Hello, my friends and my female enemies! I had already loose thoughts on so-called women sexual liberation when a friend of mine from Facebook shared the post "I'm depraved, I admit!" from blog Bem Resolvida (Well Resolved - April 19, 2012, http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/04/viva-pornografia.html). I've seen the kind only in "bemresolvidanavida" (well resolved in life). I'll start from the girl, then I will address the general. In the text, she says she is crazy about pornography since the time of VHS tapes, but her husband... did not follow her. A month earlier (13 March 2012), she posted "A porn him to cheer up" (http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/03/um-porno-pra-ele-se-animar.html).
The Well Resolved identifies herself as "woman, mother, friend, companion, lover, loyal, accomplice, warrior, Cancerian, fan of Botafogo and very Well Resolved." Her husband didn't know (I'll comment it). The blog has banalities as "Madonna is coming", "Round steak", "Garfield and Monday" and "Last week holiday...", in the middle of things more "cheerful" as "The Man and the Kiss", "Sexy Nerd and the Straw" (Sexy Nerd was then her mate), "He with other women", "My First Time at Motel", "Imagination is everything!" and "Sex on the beach". Or was the lust in the middle of the banalities? Let's go:
01) She had a daughter with a scoundrel who became addicted to drink and drugs and does not care about the girl ("There are times when it fucks", November 3, 2008[01]). She calls her daughter "Mini BR" (Well Resolved), but it's obvious that the girl will be one more frustrated lesbian.
02) Two posts in two straight days only of banalities on her own ("Meme", November 11, 2008; and "More about me", November 12, 2008[02]). My friends on Facebook have seen that two or three days is what I am off the internet to write or translate into three languages something that I hope will be helpful.
03) She already had the password of her daughter's father's email and logged in: "I found out that he not only reads the blog as he send posts and comments to that his email and all our emails exchanged, super intimate things we wrote, he shows to a FEMALE FRIEND, who now on the phone he told me she is married." "And my ground fell!!" ("Betrayal and disappointments", Friday 13 - quia, quia, quia, quia, quia - February 2009[03], capitals in original).
04) "If I didn't want privacy, I would not use a pseudonym, I'd put my name, last name and picture of my face, right? (...) I wanted privacy to write anonymously without my friends, relatives or boyfriend read what I write. I think I deserve it! I also told my best friend I would not want her to read my blog and when she found me (unlike him who sought me, she found me reading other blogs), she came quickly apologizing..." ("And what happened.... ", February 15, 2009[04]). I've had relatives offending me and friends getting horrified because of my blog A Vez dos Homens que Prestam, but I offer my face to slaps (I hide my face here to not die by slaps, hehehehe).
05) She said herself well resolved when she had an outsourced job in "a great-name multinational" ("I think I'm in a mess!!", 5 March 2009[05]); when she left, she was already "disgusted of everything and everyone, feeling sick about the fake people" ("Updating", March 17, 2009[06]).
06) "I discovered that I am Well Resolved, YES!", August 27, 2010[07]. After a year and a half under cure of DEPRESSION and find out that it was because of temporomandibular disorders. And posting on a blog entitled Well Resolved.
07) "Flirtations at work" (March 23, 2012[08]): she was with makeup to work thinking this, she said, "would inflate a little my ego needed of male attention and that's what happened". From what she said, the only one who neither paid attention to her beauty nor had sexual interest in her was her own husband. Very suspicious! I know what is a man enjoying to be with a woman he knows and that offers something BEYOND sex. Well, sometimes are two or three men.
08) "Abortion and Religion" (April 11, 2012[09]): a bit of anti-Christian feminist discourse. Oh, what a surprise! But there's more.
09) On May 11, 2012, he addresses a "Interview of the Week"[10], three more general questions and the other about sex. She says that she had sex with women. I knew it!
10) "Small Breasts is Document??" (May 28, 2012[11]), "they are not the same size, are small and one is bigger than the other and I was always afraid of the guy see and feel ugly, funny, or not want to see me more for because of them"; "the woman who conquers a guy with the neckline is only because she does not have anything else good to seduce." Well Resolved or Highly Jealous? Hua, hua, hua, hua, hua!
