Brazil has never had more than 15% of non-Christians. But "we" gave the Socialist Lula the third largest votes number in the human history for his second mandate in the year following to the publication, in the major newspapers of the country, of the discovery of the "Mensalão" (Big Monthly), a scheme to buy votes of congressmen who should be the opposition to approve actions of his government. Members, allies and admirers of PT (Workers Party) attacked the opponents on behalf of the social programs inherited from their predecessor as Bolsa Familia (Family Grant) and the University for All Program (ProUni), that PT government presented as if they were by it and as if they were threatened if the PT was ousted.
And I would point out the quota system in universities in the PT government: it introduces mediocre students at the university just for being black or for coming from public school. The quota system is not only to dishonest black people and mediocre students from public school, is also a pleasure and a hope for the bourgeois whites who defend the system, because it is a social elevation not only DESPITE the lack of merit and character, also BECAUSE OF it.
It is no coincidence that the approval of the PT government had been more than 60% when there was the "Big Monthly", but there was a growth of the Family Grant program, of the financing programs that gave assistance to the quota beneficiaries, of the public service, of the police stations that are exclusive for women invent whatever they want against ex-husbands and other men; but it was the rejection that surpassed 60% when came budgets cuts in social programs, layoffs of civil servants and private companies coming to shrink or to close due to the downturn in the economy. It is not a coincidence, too, that when everything was "good", not only universities were increasingly similar to the intractable, intellectually disqualified and sexually unhappy provincials of the small cities almost entirely Catholic in the 60s, they themselves also were getting increasingly closer (through their children and grandchildren) of those same universities.
Any anti-socialist (and Socialism includes Lesbo-feminism) who has a blog works on it on his / her own PC, or at Internet cafes, or (like me) using friends' computers. Even the anti-leftist without writings by his / her own needs to hide from family or co-workers his / her Facebook profile (fortunately, it is not my case). These can confirm: that portion quoted in the Communist Manifesto nearly 90% of the population who had no private property could not do that revolution, unless if someone with power used him on their behalf. The Communist Manifesto itself let it escape: Socialism is not possible without a huge financial support from the capitalists and a great popular enthusiasm.
The Catholic Church was to Christianism what the Soviet Union was to Marxism. Catholic countries of the Middle-Modern Age and even small towns mostly Catholic until recently were hellish for non-Catholic smart people, who suffered from an irritating atmosphere of glorification of the illiteracy to individual physical risks. When a leftist responds to a criticism of Socialism with a comparison with the Catholic Church, he is not only making an attempt to self-projection. He also knows what he's talking about.
One thing that Karl Marx was right: the capital has individuality and autonomy and the proletarian not. In fact, he himself was a son of capitalists, he let it escape here. Another thing he was right: when anti-communists defend the freedom, they think only (almost always) in freedom to the capitalists. Today, the libertarians curse the labor laws as State meddling in the companies, but they are omitted when an employee is fired because a sensual photo of her OUTSIDE of her workplace is circulating on social networks. They curse the minimum wage, but they do not think it's an aggression against freedom the ban on prostitution or, in some countries, the blockade against pornography on the internet. Christian rightists offer as an alternative to an oppressive control by State over the population an oppressive control by the bosses over their employees, who are almost all the population.
