"Familiar" games see ideological fight between prostitutes and radical feminists
Luiza Oliveira
From UOL, in Rio de Janeiro
08/08/2016 01:21 A.M.

Foreign tourists in search of easy sex, prostitutes on the streets, sexual exploitation of underages... When it comes to major events like the Olympics, these issues always come to the fore. But the Olympic Rio de Janeiro lives a different scenario. The call girls foresee lean times with the economic crisis and a strong police repression. And the question goes well beyond that: they fight an ideological struggle against a group linked to radical feminism.
The confrontation between call girls and this line of feminist women was heated in discussion groups and it already has brought consequences for the Olympics. While prostitutes are fighting for the right to exercise their profession and to be treated as normal workers, the radical feminist women act against this proposal.
The activist and lawyer Eloisa Samy, considered one of the leaders of this line of feminism, believes that prostitution depicts the main form of exploitation of women in a patriarchal society. Therefore, she asks to exist a greater supervision around the pimping during the Games and she defends even the increased police intervention to inhibit the action of customers and the exploitation of women.
"I can not admit that an Olympic event, which values ??the well-being of people with such noble ideals, to serve a so mean cause, which is the main form of exploitation of women and objectification of our bodies", affirms Eloisa.
Eloisa considers that the practice encourages machismo and violence against women. "Prostitution is also part of rape culture, of the pornography industry, of exploitation of children, persons trafficking. Male tourists come here just for that, and who consumes are men. During the World Cup, myriads of women in the streets were called sluts by Argentine. And you see, they are our neighbors. It is disseminated the idea of busty hypersexualized Brazilian woman, to be sold as a sexual object", she complains.
Feminist in the same line, Daniela Lima is against police repression and she accuses the police of being part of the schemes of violence against women in vulnerable situations. But she emphasizes the importance of supervision of pedophilia. "In a situation of mega events, sex tourism is not separated of pedophilia, it can not be detached from the exploitation of underages. It is a picture, a reality. The proof of this is that they caught spaces of child exploitation around the Olympic Village", she affirms.
True Feminists?

Prostitute and transsexual, Indianara Siqueira wants to work at the Olympics. Picture: Luiza Oliveira / UOL
Supporters of the work of call-girls, however, resent attempts of what they consider repressive. They claim that the practice is legal and there is not any relation to crimes such as exploitation of children, which should be widely combated. They still accuse some lines of feminism to disseminate an stigmatized image of the professionals which only increase prejudice against them.
In their view, it is absurd feminist women to support the use of police force against any woman. "It's nonsense. Our police force kills people, is so patriarchal and macho, and they defend the right of the police to curb women for certain sexual behavior. They are serving as maneuvering basis for the most patriarchal and rightists trends of Congress. When the issue is abortion, it's women's rights; when is sale of sex, the State must intervene. They are acting as if they were the extreme-right", says Thaddeus Blanchette, coordinator of ethnographic research of the Observer of Prostitutes. He is scholar of the theme and representative of the Association of Prostitutes in the Intrastate and National Anti-Trafficking Councils.
Daniela Lima revolts with this argument. "It is an attack compare feminist women with religious bench composed of white men in power situation. It is completely unacceptable. The issue is not moral, but political," she counterattacks.
The prostitute and transsexual Indianara Siqueira increases the chorus against feminists. For them, call-girls represent, in fact, a confrontation against machismo. "Prostitutes have sex with no intention of reproduction, they charge, they break with patriarchy. Prostitutes are feminists that break, the most revolutionary. They have freedom, they own their bodies, free and empowered. We know that there are women who suffer in prostitution, but they suffer more in the household, when married. The majority of women are raped by trusted men in service of the patriarchy and who have sex for free. It's safer to be a whore than a wife in this society", she affirms.
But Daniela Lima argues about this freedom, especially with regard to the prostitution of black and poor women. "Even to say 'my body, my choice' they have to be in a position of power in relation to themselves. Who makes these rules? These women are surviving. Most black and poor women prostitute themselves for a plate of food. What are the choices these women have? Are they worthy? Saying this is ignoring a series of violence that occur, women raped", she argues.
The issue rocked on social networks and occupied tables in discussion groups in Rio de Janeiro. But the discussions were heated and there have been allegations of verbal attacks from both sides. Thaddeus Blanchette accuses Eloisa Samy calling him "proxenete" and "procurer". The activist defends herself and accuses him of dishonest, for inventing calumnies.
