mercredi 24 janvier 2018

The resistance is full of prudes

The Stormy Daniels scandal highlights how we still fail sex workers.

Arabelle Raphael

Jan—19—2018 01:30PM EST

Throughout Trump’s presidency, one thing has been made very clear: Combating sexism is a very important issue, but only certain women need protecting. Trump supporters — well, they rejected Hillary because they literally thought she was the Antichrist. But the left has barely done better: Over this last year, I’ve watched plenty of so-called "nasty women" and their male allies use Trump’s involvement with sex workers as further evidence of his immorality, drawing on the worst whorephobic and misogynistic stereotypes. During the campaign, it was Melania with her nude photos, which prompted waves of snipping over what a First Lady is supposed to look like. (Her lack of interest in policy might have been enough, but no.) Now, it’s the Stormy Daniels scandal that once again highlights the infuriating way we talk about sex work in public.

Here is the main fact: Stormy Daniels is a woman who is a porn performer. But look around, and you’ll find ample evidence of people and publications replacing her name with "porn star," reducing her to an objectifying, stigmatized stereotype. The left certainly has no monopoly on the snide ways to refer to Daniels. Outlets like The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Entertainment Weekly are wielding "porn star" like an epithet, throwing sex workers under the bus. The deputy Washington bureau chief of The Boston Globe suggests that, despite how absurdly off-base the Trump administration has been, it’s still more credible than a porn star; and the permanently smug Bill Kristol noted the supposed irony of the Daniels scandal bringing down Trump after facing "the forces of decency." There’s an aura of mocking fascination around the whole thing. Trump and a porn star? Really?

Sex workers have always fallen into the cracks of public discourse. We’re used for certain agendas, but despite all the claims of sex positivity or good Christian behavior, we’re pushed aside when we ask for our rights to be protected. The right consumes our products and services, then attacks us publicly — Trump himself signed an anti-porn pledge during the campaign, whatever that means. The left wields sex workers as weapons to discredit the right for their supposed hypocrisy, disregarding our humanity by reducing us to rhetorical arguments. They insist evangelicals answer for why they’re supporting Trump despite his dalliances with sex workers, as though this is the worst thing he could do in a long history of moral failings, like his comments on African countries or the travel ban.

Zoom out, and it’s more than left or right. Politicians, writers, millionaires, celebrities, doctors, lawyers, and on and on — they watch our porn, purchase our cam shows, book our escort services. We hold their secrets, desires, fears, but they do not show up for us. They completely dissociate from us in public, crack dead hooker jokes, attack our rights, make us the butt of the joke. Over eight years in the sex industry, I’ve seen it all. I’ve met men with their social masks off, revealing what’s truly there — a side their wives, bosses, and best friends never see. I’ve witnessed their grotesqueness, and their beauty. But despite the safe space we create for them to explore themselves, at the end of the day we’re still just whores — whereas when the mask slips back on, they’re rewarded with titles, recognition, fame, money, awards, or even the presidency.

The hypocrisy runs deep. Consider the attention this consensual affair has received, when compared with the 19 women who’ve accused Trump of sexual assault. The discrepancy in moral outrage is so profound as to feel banal when acknowledged. Sexual assault is easily boiled down to "he said, she said"; sex with a porn star is mostly meant to be mocked. It doesn’t matter what else might be taken from the story, like Trump’s susceptability to blackmail or the similarity of Daniels’ account to the women who’ve accused him of sexual assault. All that matters is the quasi-pornographic titillation of watching the most salacious elements play out in public.

This would all be bad enough if it was just chatter, but these attitudes really do endanger human lives, simply because they’re trying to make a living. Various studies have found that anywhere from 45 to 75 percent of sex workers have faced physical violence; the World Health Organization put it succinctly in a study by summarizing that "most violence against sex workers is a manifestation of gender inequality and discrimination directed at women." This inhumane level of violence would not exist if society could talk about sex work with just a little more respect — and if it is not easy to expect these attitudes to change overnight, it’s enough to ask that people who know they can do better simply do better, and dispense with their antiquated stigmas. It’s long past time for the women in my industry to be treated like women.

Arabelle Raphael is an adult performer and artist based out of the Bay Area.

Original in English: "The resistance is full of prudes", Arabelle Raphael, The Outline, January 19, 2018,

Original text in English reproduced at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Original text in English plus licentiousness pictures and videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Traduzione in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduzione in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduction vers le français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traduction vers le français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traducción al español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Traducción al español con fotos y videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Tradução para o português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",
Tradução para o português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",

La resistenza è piena di puritani

Lo scandalo Stormy Daniels evidenzia come ancora omettiamo le lavoratori del sesso.

Arabelle Raphael

19 gennaio 2018 01:30 EST

Durante la presidenza di Trump, una cosa è stata chiarita molto chiaramente: Combattere il sessismo è una questione molto importante, ma solo alcune donne hanno bisogno di protezione. I sostenitori di Trump - beh, hanno rifiutato Hillary perché hanno letteralmente pensato che lei fosse l'Anticristo. Ma la sinistra ha fatto a malapena meglio: Nell'ultimo anno ho guardato molte delle cosiddette "donne lascive" e i loro alleati maschili a usare il coinvolgimento di Trump con lavoratrici sessuali come ulteriore prova della sua immoralità, attingendo ai peggiori stereotipi puttana-fobici e misogini. Durante la campagna, è stata Melania con le sue foto nuda, che hanno suscitato ondate di cernie su come dovrebbe apparire una First Lady. (La sua mancanza di interesse per la politica avrebbe potuto essere sufficiente, ma no.) Ora, è lo scandalo Stormy Daniels che ancora una volta mette in evidenza il modo esasperante in cui parliamo del lavoro sessuale in pubblico.

