samedi 7 juin 2014

Human Rights activists and freedom of speech defenders organize attack and censorship against hate group

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Cancel the Men's Rights Conference

Petition by

Kelly Jackson

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) declared Men's Rights Advocates to be a hate group back in 2012. So how is it that, in 2014, the Doubletree Hotel in Detroit, MI, is going to host the first international conference for Men's Rights?

MRAs are linked to the recent mass shooting in UCSB, wherein a young man declared that he would exact revenge on all the women who had rejected him. MRAs are linked to false rape statistics, further perpetuating the dangerous myth that women "make it up for attention". MRAs are linked to threats of rape and murder against women who dare to speak out against them. Simply search the phrase "MRA" and you'll see the violence, hatred, bigotry, and misogyny that MRAs support.

It is the responsibility of all people to stop the violence, and the first step is to stop the support of that violence. Tell the Doubletree Hotel that sponsoring A Voice for Men and hosting the Men's Rights conference puts them in bed with domestic terrorism. Tell them to stop. Tell them that this is unacceptable.


This "recent mass shooting in UCSB" is the case of Elliot Rodger. The petition doesn't show its date, but has, for example, comments of 10 days ago, thus May 28. A Voice For Men has an article dated May 29 ("You want to blame the MHRM for Elliot Rodger? Blame gynocentrism instead") and other article dated May 25 ("Murderer kills six: 4 men and 2 women. Cause: Misogyny!"). Mainstream mass media already blamed MRA for this incident, though they had not blame Feminism for Diana Cazadora, "the hunter of drivers". Well, here in Brazil theft in university campi increased after Black Movement achieved quotas for black and public school students.

Ah, Kelly, simply search in your city and you'll see how many men fucked your mother (I preach and practice debauchery, but not many women are as me and I know how that bad joke offends those who are not, hehehehe).

A Voice For Men received a letter from the corporate management of Hilton Hotels reporting threats. "The threats have escalated to include death threats, physical violence against our staff and other guests as well as damage to the property. The callers have indicated that they will be stationed within the hotel as guests, which raises our level of concern". But according to what Matthew Lane commented at the original text (,

[They are] not terrorist, because terrorism actually has a specific definition that this doesn't qualify for.

Because they do not fit into the legal definition of terrorist nor terrorism.

The FBI definition of "domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:

1. Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;

2. Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and

3. Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

An as such does not count as terrorism. In the future, do some actual real research, don't just look for something that confirms things you already think you know.

They are just talking shit, which is perfectly legal. Stupid, but legal.... Its literally covered under freedom of speech. Now if they were to call the hotel & threaten to kill some people that would be a threat.... But talking shit in your facebook group is just talking shit.

I'd be more worried about eating poorly prepared con food & dying from terminal food poisoning then anything these feminists would do. [As commented by Dagda Mór, "Erin Pizzey would disagree with you there"]

Let us notice that while threatening MRA is literally covered under freedom of speech, defend human rights for males has a legal definition as a CRIME, as highlighted in the petition above.

Questo testo in italiano senza fumetti di libertinaggio, in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Attivisti per i Diritti Umani e difensori di libertà di espressione organizzano un attacco e la censura contro gruppo di odio,
Questo testo in italiano con fumetti di libertinaggio, in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Attivisti per i Diritti Umani e difensori di libertà di espressione organizzano un attacco e la censura contro gruppo di odio,
Eso texto en español sin chistes de putaría, en lo Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Activistas de Derechos Humanos y defensores de la libertad de expresión organizan ataques y censura contra grupo de odio,
Eso texto en español con chistes de putaría, en lo Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Activistas de Derechos Humanos y defensores de la libertad de expresión organizan ataques y censura contra grupo de odio,
This text in English without debauchery cartoons, at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Human Rights activists and freedom of speech defenders organize attack and censorship against hate group,
This text in English with debauchery cartoons: Human Rights activists and freedom of speech defenders organize attack and censorship against hate group, at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible,
Texto original em português sem desenhos de putaria: Ativistas de Direitos Humanos e defensores da liberdade de expressão organizam ataque e censura contra grupo de ódio, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade,
Texto original em português com desenhos de putaria: Ativistas de Direitos Humanos e defensores da liberdade de expressão organizam ataque e censura contra grupo de ódio, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,

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