It's not enough to be good at service, have to know to behave
In the baking industry, 99% of the layoffs are not related to technical problems
In the bakery. Claudenice Aguilar says it's difficult to find people for the solicitous attendance
Posted on 04/13/14 - 3:00 AM
Ana Paula Pedrosa
Having a stuffed titles curriculum does not guarantee long life in employment. Study of expert career management and image Waleska Farias shows that 80% of the layoffs are caused by relationship or behavior problems, not for technical failure of professionals. Gossip, use of bad words and jokes that offend colleagues, even unintentionally, are among the causes of the layoffs. And the percentage could be even greater if there were skilled labor to meet the demand of enterprises.
"As skilled labor is still lacking, companies are hostages of this kind of professionals up to find another one to this place," says the president of Dasein Executive Search, Adriana Prates. This goes for all career levels, from the most basic to executive. In the baking industry, for example, 99% of the layoffs are not related to technical problems. "The service, the person learns. But it is difficult to teach teamwork, have a commitment to work", says the assistant human resources of the entity, Danielle Barbosa.
In the bakery Forno D'Oro, lack of interest in learning, the difficulty in teamworking and the non-compliance in schedules are among the major problems to form the team. "I spent 60% of my energy and my time with personnel selection", says partner Aline Moreira Mignolo. Even so, the task is not easy. "There is a lacking in nice people in attendance, solicitous," complained the manager of the bakery, Claudenice Aguilar. She said once it was easier to hire because there was "volume" of manpower.
Access to education. Increased access to education has made companies less tolerant to the problems of employee behavior. "With the ease of access to knowledge, professionals expanded their expertise. But developing behavior is more difficult, there is no school for this," says the careers specialist at Faceb/Unipac Bom Despacho, Willer Mamed.
"It's easier to train someone else than change the habit of someone who has a tendency to gossip, for example", agrees the consultant at Scriptus Consultoria Empresarial Rafaela Lôbo. She says some companies draw up ethical guidelines that detail the behavior they expect from employees. In this case, it is easier to urge.
Other promote behavioral lectures to achieve your goals, that can be related even to the wardrobe. "I've had clients who have asked to speak at the lecture for female employees not to go to work wearing short clothes. These are sensitive issues, but they have to be treated objectively," she says.
Four Hs
Ideal. Ideal professional, according to careers specialist Willer Mamed is that who combines technical knowledge with the "4 Hs": humility, humor, honesty and humanity.
Jekyll and Hyde (Politically Incorrect)
Well timely article. "Humility, humor, honesty and humanity," according to Willer Mamed, is the ideal profile, coupled with technical knowledge. This! But some subaltern knave are humble only with their bosses, especially when their chiefs or bosses are present. Here, it is common rudeness, stupidity of employees. At supermarkets, lottery and many shops. However, the article surprised me, because I know of many cases of companies that do not dismiss certain employees, rude, "by moon", just because they are good at work and well commanded. Anyway, toadies of chiefs or bosses. I could cite many examples, and certainly all of us as consumers, we have been well abused in commerce, in government offices, etc. But, I will cite only one example: a commercial building, Curitiba Street, 545, there is a receptionist who has at least 25 years of home. Well, at least until last year, he worked in the building. This year, I did not pass near the site. The guy is super rude. Railed me in an attitude of the stupidest. And I know about other person that he also railed. And this little, ugly, aged, must have prestige with his leadership. It is probably these that makes everything the chief asks (orders)... do not mind working on his day off... always ready to work overtime... Awesome... even the fact that he is still alive. He is very lucky to have never been shot. Things of Brazil.
3:14 PM Apr 13, 2014
It's true... here in Minas Gerais, especially Belo Horizonte, I can attest without fear of questioning or criticism, that in a well generalized way, people who work in commerce attend super badly their customers (their not, of the stores in which these human beasts "work"). Are badly uneducated, uncontrolled, untrained to perform their duties... finally. I echo the words of Jekyll & Hyde.
7:30 PM Apr 14, 2014
João Carlos
Want committed employees paying minimum wage? HA HA HA.
8:12 PM Apr 14, 2014
O Tempo, Belo Horizonte, April 13, 2014, http://www.otempo.com.br/capa/economia/n%C3%A3o-basta-ser-bom-de-servi%C3%A7o-tem-que-saber-se-comportar-1.822820.