Ecco il fatto principale: Stormy Daniels è una donna che è un'attrice porno. Ma guardati intorno e troverai ampie prove di persone e pubblicazioni che sostituiscono il suo nome con "pornostar", riducendola a uno stereotipo stigmatizzato e oggettivante. La sinistra non ha certamente il monopolio sui modi insidiosi di riferirsi a Daniels. Punti vendita come The New York Times, The Washington Post, e Entertainment Weekly stanno brandendo "pornostar" come un epiteto, gettando lavoratrici sessuali sotto l'autobus. Il vicedirettore dell'ufficio di Washington del The Boston Globe suggerisce che, nonostante l'assurdità del fondamento dell'amministrazione Trump, è ancora più credibile di una porno star; e il permanentemente arrogante Bill Kristol ha notato la presunta ironia dello scandalo Daniels che abbatte Trump dopo aver affrontato "le forze della decenza". C'è un'aura di fascino beffardo per l'intera faccenda. Trump e una porno star? Veramente?

Le lavoratrici sessuali sono sempre cadute nelle fessure del discorso pubblico. Siamo usate a certi programmi, ma nonostante tutte le affermazioni sulla positività sessuale o sul buon comportamento cristiano, siamo messe da parte quando chiediamo che i nostri diritti siano protetti (nota dalla traduttora: l'articolo con un collegamento ipertestuale qui è disponibile tradotto in questo blog, "Diritti dei lavoratori del sesso sono diritti umani"). La destra consuma i nostri prodotti e servizi, quindi ci attacca pubblicamente - Trump stesso ha firmato un impegno anti-porno durante la campagna, qualunque cosa ciò significhi. La sinistra brandisce le lavoratrici sessuali come armi per screditare la destra per loro supposta ipocrisia, trascurando la nostra umanità riducendoci a argomenti retoriche. Insistono che gli evangelici rispondono perché loro stanno sostenendo a Trump nonostante le sue avventure con prostitute, come se questa fosse la cosa peggiore che lui potrebbe fare in una lunga storia di fallimenti morali, come i suoi commenti sui paesi africani o il divieto di viaggio.

Si ottiene una vista più grande, ed è più di sinistra o destra. Politici, scrittori, milionari, celebrità, dottori, avvocati e così via - loro guardano il nostro porno, acquistano i nostri spettacoli di cam, prenotano i nostri servizi di escort. Teniamo i loro segreti, i loro desideri, le loro paure, ma loro non si espongono per noi. Si dissociano completamente da noi in pubblico, raccontano battute noiose di prostitute, attaccano i nostri diritti, ci fanno l'oggetto di scherzo. In otto anni nel settore del sesso, ho visto tutto. Ho incontrato uomini senza le loro maschere sociali, rivelando ciò che è veramente lì - un lato che le loro mogli, i loro padroni e i loro migliori amici non vedono mai. Ho assistito alla loro grottesca e alla loro bellezza. Ma nonostante lo spazio sicuro che creiamo per loro per esplorare se stessi, alla fine della giornata siamo ancora solo puttane - mentre quando la maschera scivola via, loro sono ricompensati con titoli, riconoscimenti, fama, soldi, premi, o anche la presidenza.

L'ipocrisia corre profonda. Considera l'attenzione che questa relazione consensuale ha ricevuto, rispetto alle 19 donne che hanno accusato Trump di violenza sessuale. La discrepanza nell'indignazione morale è così profonda da sembrare banale quando riconosciuta. L'assalto sessuale è facilmente ridotto a "lui ha detto, lei ha detto"; il sesso con una porno star è principalmente pensato per essere deriso. Non importa cos'altro potrebbe essere preso dalla storia, come la suscettibilità al ricatto di Trump o la somiglianza del rapporto di Daniels con le donne che lo hanno accusato di violenza sessuale. Tutto ciò che importa è la eccitazione quasi-pornografica di guardare gli elementi più oscuri uscire alla fine in pubblico.

Tutto ciò sarebbe abbastanza brutto se si trattasse solo di chiacchiere, ma questi atteggiamenti mettono davvero in pericolo vite umane, semplicemente perché loro stanno cercando di guadagnarsi da vivere. Vari studi hanno rilevato che ovunque dal 45 al 75 per cento delle lavoratrici del sesso hanno subito violenza fisica; l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità lo ha sintetizzato in uno studio riassumendo che "la maggior parte della violenza contro le lavoratrici del sesso è una manifestazione di disuguaglianza di genere e discriminazione diretta alle donne". Questo livello di violenza disumana non esisterebbe se la società potesse parlare del lavoro sessuale con solo un po' più di rispetto - e se non è facile aspettarsi che questi atteggiamenti cambino improvvisamente, basta chiedere alle persone che sanno di poter fare meglio semplicemente fare meglio, e fare a meno dei loro antiquati stimmi. È passato molto tempo che le donne del mio settore venissero trattate come donne.

Arabelle Raphael è una performer e artista per adulti dalla Bay Area.

