The greatest good that anti-Socialists did to left-wing was linking a sexual release, or its defense, to Feminism and Socialism. It led to the socialist militancy a multitude of intelligent men of good character who did not know the difference between to combat Socialism-Feminism and to be jealous of the sexual pleasure of others, until they discovered it personally already within the movement. Were at least forty years, from the 60s until the 2000s, that the traditional Christians consolidated LGBT-Socialism with five lines of action. The first was to consolidate the image of the anti-Socialist as a traditional Christian and the traditional Christian's one as an imbecile and frustrated provincial. The second was to help to spread the legends the more lesbian and insane part of the Feminist movement was making against female prostitution and pornography. The third was trying to associate any expression of interest of a boy in women or in heterosexual pornography to from disrespect to women to a future sexual perversion like zoophilia. The fourth was to gather brothers in faith against scarecrows, as Sex Education classes and non-puritanical artistic productions, while the leftist movement worked seriously inside and outside the churches. And the fifth, in which they achieved more results, was achieving to mobilize the State, universities and private companies to protect "morals and good customs", strengthening what was already being occupied by Lesbian-Socialism and the myth of a Christian-bourgeois power.
When traditional Christians and rightists realized, they went to sleep chasing the boys who approached their daughters or sisters who went to church and they woke up with a Slut Walk on the way to their job. And the little Christian resistance to Socialism unites Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics on the Internet, saying things that they can not say in their own churches or even in their own homes. And many of them still did not understand: the boys try to rescue the Puritanism of the nineteenth century, the girls try not to look like the monstrosities of lesbian militancy. Thus, they still help the Feminist-Socialist movement by the image itself they show, the girls of sexually repressed neurotics and the boys of disgusted virgins.
But this time, I will address the so-called Sexual Revolution in a different way. I'll start from a slip in the Wikipedia entry (in Portuguese).
The sexual revolution (also known globally as an epoch of "sexual liberation") is a social perspective that challenges the traditional codes of behavior related to human sexuality and interpersonal relationships. The phenomenon occurred throughout the Western world from the 1960s until the 1970s. Many of the changes in the landscape developed new sexual behavior codes, many of which have become the general rule of behavior.
Sexual release includes greater acceptance of sex outside of traditional heterosexual and monogamous relationships (especially marriage). Contraception and the contraceptive pill, public nudity, the normalization of homosexuality and other alternative forms of sexuality and the legalization of abortion were phenomena that began to gain strength in Western societies.
(...) In the late 1970s and 1980s, the recently conquered "sexual freedom" was exploited by big business which looked for profit in a more open society, with the advent of public pornography and hardcore pornography.
Who wrote it let escape something important: with so much women's liberation, how "the capital" achieved TO SELL pornography? Improving the question: why would the boys buy pornography if amusement style American Pie were to their reach on the streets? I will tell some more modern cases.
1) Gisela Campos published the text "Onde estão os homens?" (Where are the men?) in the section Mulher 7 x 7 (Woman 7 x 7) in the portal of Época magazine. She said "is simply missing man on the block" and "wherever I look, I see friends who are beautiful, wonderful, independent and... single". But when a male commentator said that "if I am a guy with good looks and good financial situation, in the same age range [30 years], I will give preference to younger women", he was called an asshole.[01]
2) "The Danish student Nikita Klaestrup, 20, president of the youth organization of the Danish Conservative Party in Lolland-Falster, (...) posted a sensual photo on her Instagram (...), and it was enough to generate a wave of comments."[02]. At the same epoch (2015 June), the government of Denmark was campaigning "have sex for the sake of country" because the country was below the replacement rate and the population was declining and aging.[03]
3) "Ronaldinho Gaúcho looks excitedly Colombian reporter's neckline" (UOL Esporte, June 27, 2015)[04]: "The reporter from Fox Sports Érika Fernández went to greet Ronaldinho Gaúcho and the player showed to be very happy to meet her. Little discreet, the Brazilian looked down toward the journalist generous neckline and he was a few seconds in this position. Before, she had gained a tight embrace with a care in her back by the Brazilian." The article says that "she is not known to be the most discreet and she has made an appearance on his show only with a body painting", but then it says that the player flirted other women journalists in Brazil. That is, the neckline girl is only "bold", but the football player who admired the neckline is a hissing impolite.
4) Yahoo! Brasil put a lesbian, Carol Patrocínio, in sexuality section, the Preliminares (Preliminaries). In the text "Seis passos para se aproximar de uma mulher sem parecer um tarado" (Six steps to approach a woman without looking like a stalker)[05], she got the point to say "we love men" and that "every man is a threat until he ceases to be". Among the tips she gives to men, good places to approaches are "places where she can go away when she wants to".
5) Several towns in several countries have "pink" cars and buses in public transport, where men are forbidden to enter, under claim of preventing rape and sexual harassment. How about we separate cars and bus exclusive to white people so that the inferior races to stop robbing us? Even lesbian-feminists who are against the "pink wagons" argue that the real problem is the "machismo".