The great battle takes place around the Bill Gabriela Leite, authored by Congressman Jean Wyllys (PSOL - Rio de Janeiro), which regulates the activity of sex workers and is standing in the House of Representatives. The author argues that the marginalization of people who deal with sex trade leads to sexual exploitation. Opponents, however, say otherwise. They claim that the law will benefit only the exploiters and will encourage pimping, since it does not guarantee labor laws to call-girls.
The only agreement is that an attempt to abolish prostitution will be in vain. Both groups defend that women who are in this activity to be empower and to have a decent life. Because of it, it's necessary to invest in public policies that support education and give them conditions to choose the best path for the future. "The question that I advocate is social inclusion and the increasing of choices for these women to have real and not fictitious choices", argues Daniela.
Lean in the Olympics
While the government does not act on the issue, the prostitutes need to work to earn a living. Indianara hopes to profit during the Olympics, but she says that the scenario is already difficult.
"We expect to earn, but we have experience in the World Cup in which we had not so much profit. I hope that the Olympics to bring more foreigners. But there will be a very strong repression, many prostitution places were closed, places in Copacabana were closed. And there is the army on the streets in Copacabana, a very great repression, so much fighting", she says. "Prostitution is not going to be easy, we will not have regal rights. And we do not expect to have regal rights, but at least that we to profit every day", completes Indianara.
Ágata Oliveira is another sex worker who wants to leave the downtown and move to Copacabana in an attempt to be more successful. But she complains: "There is a lot of police on the streets, it's hard to work".
Contrary to popular belief, the Olympics are seen as a difficult period for female sex workers. In addition to increased police repression in an attempt to sanitize the city, the Olympics have a reputation for 'family event'. The concept is different of the World Cup, considered a predominantly male event. The only bet to earn more would be the idea of a greater sexual freedom of the athletes, leveraged by the wide distribution of condoms in the Olympic Village.
Even if it depends on demand in the World Cup, the scenario won't be favorable. The Observatory of Prostitution did a study during the World Cup and it concluded that there was a drop in demand of 15%. In the Olympics, this drop promises to be more pronounced. Thaddeus states that the public of call-girls is not foreign tourists, but Rio's working class who frequents the brothels of the city center or of the Vila Mimosa on weekdays. In the days that are enacted holidays, this public does not appear. The work would increase only in the Copacabana area, which concentrates foreign tourists.
"The flow of foreigners in the World Cup did not compensate for the absence of Brazilian workers in downtown. We visited 89 brothels, with the 20 most frequented, almost every day in Vila Mimosa and Copacabana. It is estimated that there was a decrease of 15%", affirms Thaddeus.
This Monday, the olympic Rio will have its first "business day". The competition will be great.
"Jogos 'família' veem briga ideológica de prostitutas e feministas radicais", UOL, August 08, 2016, http://olimpiadas.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2016/08/08/prostitutas-tem-guerra-contra-feminismo-e-preveem-prejuizo-em-jogos-familia.htm
The performance of the lawyer Eloisa Samy in and out of court
At 47 years old, Eloisa Samy Santiago is known for championing many causes, in and out of court. In recent days, the lawyer of the young girl who suffered gang rape - now out of the case - returned to be under the media spotlight, although friends and herself ensure that it's not her intention.
The last few times in which Eloisa appeared in the newspapers were because of the pickets in 2013 and 2014, in which she participated as an activist. Accused of having been involved in the pickets that have spread in Rio, the lawyer responds in a lawsuit for criminal association filed by the Public Ministry of State of Rio de Janeiro (MP-RJ). The case was not judged yet. She came to the point where she asked for political asylum to the Uruguayan Consulate, which was denied.
Graduated from University Cândido Mendes, in Ipanema, in Rio de Janeiro's South Zone, the lawyer acts in several areas: Civil Law, Commercial Law, Labor Law, Intellectual Property Law, Criminal Law, and also in Administrative Law, according to the website of her lawyering office.
A confessed homosexual, Eloisa supports several women's rights, among them, the right to abortion. Vegetarian and impassioned with cats, the resident of North Zone maintains a stripped style, playful and solidary.
Excerpt from "A atuação da advogada Eloisa Samy dentro e fora dos tribunais", by Rafaella Barros, newspaper Extra, Rio de Janeiro, May 30, 2016, http://extra.globo.com/casos-de-policia/a-atuacao-da-advogada-eloisa-samy-dentro-fora-dos-tribunais-19393767.html
My comments
In the article in the other text, we had two activists advocating the regulation of prostitution: a transsexual and a gay. The only prostitute there said that "prostitution is a paid rape". In the first article, the interviewee prostitute wants to continue working. We are improving.