Originale in inglese: "The resistance is full of prudes", Arabelle Raphael, The Outline, 19 gennaio 2018,

Traduzione: Abigail Pereira Aranha

Original text in English reproduced at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Original text in English plus licentiousness pictures and videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Traduzione in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduzione in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduction vers le français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traduction vers le français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traducción al español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Traducción al español con fotos y videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Tradução para o português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",
Tradução para o português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",

La resistencia está llena de mojigatos

El escándalo Stormy Daniels pone de relieve cómo todavía omitimos a las personas que ejercen el trabajo sexual.

Arabelle Raphael

19 de enero de 2018 01:30 EST

A lo largo de la presidencia de Trump, una cosa se ha dejado muy en claro: Combatir el sexismo es un tema muy importante, pero solo ciertas mujeres necesitan protección. Partidarios de Trump - bueno, rechazaron a Hillary porque literalmente pensaron que ella era el Anticristo. Pero la izquierda apenas lo ha hecho mejor: En este último año, he visto a muchas de las llamadas "mujeres obscenas" y sus aliados masculinos utilizaren el involucramiento de Trump con trabajadoras sexuales como una prueba más de su inmoralidad, recurriendo a los peores estereotipos puta-fóbicos y misóginos. Durante la campaña, fue Melania con sus fotos desnuda, lo que provocó oleadas de corte sobre lo que se supone que debe parecer una Primera Dama. (Su falta de interés en la política podría haber sido suficiente, pero no.) Ahora, es el escándalo Stormy Daniels lo que pone de relieve una vez más la exasperante manera en que hablamos sobre el trabajo sexual en público.

Aquí está el hecho principal: Stormy Daniels es una mujer que es una actriz porno. Pero mire a su alrededor, y encontrará amplia evidencia de personas y publicaciones que reemplazan su nombre por "estrella porno", reduciéndola a un estereotipo estigmatizante y objetivador. La izquierda ciertamente no tiene el monopolio de las formas sarcásticas de referirse a Daniels. Tiendas como The New York Times, The Washington Post, y Entertainment Weekly están empuñando "estrella porno" como un epíteto, arrojando a las trabajadoras sexuales debajo del autobús. El subdirector jefe de la oficina de Washington de The Boston Globe sugiere que, a pesar de lo absurdamente fuera de la base que ha sido la administración Trump, sigue siendo más creíble que una estrella porno; y el permanentemente engreído Bill Kristol notó la supuesta ironía del escándalo de Daniels derribando a Trump después de enfrentarse a "las fuerzas de la decencia". Hay un aura de fascinación burlona en todo el asunto todo. ¿Trump y una estrella porno? ¿De verdad?

Las trabajadoras sexuales siempre han caído en las grietas del discurso público. Somos usadas para ciertas agendas, pero a pesar de todos los reclamos de positividad sexual o buen comportamiento cristiano, somos dejadas de lado cuando pedimos que se protejan nuestros derechos (nota de la traductora: el artículo con un hipervínculo aquí está disponible traducido en este blog, "Derechos de los trabajadores sexuales son derechos humanos"). La derecha consume nuestros productos y servicios, luego nos ataca públicamente: Trump mismo firmó una promesa contra la pornografía durante la campaña, sea lo que sea que eso signifique. La izquierda blande a las trabajadoras del sexo como armas para desacreditar la derecha por su supuesta hipocresía, haciendo caso omiso de nuestra humanidad al reducirnos a argumentos retóricos. Insisten que evangélicos respondan por que están apoyando Trump a pesar de sus coqueteos con profesionales del sexo, como si esta fuese la peor cosa que él podía hacer en una larga historia de fracasos morales, al igual que sus comentarios sobre los países de África o la prohibición de viajar.

Se obtiene una vista más grande, y es más que izquierda o derecha. Políticos, escritores, millonarios, celebridades, doctores, abogados, y así sucesivamente - ellos miran nuestro porno, compran nuestros shows de cámaras, reservan nuestros servicios de acompañantes. Tenemos sus secretos, deseos, miedos, pero ellos no se exponen por nosotras. Se desvinculan por completo de nosotras en público, cuentan bromas aburridas de prostitutas, atacan nuestros derechos, nos convierten en objeto de broma. Durante ocho años en la industria del sexo, lo he visto todo. Me he encontrado con hombres sin sus máscaras sociales, revelando lo que realmente existe - un lado que sus esposas, jefes y mejores amigos nunca ven. He sido testigo de su grotesco y su belleza. Pero a pesar del espacio seguro que creamos para que se exploren a sí mismos, al final del día seguimos siendo solo putas - mientras que cuando la máscara vuelve a aparecer, ellos son recompensados con títulos, reconocimiento, fama, dinero, premios, o incluso la presidencia.

La hipocresía es profunda. Considere la atención que esta consensuada ha recibido, en comparación con las 19 mujeres que acusaron a Trump de agresión sexual. La discrepancia en la indignación moral es tan profunda que se siente banal cuando se la reconoce. La agresión sexual se reduce fácilmente a "él dijo, ella dijo"; el sexo con una estrella porno está destinado a ser burlado. No importa que otra cosa pueda ser tomada de la historia, como la susceptibilidad de Trump para chantajear o la similitud del informe de Daniels con las mujeres que lo acusaron de agresión sexual. Lo único que importa es la excitación cuasi pornográfica de ver los elementos más salaces terminar en público.

