If we read how Conservatives explain why we reached that mess where we are, it would seem that we went from a Paradise, of honest people, behaved children and lovable women, to a hellish world in some 50 or 100 years just because few thousands of magnates, some thousands of public workers in each developed country and some little militant groups of insane lesbians would earn more money and power this way. But I have made some questions in these last six months to Conservative Christians and they seem to escape them or not to understand their relevance:
1) How a woman who married virgin and even the only man she touched never saw her naked can have her grand-daughter in the Slut Walk?
2) Why no one enterprise is notorious as defender of Capitalism or Libertarianism, but any medium company makes marketing saying it cares about Environment or it makes social programs?
3) Why would the State be restricted to where the Conservative bourgeoises say it have to be when big capitalists have business with leftist politicians or corrupted public officials, exactly to these capitalists to have access to taxpayers' money or to have quietude to manage dishonest or illegal money?
4) That peripheral differences in the Christian environment in matter of doctrine and conduct, which separate churches and even entire ramifications, why they did not avoid the Socialist militancy to work WITHIN all these churches?
5) Why age ratings to arts and entertainments which determine, e. g., that a Brazilian boy can not see a scene of nude boobs in a movie before he completes 16, or even nationwide censorships against pornography in internet, both loved by Christian parents, can be set by leftist governments?
6) Why some Conservative women campaign against Feminism blaming it for a supposed widespread feminine heterosexual licentiousness, but these women work side by side with the worst of Feminist movement in its REAL projects of banning female prostitution and heterosexual porn? (Ops! Does Feminism cause the increasing of amateur porn on social networks or does it want to make illegal the professional one?)
Even if Socialist militants have projects to social re-engineering, and they have, these projects go from a stage A to a stage B. Better: from a stage A plus C to a stage B plus C, something instead A but preserving C. If A will be destroyed and it's something cherished to the majority of the population, to whom B is undesirable, what these re-engineers can do? Mass mental programming? Genocide? Let us highlight it: this set A is something not negotiable, even more to put in its place its quite opposite. But the set C will not be affected, thus it's OK if it is cherished too.
We have to remember that is well known and has no serious controversy that Christianism is linked to illiteracy. At best, Christian enthusiasts claim that some intellectuals said themselves Christians (always in Christian lands, let us highlight) or they mention some clerics with some culture, that only proves this argument. We could mention societies with other religions which only could have some science and cultural life because of external sources, as Islamic ones, but it's also well known and without serious controversy that Christian societies are more advanced than them.
If a TYPICAL Christian has little culture, deficient argumentation, a lot of fear of the world, sexual frustration and is proud of all of it, if the typical citizen of some land is this typical Christian and if Socialists want social engineering there, they have two alternatives: 1) Christianity will be adjusted in this new society, not vice-versa, with a new "Christian" stream, somehow more attractive to average people, growing stronger and fighting against the "old" Christianity; 2) There will be a huge genocide of Christians or of ordinary citizens, that would be the same.
Well, I am focusing only some part of Christianism that would have to be destroyed. I make you another question: is there a part of Christianism, or something that could pass as it, which could be part of a Socialist society?
Christianism is also somehow popular. Rare characters in the Bible have some worldly brightness, like Moses for have been raised close to a Pharaoh, Solomon for his kingdom and wisdom or Paul for his culture and Roman citizenry. We can have ordinary people with some intelligence or moral strenght who can be admirable, but even if Bible itself in its whole is not an ode to illiteracy, it's how it has been depicted by the most of its believers, and it has been understood, now more than ever, that God rewards the narrow-mindedness and the dissimulation above all. But Socialism also promises to reward not only mediocre people, it promises to reward, too, dissimulated people, even quite unethical people.
Another aspect without serious controversy in Christianism and social life of Christian countries is the sex-phobia. Sex only in the marital life and sexual desire only toward a spouse or future spouse is anti-sexuality at all. The hate against sex in Christian countries is irrational, and it seems to justify from bothering boys when they are with their girlfriends to imprison prostitutes and adulterers. It wasn't better in Socialist countries.