And while men are all the same as sparrows and they are rapists of women and children, feminist women who hate prostitution have different opinions: one thinks it's justified to call the police to disrupt the other women's work and the other don't. And two and a half months before that first article, we see in another article, by newspaper Extra, of the Globo Organizations, that the paranoid lesbian who thinks that every man is a rapist is a lovely person. Oh, and just look at the playfulness of her.
And someone mentioned "to invest in public policies that support education and give them conditions to choose the best path for the future". For me not stretch too much, I remember the article by Belle Knox on Huffington Post entitled "I Don't Want Your Pity: Sex Work and Labor Politics". Remembering: she did porn films to pay her university course and she declared herself feminist activist. We have Gabriela Leite who decided to turn whore after entering the university. We have Nina Hartley, who is a porn star and feminist activist with a university degree in Nursing (she was a registered nurse during her porn career). Thus, to support the idea that sex in general and prostitution in particular is a woman's degradation, feminist people sweep dissonant women under the carpet even within the movement itself.
But in the experience we have of lesbian-Socialists defending Education, this distinguished lady should not be really thinking that women with a university degree or in an university course do not prostitute or do not make pornographic movies. She might have vaguely in mind that even prostitutes with low education who are real violence victims never imagine themselves as angry lesbians advocating rape culture (saying this asininity exists). Education is important, yes. Feminist education to support the Feminist movement, which includes university professors who do not spend a month without missing the classroom. But the idea is not only hold a legion of lesbian parasites, it's to create a cultural tyranny of their own sociopathy. For this, it's valid to use the patriarchy's police to chase away women who offer themselves sexually to men.
The feminists said that women are the black of the world. Now the women are the black of Feminism.
Questo testo in italiano senza filmati di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Le donne sono i negri del Femminismo - episodio 3: 'quando la questione è l'aborto, è diritto delle donne; quando è la vendita di sesso, lo Stato deve intervenire'", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/08/le-donne-sono-i-negri-del-femminismo-episodio-3.html. Questo testo in italiano con filmati di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Le donne sono i negri del Femminismo - episodio 3: 'quando la questione è l'aborto, è diritto delle donne; quando è la vendita di sesso, lo Stato deve intervenire'", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/08/le-donne-sono-i-negri-del-femminismo-3.html. ![]()
Ce texte en français sans films de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Les femmes sont les nègres du Féminisme - épisode 3: 'lorsque la question est l'avortement, c'est droit des femmes; quand est la vente de sexe, l'État doit intervenir'", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/08/les-femmes-sont-les-negres-du-feminisme-episode-3.html. Ce texte en français avec films de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Les femmes sont les nègres du Féminisme - épisode 3: 'lorsque la question est l'avortement, c'est droit des femmes; quand est la vente de sexe, l'État doit intervenir'", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/08/les-femmes-sont-les-negres-du-feminisme-3.html. ![]()
Eso texto en español sin películas de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Las mujeres son los negros del Feminismo - episodio 3: 'cuando el tema es el aborto, es derecho de la mujer; cuando es la venta de sexo, el Estado debe intervenir'", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/08/las-mujeres-son-los-negros-del-feminismo-episodio-3.html. Eso texto en español con películas de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Las mujeres son los negros del Feminismo - episodio 3: 'cuando el tema es el aborto, es derecho de la mujer; cuando es la venta de sexo, el Estado debe intervenir'", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/08/las-mujeres-son-los-negros-del-feminismo-3.html. ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness movies at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Women are the negroes of the Feminism - episode 3: 'when the issue is abortion, it's women's rights; when is sale of sex, the State must intervene'", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2016/08/women-are-the-negroes-of-the-feminism-episode-3.html. This text in English with licentiousness movies at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Women are the negroes of the Feminism - episode 3: 'when the issue is abortion, it's women's rights; when is sale of sex, the State must intervene'", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2016/08/women-are-negroes-of-feminism-episode-3.html. ![]()
Texto original em português sem filmes de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A mulher é o negro do Feminismo - episódio 3: 'quando a questão é aborto, é direito da mulher; quando é venda de sexo, o Estado deve intervir'", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2016/08/a-mulher-e-o-negro-do-feminismo-episodio-3.html. Texto original em português com filmes de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A mulher é o negro do Feminismo - episódio 3: 'quando a questão é aborto, é direito da mulher; quando é venda de sexo, o Estado deve intervir'", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2016/08/a-mulher-e-o-negro-do-feminismo-3.html.
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