(Or: why a macho society discriminates against prostitution and pornography?)
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas en Blogger): El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 4: si ponermos el título cierto, usted puede no conseguir leer este texto (O bien: ¿por qué una sociedad machista discrimina la prostitución y la pornografía?), http://avezdoshomens2.blogspot.com/2011/02/el-machismo-fue-creado-por-las-mujeres.html Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible en Wordpress): El machismo fue creado por las mujeres - parte 4: si ponermos el título cierto, usted puede no conseguir leer este texto (O bien: ¿por qué una sociedad machista discrimina la prostitución y la pornografía?), http://avezdoshomens2.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/el-machismo-fue-creado-por-las-mujeres-parte-4/ This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at A Vez das Mulheres at Thumblogger): Machismo was created by women - part 4: if we put the right title, you can not read this text (Or: why a macho society discriminates against prostitution and pornography?), http://avezdasmulheres.thumblogger.com/home/log/2011/06/machismo-was-created-by-wo.html This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Concreto): Machismo was created by women - part 4: if we put the right title, you can not read this text (Or: why a macho society discriminates against prostitution and pornography?), http://paraisoconcreto.blogspot.com/2011/02/machismo-was-created-by-women-part-4-if.html Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam): O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 4: se colocarmos o título certo, você pode não conseguir ler este texto (ou: por que uma sociedade machista discrimina a prostituição e a pornografia?), http://avezdoshomens.blogspot.com/2011/02/o-machismo-foi-criado-pelas-mulheres.html Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade): O machismo foi criado pelas mulheres - parte 4: se colocarmos o título certo, você pode não conseguir ler este texto (ou: por que uma sociedade machista discrimina a prostituição e a pornografia?), http://avezdasmulheres.wordpress.com/2011/02/12/o-machismo-foi-criado-pelas-mulheres-parte-4/

Does the society really trivialize the sex? Does the society really treat the women as objects of pleasure? It seems silly to ask this? Do you think too much sex on television is a pretty hot women in bikini on advertising? Do you think too much sex on television is a sex scene in a movie or a soap opera in which the men and the women are hardly kissing and hugging and at best you can see her breasts?
As we observe, a boy with 14 or 15 years already thinks about losing his virginity. Are the men who consume pornography, or any timetable that has a woman showing her breasts.
But in the more macho societies, prostitution and pornography have been and are censored and attacked. In China, the abortion of girls was so common that the country has 300 million women less than men and the government had to prohibit the abortion of girls. And there the Internet access is monitored and a variety of content, including sex, are blocked. There is a cash reward for those who denounce porn pages. Muslim countries discriminate against women, very well tolerate violence against women, are the countries of burkas, the chadors, the stoning of women for adultery, etc. The United States is still macho and puritanical. There, prostitution gives prison.
And what is the country where you do not risk losing your job or being expelled from an Internet cafe for access porn? And what is the country where you do not have to, at least, be 18 to view pornography?
And in Brazil, the United States and several other countries where machismo is more, the condemnation of prostitution and pornography was too.
But all of that happens in a world dominated by men. What is the connection between patriarchy that represses sex and the boy who badly has hairs at that part and is wanting to fuck? Didn't you found? I didn't too. Let's see some things for you to realize the answer to my question, you may even know.
Pornography is the most accessed on the Internet. First by heterosexual men, then by homosexual men, then by women. Prostitution exists almost only for men. Can anyone explain why men dominate society and attack two businesses of which they themselves are customers?
One important thing, before we continue. The pretending (hypocrisy is to pretend virtue and horror of sex is not a virtue) is always in relation to a superior, or because of fear of a superior. If every moralist man is hypocritical (and he is), is he hypocritical for who? For other moralists like him? For the women? But if they are oppressed, why should men bother with what they think?
Back to pornography. It is likely that the number of heterosexual women accessing pornography is smaller than that of lesbians, bisexual women and pedophiles. Ah, someone will say it is because women are not visual as men. Absolutely not.
Back to prostitution. A female doctor has said there should be a bordel for women. I agree. But the lack of male prostitutes is not by neglect of women, is due to lack of demand. The few men in prostitution are mostly transvestites, and most who are not also serve men.
Let us remember the case of the calendar by Oliviero Toscani on that each sheet has a photo of a female pubis. Some feminazists protested and the calendar was prohibitted. If someone had managed to make a calendar like those in Brazil of the 20s, in today Iran or in any macho society, it would not have stayed for less. But a macho society that meets feminists is not macho, caspita.
Until 2009, the Brazilian Penal Code read:
Article 229 - Maintain, on their own or third party, house of prostitution or place for the meeting to order libidinous with aim for profit or not or with direct mediation of the owner or manager or not:
Penalty - imprisonment from two to five years and fine.
Now is:
Article 229. Maintain, on their own or third party, property were occurres sexual exploitation with aim for profit or not or with direct mediation of the owner or manager or not (Writing amended by Law No. 12,015 of 2009)
Penalty - imprisonment from two to five years and fine.
Any photo of a woman in topping and bare legs and belly, the women say that society is macho, treats women as objects, sums up the woman for sex, etc. So why in that same macho society the house of prostitution to satisfy men sexually was criminal until the first decade of the 21th century in Brazil?
Do men have built a society to meet with prostitutes on the sly, read Playboy in the bathroom, see porn movies in the room when everyone is asleep in the house? Men also build a society where a woman can be discriminated or lose his job because she made a porn film or posed for a sex magazine?
Are you starting to see who really does not like the bitching and the naughtiness?
Who? Women, especially the ugly, old and bad-shaped. Women ugly face, body and head. And who are the women that are uncomfortable when their husbands have a colleague at work or study pretty, or when they look at a beautiful woman in the street? The fat, frigid and unbearable women whose husbands did not unmarried because they can not divorce.
And what about sexual fantasies? Fantasy is something that has not been or can not be realized. When a dominant wants something and can't have? Did men built a society to have sexual fantasies, sometimes with sex itself?
Oh, and why no one feminist woman spoke about these and another phrases?
"Sex is the cross in which women are crucified... sex only can be adequadately defined as universal rape." (Hodee Edwards)
"In a patriarcal society, every heterossexual sexual intercourse is a rape because women, as a group, are not strong enough to agree". (Catherine MacKinnon)
"Heterosexual intercourse is the pure, formalized expression of contempt for women's bodies" (Andrea Dworkin, American feminist famous for his opposition to pornography)
(These and others in "As citações feministas mais discriminatórias, odiosas e SUJAS da história" ("The most discriminatory, hateful, and DIRTY feminist quotations in history"), in O Perdedor Mais Foda do Mundo)
So, man, do not be fool. Viva prostitution! Viva pornography! Viva open marriage! Viva shamelessness! Viva men of quality, specially those of big cock!
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Abigail Pereira Aranha at / en / dans / a VK: vk.com/abigail.pereira.aranha