Todo esto sería suficientemente malo si solo fuera una charla, pero estas actitudes realmente ponen en peligro vidas humanas, simplemente porque ellas están tratando de ganar la vida. Varios estudios han encontrado que entre el 45 y el 75 por ciento de las personas que ejercen el trabajo sexual se han enfrentado a la violencia física; la Organización Mundial de la Salud lo resumió sucintamente en un estudio al resumir que "la mayoría de la violencia contra las trabajadoras sexuales es una manifestación de la desigualdad de género y la discriminación dirigida a las mujeres". Este nivel inhumano de violencia no existiría si la sociedad pudiera hablar sobre el trabajo sexual con sólo un poco más de respeto - y si no es fácil esperar que estas actitudes cambien de la noche a la mañana, es suficiente pedir a las personas que saben que pueden hacerlo mejor simplemente hacerlo mejor, y prescindir de sus estigmas anticuados. Ya es hora de que las mujeres de mi industria sean tratadas como mujeres.

Arabelle Raphael es una actriz y artista porno de la Área de la Bahía.

Original en inglés: "The resistance is full of prudes", Arabelle Raphael, The Outline, 19 de enero de 2018,

Traducción: Abigail Pereira Aranha

Original text in English reproduced at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Original text in English plus licentiousness pictures and videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Traduzione in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduzione in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduction vers le français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traduction vers le français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traducción al español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Traducción al español con fotos y videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Tradução para o português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",
Tradução para o português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",

La résistance est pleine de prudes

Le scandale Stormy Daniels souligne comment nous omettons toujours les travailleurs du sexe.

Arabelle Raphael

19 janvier 2018 01:30 PM EST

Tout au long de la présidence de Trump, une chose est très claire: Combattre le sexisme est une question très importante, mais seules certaines femmes ont besoin d'être protégées. Les partisans de Trump - bien, ils ont rejeté Hillary parce qu'ils pensaient littéralement qu'elle était l'Antéchrist. Mais la gauche a à peine fait mieux: Au cours de cette dernière année, j'ai vu beaucoup de soi-disant "femmes obscènes" et leurs alliés masculins utiliser l'implication de Trump avec les travailleuses du sexe comme une preuve supplémentaire de son immoralité, tirant sur le pires stéréotypes putain-phobiques et misogynes. Pendant la campagne, c'était Melania avec ses photos nues, qui a provoqué des vagues de coupures sur ce à quoi une Première Dame est censée ressembler. (Son manque d'intérêt pour la politique aurait pu être suffisant, mais non.) Maintenant, c'est le scandale Stormy Daniels qui met une fois de plus en évidence la façon exaspérante dont nous parlons du travail du sexe en public.

Voici le fait principal: Stormy Daniels est une femme qui est un actrice porno. Mais regardez autour de vous, et vous trouverez de nombreuses preuves que des gens et des publications ont remplacé son nom par "star du porno", la réduisant à un stéréotype stigmatisé et objectivant. La gauche n'a certainement pas le monopole des manières sournoises de se référer à Daniels. Des points de vente comme The New York Times, The Washington Post, et Entertainment Weekly brandissent une "star du porno" comme une épithète, jetant des travailleuses du sexe sous le bus. Le chef adjoint du bureau de Washington du The Boston Globe suggère que, malgré l'absurdité de l'administration Trump, c'est encore plus crédible qu'une star du porno; et le Bill Kristol permanente arrogante a noté l'ironie supposée du scandale Daniels faire tomber Trump après avoir fait face "les forces de la décence". Il y a une aura de fascination moqueuse autour de tout ça. Trump et une star du porno? Vraiment?

Les travailleuses du sexe sont toujours tombées dans les fissures du discours public. Nous sommes utilisées à certains programmes, mais malgré toutes les affirmations de la positivité sexuelle ou du bon comportement chrétien, nous sommes mis de côté lorsque nous demandons que nos droits soient protégés (note de la traductrice: l'article avec un lien ici est disponible traduit sur ce blog, "Les droits des travailleurs du sexe sont droits humains"). Le droite consume nos produits et services, puis nous attaque publiquement - Trump lui-même a signé un engagement anti-porno pendant la campagne, quoi que cela signifie. La gauche brandit les travailleuses du sexe comme des armes pour discréditer le droit pour leur supposée hypocrisie, en négligeant notre humanité en nous réduisant à des arguments rhétoriques. Ils insistent pour que les évangéliques répondent pourquoi ils soutiennent Trump malgré ses flirts à travailleuses du sexe, comme si c'était la pire chose qu'il puisse faire dans une longue histoire de défauts moraux, comme ses commentaires sur les pays africains ou l'interdiction de voyager.

Vous prenez une vue plus large, et c'est plus que gauche ou droite. Des politiciens, des écrivains, des millionnaires, des célébrités, des médecins, des avocats, et ainsi de suite - ils regardent notre porno, achètent nos shows cam, réservent nos services d'escorte. Nous détenons leurs secrets, leurs désirs, leurs peurs, mais ils ne se montrent pas pour nous. Ils se dissocient complètement de nous en public, racontent des blagues ennuyeuses de prostituées, attaquent nos droits, font de nous la cible de la blague. Plus de huit ans dans l'industrie du sexe, j'ai tout vu. J'ai rencontré des hommes sans leurs masques sociaux, révélant ce qui est vraiment là - un côté que leurs femmes, leurs patrons et leurs meilleurs amis ne voient jamais. J'ai été témoin de leur grotesque et de leur beauté. Mais malgré l'espace de sécurité que nous leur créons pour qu'ils puissent se découvrir eux-mêmes, à la fin de la journée nous ne sommes encore seulement des putains - alors que lorsque le masque revient, ils sont récompensés par des titres, reconnaissance, célébrité, argent, récompenses, ou même la présidence.