We have to remember a trait that lesbian feminists have in common with the conservative women who say themselves anti-feminists: they believe that the dignity of a woman decreases as she has sex with typical men, with the number of men and with the quality of sex that she offers; or to the extent as she is pleasant to men, especially visually, but also in sympathy. If the chaste woman uses a discreet clothing, it is not because she values herself, it is because she despises the (hetero)sexuality of men and she shows it DENYING them a small glimpse of her woman's body. If the woman with a Feminist trend uses a provocative clothing, it's not because she is less frigid than the chaste woman, it is because she despises the (hetero)sexuality of men and she shows it SHOWING them a small glimpse of her woman's body. Even among porn former actresses, former prostitutes and women who were sex symbols, the almost universal rule is to hide the past or to tell it as if satisfying the heterosexuality of the poor decent men was the most degrading thing a woman can have to do in life. We only have a pornography industry and some sensuality in conventional arts and advertising exactly because some men perceived, decades ago, that they could make lots of money with this, and because they also could pay very well women who accept to work on them. And the source of this profit expectation comes from the male heterosexuality despised by the female universe. In fact, many scenes of pornography and even advertising scenes where men and women interact well involve everyday situations, such as work or approaches in the streets, including pornographic scenes in open places (which, incidentally, are among my favorites in theory and practice). I, myself, criticize, since my adolescence, conservative women for their Puritanism and feminists women for their homosexuality. And even some readers of my Facebook profile still think that, because of what I share about male-female relationships and about my adventures with my male friends, I ought to be, to be a woman, a thinly veiled bitch, a pedantic exhibitionist or a vulgar bisexual.
Decades ago, the conservative Christian women had attacked a scarecrow Feminism that promoted feminine heterosexual liberation, exactly while the real Feminism had propositions such as classifying sex (heterosexual sex) as rape and mass genocide of men. At the same time, the two groups were together to crack down on prostitution and pornography, for this, BOTH GROUPS use the same slanders almost with the same words. When men began to avoid kindness to women for them not to be accused of "sexual harassment" and began exchanging the possibility of a conventional marriage, with lack of sex, a wife who also works and a future alimony, for masculinist communities, pornography or games, appeared the Conservative Women Against Feminism. Incidentally, the groups Mulheres Contra o Feminismo, Women Against Feminism and Donne Contro Il Femminismo are later to MY anti-feminist work IN THE SAME LANGUAGE, and also to the book "The Flipside of Feminism".
The French Revolution and the Communist Manifesto are proof that Christianity had not lasted eighteen centuries until then with peasants fighting against devoted enemies coming from all sides. Almost all libertarian arguments against Socialism, some still used today, they are eaten like hot bread by leftists at least since the Communist Manifesto, the mid-nineteenth century. The Christian right-wing only did not perish in invisibility because 1) ordinary citizens with this thought might meet in a still free internet before formally leftist governments; 2) the progressive success of socialist ideology, itself, gives leftists freedom and the power to express publicly their own folly, and the impossibility to extinguish the mental sanity by decree makes every single person who is lucid and of good character to be anti-leftist; 3) for the point I am approaching here.
As I was writing this text, I caught sight of two things that can be illustrations of everything I've said here and in the part 1.
1) Congressman Jean Wyllys, Socialism and Freedom Party, whose political success came from his participation in the program Big Brother Brasil and from being a LGBT militant gay, in discussion with congressman João Rodrigues in the House of Representatives[1]:
Decent men do not watch porn videos in full plenary session. (...)
Any television show is more decent than a congressman that, rather than honoring the vote and public money, is using a plenary session to watch porn movies.
(...) I am a declared homosexual, yes, and you get used to it.
2) A case shared in the page Família Católica (Catholic Family)[2]:
Família Católica, always taking position beside the victim regardless of race, creed or social status.
Read the narrative by Nayara and you will realize how the victim becomes guilty as interest.
Harassment not!
Do you see this blouse? That's how I was dressed for work today. And I heard that to be so with the "blouse open", a man could sit beside me, put his penis out and touch himself...
Well, it seems absurd, but that's what happened.
The clothing is a formal attire, which gives a minimum view, below the neck but above the woman's minuscule breasts. What caught my attention is that the narrative is very similar to the fictions by repulsive lesbian of sexual harassment or rape on public transport.
Anyone who thinks cliches as "leftism produces promiscuity" or "Catholicism is defense against Feminism" is UNABLE to understand what he / she saw right now.
