mercredi 28 septembre 2011

What does John Doe with today's freedom and progress is his problem? What we try to do with our is solution!

Eso texto en español (sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Paraíso Tangible en Wordpress): ¿Qué Juan Pérez hace con la libertad y los progresos de hoy en día es su problema? Lo que intentamos hacer con nuestra es la solución!,
Eso texto en español (con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Para Hombres de Calidad y Mujeres Verdaderas): ¿Qué Juan Pérez hace con la libertad y los progresos de hoy en día es su problema? Lo que intentamos hacer con nuestra es la solución!,
This text in English (without sex pics and movies, at Paraíso Concreto): What does John Doe with today's freedom and progress is his problem? What we try to do with our is solution!,
This text in English (with sex pics and movies, at A Vez das Mulheres do Thumblogger): What does John Doe with today's freedom and progress is his problem? What we try to do with our is solution!,
Texto original em português (sem fotos e vídeos de putaria, no Contra os Reis e as Religiões): O que Fulano faz com a liberdade e os progressos de hoje é problema dele? O que a gente tenta fazer com a nossa é solução!,
Texto original em português (com fotos e vídeos de putaria, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam): O que Fulano faz com a liberdade e os progressos de hoje é problema dele? O que a gente tenta fazer com a nossa é solução!,

Abigail Pereira Aranha


Gender equality became a facade for women make a hell to her husband threatening to file a complaint and he go to jail.

Racial democracy became a facade to black people without shame in their face entering the college, the labor market and politics.

Sexual freedom became a repressed young woman wearing like a bitch or a woman who everyone thinks she is most sanctimonious go hiddenly to a sex shop to buy something to use with her husband.

Social inclusion became works in invasions in abandoned places they call neighborhoods and use misery to make a living.

And what will they do with that such freedom?

We have found virgin by choice, monogamous by choice, asexual by choice. We only do not find on the internet women who have sex without commitment by choice. And many women who defend lesbianism or the right to diversity of sexual orientation has attacked me because of my bitchness.

Afro-descendants, women, people with disabilities who have achieved a place in college, the labor market, in politics on behalf of social justice (at least most) after all will look of their own career, their own vanity and won't care to the world, will do as the evil whites did and still will call those who strive for some ideal of potheads and unoccupied.

The woman who was (still is, right?) victim of a macho society will go to the streets as a whore and a snub to the nice men to fuck with all jerks men and assholes. Or will have sex with a working man (or just a rich playboy) to get pregnant and live earning a pension.

Freedom of religion will be for people to choose the gods of the land where they live or those of other lands they did not take the mud. They will respect the atheists, so, who rapes a child, opens the mother from top to bottom with knife, diverts tax money that was to go to health is because has no God, but they respect the atheists.

And if there are cameras in the streets, scanners at airports which see you naked, internet filters, spam filters on e-mail, boyfriends and girlfriends who do not have separate profiles on social networks, so good. Those who obey the law, believe in God, does not see sex on the internet, do not cheat husband or wife, do not argue with the judge's nephew has nothing to fear, right?

Freedom of expression, opinion, religion has become freedom to be cretinous and mediocre head?

  • Let's change the Slut Walk to Lust Walk (wow, in English it gets a cool play of words!). Let's change a bunch of hussies with slut clothes or topless, who live on asshole face and come out with drug dealers and still wants respect, to a big colective fuck on the street.
  • Let's change the Gay Pride by being ashamed of being unable to touch or think of the opposite sex.
  • Let's change marches to get works in the most horrible neighborhoods of the city by joining neighbors to them help more each other, improve the neighborhood and vote like big people in the next election.
  • Let's change the strikes that stop social welfare, school of the poors and hospital of the poors for three months for the fellowship of the workers, so workers will be happier at work and face our problems instead of each one do what he or she can to harass or harm another.
  • Let's defend privacy on the street, phone support, access to pornography on Internet, in our lives in general when we do not hurt anyone and do away with privacy when it comes to harm someone. Rather the contrary.
  • Let's change the rallies and petitions in defense of religion and family for the defense of atheism, anarchy and give our love and presence for those who most deserve.
  • Let's use email to send something worth, which deserve to be seen all over the world.
  • Let's stop saying and doing whatever we want to say and do something worth, or what should be said and done.

What I defend is the dictatorship. The dictatorship of shame in the face of the person to have effort, character, education. And if the person is being impaired, or whether society has serious problems, let this person uses his or her freedom and what he or she can use to bring solutions, to his or her own life and life to the neighboor.

Oh, and many who say that defends freedom also like to censor what they dislikes.

¿Qué Juan Pérez hace con la libertad y los progresos de hoy en día es su problema? Lo que intentamos hacer con nuestra es la solución!

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