L'hypocrisie est profonde. Considérez l'attention que cette affaire consensuelle a reçue, en comparaison avec les 19 femmes qui ont accusé Trump d'agression sexuelle. La contradiction dans l'indignation morale est si profonde qu'elle est banale lorsqu'elle est reconnue. L'agression sexuelle est facilement réduite à "il a dit, elle a dit"; le sexe avec une star du porno est principalement destiné à être moqué. Peu importe ce qui pourrait être pris de l'histoire, comme la susceptibilité de Trump au chantage ou la similitude du compte rendu de Daniels aux femmes qui l'ont accusé d'agression sexuelle. Tout ce qui compte est la titillation quasi-pornographique de voir les éléments les plus salaces se dérouler en public.

Tout cela serait déjà assez mauvais si c'était juste bavardage, mais ces attitudes mettent vraiment en danger vies humaines, simplement parce qu'elles essaient de gagner leur vie. Diverses études ont montré que de 45 à 75 pour cent des travailleuses du sexe ont été confrontées à la violence physique; l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé l'a résumé succinctement dans une étude en résumant que "la plupart des violences contre les travailleuses du sexe sont une manifestation de l'inégalité entre les sexes et de la discrimination envers les femmes". Ce niveau de violence inhumain n'existerait pas si la société pouvait parler de travail sexuel avec juste un peu plus de respect - et s'il n'est pas facile de s'attendre à ce que ces attitudes changent du jour au lendemain, il suffit de demander aux gens qui savent qu'ils peuvent faire mieux simplement faire mieux, et se passer de leurs stigmates archaïques. Il est grand temps que les femmes de mon industrie soient traitées comme des femmes.

Arabelle Raphael est un'actrice et artiste adulte dans la Région de la Baie.

Original en anglais: "The resistance is full of prudes", Arabelle Raphael, The Outline, 19 janvier 2018,

Traduction: Abigail Pereira Aranha

Original text in English reproduced at Men of Worth Newspaper: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Original text in English plus licentiousness pictures and videos at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "The resistance is full of prudes",
Traduzione in italiano senza immagini e video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduzione in italiano con immagini e video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistenza è piena di puritani",
Traduction vers le français sans photos et vidéos de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traduction vers le français avec photos et vidéos de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La résistance est pleine de prudes",
Traducción al español sin fotos y videos de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Traducción al español con fotos y videos de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "La resistencia está llena de mojigatos",
Tradução para o português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",
Tradução para o português com fotos e vídeos de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "A resistência está cheia de puritanos",

dimanche 21 janvier 2018

2017 and the end of normal life

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Until, roughly speaking, the Cuban Revolution, only well-informed intelligent people had an idea of the crap that Socialism would become if it were implemented or expanded. Catholic-Protestant moralism and the braggart discourse of the bourgeoisie did more to feed the far left than to disrupt it. For example, they say that Ludwig von Mises demonstrated in 1920 that a socialist economy was impracticable. The Soviet Union was created in 1922. He died in 1973 having seen Socialism arrive in Cuba in 1959, when the country was America's second largest economy and the fourth in the world. The luck of the socialist governments and future bizarre groups of the leftist movements was that the greatest opposition to the Communists did not come from ex-militants with sufficient moral and intellectual dignity to go out and denounce the atrocities they saw personally and those that were going to come, but it came from rude provincials, churchy ladies with clear problems with sex, clergymen and, at most, "spin doctors" of semi-slave labor exploiters.

Until the beginning of this decade, antifeminism was a stuff of sub-literate provincials. Anti-feminist men believed that being a manly man was to cultivate a crude appearance and to seem he came from the nineteenth century; antifeminist women believed that the apex of good character was lack of sex and schooling. And in the 1990s, the right wing itself claimed that Communism (or Socialism) was over because the Berlin Wall was overthrown and the Soviet Union had been disbanded. Conservatives, rightists, and bourgeoises created the extreme left: it was they who made their rural workers swell the movements like the Landless Movement in Brazil; it was they who made their urban employees to elect politicians from the Workers' Party or the Communist Party of Brazil; it was they who made their intelligent children to support Feminism; it was they who made their own daughters to use nudity and sexuality as a protest against frigidity, stupidity, envy, and hypocrisy; it was they who made all church goers who were able to understand a text decently to pass through Atheism.