6) A campaign "Don't Be That Guy", in Canada, had posters like "just because you helped her to go home, that does not mean you have to serve yourself". When it came the counterattack "Don't Be That Girl" in the campus of the University of Alberta with posters like "just because you regret a one-night stand, doesn't mean it wasn't consensual", the teacher Cristina Stasia reacted on Twitter saying: "hey, rape advocates, how about 'do not this guy. Don't rape'".[06] For lesbian columnist Lauren Strapagiel, in, passing from the panic syndrome to men to false rape reports transforms "an anti-sexual-assault campaign into a rape-apologist campaign".[07]
7) In the United States, some argue that a sexual relationship in which the man lied to the woman to have sex with her to be considered RAPE. Laws about it for each State can be seen in There are two problems: the first is the guy to have to lie for a woman to achieve to get sex (it's not an individual problem, idiot lesbian), the second is he being arrested for having achieved.
But where am I trying to get? Christian conservatives, what sexual liberation you were so much talking about? That the called Sexual Revolution was a movement against Christianity, you got it right. But it did not happen a Sexual Revolution. What happened was a Femdom Revolution: the pleasure was mostly of women, the pleasure of men was more the one of contemplating their pleasure than a themselves' pleasure.
For those who still did not understand: 1) What Sexual Revolution would happen at the same time, and supposedly made by the same actors, of the SCUM Manifesto and Political Lesbianism[08]? 2) How can a bar to have a sign prohibiting "excess of affection" of generally heterosexual couples in a Brazilian city in which it is illegal to discriminate against homosexual couples? 3) Why the categories most accessed by women in Pornhub are, in that order, "lesbian" and "gay", and "for women" only appears in fourth position?[09] 4) If it was so reprehensible Christian Bible say that the woman should be submissive to her husband, even when it says things like "husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it" (Eph 5: 25); the name Mohamed, the same as the Koran prophet that allowed sexual slavery and physical assaults against women[10], why did it enter the list of 100 most common names in England at the same time and in one of these main places of Second Wave of Feminism[11]? 5) How did it happen the arrest of a female teacher in the United States for having sex with three students (boys) two weeks after approved gay marriage for all states?[12]
For a few years, I define feminism as justification and glorification of the female universe in all from mediocrity down, and to use that as the standard measure of society in general. And I also have said that lesbianism is not sexual preference of a woman to woman, it's narcissism plus horror to dick, it's a psychiatric degeneration. In these senses, every feminist woman is a lesbian and all Feminism is promoting lesbianism. But it is not promoting lesbianism in the sense of encouraging women to dislike man sexually, it is in the sense to encourage the woman to admire her own poverty of spirit. And in this poverty of spirit is included her pleasure to be sexually exciting to the men in general, but to ration sex itself; the pleasure of being a physically interesting woman for men, but being unavailable and intimidating for them.
P. S.: I already had this text in mind when a friend shared this gem:

As I write this, my children are asleep in their room, Loretta Lynn is on the stereo, and my wife is out on a date with a man named Paulo. It's her second date this week, her fourth this month so far. If it goes like the others, she'll come home in the middle of the night, crawl into bed beside me, and tell me all about how she and Paulo had sex. I won't explode with anger or seethe with resentment. I'll tell her it's a hot story and I'm glad she had fun. It's hot because she's excited, and I'm glad because I'm a feminist.
[01] The text and some comments are at
[06] The teacher's post with a photo of the poster, a poster of the campaign Don't Be That Guy and several misandric posters can be seen at
[10] Dr. Ahmad Shafaat wrote "Algumas observações importantes quanto ao tema 'casamento'" (Some important observations on the theme "marriage" - trying to soften it. He says that Islamic countries are "a feminist society for already 14 centuries" and that the news magazine Veja, the one associated with the right-wing thought in Brazil, is "a publication that has assiduously attacked the Islamic religion and its followers in a systematic way and devoid from basis". I say since 2011 that if one in five women in the world are Muslim and some say that Islam is misogynist, something is wrong. This guy here "delivered" it more than "pizza delivery" in the weekend!
[11] "Mohamed é o nome mais popular no Reino Unido em 2014" (Muhammad is the most popular name in the United Kingdom in 2014), Antena Lusa, December 04, 2014,
Questo testo in italiano senza vignetta di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La Rivoluzione Femdom, Questo testo in italiano con vignetta di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La Rivoluzione Femdom, ![]()
Eso texto en español sin viñeta de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: La Revolución Femdom, Eso texto en español con viñeta de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: La Revolución Femdom, ![]()
This text in English without licentiousness cartoon at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: The Femdom Revolution, This text in English with licentiousness cartoon at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: The Femdom Revolution, ![]()
Texto original em português sem cartoon de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: A Revolução Femdom, Texto original em português com cartoon de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: A Revolução Femdom,
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