Comments by The Forbidden in LinkedIn
It's not enough to be good at service to those who are already are and care in being. And for those who have no humility, humor, honesty and humanity, it's not enough and is not necessary. Here, as is increasingly the case in Brazil, the comments are more news that matters journalistic.
The heating of the economy with social justice and easier access to university education for mediocre students from public schools has made companies less tolerant to employees tired of tolerating scoundrelness from mediocre colleague and scrotum boss in exchange for low wages paid with an asshole face. It also took more mediocre people to entrepreneurship. But with the increasing presence of women and black of poor family in the labor market, this will improve. After eliminating exemplary and qualified professionals in the selection process or in gossip, they will wage war against the mediocre against non-mediocre.
And once a teacher was fired from her school because took a photo in bikini and showing the curriculum (vitae) in more than 2,500 companies, could not get a job. Poxa, Human Resources Department, lack of skilled labor and you with these nitpickings? And if you send a excellent person to competitors and one competitor lead us to bankruptcy?
And do not forget that is not enough competence. Without the right perfume and the right clothes in the interview, the interviewer will not evaluate your competence. With beauty, you women will be harmed by a female interviewer. And after getting a job, you need to know hang out with assholes, bullies and bad co-workers, because the wrong is always you.
Teacher fired for posing in bikini became a porn star
In the porn industry, Tiffany Shepherd uses the name Leah Lust.
She has starred in five films. 'It's very professional', said Tiffany.
A biology teacher who was fired in the state of Florida in the USA, after posing for hot pictures, decided to make a shift in career. Tiffany Shepherd, 31, became a porn star, according to the American newspaper "New York Daily News."
Tiffany Shepherd, 31, became a porn star after she was fired from the school where she worked. (Photo: Playback/New York Daily News)
Tiffany had been fired from a school in the city of Port St. Lucie, Filadelfia, in April 2008. The school decided to fire her because they considered it inappropriate the fact that she posed in a bikini on a fishing boat. She also lost custody of two of her three children.
According to the newspaper, she decided to become a porn actress because she did not get a new job in her area, despite having sent about 2500 curricula. "I'm not particularly proud of it. To be honest, I hate this," Tiffany said.
In the porn industry, Tiffany Shepherd uses the name Leah Lust. She has starred in five films. "It's very professional", she said.
G1, São Paulo, September 02, 2009, http://g1.globo.com/Noticias/PlanetaBizarro/0,,MUL1290213-6091,00-PROFESSORA+DEMITIDA+POR+POSAR+DE+BIQUINI+VIRA+ATRIZ+PORNO.html
Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Concrete Paradise: Per il cattivi professionisti senza l’4H, tutto; per le buone come professionisti e persone, la “legge”, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/05/01/per-il-cattivi-professionisti-senza-l4h-tutto Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Paraíso Tangible: Per il cattivi professionisti senza l’4H, tutto; per le buone come professionisti e persone, la “legge”, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/per-il-cattivi-professionisti-senza-l4h.html Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Concrete Paradise: Para los malos trabajadores sin el 4H, todo; para los buenos como profesionales y personas, la “ley”, http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/05/01/para-los-malos-trabajadores-sin-el-4h-todo Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible: Para los malos trabajadores sin el 4H, todo; para los buenos como profesionales y personas, la “ley”, http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/para-los-malos-trabajadores-sin-el-4h.html This text in English without sex pics and movies, at Concrete Paradise: For bad workers without the 4H, everything; for good both as professional and person, the "law", http://avezdoshomens2.blog.com/2014/05/01/for-bad-workers-without-the-4h-everything This text in English with sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Tangible: For bad workers without the 4H, everything; for good both as professional and person, the "law", http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/for-bad-workers-without-4h-everything.html Texto original em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no Jornal dos Homens que Prestam: Para os ruins de serviço sem os 4H, tudo; para os bons como profissionais e pessoas, a "lei", http://jornaldohomem.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/para-os-ruins-de-servico-sem-os-4h-tudo.html Texto original em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: Para os ruins de serviço sem os 4H, tudo; para os bons como profissionais e pessoas, a "lei", http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com.br/2014/05/para-os-ruins-de-servico-sem-os-4h-tudo.html
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