The right wing only gained visibility, after the end of the Soviet Union, after leftist ideology gained political and social space in several countries of the world, and after failing to deliver the better world it promised, it still showed that its supporters were even worse than the old opponents. And Progressism only gained public criticism from non-conservative persons from the real people after they saw that Feminism was worse for a woman than machismo, that the Black Movement was worse for a negro than racism (against nonwhites), that the LGBT Movement was worse for a non-heterosexual than homophobia. These people did not even know that already had been published, decades before, feminist proposals to exterminate 90 percent of men or Africanist proposals to exterminate the white race. One day, these people realized that various articles in the traditional press, various works at universities and various institutional campaigns showed heterosexual men as potential criminals or as fools, or each succeeded white person as someone racist who harmed a black person for it; and these persons, from the real people as they are, remembered the homosexuals that they have straight friends, the women that they live side by side with solicitous heterosexual men, the poor blacks that they know white rich men of exemplary conduct. Before, they could even see social justice activists as boring drug-addicteds, then they realized they had to worry about them. You may have seen in the last 5 years on social networks, with a certain frequency, that a lesbo-feminist makes a comment and a woman destroys her arguments. With more patience, you have also discovered feminist men kicked around in feminist websites while homosexuals are welcomed into Conservative groups.

But here we are talking about the average people. They have not yet come into conflict with left-wing social movements, but they already know that these ones do not represent them. But what about persons with fame, political influence, academic status, or at least professionally well-positioned? Except few fearless, or they publicly support that crap that the real people rejects, or they don't speak out about it. And it will be in them that I will be concentrated here, I will start with an illustration. Do you remember the book of Esther, more exactly when Mordecai knew about Haman's plan to exterminate the Jews and he asked Esther for help, but she was afraid to go to the king's presence without being called? Verses 13 and 14 of chapter 4: "Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" In the end, Esther went to King Ahasuerus, she achieved to save her people and Haman died in the gibbet that he himself built (Et 9:25). Now, I will make a list of cases only in 2017 and in January 2018 until the 21st, which is today, where the person was not Esther and died as Haman, cases in chronological order except the last, which I would like to highlight.

February 26: "[Brazilian television broadcaster] Globo displays The Voice Kids, but it hides Victor, accused of aggression". "Broadcaster says that member of the duo 'Victor & Léo' asked to leave, but it decided to show programs that were recorded; edition does not show the singer".[01] "Poliana, who at the end of February sought police to denounce her husband, after it she stepped back and said she had not been a victim of the singer, away from The Voice Kids, Globo's children's reality show where he was a juror alongside Leo. Furthermore, the result of the body examination of crime gave negative for aggression. The images of the security camera of the building where Victor and his wife live, however, provided evidence to the Minas Gerais Civil Police, which decided for the indictment of the country singer".[02]

September 26: "The ministers of the First Panel of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) denied on Tuesday 26, by 5 votes to 0, a request from the Attorney General's Office (PGR) to arrest Senator Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG). But by 3 votes to 2, they determined the detachment of the parliamentarian from the mandate. The decision also determines that Aecio surrenders his passport, which prevents him from leaving the country, and stays overnight, that is, that he stays at home at night. Aécio was detached from the Senate on May 18 under Operation Patmos, deploying the Operation Lava Jato based on JBS's delusions and that also reached Michel Temer (PMDB)."[03] Aécio Neves was the candidate for the Presidency of the Republic in 2014 who won the election, but the counting of the votes was frauded by secret scrutiny and the president Dilma Rousseff, of the PT (Workers' Party), was sworn in. Aécio even rehearsed a complaint in the press: "'I lost the election to a criminal organization', says Aécio Neves", O Globo, November 30, 2014.[04] But later he accepted the swindle. Two years later, the impeachment of Dilma came. But that decision of the STF was so absurd that the PT published a note of support to Aécio Neves.[05] In May, not only had he been removed from the Senate presidency, his sister, Andrea Neves, was arrested as part of the same lawsuit. Comments by Reinaldo Azevedo: "If the punishment applied to Senator Aécio Neves (PSDB-MG), with what we have heretofore, is an exoticism, the one which strikes Andrea Neves, his sister, is even more specious. Why was her pre-trial detention ordered?" "And finally the resentment explodes. A female journalist shouts [when she arrives at the Legal Medical Institute to take the body examination of crime]: 'Is this news story good?' A man adds: 'Did you like the news story, Andrea?'. The woman repeats the baseness. Aecio's sister had the fame, at the time he was governor, of calling the newsrooms to complain about the work of journalists. The accusations, of course!, departed from Workers' Party sectors."[06] It "also reached Michel Temer", the vice president of the Republic who, with impeachment, assumed the presidency. And speaking of Michel Temer, I recall a prophecy by Olavo de Carvalho of May 23, 2016 (Dilma Rousseff was detached in the process of impeachment on the 12th): "I do not have a bit of ill will toward President Temer, but I know that if he keeps his promise to Lula, that there will be no witch hunt in his government, it will be the witches who will hunt us."[07]

October 11: "Last week, producer Harvey Weinstein, one of Hollywood's most powerful names responsible for such films as 'Pulp Fiction' and 'Gangs of New York', was dismissed from the producer bearing his own name, after accusations of sexual harassment surfaced in journalist reports in the magazine New Yorker and The New York Times. There were numerous cases of abuse reported by the publications. Among the victims, actresses like Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, Lucia Evans, Rosanna Arquette and Mira Sorvino, Italian director Asia Argento and model Ambra Battilana Gutierrez. And yesterday it was the turn of Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow to thicken that list. Both denounced the producer for sexual harassment, for cases committed by him in the late 1990s."[08] Pah, if a case of sexual harassment (from a man to a woman) can be denounced 20 years later and be punished including outside the judiciary system, it means that a campaign against sexual harassment like this one that happened afterwards does not happen because society needs to be aware (of harassment), but because society already rejects sexual harassment (from a man to a woman) enough to accept denunciations without evidence or whose evidence was almost lost. It is not that society is unconscious, the problem is that it speaks and walks sleeping.