Socialism is not a mode of production, is not a religion, it is a social, political and cultural system that attacks INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS combining vanities of disqualified egocentric politicians and civil servants and frustration of failed and mediocre citizens. If the biggest capitalists in the world and in some countries sponsor leftist movements, they consent to the government sponsoring them with taxpayers' (and theirs) money or just bow their heads for any group of unbalanced lesbians, Capitalism does not need to finish off the Socialism nor vice versa. If the gay-lesbian movement exists only because of leftist initiative and we may have churches with a name of Christian, but allowing homosexuals as members, clerics or even founders, as the lesbian pastor Lanna Holder, Christianity can not finish off Socialism and Socialism does not need end all that has the name of Christianity.
[1] "Jean Wyllys está prestes a ser expulso da política", Brasil Infra, November 12, 2015,
Família Católica, always taking position beside the victim regardless of race, creed or social status.
Read the narrative by Nayara and you will realize how the victim becomes guilty according to the interest.
Harassment not!
Do you see this blouse? That's how I was dressed for work today. And I heard that to be so with the "blouse open", a man could sit beside me, put his penis out and touch himself...
Well, it seems absurd, but that's what happened. Today, when I caught the buses that always catch to go to work (47, Vital Brasil - Niterói downtown), a man came in, sat down beside me, and he began to move strangely, the way he moved putting his hand in his pants and positioning the backpack in order to he to stay in front of his body so no one could see what he was doing, my reaction firstly was thinking "I will be robbed", hereupon, I asked God for forgiveness, because I thought it could be prejudice of mine (I let clear that the prejudice was the way he acted, and not for his skin color), but he was keen to keep moving to get my attention, then I realized that he was with his penis out of his pants and touching himself. My reaction was to get up screaming, in a way to call for help, I did not say that word, but I wanted to draw people's attention to what was going on... I got up and went to another seat, and that guy wondered why I was screaming, after all, he was not touching me, he was only with his pants' zipper open and doing what he should do, since my blouse was open and he had not asked me to close. I cursed, I shouted, I quarreled with him. I tried to take a photo, but the nervous man did not allow me to handle the right way on my mobile. When I threatened to denounce him he just jumped out of the bus.
I asked for help to the driver, asked us to go to the police station, before that man exited. But the driver claimed he did not heard, he was paying attention to the traffic!
People in the bus looked at me like I was a crazy, until I cried "it's funny that everyone looks, but nobody does anything" and the woman who was in front of me simply replied "WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE DONE? YOU JUST CRIED BECAUSE THE GUY WAS 'BLACK'".
Wait a moment, I cried because I am not obliged to witness such a thing. I cried because I wanted some help, because he's a pervert! I cried because regardless of skin color he could not do that!
I thought a lot before sharing it here, a lot of people telling me it solves nothing doing whatever, or report, because it will be difficult to catch who did it.
But no, I will not and I must not remain silent! I will report YES! I will go to the police station yes, I will do what I have within my reach.
Today it was me, tomorrow it can be with my niece.
I do not want this to anyone, I came to feel guilty! But I'm not, he's a sick and he needs to pay in some way for it!
Sorry for the outburst, but I could not help but share!

(Família Católica, November 08, 2015,, sharing the publication by Nayara Sena at
Questo testo in italiano senza film di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianesimo insieme, perché no? - parte 2", Questo testo in italiano con film di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianesimo insieme, perché no? - parte 2", ![]()
Ce texte en français sans vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialisme, Capitalisme et Christianisme ensemble, pourquoi pas? - partie 2", Ce texte en français avec vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialisme, Capitalisme et Christianisme ensemble, pourquoi pas? - partie 2", ![]()
Eso texto en español sin videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialismo, Capitalismo y Cristianismo juntos, ¿por qué no? - parte 2", Eso texto en español con videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialismo, Capitalismo y Cristianismo juntos, ¿por qué no? - parte 2", ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness videos at Men of Worth Newspaper: "Socialism, Capitalism and Christianity together, why not? - part 2", This text in English with licentiousness videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "Socialism, Capitalism and Christianity together, why not? - part 2", ![]()
Texto original em português sem vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianismo juntos, por que não? - parte 2", Texto original em português com vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "Socialismo, Capitalismo e Cristianismo juntos, por que não? - parte 2",