11) Penultimate blog post: her in the "Slut Walk" (in Brazil), July 29, 2013[12]. <irony>Wow, I was not expecting for this!</irony>
Well, now let us go to the title. Some women saw the "fucking" and already have fled, hua, hua, hua, hua, hua! In the 50's a man could hardly speak with a woman even in decent countries. Feminists will say that this improved because of Feminism. More or less. What makes more and more women to be less inhibited to catch up with men is the same that does more and more women to be policewomen, military, masons, football commentators, even fighters: an environment where, as say the feminists, "the place of a woman is wherever she wants". But that's only half freedom, of the half of women. Of the half of the men, we'll see soon.
If prostitution and pornography have grown, it is because the quality of life has improved throughout the world, men still earned the most money and the world has still politically decent countries. And the market growth brought more presentable prostitutes joining those without more expectation in life, like alcoholics mummies and young girls house expelled. And of course, if pornography or prostitution grow, it is because the typical woman is NOT sexually liberal.
Articles in women's magazines about sex are to please the same husband, the same boss, the same rich man with one foot in the grave. Not the kind and helpful friend. In magazines for men, there is still something about seducing a woman outside of a stable relationship.
How would say the lesbo-nazists, what about the men? From some 50 years to now, which improved for them in terms of real sex beyond they can have sex with a median girl without having to marry under her father's death threat? For the average heterosexual male, is already too much having two married female co-works for pleasant conversations about banalities. Leaving a nightclub with a woman is a luck of few, it is most likely leaving with kicks of ugly lesbian or a punch from a jerk. And, of course, the man who says that modern women are promiscuous should say how many did him sexual propositions in the last month and why he had not sex with no one of them.
Where is the liberality where the number of complaints of rape and sexual harassment only increases, especially the FALSE complaints? We have cases of casual sex reported by women as rape the next day. "Ordinary" women are warned at work or fired for publishing a sensual photo on personal profile in a social network. And the "pink cars", for women literally avoid men? Do you have tranquility to access pornography or even a photo of a woman in lingerie in an Internet cafe? Oh, and you've seen about those dolls called "Dutch Wives"?
And so far lacked a question: sexual liberation was achieved against what and against whom? In the past, men did not avoid erotic materials and even indecent words in "respect" of women, sometimes by the "request" from them or other men? The hetero men sustained for millennia a society that censors or even criminalizes the pornography and the prostitution that they like? Ah, when you read or heard a feminist saying she approached a man sexually?
Women so-called sexually uninhibited are very few and almost all make 4 groups: 1) self-worshipper lesbian reversing the type of familiar girl; 2) boaster celebrities trying to be the group 1; 3) flirtatious old ladies trying to be the other two groups and 4) devouts poorly imitating the other three groups afraid to be left behind.
[01] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2008/11/tem-horas-que-foda.html
[02] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2008/11/meme.html e http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2008/11/mais-sobre-mim.html
[03] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2009/02/traicao-e-decepcoes.html
[04] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2009/02/e-o-que-aconteceu.html
[05] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/acho-que-me-fudi.html
[06] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2009/03/atualizando.html
[07] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2010/08/descobri-que-sou-bem-resolvida-sim.html
[08] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/03/flertes-no-trabalho.html
[09] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/04/aborto-e-religiao.html
[10] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/05/entrevista-da-semana.html
[11] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2012/05/peito-pequeno-e-documento.html
[12] http://bemresolvidanavida.blogspot.com.br/2013/07/marcha-das-vadias.html
Questo testo in italiano senza foto di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Liberazione delle donne è un cazzo!, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/01/25/liberazione-delle-donne Questo testo in italiano con foto di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Liberazione delle donne è un cazzo!, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/01/liberazione-delle-donne-e-un-cazzo.html ![]()
Eso texto en español sin fotos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: ¡Liberación de las mujeres es una polla!, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/01/25/liberacion-de-las-mujeres Eso texto en español con fotos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: ¡Liberación de las mujeres es una polla!, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/01/liberacion-de-las-mujeres-es-una-polla.html ![]()
This text in English without debauchery pics at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Liberation of women a fucking!, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2015/01/25/liberation-of-women This text in English with debauchery pics at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Liberation of women a fucking!, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2015/01/liberation-of-women-fucking.html ![]()
Texto original em português sem fotos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: Liberação da mulher é o cacete!, http://avezdasmulheres.blog.com/2015/01/25/liberacao-da-mulher Texto original em português com fotos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Liberação da mulher é o cacete!, http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2015/01/liberacao-da-mulher-e-o-cacete.html
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