November 26: "Trump reiterates support for Republican candidate accused of sexual harassment".[09] He was the candidate to Senator for State of Alabama Roy Moore. My emphasis here is for the title of the article: not treating a simple charge of sexual crime (charge by a woman against a man) as self-proving at least until the accused proves his innocence is shocking.

December 19: "Laerte Rimoli, who made racist jokes with Taís Araújo, leaves the direction of EBC".[10] Esquerda Diário (Daily Left), November 24: "EBC president is racist with Taís Araujo after he was in solidarity with Willian Waack" (about Willian Waack, brief explanation in the next paragraph). "Laerte Rimoli, current president of the Brazilian Communications Company (EBC) shared racist memes through his Facebook mocking Taís Araujo's statement, who recently stated that her son suffers because of racism." "In one of the memes shared by Rimoli, a little girl runs away from the actress and her son, accompanied by the phrase 'when you realize that it is Taís Araújo's son on the sidewalk'."[11]

December 22: "Globo has decided to terminate the contract with journalist William Waack, who in a video that has been circulating on the Internet since November 8 is caught making racist offenses. (...) In the video, Waack appears in Washington, where he was for the coverage of the United States presidential election, exactly one year earlier". "Waack joined Globo in 1996, as a correspondent in London, after a long career in the print media".[12] He later published an article entitled "I am not racist, my work proves".[13] But even without this, if a denunciation could have been made a year earlier and, still late, it causes a reckless dismissal of an employee with more than 30 years of experience in the company alone, the denunciation can only be false.

December 23: "Harassment: the new deadly weapon", Aguinaldo Silva. "A complaint of harassment, allegedly occurred eight years ago, made by anonymous letter, that is, without anyone assuming responsibility for it, nevertheless it led the Brazilian dancer Marcelo Gomes (...) to resign from the American Ballet and the dance company to announce a 'severe investigation' about it. Detail: according to this such complaint, the harassment had not as 'victim' anyone linked to the American Ballet, but, even so, the company accepted the resignation of its first ballet dancer".[14]

January 16: Actor Matt Damon found himself forced to apologize for saying on a talk show that "there's a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?"[15]

January 16: "The Indian-American actor Aziz Ansari is one of the big names in entertainment (...). He is a great talent and a serious candidate to become the next Jim Carrey. The guy is good, but he has one of the typical defects of those who enter the world of entertainment: kneeling before the altar of soft leftism and political correctness to the point of declaring himself a 'feminist' and participating in that pantomime of the Witches Convention in Golden Globe". "After suporting the campaign of hatred of men preached by demagogues and left-wing radicals, Aziz himself became the victim of the slander network. A girl reported in the feminist portal Babe that she was a victim of the comedian. The report is the most bizarre possible: according to the girl, the two met at the bar, exchanged phones and met for dinner. After dinner, they went to Aziz's apartment, where they drank and began to kiss. Both stripped consensually until the moment the actor expressed a desire to penetrate her. At this point, she said no. What did Aziz do? He stepped back, dressed again, and the night ended with both watching Netflix. Aziz even called a Uber to the girl, who told the site that this was 'the worst night of her life'."[16]

January 11: Newspaper O Estado de São Paulo, January 11: "Group accuses Catherine Deneuve of making 'apology for rape'". "A group of 30 women, led by feminist activist Caroline De Hass, denounced yesterday, in France, the alleged 'apology for rape' by another group of 100 women, among them the actress Catherine Deneuve. In an open letter published Tuesday in Le Monde newspaper, this group claimed sexual freedom and criticized the 'denouncism' of the campaigns #MeToo and #BalanceTonPorc, which launched the reaction of women in the United States and France against inequality, harassment and sexual violence."[17] Deutsche Welle, January 15: "Catherine Deneuve apologizes".[18] The article makes reference to an article sent by her to the newspaper Libération.[19] I will translate a very revealing excerpt:

I was sometimes criticized for not being a feminist. Must I remember that I was one of the 343 sluts with Marguerite Duras and Françoise Sagan who signed the manifesto "I had an abortion" written by Simone de Beauvoir? Abortion was punishable by criminal prosecution and imprisonment at the epoch. That is why I would like to say to conservatives, racists and traditionalists of all kinds who have found it strategic to support me that I am not fooled. They will have neither my gratitude nor my friendship, on the contrary. I am a free woman and I will remain so. I greet fraternally all the victims of odious acts that may have felt aggrieved by this forum published at Le Monde, it is to them and only to them that I apologize.

I closed the list, but I'll show plus one case. Yaël Mellul, president of the association Femme & Libre (woman and free), and Lise Bouvet, political scientist and philosopher, published in April 2016 in the Huffington Post the article "Why France is adopting a new law that criminalizes the clients, not prostitutes".[20] An excerpt:

This law shows that parliament has listened to the voices of prostitutes who have testified to being victims of mental and physical trauma as a result of encountering multiple unwanted sexual penetrations per day. (...)

Other members of parliament considered that the presence of money is irrefutable proof of the lack of free will of one of the parties involved. "Prostitution is, in reality, very simple. It's sex between two people — between one person who wants it and one person who doesn't. And since the desire is absent, payment is there to replace it," they said.

