vendredi 9 mai 2014

The Puritan-Feminism episode 12: Judge was dismissed for sunbathing "at will" in her office which was locked and lesbonazist gets angry... because she achieved to return

Female judge was dismissed for get sun naked in the office

Hello, hello! Here is the unusual case of the week. Happened when a judge was dismissed for get sun naked in the office. In Bosnia-Herzegovina, the complaint was made ​​by people who worked in the building in front of the state building where Enisa Bilajac, 35 yo, had his room job.

juíza nua

Once images have been published in the media, the illustrious Judge received order of dismissal. (even had the right to video here)

But... later, the Supreme Court of that country (coincidentally, the same Court where she served until being fired) considered that this was a harmless "morning ritual", starring the locked door. Soon, it decided that professional would have to be promptly reinstated.

WHAT?! So far, any judge, in Bosnia-Herzegovina, can sunbathe, without any clothes, under her office window? It's open precedent?

And if that is a success? Many of you, women, must have rooms with large windows (authentic solariums in potential), and as the sun goes strong... I imagine that would suffice one hour in the morning to be always tanned. (I do not know if I put a smile or a no smile) What would it be?!

If there is a crazy female judge, is understood. Now, that they have reinstated her publicly, seems to me one more craziness. But well, maybe it's just me that think so ;) Or not really?


See you soon,



A Mulher é que Manda (Women Rule), May 1, 2014,

Comments by Men of Worth Newspaper / Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía

Before talking about the case, only a memory. When a feminist girl talks on the repression of female sexuality or a women "love" whosoever will, she does not advocate sexual freedom, she advocates a lesbian authoritarianism in which the woman is above good and evil. And, as I will explain later, the woman in Feminism has a right over her own body since she is not heterosexual available to men of worth. Because of it they made the "Slut Walk" because, supposedly, a reprimand from a police officer in Canada walking half naked in the centers of several large cities in the name of fighting against machismo, but they say that antifeminist men cannot get a woman or men who cannot get a woman become antifeminist. They do not comment when a rapist receives intimate visits in jail, or when a woman is beaten by her husband and withdraws her own complaint at the police station, but they scoff the good guys because THEY are without women, and even then, with self-esteem.

Workers across the street from Enisa Bilajac's office caught her sunbathing in her office in the nude.

Little tigers, I leave for you to pay attention to the beauty of women, but from what we can see, for a European 35 years old woman, she is well, right? So who saw the girl and bothered was what? Envious fluffy cows.

I said that the author is lesbonazist, but why? For it here:

Viewing at least the latest posts, we will see that the woman who rules is family style. But moralistic churchgoing she is not, since she write the atrocities of the cover. A man who says that the woman is the best thing on earth is already a psychotic. A woman who says this is at least a cynical trying to be jokester. But she joined the worst of Traditionalism (horror to nudity) with the worst of Feminism (lesbian supremacism). Therefore, it is feminist. Or she thinks FEMEN or Slut Walk craziness too? And you imagine what she would say if she found a blog named Men Rule.

But lo and behold, the boss went back on dismissal, something that would not happen here in Brazil. Let it be just the beginning and there, here and around the world be less and less mediocre women giving sexual harassment complaint and more and more woman sunbathing in work break in bikini. Let less and less women be fired for sexy pictures outside of workplace and more and more women getting naked in the fellowship of the firm (let women-only companies never succeed). More shamelessness among coworkers and less soft dick ethical! Well, until there let us dream and make joke.

Abigail Pereira Aranha

Questo testo in italiano senza fotos e filmati di sesso, in Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 12: giudice è stato respinta per ricevere il sole "a volontà" nel suo ufficio che è stata bloccata e lesbonazista si arrabbia... perché lei ha raggiunto per tornare,
Questo testo in italiano con fotos e filmati di sesso, in Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: Il Puritano-Femminismo episodio 12: giudice è stato respinta per ricevere il sole "a volontà" nel suo ufficio che è stata bloccata e lesbonazista si arrabbia... perché lei ha raggiunto per tornare,
Eso texto en español sin fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 12: jueza fue despedida por tomar el sol "a voluntad" en su oficina que estaba cerrada y lesbonazista se enoja... porque ella logró regresar,
Eso texto en español con fotos e peliculas de putaría, en lo Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible: El Puritano-Feminismo episodio 12: jueza fue despedida por tomar el sol "a voluntad" en su oficina que estaba cerrada y lesbonazista se enoja... porque ella logró regresar,
Original text in English without sex pics and movies, at Men of Worth Newspaper / Concrete Paradise: The Puritan-Feminism episode 12: Judge was dismissed for sunbathing "at will" in her office which was locked and lesbonazist gets angry... because she achieved to return,
Original text in English with sex pics and movies: The Puritan-Feminism episode 12: Judge was dismissed for sunbathing "at will" in her office which was locked and lesbonazist gets angry... because she achieved to return, at Periódico de Los Hombres de Valía / Paraíso Tangible,
Este texto em português sem fotos e vídeos de putaria: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 12: juíza foi despedida por tomar banho de sol "à vontade" no escritório trancado e lesbonazista fica indignada... porque ela conseguiu voltar, no A Vez das Mulheres de Verdade, e no Jornal dos Homens que Prestam,
Este texto em português com fotos e vídeos de putaria: O Puritano-Feminismo episódio 12: juíza foi despedida por tomar banho de sol "à vontade" no escritório trancado e lesbonazista fica indignada... porque ela conseguiu voltar, no A Vez dos Homens que Prestam,

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