Illustrating it, I return to that Sofi Goldfinger's case I approached in my last two posts, about her lawsuit against her parents because they disowned her for her carreer as porn actress. The newspaper Extra, from Rio de Janeiro, poorly made a translation of Daily Mail's article, but omitted two parts: 1) the paragraph in which she says her parents are narrow-minded and are caring only about their public image; 2) the piece of phrase saying her parents say her complaints of violence are invented, in the paragraph saying her parents want to sue her. So cool: the same newspaper article compromised shamefully to Conservative Christian puritans and to pro-false-indictments Feminists.
One more illustration, in a news portal, in the same day I began writing this text: "The last straw in Brazil: gospel company will release Evangelical porn movies next year for Evangelical believers" ("Faltava essa no Brasil: empresa gospel vai lançar filme pornô evangélico no próximo ano para crentes", GiroPB, Nov 05). In fact, it's a triple illustration: 2) My friends on Facebook usually remember me when they find something about porn, even more with porn and churches, a friend saw it, that same day, she shared it on Facebook and she marked me. 3) I am anti-Socialist, Anarchist and Atheist militant, but my Conservative Christian friends have a closeness with me that they can chat with me things they can not chat with their "equals".
"Faltava essa no Brasil: empresa gospel vai lançar filme pornô evangélico no próximo ano para crentes", GiroPB, November 5, 2015. Available at http://www.giropb.com.br/noticia/faltava-essa-no-brasil-empresa-gospel-vai-lancar-filme-porno-evangelico-no-proximo-ano-para-crentes.html.
The last straw in Brazil: gospel company will release Evangelical porn movies next year for Evangelical believers
In this market where Christians began to introduce, literally talking, the erotic films will be produced for "education" of the people of "God", that over more than 2,000 years, incredibly, they still haven't learned how to have sex.
According to the organizers of the "Christian porn" film industry, the film will be based in the "higher respect". To this end, they establish rules such as:
"Portraying only matrimonially connected couples in sexual acts"
This means that any sexual partners, in a Christian porn production, must be husband and wife, both on and off the screen.
All agents must be married in real life and must portray the real life. And they must only have sex with their own spouses.
"Portraying sex in context of a Christian marriage"
They should look like through actions, behaviors and speech of the characters portrayed that they are Christian and they have a Christian lifestyle, and they have a marriage in which their faith is the main point.
This can be illustrated in a variety of ways, with scenes showing, for example, a young praying together and studying the Bible and attending church or performing duties in the church and other scenes related to a Christian couple having sex outside their room.
"No obscenities"
Although exclamations of pleasure are acceptable, as are the natural sounds in the expressions in the sexual act, porn Christianity must not contain obscenity or oaths.
Participants should address each other with love and respect on all occasions.
"It ought to not have extramarital sex"
Unless it's to illustrate the downfalls of adultery. Couples, in a Christian porn production, never will have adulterous relations, unless to demonstrate that they and their partners suffer and are punished for their sins.
And you, what do you think of this piece of news allegedly "gospel"? Give your opinion in the comments.
Questo testo in italiano senza film di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianesimo insieme, perché no? - parte 1", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-e-cristianesimo-insieme-perche-no-parte-1.html Questo testo in italiano con film di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianesimo insieme, perché no? - parte 1", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-e-cristianesimo.html ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialisme, Capitalisme et Christianisme ensemble, pourquoi pas? - partie 1", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/11/socialisme-capitalisme-et-christianisme-ensemble-pourquoi-pas-partie-1.html Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialisme, Capitalisme et Christianisme ensemble, pourquoi pas? - partie 1", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/11/socialisme-capitalisme-et-christianisme.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialismo, Capitalismo y Cristianismo juntos, ¿por qué no? - parte 1", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-y-cristianismo-juntos-por-que-no-parte-1.html Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialismo, Capitalismo y Cristianismo juntos, ¿por qué no? - parte 1", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-y-cristianismo.html ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialism, Capitalism and Christianity together, why not? - part 1", http://avezdoshomens2.over-blog.com/2015/11/socialism-capitalism-and-christianity-together-why-not-part-1.html This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialism, Capitalism and Christianity together, why not? - part 1", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/11/socialism-capitalism-and-christianity.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianismo juntos, por que não? - parte 1", http://avezdasmulheres.over-blog.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-e-cristianismo-juntos-por-que-nao-parte-1.html Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianismo juntos, por que não? - parte 1", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/11/socialismo-capitalismo-e-cristianismo.html
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha