservatives and Feminists. Conservatives say the female heterosexual sexual liberality is work of Feminism; the Feminists say that it is production of traditional society. Because of it, I myself was already called a Feminist by Conservative women and macho by Feminist women. Conservative Christians can say that prostitution and pornography are assaults against women with almost the same words that the anti-pornography feminist women. But only feminist lesbians maybe have some control of the repression of sex (heterosexual sex). The anti-sex Conservatives are just jealous of sexual quality of life they think anybody else have or may have.
They say in Islamism that a faithful Muslim will get 72 virgins in Paradise. Many men who call themselves anti-feminists seem to seek, in this life, that reward plus the 30 silver coins that Judas Iscariot earned to deliver Jesus Christ. Give me a virgin, and I will not protest against any kindness from a man to a woman being treated as sexual harassment. Give me a virgin, and I will not protest against the false accusations of rape. Give me a virgin, and I myself will participate in any lynching of a man merely accused of harassing or raping a woman. Give me a virgin, and I will not protest against the epidemy of suicide of married and divorced men. Give me a virgin, and you can censor pornography and criminalize prostitution. Give me a virgin, and I will work to support her in home finding almost normal to see friends dying for labour accidents. Give me a virgin, and I will subject myself to any humiliation at work to support my wife until my health collapses.
Oh, and in times when marriages are increasingly unthinkable for men, what are the biggest sources of pride of Christian ministries and of churches in general in relationship area? In this order, to save marriages on the brink of collapse by placing the burden on the man's back and to make marriages that will have already finished 10 years later. And the churches today, even traditional ones, are becoming retirement to whores of organized crime, egregious sluts coming from another state, single mothers with three or four children of a father each one, each of them may find a man prepared by God. As we vary the church, we can find even barely assumed lesbians. This all plus the union of Conservative women to anti-sex wing of Feminism, it means the Christian Conservatism can accept to be part of the Feminist machine itself. But this is not evil or survival strategy, it's intellectual poverty to conceive something better.
From now on, you can check all I'm saying when you see an anti-feminist or even MGTOW page glorifying the 1950s or early 1960s. Because at the epoch, Socialism and Feminism already existed, false accusations of sexual crimes as we know today already existed and they were difficult to be proven (as false), labour accidents and occupational diseases were more common (victims almost always men), the contact of men to women was very painful, and the existence of a group of Human Rights of Men was unfeasible. It can only make sense to a man to exalt this epoch if he is using the masculism as a springboard to a Victorian revival.
Post on website Garota Conservadora 2 (Conservative girl 2), August 29, 2016. Available at |

August 29, 2016 at 21:30
"Girl, you are more precious than gold. So, do not miss out because of frustrated passions! Valorize yourself!"
Post on website Um Homem (a man), August 30, 2016. Available at |

August 30, 2016 at 11:17
"Because of many bastards, many girls are afraid to fall in love again."
Alberto Panegassi This phrase is the opposite.
We are not guilty if they engage with the miscreants who are not worthy; in repudiation and rejection of the other men who are not like these.
What a craze you have in defending the female victimhood in detriment to men who have nothing to do with it.
It can only have been a feminist man who published it.
Eric Fernando Quite the contrary. They seek the "bastards". Because of websites like these a woman finds herself sexy and powerful. Because of these big guys are cajoling these median and arrogant civil women.
Question: does someone here know some bandit, drug dealer, kidnapper, white-collar criminal, serial killers and mobsters single and abandoned? Has anyone seen the row of male prisons empty?
Alisson De Lucena Alves The phrase should be: because of the many silly girls who "fall in love" with bastard immature, men end up taking the fame of "miscreants" and being generalized as the bastards they chose in a stupid way.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "72 vergini e 30 monete d'argento", Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "72 vergini e 30 monete d'argento", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "72 vierges et 30 pièces d'argent", Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "72 vierges et 30 pièces d'argent", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "72 vírgenes y 30 monedas de plata", Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "72 vírgenes y 30 monedas de plata", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "72 virgins and 30 silver coins", This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: 72 virgins and 30 silver coins", ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "72 virgens e 30 moedas de prata", Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "72 virgens e 30 moedas de prata",
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