Already at that time, prostitutes protested against passage of the bill.[21] In April 2017, it was another protest of French prostitutes.[22] But until the approval, FEMEN feminists protested in favor.[23] Have prostitutes protested to be raped?

More and more persons will have to have what was once a biblical heroism merely to have what would once be a normal life. By the way, the socialist movement exists to recreate the normal life. If this movement works against the real interests of the real people, and if it grows, more and more persons will realize that either they stand against it or they will be harmed. If I have an interest in having fellowship and sex with boys and a movement that claims to represent women treats man as a plague, sex as rape and the contact of a man with a woman almost as a crime, it is no use if I am a good girl and I have fun in group sex with male friends and stranger men (I do not do this, not with strangers). If we are in a community where an ordinary woman can accuse a man of sexual harassment or rape months or years later without having to prove anything, I can not be an ordinary woman. If I'm a typical woman, I can throw myself naked over a boy, he will not fuck me, for fear of me or even for rage against the female universe. If I can not fix the crap, I have at least to have a public stance against it. The community will be divided into activists in favor of what is there, activists against it, omitted people who in practice are in the group in favor and people who have not yet perceived the size of the trouble. This last group is getting smaller, those who have not been destroyed go to one of the other three. What was once a normal life, of which the Marxists called the alienated, is ending.

But I said in the title that 2017 was the end of normal life just to draw attention to the text and the list that I showed. The beginning of the end of the quiet life, of fulfilling working days and hiding the thoughts to continue a life without enemies and without turmoils was not in 2017. That was when I thought that I needed to create this blog.


[01] "Globo exibe The Voice Kids, mas oculta Victor, acusado de agressão", Veja, February 26, 2017,

[02] "Por imagem de câmera de segurança, Polícia Civil indicia Victor", Veja, April 04, 2017,

[03] "STF rejeita a prisão de Aécio Neves", Carta Capital, September 26, 2017,

[04] "'Eu perdi a eleição para uma organização criminosa', diz Aécio Neves", O Globo, November 30, 2014,

[05] "PT não nega sua natureza, mas faz defesa correta da instituição no caso Aécio. Já o PSDB...", Reinaldo Azevedo, September 27, 2017,

[06] "Prisão de Andrea Neves não faz sentido até agora; é só mandonismo", Reinaldo Azevedo, May 21, 2017,

[07] Olavo de Carvalho, May 23, 2016,

[08] "Atrizes derrubam 'todo poderoso' de Hollywood com denúncias de assédio sexual", Hypeness, October 11, 2017,

[09] "Trump reitera apoio a candidato republicano acusado de assédio sexual", Notícias ao Minuto, November 26, 2017,

[10] "Laerte Rimoli, que fez piadas racistas com Tais Araújo, deixa a direção da EBC", Revista Fórum, December 19, 2017,

[11] "Presidente da EBC é racista com Taís Araujo após se solidarizar com Willian Waack", Esquerda Diário, November 24, 2017,

[12] "Globo rescinde contrato com William Waack após declaração racista", Notícias da TV, December 22, 2017,

[13] "Não sou racista, minha obra prova", William Waack, Folha de São Paulo, January 14, 2018,

[14] "Assédio: a nova arma letal", Aguinaldo Silva, December 23, 2017,

[15] "Matt Damon Apologizes for Sexual Harassment Remarks: I Should 'Close My Mouth For a While'", People, January 16, 2018,

[16] "Patética acusação de abuso sexual contra o feminista Aziz Ansari mostra que ninguém está a salvo do neo-stalinismo feminista", O Reacionário, January 16, 2018,

[17] "Grupo acusa Catherine Deneuve de fazer 'apologia do estupro'", O Estado de São Paulo, January 11, 2018,,grupo-acusa-catherine-deneuve-de-fazer-apologia-do-estupro,70002146327.

[18] "Catherine Deneuve pede desculpas", Deutsche Welle, January 15, 2018,

[19] "Catherine Deneuve: 'Rien dans le texte ne prétend que le harcèlement a du bon, sans quoi je ne l'aurais pas signé'", Libération, January 14, 2018,

[20] "Why France Is Adopting A New Law That Criminalizes The Clients, Not Prostitutes", Yaël Mellul and Lise Bouvet, HuffPost, April 07, 2016,

[21] "Prostitutes divided as France bans paying for sex", France 24, April 07, 2016,

[22] "Sex workers protest in Paris against penalising clients", The Local, April 09, 2017,

[23] "What you need to know about France's new prostitution law", The Local, April 06, 2016,

Questo testo in italiano senza video di dissolutezza in Men of Worth Newspaper: "2017 e la fine della vita normale",
Questo testo in italiano con video di dissolutezza in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "2017 e la fine della vita normale",
Ce texte en français sans vidéo de libertinage au Men of Worth Newspaper: "2017 et la fin de la vie normale",
Ce texte en français avec vidéo de libertinage au Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "2017 et la fin de la vie normale",
Eso texto en español sin video de putaría en Men of Worth Newspaper: "2017 y el final de la vida normal",
Eso texto en español con video de putaría en Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "2017 y el final de la vida normal",
This text in English without licentiousness video at Men of Worth Newspaper: "2017 and the end of normal life",
This text in English with licentiousness video at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía: "2017 and the end of normal life",
Texto original em português sem vídeo de putaria no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade: "2017 e o fim da vida normal",
Texto original em português com vídeo de putaria no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam: "2017 e o fim da vida normal",
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